Age of Adepts

Chapter 1349 Nightmare Home

The battle that takes place in the realm of nightmares is just a war of ideas.

The inside was raging and the sky was falling apart, but the outside was still calm and calm.

When Mary forcibly gained control of the nightmare castle Keslin, Greem's spiritual consciousness was immediately repelled by a huge force, and he was driven out of the nightmare territory.

Still in the secret room of the nightmare castle, Greem and Mary opened their eyes one after the other.

Greem frowned tightly, but Mary's face was beaming with joy.

"Successful?" Greem only asked a single sentence, and knew it was a bit redundant.

You don't even need to ask, you don't need to look at Mary's elation that is about to explode, just rely on the strange resonance that suddenly arises from the depths of the other party's soul and this nightmare castle, and you can know the result.

Yes, the moment Mary withdrew from the nightmare territory, Mary's soul was connected to the nightmare castle beneath her. With strands of blood-colored energy flowing, this strange creation with both alchemy life and flesh-and-blood life curled up under Mary's blood-colored authority, docile and obedient like a puppy.

All along, the force field suppression lingering on Greem and Mary dissipated instantly.

Inside the castle, the powerful blood energy replaced the previous life energy and became the source of power for the nightmare castle to maintain its huge form and energy system.

"Give back that energy orb to Keslin? Otherwise, it can only confine its home court advantage to the interior of the castle. With the energy orb, the territory of the nightmare can be expanded to at least a kilometer away. At that time, within 3 miles around the nightmare castle It will be Keslin's home field!" Mary asked impatiently.

Although the energy orb was on her body, she still had to respect Greem's opinion on how to use it.

"It's your pet, so make up your mind!" Greem smiled, agreeing with Mary's opinion in his words.

Mary happily took out the energy orb from her bosom, and strands of blood-colored energy immediately lingered around her, turning into a red pillar with grooves on the top. As soon as Mary put the orb on, the red pillar immediately retracted into the floor.

After a while, the blood of the Nightmare Castle surged, and layers of energy force fields overflowed from the core area of ​​the castle, and every place they went, they pushed out elements and energies that did not belong to them. Almost instantly, the densely packed energy fields re-wrapped the Nightmare Castle, making it the home field of the new life Keslin once again.

Greem reckoned that after being controlled by Mary, Keslin possessed a level 4 advanced strength, which has not yet reached the level of forbidden life. And Fried, who was sacrificed by his blood, also became a 4th-level dead soul bound by the Nightmare Castle, but his strength dropped to 4th-level elementary.

"How is it? After controlling Keslin, how will it help you?" Due to the existence of the energy field, it is difficult for even Greem to intuitively and clearly detect the detailed information of Keslin, so he can only ask Mary vaguely. rise.

"It's nothing, it's just a fourth-level senior subordinate!" Mary smiled like a flower, with a proud look on her face: "However, if the battlefield is placed in Keslin's home court, I am also confident to fight against you superpowers Already!"

That is, the combination of the strengths of the two can reach the peak of Tier 4!

It's a pity that Keslin's nightmare castle has poor mobility, so Mary can only act as a defensive superpower. Although it was not perfect, Greem still nodded in satisfaction.

This time, the foundation of the Crimson family is really solid!

Previously, Sandi Tallinn had already been shocked by the appearance of Greem, a pseudo-superpower, and the waves that have been caused have not yet subsided. In addition to the Sandi Pagoda Forest, the surrounding areas are also overtly or secretly conspiring and calculating like a mountain.

This time, the Crimson Clan will forge ahead no matter what.

If they can't survive this threshold, under the ravages of the violent wind and waves, the Crimson Family will have only one way to go. As a Tier 4 wizard, Greem might be able to avoid it, but it would be difficult for other members of the Crimson Family to gain a foothold in the middle of the mainland.

Now, Mary's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds because of controlling Keslin. In a certain aspect, it can even compete with superpowers.

For the Crimson family in the circle of storm, this is undoubtedly a pinnacle of stability!

There is no need to fight, no need to bluff, just a little bit of leaking out, it will invisibly scare away those ambitious people with evil intentions, and also make the enemies in the dark afraid to act rashly, and even give The Crimson Family saved countless troubles.

It was precisely because he saw this question so thoroughly that Greem suddenly smiled.

"Then as a congratulatory gift for your acquisition of the Nightmare Castle, let's hold a banquet here! Anyway, there are a lot of family representatives who come here these days, and we happened to meet them together..."

"Hmph, holding a banquet is fake. I think you want to frighten those messengers! Okay, the time is set for tomorrow night, and I will give you a surprise then!" Mary snorted softly, obviously seeing through Gree. Tom's hands and feet.

The two looked at each other and smiled, with a look of great anticipation on their faces.


the second day.

After nightfall.

All the family envoys waiting here have been notified by the Crimson Family, and began to come to this Keslin Castle one after another.

Getting along with each other for a few days gave everyone a new understanding of this Keslinburg.

Obviously, there was a blood sacrifice not long ago in the castle. Due to the terrifying quantity and quality of the wizards involved, the entire castle was shrouded in lingering resentment and a pungent smell of blood.

But this time, when they came to the castle on various mounts, they immediately noticed a different atmosphere from before.

The resentful souls were swept away, and even the bloody smell became much weaker, turning into a faint mist similar to bloodline energy.

And it was not others who greeted them in front of the castle gate, but the blood queen's many blood clans. The man is elegant, the woman is handsome, all of them are dressed in gorgeous clothes, with elegant and noble postures, and the whole banquet is also organized in an orderly and orderly manner.

In addition to many high-level blood clans, the high-level members of the Crimson family also gathered here.

Only the red dragon witch Meryl, the Mystique Emelia, the emerald beauty dragon Aredina, the bug witch Billis, the goblin sage Kirby, the split-brain Thok, the goblin wizard Locke, Gongga, the leader of the demonized goblins...

And after so many years of tempering and precipitation, most of these crimson 'old men' who have followed Greem for hundreds of years have reached Tier 3. As for those guys who couldn't keep up with Crimson's footsteps, either they were gradually eliminated, or they died at the end of their lives... In short, those people would never appear on such occasions again!

However, none of these are surprising. What really surprised the visitors was the waiters who shuttled back and forth in the banquet hall.

The envoy who can attend the Crimson Banquet does not have an easy person, at least he must be a second-level wizard.

Those big families may only send one chief wizard to act as an envoy, and the level will not be lower than level 3. Most of the small and medium-sized families may only have one or two second-level wizards in the whole family, so they can only rush here honestly with the patriarch acting as an emissary.

As a mid-level and high-level wizard, I have naturally seen countless wizard banquets, but there is no one like the Crimson Family that uses high-level spirit body dead souls as waiters.

In the banquet hall, holding silver trays, the waitresses shuttled among the crowd were not human beings or blood races at all, but beauties with gorgeous looks and enchanting figures—meng demons.

The Dream Demon, also known as the Night Demon, is a strange monster with a coquettish and fiery appearance, wings and a tail. Their greatest ability is the ability to absorb the energy of intelligent life forms through dreams.

Therefore, in many witchcraft books, they are extracted from strange monsters and undead, and classified as ghost creatures. But no matter how they are divided, they are obviously not orthodox intelligent life, but are extremely dangerous and terrifying creatures.

However, the Crimson Clan's ability to tame the succubus and let them serve many wizards fully demonstrated their deep heritage in this regard.

These succubi are all terrifying spirit bodies of the second level. In those small wizard families, they are terrifying monsters that can wipe out their families at every turn. But here, they are just humble waiters and servants, serving the wizards present wholeheartedly.

It's just that when these succubi were shuttling through the crowd, those ordinary level 2 wizards showed signs of trembling and mental instability. They could only secretly bless themselves with some witchcraft protection, and then carefully stay away from these succubus.

Level 2 wizards only lamented these insignificant things, but those level 3 wizards felt deeper and more directly than them!

The best among the third-level wizards are already qualified to conduct some research on laws. Although they still can't touch and control the law, they can still use some witchcraft to simulate a law-like effect.

Therefore, when the second-level wizards were making a fuss about the succubus maid, these third-level wizards were quietly looking at the Kirslin Castle in front of them.

Weird, weird, weird...

For some reason, different from the feeling of the previous few days, it seems that some strange changes have taken place in the Keslinburg in front of me. The vaguely revealed breath seemed completely unfamiliar, which made them a little uncertain.

Is my perception wrong, or is there really something weird about this Keslinburg?

However, just as they were wondering about this, the protagonist of today's banquet, Blood Queen Mary, appeared in front of everyone wearing a gorgeous red dress and stepping on the creaking stairs.

And when she appeared, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from surprise to shock, and they couldn't hide it anymore.

How can this be?

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