Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 526: Can't marry, I will marry you(26)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter brought home by the national husband!

When he and her played a husband and wife before, they woke up in the morning and opened their eyes. It was not that she had not slept in his arms, nor was there a touch of feeling and joy in her heart, but they were not as emotional as they are now. Strong, even he was a little touched.

Thirteen years, it's almost fourteen years, from the beginning to be qualified to love her, to the deep love that can't be loved, and now he can finally say love to her, and has experienced more than 5,000 days and nights ......The assets under his name fell from three digits from time to time at the beginning, and now the asset number can't be counted out with ten fingers...He can finally love her.

Lu Jinnian consciously never was a sensuous person, but at this moment, his eyes still showed a touch of dampness.

Lu Jinnian woke up and didn’t sleep anymore. She was always staring at Qiao Anhao. It seemed that she would never look the same. When she fell asleep last night, she pillowed his arm. Until now she hasn’t changed her posture very much. The numbness is gone, but Lu Jinnian just doesn't want to move.

It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the morning that the mobile phone alarm sounded, and Lu Jinnian took Qiao An's good head away from his arm very lightly. Before getting out of bed, he kissed the sleeping Qiao An reluctantly.

After finishing everything, Lu Jinnian bought Qiao Anhao early and put it in the incubator before going to work. On the way to the company, Lu Jinnian also sent Qiao Anhao a few WeChat messages with her mobile phone to remind her Wake up and remember to eat, some fitness cards, leisure cards and a bank card are placed on the table. The fitness card and leisure card are all in the nearby shopping mall, you can go to spend time.


Joan was awake until ten o'clock, and her body was so weak that she couldn't help turning over, holding the quilt, closing her eyes for a while, but just five seconds later, Joan was fine When she realized that she was not wearing clothes, she froze for a moment, and suddenly opened her eyes, saw the kiss marks on her body, and the pajamas thrown under the bed, and then recalled what happened to her and Lu Jinnian last night. .

He and she went to bed without any deal...

If Qiao Anhao said yesterday that she and Lu Jinnian were only friends, then after last night, she and Lu Jinnian were no longer pure.

Last night, it was not her initiative to seduce him, whether it was concealment or explanation, it was Lu Jinnian's thing, but he didn't mean to explain to her... What does Lu Jinnian mean?

One-night-love? No responsible gun-friends? Or girlfriend? But Lu Jinnian did not confess to her, saying that let her be his girlfriend?

Qiao An started to think about it in his head. After thinking for a while, he couldn't understand Lu Jinnian's intentions. Finally, he climbed out of bed to wash. When he came back to take the mobile phone downstairs, he saw WeChat Lu Jinnian sent to her.

Joan went downstairs and brought the breakfast to the dining table. I saw several cards placed on it. Among them, a small note was posted on the back of the bank card, and the password was written on it. Joan could see clearly that this bank The card should be the deputy card of a bank card of Lu Jinnian.

Joan stirred the porridge so much, looking at the cards in front of him, his head became even more chaotic.

When she was confused and eating, the phone rang and picked it up and glanced at it, which was called by Lu Jinnian.

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