Age of Adepts

Chapter 1298 The Power of Law

The field is empty, and the law is oscillating.

The two domain forces with completely different nature are twisting, colliding, impacting and annihilating each other...

Greem didn't care about the independent changes in the power of these domains, but focused on examining the opponent in front of him with all his heart.

The golden family...the blood of the Titans...the strongest in the middle...

He had heard such vague information countless times before, and tried to obtain some more direct information. It's a pity that there are few members of the Gaia Golden Clan, and they haven't formed too large a force.

The reason for this is still related to the chronic disease of the high-level blood!

The higher the bloodline, the more difficult it is to give birth to a pureblood. What's more, the Gaia family is not the real descendants of the Titans, but just a foreign descendant who inherited part of the Titan blood through a special method.

The Gaia family has a total of more than 7,000 members, but the blood of the Titans has been awakened, and less than ten official members have been recognized by the family, and the rest are all ordinary people.

So far, the Gaia family is also one of the few ancient wizard families in the central part of the mainland that refuses to communicate with the outside world and does not intermarry with foreigners. Relying on the old-fashioned and strict family rules of this method, they barely kept the inheritance of the Titan bloodline, and it was not stolen by others.

However, it is precisely because of their closedness and self-defense, their refusal to integrate outstanding wizard talents from the outside world, and their refusal to show their Titan bloodlines to communicate with outsiders, that the Gaia family, which has the strongest individual combat power, has never been able to gather together to rule the entire continent. Wizarding power in the middle.

However, the fact that the Gaia family is not prosperous does not mean that their strength is weak.

Almost every guy who has awakened the blood of the Titans has the potential to become a high-level wizard. This is the most enviable advantage among all wizard families!

And the golden patriarch Monash Gaia in front of him is 937 years old, and his strength has reached the terrifying fourth-level advanced level. Of course, with the addition of the Titan bloodline, even if he fights against those super powerhouses at the peak of Tier 4, he will not be inferior in the slightest.

To fight against such a top powerhouse, even Greem, who is full of confidence in himself, must be careful and dare not be negligent.

At the moment when he confronted that golden titan coldly across the air, deep in the pupils of Greem's eyes burning with golden flames, the blue light emitted by the rapid operation of the chip was clearly visible. The basic information about the enemy on the other side is even more like raindrops.

"...Monash Gaia, the owner of the Titan bloodline, a 4th-level senior, known as the 'Golden Clan', possesses a strange Titan bloodline with overwhelming power..."

"... Preliminary estimates show that Monash Gaia possesses the talent of 'swallowing' the Titan bloodline, which can suppress Titan bloodlines of any other attributes, swallow them and turn them into the power to nourish the original bloodline..."

"...Monash? The golden titan incarnated by Gaia has the following basic attributes: strength 49, constitution 47, agility 13, spirit 49, blood talent: devour, combat skill: unknown..."


Looking at the basic enemy information deduced by the chip, Greem couldn't help but gasp. For the first time, he felt that his small body was so fragile and vulnerable in front of this golden titan.

Monash's strength and spirit are both 49 points. If it is not because of his rank that restricts his strength, I am afraid that those super strong with a single attribute of 50 points would not dare to stand in front of him.

And when Greem exhausted all means to silently explore the mysteries of Monash's body, the golden titan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You've seen enough! Now that you've seen enough, it's time for me to do it..."

With a roar, Monash started to stride forward. His thick and strong thighs only took three steps before he came to Greem's body, and his huge palm shining with golden electric light clenched into a fist and punched his head.

When the punch was released, there was a thunderous sound, and a thick and terrifying thunderbolt that was comparable to a tornado descended from the sky, simultaneously slashing towards Greem. And Monash's terrifying 49 points of strength were added to the fist, which also made a layer of almost transparent cone-shaped wind pressure appear on the front of the fist.

Before the fist arrives, the fist wind arrives first!

The pressure of the punching wind projected by the chip on Greem's retina has reached 3700 degrees, which is almost equivalent to Greem's full blow before he got two 5th-tier artifacts.

And this is just the power of the fist wind, as for the giant fist itself, it contains a terrifying attack power of up to 7900 degrees. If adding that world-destroying thunderbolt, the golden titan's headshot easily reached tens of thousands of degrees of damage.

This kind of damage is enough to instantly kill any level 4 wizard, whether they are prepared or not, the result is the same.

Greem, who turned into a Molten Giant, was only 30 meters tall, and he was like a short little brother in front of the 50-meter-high Golden Titan. Therefore, facing the enemy's attack suddenly, Greem's body spurted out flames, while his own body recoiled in the opposite direction, dodging the ferocious iron fist.

While dodging, a dense red cloud gathered above the head, blocking the world-destroying thunder that descended from the sky. The 4th-level lightning-reducing technique and the 4th-level flame barrier opposed each other. On the contrary, the World Exterminating Thunder was swallowed up, but a small part of the flame barrier remained.

However, the iron fist is easy to dodge, but it is difficult to dodge all the fierce fist wind wrapped around the iron fist.

The fist wind swept across the sky, and Greem, who retreated rapidly and then moved suddenly, was still wiped on the chest by the aftermath of the fist wind. The four-color law flame on the surface of the body suddenly stagnated, and the power of the law was chaotic due to the pressure of the fist wind, and the transparent protective layer was slightly dented downward.

A muffled bone explosion was vaguely heard in the void space.

Greem staggered back a few steps, and then his whole body disappeared into the huge pillar of fire that soared into the sky.

The next second, Greem emerged from somewhere a thousand meters away, stood up straight, and stared fiercely at Monash who was slowly turning around with a horrified expression.

Greem's big, flaming hands wiped across his chest, and the sunken legal flame protection layer and the energy bones inside quickly returned to their original shape.

Damn, the power of 49 points is really against the sky! Just rubbed the side a little bit and almost got knocked down by the other party...

But seeing the opponent's almost clumsy turning around, Greem's heart moved, and he shot again without hesitation.

The first time he shot at Monash, Greem didn't use the Focusing Crystal, nor did he add the poisonous power of the Book of Darkness, but simply used the Vulcan Orb to condense a lava and flint and smashed it at the opponent.

3500 degrees...

Now, Greem's casual strike has already caught up with the previous full blow.

However, compared with the Monash on the opposite side, his strength is still a bit 'weak'!

Monash, who had adjusted his figure and was rushing towards him, didn't dodge when he saw the lava and flint. He punched out the core of the flame and let the scattered magic flames swirl across his body.

Passing through the flames without any damage, Monash sneered and pointed at the position where Greem was standing. The dark clouds in the sky instantly condensed into thunderclouds of electric snakes, and began to strike at Greem one by one. .

Greem is protected by a flame barrier, and will not be attacked by the thundercloud for a short time. But with it constantly interfering above his head, it was difficult for even Greem to concentrate on casting spells.

Therefore, Greem jumped away again without hesitation, and found a new foothold for himself.

However, just as he stepped out of the soaring flames, a dazzling thunder slashed down from the top of his head, knocking him staggering.

Greem raised his head in shock, only to realize that the violent thundercloud was still hovering above his head for some reason, and was still chopping down violently.

Damn it, it was actually a locking attack!

The Book of Dirty Darkness hanging from Greem's waist instantly appeared in his hands, and the pages started to flip quickly automatically. When the page of the book stayed on a page engraved with mysterious and mysterious runes, a green sticky venom ball emerged above the rune array, and quickly flew into the violent thundercloud above the head.

There was lightning and thunder at one moment, and the violent thunderclouds dancing with silver snakes were dyed a miserable green in the next moment, reflecting the whole world in a bright green.

The law of thunder inside was disturbed by the poisonous force, and naturally lost control, and could no longer threaten Greem in the slightest.

And Greem also took advantage of the situation to condense two lava fireballs and smashed them directly at Monash in the distance.

Of course, without exception, the two fireballs were also blown up in the air by a thick lightning chain shot out by the lasing gun.

But after pounced a few times, he found that he still couldn't catch up with the opponent's fast-moving flame jump, so Monash no longer bothered to get close to Greem, but chose to condense the violent lightning. He paused and slashed towards the opponent.

Play remote? The Golden Titan has never been afraid of this.

If Golden Titan can be kited by an elemental wizard so easily, then he is not qualified to be called the strongest bloodline wizard in the central region!

Thus, in the next half day, the entire battlefield became a doomsday world ruled alternately by flames and lightning.

The violent and ferocious flames and lightning carried a terrifying power of law. Wherever they went, everything collapsed, the earth was scorched, and even the sky was torn into dark red scorched marks, which could not be eliminated for a long time.

No matter where the flames or lightning thrown by the two fell, it would cause slight shocks and changes in the laws of the plane there. This kind of attack that goes deep into the law level is the most terrifying, and it is also extremely difficult to repair.

After the ordinary flame burns, within a year, the place can still be luxuriant with flowers and leaves, full of greenery. But if it is burned by the flames of Greem's law, this scorched and withered area will not grow a blade of grass and life will be extinct for at least ten years.

Without it, the law of the plane has mutated!

Until the law of the plane is slowly repaired, this land will never be restored to its previous appearance.

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