Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 4008 Qin Jieyu’s Noble Status

Jasper Bracelet's straightforward words made the front page photo of the newspaper in front of Yun Qiao instantly clear.

In the photo, it seems to be in a restaurant, the lights are dim, and the atmosphere is very subtle. The man and the woman are by the window, their posture is a bit intimate, as if they are about to embrace each other in the next second.

Isn't the male protagonist of this intimate pair of men and women a palace saint?

With his slender figure, steady back, and unclear profile, he exuded an elegant yet firm temperament, and there was no one else except Gong Sheng.

As for the heroine...

Yun Qiao glanced at it twice, uh, I don't recognize him.

After all, the palace saint's face is from the side, while the woman's face is directly from the back of her head.

On the contrary, Jasper Bracelet glanced at it and gestured, "Princess, this woman looks a bit like Qin Jieyu!"

Yun Qiao: "You can see the back of the head that is so blurry?"

Jasper Bracelet laughed awkwardly, "Aren't you planning to invest in film and television dramas? I also want to do my part. I have been watching movies recently, and I happened to watch one starring her. Her acting was pretty good, and she was very positive... …”

As I talked, I felt that the atmosphere was not quite right. At this juncture, there always seemed to be something strange about the person who was the subject of the scandal, praising the palace saint.

Then Jasper Bracelet changed the topic and said in a serious and sympathetic tone, "The acting in the film is okay, but the character is so bad! How can you seduce a married man in public? It's so shameless. What kind of drama will such a woman do in the future?" I won’t even look at it…”

While he was complaining madly, he suddenly heard Yun Qiao say lightly, "She didn't know that Gong Sheng was married. She didn't even know that she was seducing a married man. The responsibility is not hers."

Jasper Bracelet's heart skipped a beat.

It's over. If the eldest princess doesn't blame Qin Jieyu, then wouldn't she have to blame...


Yun Qiao's tone was slightly cold for the next second, "The palace saint himself knows that he is a married man, so he should be the one who knows how to behave properly and keeps himself clean!"

Jasper Bracelet "Princess, do you want us to call and question him now?"

Yun Qiao "What's there to question? His marriage to me was forced. It's just a marriage certificate. It's no big deal!"

The jasper bracelet choked,

I thought to myself, Your Highness, is it really no big deal? But I feel like the whole yard is filled with a strong smell of vinegar that comes from nowhere...

Yun Qiao put the newspaper aside and had no intention of chatting with the old gatekeeper.

She just sat and waited for the staff who sealed her store to go to work, and then she went to submit the complaint materials.

On the contrary, Jasper Bracelet was idle and read the scandal report carefully from beginning to end.

The general idea is that the President, who is visiting a foreign country, actually takes time out of such a busy schedule to secretly meet with female celebrities!

According to reporters, this female star is a popular Q movie queen.

Then the report used a lot of space to describe the Q movie queen's popularity and international popularity.

Different from the sarcasm of other scandal reports, this report actually came from a very positive perspective, fully approving of the relationship between the President and the Q-movie queen.

Because, Q Queen is not an ordinary third-rate female star, but a big star in serious dramas, an internationally renowned movie queen.

Even at the end of the article, the reporter said with infinite longing, "If the President can really marry the Q movie queen, then the empire will have a most famous mother of the country who is full of literary and artistic colors. It will be epoch-making for the empire's cultural export to foreign countries." The great significance of leaving a name in history!"

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