The slaves standing around looked at him indifferently as he knelt on the ground, terrified, and no one came out to distinguish or testify for him.

Wu Xueli took off his pants and beat him in public. Sell ​​him into the most filthy and lowly Chu Huai Pavilion as a slave.

Fortunately, Mo Qiaosheng's facial features are too three-dimensional and his skeleton is too large, so he doesn't have the tender and beautiful youthful feeling that the nobles like to play with the most. Therefore, under his fierce resistance, he was not immediately forced to pick up the guests, but was assigned to serve a popular little waiter.

The clerk's name was Lu Xiu, a handsome young man with snow satin-like skin.

He always likes to wear a turquoise robe, smeared with grease and powder, leaning on the guests, tenderly and courteously to the nobles.

However, as soon as the guests left, he often became very irritable, beating or scolding Mo Qiaosheng.

As long as he was not allowed to serve those disgusting and perverted guests, Mo Qiaosheng felt that the days of beating or scolding were bearable.

But these days did not last for a few days.

This time, a luxuriously dressed guest left contentedly, but Green Sleeve did not come out for a long time.

Mo Qiaosheng brought water in and saw a scene he would never forget in his life.

The snow-white skin of Lu Xiu was covered with all kinds of terrifying scars, and had already lost signs of life.

His favorite turquoise robe was dilapidated, stained with blood to see its original color.

A piece of gold lay quietly on the floor, which was the price of this young man's life.

The owner of Chu Huai Pavilion happily picked up the gold, waved his hand, and ordered Mo Qiaosheng to clean the room.

Mo Qiaosheng was lying on the ground while vomiting, wiping away the blood that seemed to be too much to be washed away forever.

Chu Huaiguan maintains a team of professional thugs, who are responsible for handling any incidents within the herd that require bào force to resolve.

Dong Sandao, the leader, recently discovered one, who was going to be a slave sooner or later, and always pestered him.

This young slave has a ruthless energy, ruthless towards others and ruthless towards himself.

Dong Sandao liked this ruthlessness and accepted him.

Of course, Dong Sandao is not a kind person with a compassionate heart. In such a difficult environment, who can have extra kindness to share with a child who is a slave.

He polished Mo Qiaosheng like a weapon.

This scrawny teenager, clenching his teeth like a wild láng, slowly grew up in those daunting and terrifying training, and grew into a sharp-edged knife.

Weibei Hou Huayu went straight to Chuhuai Pavilion for entertainment and met Mo Qiaosheng by accident. So he took out two pieces of silver and put the sharp blade into the army, becoming a warrior under his command.

Chapter 3

Before Cheng Qianye crossed over, he had a twin brother. The two brothers and sisters had a good relationship, and they grew up fighting each other every day.

One of Cheng Qianye's favorite pranks when he was a child was dressing up as his elder brother, imitating his elder brother's words and deeds, and slipping out of the house as his elder brother.

For this reason, she deliberately kept the same neutral hairstyle as her brother Cheng Qianluo.

Whenever those little friends who took her as Cheng Qianluo and had a good time with her saw the exact same real Cheng Qianluo walking towards them, each with a shocked expression, Cheng Qianye would hug her stomach. Smile from ear to ear.

Therefore, as soon as she crossed over, it was not too difficult for Cheng Qianye to let her disguise herself as a man, disguise her twin brother who was poisoned to death, and replace him as Duke of Jinyue.

But she ignored one point, she crossed the era, this is an era full of war and killing.

Before Cheng Qianye crossed over, the dog Rong, a nomadic tribe in the northwest of this place, broke through the capital and killed the nominal emperor, and the fierce tribal cavalry marched all the way into the interior to Bianzhou.

As a result, the world was in chaos, and a group of heroes rose together, under the slogan of helping the royal family and expelling the Tartars, all of them really wanted to take advantage of this war to strengthen their power.

Li Wenguang, the prefect of Liangzhou, issued a letter of crusade against the Quanrong, and the princes from all walks of life scrambled to echo, leading the civil officials and military generals to lead the army to gather.

Xinjin, the Marquis of Jinyue, took over his father's position, and it was when he was in high spirits. Seeing this good opportunity, he also led his generals and horses to come to the alliance with excitement, wanting to make a name for himself in front of the princes of the world.

Unexpectedly, before he walked out of the door of his own house, he did not succeed in his apprenticeship and died at the hands of his own younger brother.

As a twin sister who looks similar to him, Cheng Qianye was ordered to disguise himself as a man in danger, taking the place of Cheng Qianyu, the Marquis of Jinyue.

Gathering the panicked military hearts, he took down the chapter of the son who rebelled and saved himself and the lives of his female relatives in a thrilling manner.

Originally, both Cheng Qianye and Yang Ji wanted to tidy up quickly and return to their old nest first.

However, Xiao Jin, a friend of Jinyuehou before his death, said in private:

The lord is newly appointed, and the foundation is not stable. Although the princess and the lord are similar in appearance, their behavior, words and deeds are inevitably different. If they return to Beijing at this moment, there are many people who are familiar with each other.

Second, if the lord succeeds to the throne at a young age, if he turns back on the way at this moment and loses his trust in all the princes, he will be ridiculed by the world, and will attract the heroes to covet me.

If you don't return to Beijing for a while, continue to Huimeng.

After hearing Xiao Jin's words, Cheng Qianye had no choice but to send Yang Ji and her pregnant sister-in-law back, but she drove the ducks into battle, sitting in the position of the lord in a daze, leading the dàngdàng's troops to participate in this game. The war against the dog Rong.

At this moment, Cheng Qianye was standing on the high general platform with many princes, looking at the real, bloody ancient battlefield in front of him.

Cheng Qianye had seen many scenes of war on the screen, all kinds of magnificent, fiery, and magnificent.

However, at this moment, standing here, facing the bloody sand, she knew that the real battlefield could not be expressed by any film and television works.

The lives of countless soldiers and slaves, like ants, are piled up on the front line with no value at all.

She watched helplessly as a young soldier stumbled during the charge, and the horseshoes of his companions in the rear could not stop the car and trampled over his stomach.

The living body raised its hands and screamed in pain.

However, the huge war machine cannot see the pain of the humble individual.

One after another, the fierce horses of their own people galloped past him mercilessly. The raised arm was soon drowned in the dust.

A warrior who rushed under the city wall, just raised his weapon, was hit by a huge rolling stone and fell to the ground. Instantly, a red and white mixture of blood and brains was wiped on the ground, and his body under the boulder twitched desperately. .


Cheng Qianye turned his head and vomited.

One of her staff patted her on the back and comforted her warmly, "Is your lord okay?"

The person's surname is Zhang Mingfu.

Although she was young, she was the first staff member under her father, the Marquis of Jinwei.

His face was like a full moon, his eyes were lacquered, and he looked at Cheng Qianye with concern.

However, Cheng Qianye knew that at this moment, he was full of contempt for himself.

In her eyes, Zhang Fu's whole body exudes a beautiful and transparent purple luster, but a thick iron blue rises from the light.

Iron blue represents strong disappointment and contempt.

Cheng Qianye looked at Zhang Fu's genial face in front of him. It is impossible to see that he has such strong dissatisfaction with himself in his heart.

Yes, after crossing, a system interface appeared in Cheng Qianye's mind.

As long as she focused, a silent screen appeared before her eyes, through which she could see a glow of color on everyone.

Everyone has a different color, some people are cloudy, some people are clear, most people are very dim, and the light on a very small number of people is particularly dazzling and bright.

For example, Zhang Fu in front of him has a beautiful bright purple like amethyst, but this purple is often mixed with another color because of his sudden emotions.

On his face, he almost always maintained a gentle and gentle attitude. Without this system interface, Cheng Qianye would never have known that his inner emotions were so mean and changeable.

And Xiao Jin, the only man who knows Chen Qianye's identity, has a bright and warm terracotta color on his body. Whenever he looks at Chen Qianye, the edge of this light is mixed with a touch of gold. It is a color that represents loyalty, and he transferred a little loyalty to Young Master Yu to Cheng Qianye.

The attendant general He Lanzhen is a bright cobalt green. And another young player, Yu Dunsu, who was recently promoted by Cheng Qianye, has a bright orange color.

At this moment, the eyes of the two generals were staring at the battlefield, and the whole body was radiating with light, with a touch of red, obviously both of them were fighting Peng Bai.

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