Battle Frenzy

Chapter 54: Main force and substitute

There was a burst of applause from the audience. I didn't expect Emily to have such an assassin technique. At first, she thought that she only became a special trick by relying on flame power.

In fact, some of the better eyesights have shown that he did not have a killer. This is also the style that a third-grade senior should have.

"Waste!" In the eyes of Lu Zhantian, the fire was coming out. As the number one general of the St. Judgment, he lost to a young girl of one year? ?

"What do you eat, even a little girl can't beat it, this main force you still want to do it!"

Kaulby looked at him coldly and coldly. He didn't know why the president wanted to use such a person. "I don't want to be a pioneer because it is decided by the president, not you."

After I turned around and left, I originally tried to fight for Assassin’s combat skills. Any time there is a gap in the release of combat skills, I didn’t expect Emily to be so calm in this environment. The quality of the Assassin family is indeed extraordinary. Some things have become instinctive since childhood, and will become an advantage when they grow up.

On the side of the wonderful community, Emily has received a heroic welcome.

Wang Zhong is helping her to wrap the wound carefully. Yes, Wang Zhong is the one who is also a good mother and a mother.

"It hurts and hurts," Emily's current state and the stage were judged by two people, tears fell quickly: "Wang Zhong brother, it hurts!"

"No pain, no pain, oh, whisper, cousin blows you!" Ma Dong was busy with help.

"Ma Dongdong, you go, clumsy, hurt me!" Emily slaps him and shoots him, then continues to spoil: "It is still the gentlest of Wang Zhongge!"

"I am kind!" Ma Dong's face was full of resentment: "Sometimes I really doubt the relationship between you and the old man's house next door!"

Black Bear Terrence!

The replacement of the St. Judgment's reloading warrior can be used as a substitute in the super-strong society where the St. ruling is a heavy-duty warrior. It is enough to see the strength of the black bear.

The block looks even bigger than the balun, it is darker and stronger, and it is wearing thick heavy armor. It’s probably not a hundred pounds in the armor, but it can be worn on him. The shirt is as light as it is.

He threw the shield in his hand directly to the side, and the two fists with bare hands slammed into the ‘砰’! The entire stadium was shocked by the violent fist power, and the provocative people looked at the wonderful people.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Ma Dongdong looks at the West and he won't play with the monster. Wang Zhong smiled. "Baron, you are on."

"Yes, the senior!" It can be seen that Barron is a little nervous, but still has enough courage.

Terrence said contemptuously: "Come on the little guy, let you attack! Can push me even if you win!"

Surrounded by a burst of laughter, the black bear is too **** to install! This is to give people hope to face again.

"Rely, is there a chance?" Ma Dong asked, Wang Zhong said that Emily could win, and the result really won, and that Ma Dong is now igniting some fighting spirit.

People always have a little dream, what if they really win?

Was Wang Zhong not teaching Barron a very aggressive thing? Now the black bear has set this condition for death. Is it necessary for Barron to become a **** horse?

Ma Dong feels that he has seen countless beautiful women holding his thighs, crying and crying for him, to join the picture of the wonderful society.

Wang Zhong just shook his head and did not answer.

The balun on the stage was obviously very nervous.

This is the black bear Terrence... I helped a one-year class last month, and twenty more reloaded new-born fighters attacked him, but he was thrown all over like a monkey, among them Barron, he felt himself It was like a broken doll being shot.

"Baron." Ma Dong shouted under the stage: "This is your battle, just play your own style, not to mention you are the main force!"

Main force? Substitute?

There is a black bear Terrence over there, his face is dark, and can Nima be like this?

Barron’s eyes slowly lit up.

Yes, I am the main force of the wonderful company! Main force! Main force!

The seniors are so expecting of themselves, they also teach the unique skills, they are already different!

Barron’s eyes became more and more determined. He suddenly took a big step and went straight to the one meter in front of the black bear Terrence.

There was a sneer around, and the original expectation was gone. Sure enough, it’s a new life. Doesn’t this guy even know how to run the sprint to increase his strength?

Terrence is also funny: "You can go a little further..."

The word 'run' has not been exported yet, and Terrence found that Barron’s eyes changed instantly!

It is a beast's eyes, wild and full of domineering!

"This kid..."

Terrence was slightly shocked, and then he felt that a force like a sea broke out from Barron's body!


Barron is like a wild and strong rhinoceros at this time!

For a full week! He is practicing this trick every day. Although he still can't hold back the rebound force like Wang Zhong, the skill of exerting force is more mature, and the collision force is completely different from that of a week ago!

The underestimated Terrence instantly changed his face, and he could feel the amount of violent violence from the other side.

His reaction was also extremely fast, and he suddenly slammed his legs and the soul broke out at this moment.


The huge roar resounded throughout the The field was filled with smoke and was covered by strong air currents.

Until the airflow that covers the line of sight spreads out...

Ma Dong stunned his face.

The one that stayed on the stage suddenly was Terrence. This guy didn’t even move, and even the footprints were just the same.

But Barron has disappeared from the crowd at this time.

What about people?

Everyone turned their heads together and soon saw an audience in the audience seat far away from the ring. A huge figure was planted there.

"Call, the shock just scared the old man and thought it was a dark horse."

"Haha, it’s shot directly, or the black bear is fierce!"

"Kids, reloading warriors is not a big thing, it’s too tender!"

"I said, the first Caulby was just not willing to bully the girl."

Wang Zhong went to help the Baron, this guy was hit a little dizzy, top-heavy, and his face was red: "Schoolmaster, I am sorry... I..."

It’s a shame to lose a big hair, and Baron, who is a thick line, also feels the mockery of the people around him.

"Winning and losing is not important. It's good to play. It's good to practice a lot." Wang Zhong felt that this guy had nothing to do. He shot Baron's shoulder and it took some time and insight to learn to use power.

Of course, I didn't expect Barron to win. Let him go, just want him to get more opportunities for exercise.

No one noticed that when the black bear came off the court, the calf was a little trembled. On the ring where he just left, there are two deep footprints!

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