Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 634: Cooperation

Chen Rui squatted down and touched the head of the wind leopard. The wind leopard turned over, revealing the vitality of the abdomen, and the snoring sound of obedience in the mouth, where there is still a fierce momentum.

The shock of Mana’s heart is simply unrecognizable. As the owner of the wind leopard, even if there is such a contractual force of slavery, it can only force the Warcraft to be forced, instead of the current surrender of this kind of thoroughness. The beastly technique can only be described by the word "magic". The so-called beast masters are just like a scum!

The facts are in front of you, "Li Cha" does not lie, the lion's egg is actually obtained by his own power!

Mana recovered from the shock and looked at Chen Rui’s eyes completely differently. If he said that he was arrogant when he first met, he was amiable after seeing the lion's egg. After getting the red gems, it was a sneak peek. fanaticism.

"Her Richard, your ability is really amazing." Mana's face is full of smiles, even the triangular eyes are squeezed by the fat, and the small eyes reveal a strong splendid, as if to see What a rare treasure.

"It’s just a talent with a little secret. It’s not the eye of the expert of Mana.” Chen Rui shook his head modestly and asked tentatively: "I don’t know what the previous adults said, waiting for a certain channel of the Knights... ..."

"I don't want you to say that with my current status, I really can't directly recommend you to be a candidate for the Bright Knight. It's just that with my network, it's not impossible to get a candidate's quota..." The fat pastor did not go on. Holding your chin. The smile has become meaningful.

Chen Ruiwen sings songs and knows the elegance, smiles: "Adults rest assured that the help between friends is mutual. If there is anything that adults can use in my place, I will not deny it, preferably... we can form a kind Mutual benefit, retreat and mutual stability."

"Talking with smart people is a matter of saving!" Pastor Mana reveals a joy that is difficult to conceal. "Our goals are quite relevant. If you don't mind... Richard, please allow you to call you."

"Of course. My friend, Mana." Chen Rui looked at Lucio and Lucio immediately noticed. Find an excuse to leave the hall.

Pastor Mana was very appreciative of Chen Rui’s knowledge and knowledge. He said: “Li Cha, I don’t want you to say, I have been paying attention to the position of the bishop of Wangdu for a long time, and I have also opened some joints. I even gave up to go to a more prosperous. The prosperous city is the opportunity of the pastor. This time, the White Cliff selection of the Knights of the Temple, according to the usual practice, after the selection, the positions will be adjusted accordingly. This is a rare opportunity. Must be seized. The cardinal of the White Cliff Bishop Rogge, who will come to Yangshuo Wangdu to inspect in the future, this adult has a niece named Elisa, who is very loving on weekdays, like her own daughter. Traveling will be with me. Miss Elisa is a light department. The magician, who is also a beastmaster, likes to collect the beasts. I retire the lion's eggs, just to cater to the lady's preferences. As long as Roger adults nod, plus the thrust of the adult behind me, I can become the bishop of Wangdu without any suspense. Even the Archbishop of is not impossible after the future qualifications are sufficient."

Chen Rui understands the real reason why Mana wants to get the lion's egg. It seems that the previous "beast talent" was buried, and the cardinal from the white cliff, Rogge, caught his attention. Perhaps, this is an opportunity to mix into the White Cliff.

"Roger is one of the three cardinals of the church. It is a high priority. It is definitely a matter of setting your position as a candidate for a bright knight. For those who just want to use the power of the church to control the family instead of being a lifelong priest. Said that the true role of the alternate Bright Knight is to have the opportunity to become a follower of the Knights of the Temple, as long as you can take this opportunity to attach a Knight of the Temple, then I can say for sure, your goal will be just around the corner!"

"The followers of the Knights of the Temple?" Chen Rui thought and flew up. "Is this a knight's selection a good opportunity?"

"Of course!" Mana nodded. "Miss Elisa is not only a prostitute of Rogge, but also a rumored disciple of His Majesty. The people in the church are quite extensive, as long as you can catch Miss Elisa. This line, then you can ask her to introduce a very promising entrant to you."

Holy Virgin? Cardinal?

Chen Rui listened to Lucio and said that the positions of the Guangming Church are from the highest to the lowest, the pope, the patriarch, the three cardinals, the archbishop, the bishop, the pastor, the deacon, the ordinary monk or the nun.

His current Pope, Vatican, is the highest-ranking leader in the human world.

Whether it is the two empires or the rest of the empire, the kingdom of the kingdom, in front of the pope, he can only lower his noble head. Innumerable years, the imperial kingdom has been countless, and the Temple of Light has always stood still. The power of the church has penetrated into every level of every country. Every corner is ingrained and unshakable.

There are two second only to the Pope's Patriarch, one is Prosmer, who is proficient in astrology, and the other is the Virgin Eudora, who enjoys special powers and status.

The cardinal was directly appointed by the Pope. There were three people in total, but in addition to the three cardinals, two other people also had the same status as the cardinal, the referee of the referee, Hughes, and the other, the Paladin.

The referee is one of the two armed forces of the Guangming Church. It is directly responsible to the Pope. It is dominated by ascetics and has strong combat effectiveness. Its duty is to sanction the heresy and eliminate the dark forces.

Another armed force is the Glorious Knight. The duty of the Glorious Knight is to defend the faith and protect the light. The capitals of all countries have a branch of the Knights of Light, which is not subject to national laws. The highest level of the Glorious Knight is the paladin of the Holy Mountain, followed by the Knights of the Temple in the Holy Mountain or the branch of the country, and then the ordinary bright knight.

The same is the Archbishop. The Archbishop of Zhili Mountain is better than the ordinary Archbishop who is responsible for the teaching affairs of the countries. The Archbishop's candidates are selected among the bishops, while the bishops are selected from the pastors, and the first level corresponds to the first level.

Chen Rui's current goal is a low-level "alternative light knight". Of course, even a low-level cleric represents the great energy of the temple in a certain sense. What's more, the fat priest also proposed the attachment of the shrine knight.

The sacred mountain has been closed... the priest of the cardinal... The candidate of the Knights of the Temple... The selection contest of the Knights of the Temple... These keywords are turning fast in Chen Rui’s mind. For a time, several possible plans are in the brain. There is only one purpose in the middle, and it is mixed into the holy mountain!

Chen Rui thought for a while and finally made a decision: "Good! In order to prove the sincerity of both parties, I feel that we need to sign a related contract."

"No problem!" Mana is overjoyed. This suggestion makes the fat man completely relieved. His "contract" with the wind leopard is actually a mark of slavery. It is not a real contract. If it is really necessary, you can also ask. The orcologist uses a special method to eliminate it.

Therefore, under the power of Chen Rui’s “link”, the two signed an equal contract, which is to maintain mutual benefit and mutual benefit until they achieve each other’s goals. After the contract came into effect, the fat man looked at the companion who was able to display the contractual power. He also looked at how to make full use of this insight within the rules allowed by the contract to maximize his own interests. When necessary, You can also sacrifice each other. It’s just that the fat man doesn’t know that this seemingly unbreakable contract is ready for Chen Rui, and Chen Rui is also designing him.

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, but they were each a ghost.

At this time, a monk rushed to report: "Mana Master, it is not good, the people of the Shengyu Mercenary Corps poured into the church, seized Lucio, and threatened to take the guest together. The director of Martial sent me to report the adult immediately."

If this happened half an hour ago, Mana would not care about this kind of idle thing. However, now things have changed dramatically, so the fat man immediately revealed the anger: "The **** mercenary group, dare Grab people in the church, and still my guests! It is simply unbearable! Go! Look!"

Chen Rui thought of a move, glaring at the temple, showing the meaning of exhaustion: "Mana, I used a lot of mental power when I got the thing. I just used the power of the contract. Now I have to rest for a while, otherwise I will be mentally active. It will be damaged because of overdraft. Lucio... In fact, it is my new follower, this matter will please you."

"Reassured, my friend! This little thing is on my body!" The fat man made a guarantee by taking the chest and said with concern: "You should go back to the hall to reply, you must take care of your body."

Chen Rui is now a partner of the fat is also the key person in his line of Cardinal Rogge, naturally can not be hurt, especially the spiritual power related to the beastly surgery, otherwise it will affect That plan is regrettable.

"Zola, you are now helping my friend to rest in the hall."

The monk is about to step forward, Chen Rui shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I will go on my own, but please don't bother."

"That's good! Zola, immediately conveys my order, not allowing anyone to approach the hall!" The fat man ordered, walking with the wind leopard toward the corridor.

From the two names, the monk Zola heard the relationship between Chen Rui and the pastor and his closeness. At the moment, he did not dare to neglect. After Chen Rui entered the hall, he closed the door for him, and he guarded the corridor outside the door. So as not to bother.

After Chen Rui entered the hall, the tiredness suddenly disappeared, watching the statue of the **** of light in front of the faint belief, revealing the color of contemplation. After a while, the breath of his body continued to undergo subtle changes, seemingly trying Various methods.

Desperately, Chen Rui’s eyes are bright and his mind is moving. There is already a more person in front of him. This person’s appearance is the same as Chen Rui’s, but his eyes are full of faint blood. RQ

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