Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 729: Long 2 hasn’t come for several days.

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When Teacher Yi called out suddenly, Lin Sanjiu was staring blankly out of the window. One after another, tired woods flew back from the window. Each tree was gray, dry, no green in sight, and covered with dust. On routes with heavy traffic and frequent buses, trees always look so listless.

"When did you leave the exhibition hall?" Teacher Yi asked suspiciously, "Why was I suddenly shut down?"

"Last night," Lin Sanjiu suddenly trembled slightly and scratched her neck, as if these words tickled her. The only explanation she gave Teacher Yi was these few words, and then she tightened her lips and continued to look out the window without saying a word.

"Signed in?"


Teacher Yi fell silent immediately. After a while, she suddenly coughed violently as if she had been choked by something, and asked stammeringly and out of breath: "How - ah, that, that...cough, now you Where are you going?”

Lin Sanjiu had known that he couldn't hide it from her, but he still felt like he was being shined by ten hot spotlights, and the skin all over his body was burning. "Muyu Forum," she moved unnaturally, "It's not easy to come out of Exodus. You should finish all the things you need to do before going back."

"Oh...what's the matter?"

"Let's see if there is a reply, and then see if there is a check-in point near the canyon."

The two of them were not thinking about talking, but they chatted for five minutes.

The first time I took this bus was only a week ago; but when Lin Sanjiu met Lida, the owner of the "Mourning Dog" hotel again, he still felt a sense of joy at reuniting with old friends. She booked a hotel room with Lida for what might be her last night, signed in at the alleyway - she still didn't see a mop cloth nearby - and then set off towards the Muyu Forum.

No matter the time, the Muyu Forum is always bustling, smoky, and full of laughter, curses, and shouts. The ventilation system was spinning like crazy, but it still couldn't get rid of the various human smells and hot breath.

She followed the route of her memory and squeezed through the crowd; after walking a few steps, a thin man with a haggard appearance followed her mysteriously: "Girl, do you want to bid?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at him, completely stunned by the question: "What?"

"Pan, maybe?" At first glance, the thin man seemed to have a white head, but if you look closely, you will find that his head is covered with white ash, as if he had just emerged from the ruins of a construction site.

"No - what, what kind of plate?"

"Astrological chart." The thin man said seriously. If she read it correctly, the other person seemed to have "Don't get me wrong" written all over his face.

Because it was really cheap, with only two red crystals per plate, Lin Sanjiu bought one.

As soon as the thin man took the money, he turned around and disappeared. His movements were as fast as drilling into the ground. As soon as her eyes fell on the astrological chart in her hand, she immediately understood: the thin man was probably afraid that she would regret it.

This is just a palm-sized transparent plastic box with a piece of blackened paper inside. At the bottom of the paper was written "Biluo Huangquan", with a few simple stars drawn on the side, and a row of numbers and directions. It probably meant that if you look from Biluo Huangquan along that direction, you can see these planets. She flicked it with her hands, and the black paper retracted to the left, and unfolded a new black paper. Except for the different planets, everything else was exactly the same.

There were a few gameplay instructions on the back of the box, but they looked complicated and stupid; Lin Sanjiu simply threw it into the card library and forgot all about it in the blink of an eye.

"Hello," she stopped a staff member in front of the cabin on the second underground floor, "Is Long Er here?"

The short girl was chewing bubble gum with a confused expression: "Who?"


"He hasn't come in the past few days," Bubble Gum paused in her mouth, and the girl immediately complained passionately: "His classes have been overtaken by ours, and I haven't had a break for three days! I still want to ask him. Ask what’s going on and whether you can do it again or not!”

Lin Sanjiu let her go with a bit of embarrassment, and followed the previous method and opened a single cabin. She was still carrying the "smile" she bought from the black market, but it seemed that the person who really needed it urgently couldn't get it for a while... As she got into the leather chair, she couldn't help but doubt Long Er. Did he do something stupid? After all, he always looked like he was beyond love.

"Hey, two messages so soon?"

When his eyes fell on the beating red number "2", Lin Sanjiu felt happy and hurriedly opened it.

The first message was very long. At a glance, its content format looked a bit like an old email. The most convenient is the announcement she sent out and the description of the target person - "Male brown rabbit, speaks fluent human language. Weighs between three and four kilograms, has a bad temper, has no manners, and possesses the ability to evolve. A known appearance location It was Carnival, about five years ago.”

Under a more detailed description, there was a photo of a domestic rabbit that she found with great difficulty. It looked 60-70% similar to a rabbit - but to human eyes, all rabbits looked the same. It was almost the same; she had to list a lot of comments on the photos, secretly hoping that there would not be another "fluent" rabbit in the universe.

Below her description, a row of bright red words "Inspection and Certification by the Visa Officers Association" were printed.

Below this line is the response from the visa officer.

"I have read every missing person message you released. To be honest, looking for a few people in the endless doomsday is really like finding a needle in a haystack, not to mention we don't know if they are still alive, so the success rate is almost non-existent."

This visa officer, whose name is "Thick Earth Cannot Hold Things", is very candid and candid to the point of having low emotional intelligence.

"So I picked the most special and probably the most conspicuous simple target, which is this rabbit."

Considering that Doctor Cat is still in the possession of the puppet master, if the visa officer is mobilized to find the puppet master, the visa officer may not end well. Therefore, after Lin Sanjiu hesitated several times, he still did not release the news of Doctor Cat’s missing person— -Anyway, the puppet master is a huge target in the Twelve Worlds, and she can inquire about it privately.

"I will ask everyone who comes to me to issue a visa to keep an eye on it for you. Don't worry, there are still visa officers who have such dignity."

His proud tone can be detected through the screen.

"As long as there is no definite news that the rabbit was eaten, I will keep looking. The following is my charging plan..."

Lin Sanjiu activated McDuck's skills. She didn't expect to influence the other party through the screen. She just used McDuck's negotiation skills to reply with a letter that was to the point, clearly stated, and powerfully worded. After finishing the first one, she sighed and opened the second one with less excitement.

"What a shame, I thought I had become friends with you."

There was no description of the news and no certification from the Visa Officers Association. The first sentence made her confused for a moment.

"You've released so much missing person information, you can definitely add me to the list."

This...who is this?

"Oh, I forgot to mention that I am also in Biluo Huangquan. You are welcome to visit me. My address is the Arsenal Headquarters No. 23 of Biluo District Rare Animal Preservation Park. Tell the guard that you are looking for Siba'an."

Lin Sanjiu was startled and stared at the last sentence for a long time.

She couldn't find anything she wanted to look for, but what she didn't need to look for was right in front of her. She frowned and thought for a while, and then she wrote back a letter: "I didn't expect such a coincidence. I'll go take a look when I get the chance. By the way, what's wrong with you?" Can you see the news from the visa officer’s dedicated channel?”

Of course, Sibaan would not happen to be using the Muyu system. After her letter was sent, she did not receive any reply during more than ten minutes of searching for information on the check-in points near the Grand Canyon.

I spent five red crystals and got only one search result.

"Bliss Town, swimming pool on the fourth floor of Bliss Exhibition Hall. Note: Admission fee is required."

Lin Sanjiu's cheeks felt hot, and she glanced around reflexively. Then she remembered that she was sitting alone in a cocoon-shaped cabin.

"Oh, so the name of that place is Bliss?" Teacher Yi cooed like a dove. Lin Sanjiu believed that if she was not an image but an entity, she would have stuck her face to the screen at this time.

"This is troublesome." After a few seconds, she finally came to her senses and sighed.

The problem isn't Gargel's. Banshan Town is only a few kilometers away from the black market. If she doesn't want to go to Bliss, she can go to the black market to sign in; but no matter where she is, it is always too far from the Grand Canyon - her worries have come true, and it will take time to come and go. After nearly a day, she didn't have time to stay in the house she just bought.

Is it because the Grand Canyon is so deserted that I don’t even bother to sign in?

When she thought of exodus, she couldn't help but feel distressed: After spending such a large sum of money to buy such a perfect ideal house... she couldn't come back to live in the "lost dog" every day, right?

When they were about to return to the "Bereaved Dog" hotel, Lin Sanjiu saw another familiar shadow in the distance at the entrance of the alley. The man was covered in layers of rags, and his legs were as thin as wooden poles. From a distance, he looked like a mop turned into sperm. When his eyes suddenly met with hers, UU Reading mop cloth was stunned. He was stunned for a moment and hurriedly backed out for several steps: "Don't you, you don't live here anymore?"

This guy had not been seen before, and it seemed that he was really avoiding her.

Also, if it were the second person who didn't have such good self-control, I'm afraid the anger of stepping into the dungeon would be vented on him, let alone Lin Sanjiu's irritating situation - she took several breaths back and forth. , and finally managed to control his emotions.

"Mid-level Town?" Even though she controlled her emotions, she still grabbed the mop cloth by her collar and pulled it up from the ground. This collar is also worth talking about. It feels like it is about to break at any time - "Oh, oh, it's not Banshan Town... Further north? How far? Hey, my mother, why are you running to those barren mountains and ridges when you have nothing to do? ?Ah, the check-in point? Of course I don’t know, I’ve been there..."

Halfway through his babble, he let go and was thrown heavily to the ground.

The mop cloth fell to pieces with a bang. It seemed that even if it had the ability to evolve, it wouldn't be much stronger. He turned over and climbed up, craned his neck and took a look - Lin Sanjiu didn't even look back, and soon became a small figure in the red brick alley; he hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and murmured something , turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

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