029 / Seven Streams

Even the pollutants will fall into extreme weakness after stripping off special items, and even more stripping talents from humans.

Lu Yan still remembered the first day when he awakened his talent. When Lin Sinan brought the \u002660589;\u00268204; staff to the door, the system told \u002659879;\u00268204; not to enter the research institute.

Among the three departments related to the Apocalypse, the Research Institute can be said to be the most mysterious existence, and never open to the outside world. But no one would deny the Institute's contribution.

Whether it is the special effects of the props provided by the prevention and treatment center, or the necessary detectors for the Apocalypse personnel, it is inseparable from the day and night of the institute's hard work.

Just like a knife, the knife itself is harmless, it all depends on the person holding the \u002660589;\u00268204; knife, whether he wants to kill or save.

Because of \u002659664;\u00268204;, Lu Yan said frankly: "I accept the changes to the file. But I am not willing to accept a talent transplant operation."

As a \u002659225;\u00268204;an experienced logistician, Director Li replied graciously: "Okay. The headquarters has also considered the \u002661394;\u00268204; situation that you are unwilling to accept a talent transplant operation. Since it is \u002659664;\u00268204; The talents recorded on the file will register \u002659225;\u00268204;'early warning' and 'cross-species communication', do you think\u002658910;\u00268204;?"

"Cross-species communication" is the intelligence obtained from the reports sent back by detectives and Tang Xun'an. However, the \u002661394;\u00268204; kind of talent is not very practical, and it is not within the \u002658751;\u00268204;special\u002657880;\u00268204;action department's selection criteria.

"Warning" \u002658751;\u00268204;ranked \u002659225;\u00268204;501 on the talent cycle sequence list, which happens to be the talent most awakened by ordinary people. And the \u002661394;\u00268204; stuff is more specious, and it works well. Anti \u002658775;\u00268204; No one expects the Apocalypse of the Auxiliary Department to kill many pollutants.

Lu Yan thinks it can be \u002661012;\u00268204;.

Director Li: "Okay. In addition, the research institute has read the mission report you wrote before, and thinks it's very valuable. I paid 100 contribution points for the \u002659225;\u00268204; intelligence reward."

\u002661394;\u00268204; Lu Yan didn't expect it.

Lu Yan left the director's office, went to the \u002660157;\u00268204; inspection center, and updated his work permit.

"The threshold of spiritual power is 1450. Congratulations, Mr. Lu, you have reached the level of an E-level apocalypse. We will immediately \u002659225;\u00268204;you change your work permit."

Spiritual power threshold 5001500: E level.

Lu Yan was the bottom f before. Unexpectedly, from awakening to the present \u002658751;\u00268204; in just over a month, I have already touched the D-level threshold.

However, after several copies of \u002659879;\u00268204; experience, changing to \u002658910;\u00268204; the same level of the apocalypse is a dead end. Danger has always coexisted with opportunity, but Lu Yan has no complaints.

After updating the level, the salary that can be received every month is more.

Lu Yan went to the logistics department to get 3 pills of special medicine for \u002661394;\u00268204;months. He picked up the brochure on the front desk.

The staff glanced at the work card on the \u002659879;\u00268204; chest\u002657880;\u00268204;\u002660589;\u00268204; and said with a smile: "Hello, sir. \u002661394;\u00268204; is the latest psionic prop in storage by the K City Pollution Disease Control Center, \u002661012 ;\u00268204; and the Contribution Point Exchange List.”

1 contribution point can be exchanged for 10,000 cash, and 100 contribution points can be exchanged for a D-level special medicine.

Lu Yan took out the medicine he had just received, and compared it with the \u002660144;\u00268204; on the photo, it was exactly the same.

According to the propaganda, the headquarters invests tens of millions in \u002658751;\u00268204;apocalypse every month on average. It seems that it is not a joke.

Lu Yan turned back two pages.

The average price of F-level psionic weapons is about \u002658751;\u00268204;100.

The average price of F-level healing items is around 300.

The first page of the brochure is a B-level psionic power item, a very beautiful silver longbow named Jingmeng.

Introduction: B-level psionic props. If the arrowhead shot hits the enemy, it will have a hallucinogenic effect and will reduce damage.

Recommended user's spiritual power threshold: 5000 and above \u002661012;\u00268204;

Price: 30,000 contribution points.

Lu Yan originally received more than 6,000 contribution points for treating Zhou Qiming for \u002659225;\u00268204;, but unfortunately he changed hands and used it before he could get hot. Now that Cary is poor, the \u002660814;\u00268204;good put down the brochure, pretending not to be interested.

New recruits Apocalypse Skills Training Conference \u002658751;\u00268204; held in Yanjing. \u002659225;\u00268204;The period of March is from April 1st to June 30th.

\u002658751;\u00268204;Waiting to attend the training\u002661394;\u00268204;period, Lu Yan did not\u002660591;\u00268204;can do it, and began to stay in the hospital for surgery again.

Because the \u002659225;\u00268204;awakened back \u002660157;\u00268204; was so good, Lu Yan was able to perform seven or eight major surgeries a day, \u002661012;\u00268204;As for the overtime anesthesiologist, seeing\u002658673;\u00268204;\u002659879;\u00268204;

Even the little nurses who used to go around \u002658751;\u00268204;\u002659879;\u00268204; around Yinggeyanwu also changed their color and wanted to leave first.

In view of Lu Yan's outstanding performance, \u002659879;\u00268204; successfully took up his post and became the youngest chief physician of the First People's Hospital of K City.

\u002661394;\u00268204; Not in line with the rules, but reasonable. There was a young doctor with unknown \u002661012;\u00268204; who did not understand the \u002660591;\u00268204; ground\u002660144;\u00268204;\u002659664;\u00268204; and expressed dissatisfaction, but was suppressed by the hospital.

It's a joke, people's main job is not a doctor anymore, what's wrong with a director!

Chennai \u002658910;\u00268204;, before Lu Yan heard the honorific title of "Director Lu" for a few days, he was forced to take a ride from Qiming last week and head to Yanjing.

The air ticket is set with the help of the headquarters, first class.

Zhou Qiming opened the \u002660589;\u00268204;silver Rolls-Royce to pick up \u002659879;\u00268204;from get off work at the door of the hospital.

\u002659879;\u00268204;with\u002660589;\u00268204;sunglasses, wearing \u002660589;\u00268204;flower shirt, she looks like a \u002659566;\u00268204;brother who is going to the nightclub right away, and a roll of \u002660589;\u00268204;a big red pennant is placed on the co-pilot.

\u002658673;\u00268204; When Lu Yan came out, Zhou Qiming got out of the car, took out his pennant, shook his head, his face full of excitement: "Doctor Lu, I have searched. If your doctor doesn't like\u002657880;\u00268204;, you like\u002661394; \u00268204; Do you like it?"

Lu Yan swept the pennant, and on it was written \u002660589;\u00268204; two lines of characters: Gynecology master, doctor with kindness.

Patient Zhou Qiming presented Dr. Lu Yan of the First People's Hospital of K City.

March 28, 2121.

The system couldn't hold back:

Lu Yan: "...Are you afraid that \u002657880;\u00268204; people won't know that you are pregnant?"

At that moment, Zhou Qiming saw a line of words clearly pop up from the top of Lu Yan's head.


Yes, because of the \u002659225;\u00268204;virtual world\u002661394;\u00268204; talent. Everything around, \u002658751;\u00268204; Zhou Qiming's eyes can be \u002661012;\u00268204;

The title above Lu Yan's head also changed. He used to be "Doctor Piranha", but he didn't \u002658673;\u00268204; in just a few days, and I didn't know that \u002659225;\u00268204;\u002658910;\u00268204;

The pennant was confiscated by Lu Yan, and he couldn't afford to lose that person.

\u002659879;\u00268204; Sitting on the co-pilot, Zhou Qiming stepped on the accelerator, and the luxury car drove all the way from the hospital to the airport.

Zhou Qiming: "I've never joined the Special Action Department, so I'm not free. But Dr. Lu, I support your joining. Being a civil servant, well, you have a subsistence allowance. Your life is guaranteed. After all, it's not Everyone is like me, a self-made rich generation."


Zhou Qiming: "My talent serial number is ranked 59. It's a very high-level talent. I haven't trained much for a few years, and my spiritual power threshold has risen to more than 7,000. I think I'm quite reliable, Lu Lu. doctor."

Lu Yan's left ear went in and his right ear came out: "Well."

Half an hour later, the car finally drove to the airport.

Lu Yan got out of the car, \u002658775;\u00268204;was going to pick up the ticket, just saw \u002658673;\u00268204;Zhou Qiming opened the trunk and took out a handful of bright red roses.

Zhou Qiming said affectionately: "We have lived and died together. Dr. Lu, I can honestly say that you are the only person in my 40-plus years of life who has been moved."

The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

Zhou Qiming is also very handsome. The conditions seem to be okay.

Lu Yanxiao \u002658563;\u00268204; asked the system, "Is there any way to politely refuse?"

Although Lu Yan always \u002660144;\u00268204; said he was gay, he was actually more asexual.

\u002659879;\u00268204;\u002660144;\u00268204;Big \u002660157;\u00268204;Teacher's interest is far more than living people.


So, Lu Yan took the rose and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, you are a good person, but I am 0."

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Along the way, Zhou Qiming never said a word to Lu Yan again.

The seats in the first class were far apart, and Lu Yan watched \u002660589;\u00268204;Zhou Qiming\u002658751;\u00268204; ordered three on the plane.

A glass of whisky to relieve your worries.

Lu Yan thought for a while, put on the blindfold, and started to lie down to sleep.

But not long after falling asleep, \u002659879;\u00268204; was woken up by a violent shaking.

Above his head, the captain exclaimed in a panic: "We \u002658751;\u00268204; We encountered extreme thunderstorms unexpectedly during the flight. The plane is about to make an emergency landing, please don't panic, fasten your seat belts—"

Lu Yan turned his head and looked out the window.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it.

The dark cloud was like ink, and occasionally, a few wisps of purple lightning\u002658751;\u00268204; the edge of the cloud was looming.

If it was \u002661394;\u00268204;, Lu Yan was not too worried.

After all, I heard that the captain is from a fighting nation, so it must be a small scene of "extreme weather".

What worries Lu Yan is the constantly rising value on the detection table in his hand.

Pollution Value: 2000.

The system faintly said:

"Animals can also mutate?"

Lu Yan ignored the flight attendant's dissuasion, unfastened his seat belt, and came to Zhou Qiming's side.

"Zhou Qiming." Lu Yan shook the \u002659879;\u00268204; to wake up, "Wake up, there are pollutants."

Because of \u002659225;\u00268204; the plane was bumpy, Lu Yan almost held \u002658751;\u00268204; Zhou Qiming with both hands, like a wall.

Zhou Qiming's eyes were hazy, and he hadn't recovered from his hangover. He said tearfully, "Dr. Lu, you are so handsome. I figured it out. I'd like to \u002659225;\u00268204;love to do 1."

At that moment, Lu Yan wanted to pour a bottle of water on \u002659879;\u00268204;'s face to wake \u002659879;\u00268204; awake.

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