Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 768: The beginning of the marriage proposal

From the crossing to the present, Chen Rui has experienced many people, many things, and finally they have accompanied them all the way, rain or shine, life and death without fear.

It is time to give them a real family.

Chen Rui first came to the Darkmoon Palace and found Athena.

Although Athena did not become his first woman because of the relationship between yīn and yin, it was his first woman who really fell in love. Until now, he still loves the most.

"But, I still love you, I don't like it, it's love." The figure of the female devil who burned her life in the face of the Emperor, has been branded in his soul and will never be erased.

"Athena, remember that before I went to the sea of ​​death, did we use the vows of blood to each other? With a lifetime, until the end of life, in my heart, you are already an irreplaceable true wife, I said, we There will be a grand wedding, then please accept my formal proposal, okay?"

Watching Chen Rui take out a ring and kneel down on the ground, Athina's beautiful red dragonfly flashed with happiness, but it was shaking her head and shaking her head: "Not good."

"So, please wear it..." Chen Rui suddenly reacted. "What?"

Athena does not agree? Did you hear it wrong? This is simply an unimaginable failure!

"I still have something to do, I am busy." Athena hurriedly turned away and left the stunned male pig's feet in the same place.


The male pig's foot slammed his head and saw Jiya coming out of the hall. Even if the beauty and temperament of Jiya is in the succubus family, it is also the top existence. The hot body exudes a seductive temperament. It is a mixture of beautiful and charming and charming. There is no need to make a dream, a casual look. It will make all normal male hormones soar.

When I first crossed the Devil World, she was still a terrible existence of a witch for a silk man. She was often deliberately seduce and smoldered and stunned. Later, when she was in contact with Jiya as the master of Arthur, it was only true. I got to know the unfortunate woman who turned all the pain into a smile and laughed and cried. After untiring her heavy shackles that bound her mind and self-sufficiency, he harvested a charming, cute, and sometimes ugly, Dedicated to his little demon girl.

In fact, in addition to the seduce talent of the succubus, Jiya is not good at words. The boldness and dedication of the bed is the way she expresses her heart. It is also the accomplice of the biggest welfare of the scum male harem. One.


When the little demon girl saw Chen Rui, her face sighed and passed, and her eyes turned, but she went forward with a gift: "His Royal Highness, is there something?"

Chen Rui will not play one place when he listens to it, you will not change one sentence?

However, it is obviously not the time to grab the spanking, or use the true confession to break it!

"Jiya... I am serious about asking you a sentence now, are you willing to marry me, become my wife, let me take care of your life?"

The expression of Jiya has changed instantly. The original intentional and stiff expression has become a solemn promise of being able to conceal her happiness and joy. It is the happiest moment of a woman, and she almost blurted out without thinking: "Of course!"

The little demon girl suddenly thought of something, and the voice became stammered: "Of course... no! No! I... I have no time today, I am leaving."

The little demon girl walked a few steps in a panic, and reluctantly turned back and added: "Next time... next time, amount, next time next time to say..."

Illusion! It must be an illusion! The male pig’s feet burst into tears.

Rainbow Valley Lab.

For the fairy dragon sister, Chen Rui is still fully grasped. Although she has the peerless appearance of Catherine, but in the eyes of many people including the dragon, Lola has always been synonymous with "crazy" and "terrible". In his eyes, it is cute, gentle, moving, knowing, unique...

(A certain dragon grandfather: brightened titanium longan)

(A bronchitis blue dragon: subversion of the three views of worship)

At first, Chen Rui contacted Rolla in the Rainbow Valley in order to dispel the ancient accent of Paglio. Once used as an experimental product, he once suffered from the pseudo-naturally savage lord, and then the relationship between the two was also step by step. It became subtle. In an accidental event, the most intimate relationship occurred in advance. Later, the two really became a lacquer-like lover, and the feelings were deep and hòu. Whenever I remembered the beauty of the glasses who asked "what", his heart was full of warmth.

"Lola, let me be the eternal guardian of your life, okay?"


"will you marry me?"


"Let's get married."



Soon after, the male pig's foot with the answer of two words ran again with tears - this is not an illusion!

(I take back the previous "memory kill"... I hate those two words!)

Holding the last lucky, the male pig's foot came to a quiet little yard, with a fresh tea fragrance floating in the small yard.

Here is a flower of the mandala that once smashed the empire, yīn sinister, once with his incarnation of "Charles" and the snake, and calculated each other until the death before the spit of the tragic past. After the resurrection of the fire, the washed mandala finally reveals the purity and fragrance of the original Xuedala. Whenever there is in this courtyard, there will always be a pot of freshly brewed tea waiting for him.

Happiness is not just a fierce enthusiasm, but more of a warm and unrelenting warmth.

(Hey, isn’t it good to remember?)

"Boss... Ah, Your Royal Highness, are you coming?" Someone's memories were interrupted by the voice of a chick.

Chen Ruiyi: "Olifis, how are you here...ah, Helen, you are also."

"Hey! Your Royal Highness, Wang Fu?" The little mermaid princess put down the teacup and glanced at him with a bad look. He sent a poisonous tongue to the hand. "Although I am a slave and a prisoner, this is the power of the activity. Yes, Isabella's sister, ignore this brazen man!"

Is there such a slave or prisoner? Chen Rui’s campfire door is sweating.

Forget it, today's focus is not this, the male pig's feet will look down on the aunt of the aunt. Starting from being "invited" as a bridesmaid, Ini has been competing with Xia Mingli. This time, I can grab a head start before Xia. I should not refuse it. These sisters must be colluded, but as long as Get one first, the rest naturally...

"Ini, I have an important thing, I don't know..." Chen Rui looked at the Black Dragon Chick and the Little Mermaid Princess.

Isabel stretched his arms and showed a bit of lazy and touching style, as if he didn't see Chen Rui's eyes. He didn't mean to let Olifis and Helen avoid it: "What?"

Black Dragon chick jumped out: "I know! The boss is coming to make up the magic!"

Chen Rui: "..."

"Adding the devil?" The little mermaid princess obviously has some doubts about the word. "What do you mean?"

Black Dragon chick squatted a few words, Olifis last broke the good things of the two, the understanding of the complement is still in the stage of kiss, so resent, enough to let the little mermaid princess look at Chen Rui's eyes More contemptuous.

"It's fine to say anything." Isabella smiled.

"So..." Chen Rui thought of the brave people who were proposing another world on the street, and began to make a declaration of marriage from the heart of the black dragon chick and the little mermaid princess.

Isabella's green scorpion passed through the gentleness and satisfaction, but it shook his head without moving: "I'm sorry."

The aunt’s eyes passed over the sè and added: “I am not a casual person.”

If the previous "sorry" seems to be a heavy punch, and an illusion man flies out, then the next seven words plus a full period are like being blown away and floating, and in the middle of the violent Eight combos, the ultimate goal was to be on the ground, tears and eyes to draw circles.

The little mermaid princess shines: "Yes! Isabella sister, I support you, only the stupidest woman will promise this man."

Undoubtedly, the little mermaid princess has a sinister group of scorns, but the male pig's foot is now vomiting blood three liters, and there is no strength to respond, because four times the original proposal without suspense is actually no suspense... Completed defeat.

The next day, somewhere.

"So, would it be too much for him?"

"Athina is right... In fact, his proposal is so touching, and everyone almost promised him..."

"You all hurt him? Laura, what about you?"




"Actually, I am almost... But this is a crucial moment, can't be soft! In fact, we don't need to worry, we have already led everything better than Xia. Anyway, Xia can only marry his 'vest', real people. Isn't it in our hands? Marriage is one of the most important things in life. We each have only one time in our life, and that guy is four of us, there are four times, and next month we will become the queen's husband. Men are like this, the easier they are to get, the less they will cherish. So, we must not let go of it easily, we must insist! Do not give him a profound lesson, the future women will only be more and more... remember Our agreement, whoever concedes defeat, who is the enemy of the remaining sisters!"

Throwing vividly uses the talent to imitate the secret dialogues of several brides and adults, especially Isabella's words, words such as "vest" and "mastering hands", and Chen Rui looks like a face.

"The last sentence of Isabella's hostess clearly got the strong approval of all the hostesses, and then the women's masters held their hands together. The kind of momentum is so scary and scary... Master, throwing away is risking his life. Eavesdropping on these precious information."

Although the master servant contract has been abolished, although the overall strength is still above Chen Rui, the lost is still the appearance of the flattery, the title and attitude have not changed, and some of the shackles are not broken even if there is no mandatory bondage. .

Perhaps Chen Rui has signed a real contract with the Amoeba at the last moment when he canceled the contract at the last minute.

"Throw, do a good job."

Chen Rui did not listen carefully to the exaggerated depiction of this eavesdropping work. He threw a gleaming gem, and the amoeba took it with joy and shouted, "Long live the master."

Through the information provided by the amoeba, Chen Rui, who has been psychologically prepared, finally determined the crux of the problem, and pinched his fist - burning it, sāo years! Burning it, the hope of the Crystal Palace! In any case, be sure to break the sisters' alliance fortress!

The heroic pig's foot doesn't know one thing, that is, a spy who is relying on him is rewarded and immediately ran to the hostess and got a second reward, shouting " The hostess is ten thousand years old."

The female host also did not know one thing. In another room, four people... The four-headed dragon was holding an emergency meeting in a sneaky way.

First of all, I’m talking about the drug lord dragon: "Julia, Tanier, you listened to Oliver, and Chen Rui proposed to Isabella yesterday, although Isabella did not promise him, but It seems that it is a matter of time, do you have no feelings?"

The black dragon size sister and the blue dragon looked at each other and did not speak. The jade dragon Xiao Xiaojie was the first to speak: "My feeling is that although Chen Rui is more than you, he has more responsibility than you."

The muscles of the poisonous dragon's face were pumped: "This...not the key point."

The jade dragon Xiaoxiao sister's xìng grid is not arrogant, but now it is obviously "horizontal", and the crossbrows are cold: "This is the key!"

"Comparative" is a woman's passive genius. I heard that the best girlfriends, Eni, have been asked to marry. Some swindlers who are lazy and do not have any movements. It is no wonder that Jade Dragon is a little sister.

"Little Betty, you are my most valuable asset... Rest assured, our future, I have planned." The poisonous dragon grandfather saw that Jade Dragon Xiaojie was really awkward, and quickly sweetened her first. Emotion, "Olifis is the only daughter of Augustus. When the Emperor of the Dragon was intimidating and tempted, she made her become the fiancee of Chen Once the Master of Augustus knew Chen Rui is married to other women, and Olivis is still a fictitious fiancee..."

"This is equivalent to playing the face of the Dragon King..." Danielle took the sentence.

"What about this?" Krobe Ruth frowned.

"This relationship can be big!" Paglieu shuddered: "In any case, Chen Rui is the son-in-law of the Dragon Emperor. There is Olivier, and Augustus will not treat him, but ...... We will be the only venting bag, we will definitely be angered! At that time we are all caught back to Long Island for imprisonment, I can't see you in my life!"

Jade Dragon Xiaoxiao sister was also taken aback, the black dragon size sister on the side is also deeply convinced, to the dragon spleen xìng, this may be quite high.

"So, we must not sit still! Must be in the hands of human marriage, unscrupulously promote the marriage of Olifis!" The drug lord dragon uncle took a table, "for the sake of this uncle's self-proclaimed ... and Little Betty's Happiness...the amount, and everyone’s happiness!"

"Yes, no choice!" The four-headed dragon stood up at the same time, with a strong sense of war on his face, the first time so united.

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