Boss Monster Chat Group

Chapter 35 Peak of Life

Su Mo was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't imagine that you couldn't even brush the fur of your prospective pet during the taming process.

However, players may not be so helpless.

Following everyone's advice on the forum, Su Mo coughed twice, pinched his throat, and spoke very gently.

"Look, this area is very safe, but it is only so big. There is a wider world outside, so vast and high. Don't you want to go out for a walk?"

"Bamboo rats, by the way, there are a lot of bamboo rats out there. My other pet, no, Laifu is my brother. Well, my brother doesn't even look at it..."

"Ma De, Laifu, are you trying to undermine me? You've already been drugged and you're still taking it."

"Anyway, there are more and better foods out there, and you might be able to find a beautiful girl. Well, you must not be a mother. It doesn't really matter. Marrying close relatives is prone to mental retardation, so it's better to marry a close relative. I’ll go outside and find my other half.”

"If you want to grow, you must go through battles. Maybe you can restore the glory of your ancestors."

Balabala, his mouth was dry as he spoke, and what was even more sad was that Su Mo found that the more he spoke, the slower the progress bar became, indicating that the would-be pet was very strong-willed and resistant.

"Kitty cat, come with me, I will protect you."

"I went, and the progress bar actually stopped."

"What do you want?"

"Well, I don't seem to be able to speak Sichuan dialect. It seems like you really can't understand me. I have to do something."

What could he do? What could he do? Su Mo began to check himself and his backpack.

"You eat meat, right? Look, this is lizard meat, this is rabbit meat, this is chicken, this is fish..."

"Ouch!" The first one to react was not the panda cub, but Laifu. It had always thought that its owner had hidden food, and now it was finally confirmed.

"Laifu, stop!" Su Mo quickly held Laifu in place. The pet couldn't resist the power of the system master. Laifu could only watch the pieces of top-quality barbecue placed in front of the baby panda, and could only shed tears. saliva.

The baby panda was stunned for a moment, then twitched its little nose.

Then, Su Mo noticed that the pet taming progress bar was completed in a flash, and the system prompted him to get a new pet. Please name the newly acquired pet.

There was no time to name it yet, so Su Mo picked up the baby panda who was leaning on the barbecue and tried to hold all the barbecue in his arms, and called Laifu to retreat immediately.

Not long after they left, several giant pandas followed the tracks and came over.

Based on the traces left on the ground and the magic that had not dissipated in the air, the largest standing body roared violently.

Then the other pandas roared too.

The forest boiled, as if something huge passed over the trees, and the animals fled in panic.



A huge cyan dragon stopped over the Panda Paradise and landed in an open space nearby. Countless tall trees were crushed and vegetation fell to the ground.

The giant panda rushed over and roared a few times. The giant dragon nodded and flew into the sky again. Then it circled and roared.

The whole forest was completely exploded.

Countless animals, even some mutated plants, began to search for a possible human being or other intelligent race.

On this day, even players operating on the outskirts of the forest were massacred.

Some people said they saw giant dragons flying high in the sky, countless high-level monsters pouring out, and players being killed without any ability to fight back. Even several camps around the forest were destroyed.

It wasn't until the garrison troops from nearby towns arrived and big shots appeared that they managed to control the situation.

Su Mo didn't know all this. He found a safe location and returned to the city.

All pets in the new world can be released, but only one can be released during battle. Su Mo looked at his two pets in the hotel and smiled kindly as if he were seeing his own children.

Then the two pets happily ate the barbecue.

What do pandas eat?

Su Mo entered these words into the search engine, and a lot of things popped up.

All three-year-old children know how to eat bamboo. They especially like to eat fresh bamboo shoots and occasionally eat some meat. It’s not that they don’t like meat, but they lack opportunities. If it often catches small animals such as rats, the nutrients it receives are often not enough to offset the energy consumed, so meat does not occupy the main diet.

The favorite meat is bamboo rat.

So Su Mo took a few bamboo rats and grilled a few pieces in the hotel kitchen. Sure enough, he won the favor of the panda baby, and his loyalty gradually increased. When he walked, he no longer followed Su Mo behind him, but hugged him. Zhu Su Mo's leg was hanging on his lap, and they were so intimate that they were like a family member.

The town of Huggins is inaccessible, but that doesn't mean there are no people.

Therefore, Su Mo limped out of the hotel with a baby panda hanging on his leg, immediately attracting the attention of everyone on the street.

"what is that?"

"It seems to be Gungun. Wow, I saw a Gungun. Wow, let me see. Little brother, can I touch it?"

At first, it was two girls who were shopping. When they saw Su Mo, they rushed over.

Su Mo didn't have time to speak from the beginning to the end, and the two girls could no longer control their touching.

"Let go of my panda and come to me if you have the guts." Su Mo only dared to say this silently in his heart, and soon he no longer had such a frivolous attitude, because more people gathered around him.

Forget it about girls, why are you guys joining in the fun?

Forget it if you touch the panda. Why are you touching me? Where did you touch it? Stop it. I will call the system master to kill you.

With a hiss, the panda disappeared.

Everyone was stunned in disappointment, and finally turned their eager eyes to the owner of the baby panda.

"I'm sorry, I have something else to do. Please make it easier for everyone." Su Mo said angrily. There were people around him. He suspected that he would be beaten to death by a jealous woman when he left the safe area.

"Can you tell me where to catch Gungun?" A little girl who felt pity for me held Su Mo's hand and asked eagerly.

"Hidden task, the task process is very complicated and demanding. It took me more than ten days to complete it, and I almost failed." It was so difficult to say, but there was still no intention of giving up among the people around him. Su Mo could only say He added with a sad face: "This mission can only be done once. My friend went there later and couldn't trigger it."

"Where is it triggered? What conditions are required? Let's try it." No one was as shocked as the panda baby. No matter what Su Mo said, they were not going to give up.

"emmmm~" Su Mo pondered for a moment and said: "Sony's Blacksmith in Kony Fishing Port, as long as you go to him to build equipment, if there are more than five pieces, it may be triggered."

I will go back to Sony to ask for dividends. What a great advertising effect this is.

The hunter girls ran away like the wind, leaving a group of girls from other professions looking at Su Mo eagerly, still crowded around him.

Many years later, Su Mo recalled this period of time and realized that it was the pinnacle of his life.

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