Doomsday Wonderland

Five Hundred and Thirty Prison Break 2 (Prison and Soap)

In the absolute darkness, Lin Sanjiu couldn't see anything and could only hear the cell door in front of him slowly opening with a creaking sound.

She tensed up her nerves and focused all her attention on her ears, fearing that she would miss any movement. However, the person in the cell was not a real person, and there were no signs of human beings when she acted. When Lin Sanjiu suddenly noticed that there seemed to be wind in front of her. , she hurriedly twisted her body, but it was still too late. At some point, the "person" had already bullied her.

The next second, she felt her wrist go cold, then warm.

A severe pain that could almost make people faint suddenly hit her brain. Before Lin Sanjiu could even cry out in surprise, her eyes blurred. She endured the pain that penetrated into her bone marrow and opened her eyes again. I realized that I could see things in front of me again - rough cement walls, broken straw mats, small windows...

She and J7 were thrown back into the cell.

Lin Sanjiu raised her right wrist while gasping for air. As soon as her eyes fell on it, she suddenly fell silent.

...Her right hand has been cut off in pieces.

Because it is a conscious body, there is no blood or bones at the break; looking through the break, it looks empty and empty - just like the formless and colorless consciousness.

Lin Sanjiu had suffered countless injuries in the past few years, but none of the physical injuries could compare to the pain she felt now - having a piece of her consciousness cut off directly, just like having a piece of her brain and a part of her spirit cut off. For a moment, I could only hold my empty wrist and lie on the ground in pain. After a while, I finally got up.

She looked up and found that J7 was falling to the ground like an overturned tortoise. The two spheres were spinning rapidly in the air, but they still couldn't stand up. She was just about to walk up and push it straight, when she glanced around and realized that the "tail" left by J7 just now was gone.

...It seems that the "person" in the cell cut off her hand and J7's tail at the same time; there was no physical contact between the two, and they were immediately thrown back into the cell.

"Are you okay?" Lin Sanjiu struggled to lift it up with one hand and straightened it with a bang. The consciousness that was damaged this time may take a while to recover.

"Not very good."

J7 turned around a few times, reassembled the body parts, and once again left a mechanical arm, which he handed to Lin Sanjiu. Lin Sanjiu smiled bitterly and pointed to his right wrist: "I lost my hand, and I can't do anything if I hold you again. Can you stretch it a little longer? Yes, hold my waist like this .”

Even so, Lin Sanjiu, who was left with only one left hand, still had her combat strength reduced a lot. She stood at the door, looking at the dark darkness outside, thought for a while, and glanced back into the cell.

"Sweep up this broken grass. Each of us will hold one and use it as a guide stick." As she said, she swept the grass into a tube shape. Fortunately, the straw mat was very thin, and rolled up into a long and thin piece, which was enough to hold with one hand. She tried waving it around, but it worked fine except for being a little soft.

"...Isn't this too primitive?" J7 looked at the straw mat for a while and commented without interest.

It is the product of a certain world's cutting-edge technology, and it is instinctively resistant to Lin Sanjiu's method - "If it is not in the starry sky of consciousness, I can install infrared detection."

But now, there is only this way - one person and one machine each hold a roll of straw mat and carefully step into the darkness.

The last time he was probably discovered by the prisoner because of his talking, this time Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to say anything. Every time he took a step forward, he used a straw mat to slowly and quietly sweep the path ahead; fortunately, The two of them are both conscious bodies at this time, so there is no need to worry about the sound of clothing materials rubbing against each other. After walking slowly for a while in the dead darkness, the straw mat in Lin Sanjiu's hand suddenly touched something and made a slight "pop".

Her heart shrank, and then she heard a "squeaking" sound in the darkness ahead that suddenly pierced the darkness. It turned out that what she had just encountered was the half-open iron door of the cell, even if it was only opened so lightly. Pushing it up, it slowly slid open - without enough time to think about why it was still open, Lin Sanjiu felt the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stand up, and immediately jumped forward, and the top of her head had already been wiped away quickly. A sound of wind.

That guy is actually wandering in the corridor!

Lin Sanjiu had no idea how the prisoner cut off one of her hands. She only knew that it was best not to let him touch her; but this meant that she could not attack. In desperation, she shouted to J7: "Hit him with a gun!"

"That will produce fire." J7 pointed out rationally, "Once fire is produced..."

"I know!" As he spoke, Lin Sanjiu narrowly avoided another blow. The skin rubbed by the prisoner was burning and aching: "I'll find a way, you believe me!"

As soon as she said this, she screamed "Fuck" in her heart.

Sure enough, J7 in the dark immediately responded: "I don't."

Lin Sanjiu wanted to cry out, but before she could speak, she felt the prisoner's attack again - and for some reason, the prisoner always seemed to attack her first. Lin Sanjiu was lying on the ground now, unable to escape, so she had no choice but to grit her teeth and kick her backwards fiercely; with a snap, as soon as she touched the prisoner, she felt a sharp pain in her heart. Her nerves almost burst out of her skin.

Although the prisoner is not a real person, he still has a physical form——

"J7!" Her heart moved, and she immediately roared in the direction of J7. Seeing that there was still silence in the darkness, she had no choice but to dodge in panic and shout: "My goal is the same as yours, we want to get out! I There is a way to deal with him, but I need your help!"

I don’t know which sentence finally convinced J7. After a pause, he heard it buzz, and then asked calmly: "Where to hit?"

Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to burst into tears for a moment; she grabbed the straw mat, threw it hard at the prisoner when he jumped on him, and shouted at the same time: "There!"

When the straw mat collided with the prisoner, there was a slight slapping sound; almost at the same time, J7's gunfire was spat out, and all of it was poured into the location where the sound came from. The prisoner seemed to scream miserably amid the gunshots, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't hear it clearly, because she had already hurriedly jumped on the J7. When it stopped shooting, she hugged it with both arms and rolled them together. He fell into the cell with the door ajar.

Just as the two of them rolled through the door, artillery fire roared from the opposite side, hitting this section of the corridor like raindrops, and arousing countless flames and white smoke on the cell door. One person and one machine rushed to the door, hid behind the door, lay on the ground holding their heads, and listened to the roar of guns and guns outside for a long time before they finally died down.

Since this playground is a product of consciousness, after being hit by gunfire, it seems that there is no post-war damage, and it is still exactly the same as before, as if nothing happened.

"Is the prisoner dead?" Lin Sanjiu asked quietly, fearing that the prisoner would suddenly rush in.

"I fired a total of 53 rounds, and 47 of them hit the target." When J7 lay on the ground, its blurred shadow looked like a turtle shell.

47 rounds…

He should be dead, right?

Lin Sanjiu gasped and climbed up with one hand, leaning her body against the wall. Her leg was still immersed in severe pain. When she looked down, she found that although her right leg was still there, it was badly injured - just for a moment, the right leg was already pitted as if it had been corroded by some strong acid. , the shape is incomplete.

What to do next?

In fact, the two of them had just escaped from their cell a dozen steps away, and they were already trapped again before they even left this floor.

She was a little worried. She was just about to ask J7 for his opinion when she heard a sudden siren blaring outside - the sharp whine hovered in the entire prison building, so harsh that it made her brain tremble; the commotion was like running water. There was a sound in the corridor outside, and then came bursts of "choking, banging, banging" metal collision sounds, which sounded like the lock of the cell door being opened.

Human voices, sirens, footsteps, the sound of lights turning on... In an instant, noise accompanied by snow-white light penetrated into this cell——

"Two prisoners have escaped from the cell now. I repeat, two prisoners have escaped from the cell now." A deafening broadcast immediately suppressed all noise: "... Anyone who captures these two prisoners will have their sentences reduced. 220 years, implement immediately.”

... Could it be that they released the prisoners in every cell and arrested the two of them?

In this case, can you run away among these prisoners?

When Lin Sanjiu thought of this, she turned around and was immediately stunned.

At this time, the light outside was bright, so the inside of the cell was also illuminated white. J7 was still lying on the ground as before, and was not injured by the gunfire just now. It's looks a lot smaller. Originally, when the J7 stood up, it was as tall as a person, but after it became a flat structure, it was still the same height. Now it seems that it only reaches Lin Sanjiu's waist when it stands up.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Sanjiu approached it and asked angrily, "Why did it suddenly become smaller?"

"Remember, the wider side is my face." J7 responded, then turned around and replied: "...In reality, I can fill the bullet, but in the starry sky of consciousness, everything I have The bullets are actually my consciousness."

"Then looking at you like this, you won't be able to fire 53 rounds a few times before you are gone like used soap!" Lin Sanjiu was extremely anxious.

"It doesn't matter, just wait for a while and the consciousness will be restored." J7 said this in a very calm tone: "I have been waiting for half a year anyway. If I wait a few more days, I think it won't be a big deal."

The sentence "But I'm anxious" rolled around Lin Sanjiu's throat several times, but finally she couldn't say it out. She sighed, really not knowing how much further she could hold on with her weak appearance; she stood up with difficulty, supported her body with her left leg, and quietly looked out through the small window on the cell door. .

The corridor at this time was completely different from before.

Cold incandescent lights illuminated every corner, and every cell door was opened at this time, dividing the corridors one by one. Countless prisoners wearing orange-red jumpsuits poked their heads out of their cells and walked into the corridor; they looked around expressionlessly, and whispers filled the entire prison building like a fog.

Lin Sanjiu's plan to blend into the crowd suddenly disappeared when she saw the prisoners clearly.

After all, these are just characters created by the game field, specifically used to intercept players; so not only do they all wear uniform orange-red jumpsuits, but even their facial features are exactly the same - they can't even tell the difference between men and women, let alone other things. .

As soon as the two of them enter the corridor, they will be recognized immediately.

She turned her eyes and heard the sound of a movement spinning next to her, and a stapler-shaped metal part rose up next to her ear - it turned out that J7 had changed its structure at some point, and stood upright again, returning to its original appearance. . But after it shrunk a bit, it was no longer tall enough, so it had to stick its "head" out of its body and reach the window.

"The prisoner just now died," Lin Sanjiu pointed to it, "your bullets were not in vain."

In the corridor not far from the door, a corpse also wearing an orange-red jumpsuit was lying down. Because his whole body was beaten to pieces, he couldn't even see his face.

"But the prisoner's wounds are not deep," J7 analyzed calmly, "which means that at least 20 of my initial bullets did not break the surface of his consciousness. This means that the strength of my consciousness not enough."

"What about the strength of my consciousness?" Lin Sanjiu asked in a low voice.

"On a 100-point scale, if I am 55 points, then you should be 3

"That's all?"

"Your conscious body collided with his conscious body, and the result was fine. UU Reading Your legs——"

"Okay, I understand," Lin Sanjiu interrupted, " don't need to say any more."

"Okay." J7 responded calmly, "I have two more words to excuse you, but it just so happens that I don't want to tell you."

It’s really unbelievable that robots can hold grudges so much——

Lin Sanjiu sighed and was thinking about what to say. In the blink of an eye, he discovered that a circle of prisoners had gathered around the body outside the corridor. Dozens of identical faces stared at the corpse on the ground for a while, and suddenly someone shouted: "Isn't this Mr. Shen from Room 1325?"

Lin Sanjiu's heart just skipped a beat when more than a dozen faces looked up at almost the same time; she secretly screamed something bad and pressed J7's head, but it was already too late - she heard someone shouting again outside. : "Found it! Guard, they are in cell 1325! Found it!"

This shout immediately attracted the attention of the group of sharks like blood dripping from the sea. In the blink of an eye, every floor within sight was immersed in commotion, and countless prisoners rushed towards this place. The layer ran over. (To be continued.)

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