Doomsday Wonderland

Seven hundred and thirty-three, come and tell your story

( ) Lin Sanjiu held her breath, lowered her body, and stared motionlessly at the shadow in the distance.

She obviously didn't make a sound, but the shadow took two steps into the forest and somehow stopped and looked back and forth. When he was walking just now, his hands were swinging by his side; when he turned his head again, she was immediately more sure of the other person's identity: because she saw a long ponytail on the back of the man's head.

The ponytail man seemed to be suspicious for some reason. He stood there for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and slowly exited the woods. Under the dim moonlight outside, it seemed that he had not gone far, still staying near the entrance of the woods, casting a long, constantly shaking black shadow in the forest.

Lin Sanjiu cursed softly in her mind and slid down the tree trunk to the ground as quietly as possible.

No matter how powerful the evolver is, he can't eliminate the friction sound between clothes and the surface of objects - although the rustling friction sound is very slight, it seems that Long Ponytail still hears it; when she steps in the shadow, step by step When approaching the forest, the figure suddenly paused, then turned and left.

Lin Sanjiu was ejected from the forest like an arrow from a string, turning into a black shadow under the moonlight, and in the blink of an eye he had already landed on top of the man's head. His long ponytail reacted very quickly, twisted his body and rolled on the ground, and escaped. Her attack range.

"Fuck you!"

The pony-tailed man cursed angrily, and before he could stand up completely, he turned back and threw a piece of sparkling powder at her. Lin Sanjiu's consciousness immediately rushed forward, swirling the air and wrapping the powder around her. . Just when she was about to call out [Tornado Whip] to blow the powder back, she didn't expect that the pony-tailed man showed no signs of fighting. He kicked his foot, and two white lights suddenly shot out from the heels of his shoes - the light suddenly brightened. By then, he had already rushed out far away.

The two white lights shimmered on the flat ground, imitating an undulating wave of light and shadow under his feet; the ponytail man half-bent over the water waves formed by the white light as if surfing, controlling his center of gravity while speeding Sliding away; he glanced back at Lin Sanjiu and shouted: "Be careful in the future and don't let me see you!"

There is such an arrogant guy.

A strong gust of wind suddenly rose from the ground, and the powder wrapped in consciousness spurted out. A bright shimmer filled the air, and was blown straight towards the pony-tailed man. The pony-tailed man seemed to be very afraid of the powder. His feet hurriedly accelerated, and in an instant he became a black dot in the distant night.

The powder failed to catch the target and was floating precariously in the air. It seemed that it would not dissipate for a long time. Lin Sanjiu snorted from his nose, stared at the vague shadow of the ponytail man, and immediately turned around. , took a detour and chased after him.

The performance of the opponent's shoes was truly amazing beyond imagination - she had just chased him a few steps, when she saw high "water walls" formed by bursts of white light rising up on the dark ground, and several pony-tailed men. Sprinting, the shadow disappeared between the "waves". As soon as he disappeared, the white light suddenly dimmed on the horizon, and the sky and earth returned to darkness.

As expected, the evolvers of the Twelve Realms cannot be looked upon.

When Lin Sanjiu walked back to the forest edge full of boredom, she found that the piece of powder was still densely floating in the air. They seemed to be corrosive in some way, and the air near each powder was dyed a faint gray-black color, as if a thick poisonous gas was about to gradually spread.

Not only was the person following him not caught, but something like this was thrown at the door of his house. When Lin Sanjiu thought about this, he became extremely angry. She wrapped the piece of powder with her consciousness and smashed it all into a silver trash can - that was a special item obtained from Carrot. No matter what was thrown in, it would disappear inside. Clean.

"Others can even raise their children here, why can't I live peacefully for fourteen months?"

She complained in a low voice to Teacher Yi and shuffled towards the woods. When she arrived at the place where the pony-tailed man had stopped, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

There was something flat on the ground at the edge of the forest, which looked dim and unclear in the hazy night. Lin Sanjiu became alert, stretched the pointer, and poked the thing a few meters away - the thing made a rustling sound, and reflected light when poked by the pointer; she took a few steps closer to take a look. , and discovered that it was a map.

The map, folded into several folds, seemed to have been opened and closed many times, and the edges of the paper showed white ridges after wear and tear. This is the most common map in Biluo Huangquan, and Lin Sanjiu herself has one; she clutched the map and her brows gradually furrowed.

This was obviously caused by the ponytail man just now.

"Why do you need to take out the map when you're stalking someone?"

She muttered to herself and turned around subconsciously. She was standing on a slowly rising slope, and the dark black earth spread out under her feet under the night sky, spreading into the distance. The plane that brought her back now became a faint light on the distant horizon - it had its last flight back tonight.

After the fight just now, the ponytail man would never foolishly fly back again.

Lin Sanjiu frowned and shook his head. He stuffed the map back into his trouser pocket and started to walk into the woods. As soon as this step was taken, she paused again.

Just like she occasionally felt that she had forgotten something when she went out, she was currently troubled by a vague feeling that she had overlooked something.

She looked up again at the orange-red light spot on the horizon, thought about it, and turned on [Consciousness Scanning].

[Consciousness Scanning] can cover a range farther than her gaze, so it is very suitable for use in the unobstructed wilderness below the woods. As she walked forward, she kept turning her head to scan the ground around her - finally as she walked down the slope, a shaking shadow seemed to be faintly captured on the edge of [Consciousness Scanning].

Is that ponytail man really that stupid?

When Lin Sanjiu's heart skipped a beat, her body suddenly jumped forward like a black panther. The night wind immediately stirred up, hitting her skin coolly, making her hair fly. Listening to the rustling of the grass under her feet, the scanning range in her mind quickly approached the shadow.

Not the ponytail man - she stopped suddenly.

Her speed was extremely fast, and she had closed a large distance in just one minute; in the night ahead, she could already vaguely see the rather crude outline of the plane. The back of a man was walking quickly towards the plane, holding a short shadow with one hand. No, it was the father and his son who had just woken up.

"They walked around pretty fast..." Lin Sanjiu sighed and turned around to walk back.

The next second she was suddenly shocked, and she understood everything in an instant; she suddenly turned around and pounced on the two figures in front of her like lightning.

There was still a long distance between the two sides; perhaps it was the sound of the wind she stirred up, or perhaps the sound of the grass collapsing under her feet, which seemed to have immediately alerted the father to the fact that there was someone behind him.

However, he didn't even look back, grabbed his son beside him, and ran towards the plane. The child's speed was not weaker than his father's. The two sides were running at high speed, getting closer and closer to the plane. In a few breaths, the pitted gray fuselage gradually revealed its shape from the night. . The old captain with a white beard was sitting on the escalator at the door, holding a bottle of homemade wine in his hand. Suddenly he saw several shadows flying towards him, one after another, which obviously startled him. The wine spilled all over his pants: "What, what's going on -"

"Take us away!"

The father roared angrily and waved his hand, and a shadow of a constantly rotating blade appeared in his hand. It looked similar to the fan blades on the nose of the aircraft. He grabbed the short figure next to him with his other hand, raised his arms and threw him out. With the sound of the bottle breaking, the child had already hugged the old captain's neck.

Under the lighting in the cabin, the child turned his head, revealing a green stubble on his cheek. He opened his mouth, and a deep adult male voice rang out from his mouth: "Take off quickly, don't let that woman come up!"

"Wait, I have something to say-"

The old captain seemed to have average abilities and was not known for his combat prowess. After a few struggles, he was dragged into the cabin by the "child". "Father" rushed up the escalator in a few steps, glanced back, and kicked the escalator away.

Lin Sanjiu was only a few steps away from them and was almost hit by the escalator. But at this moment, the engine suddenly roared, and the fuselage shook and blew strong winds; she dodged the ladder that was rolling around and scattered into several pieces, kicked off the ground with her feet, and jumped high in the air. , and grabbed the edge of the aircraft hatch.

The anxious sweat on the "father's" face glistened under the light. He held the armrest behind the hatch with one hand, and the rotating fan blades in his other hand rolled towards Lin Sanjiu. Her body was shaken by the vibration of the plane, and several fan blades with sharp edges tore through the air at the same time, cutting straight towards her face - she was hanging in the air, with too many places to hide, so she had no choice but to let go. It fell straight back to the ground.


The "father's" half-laughter reached her ears vaguely amid the roar of the plane engine.

However, before he could retract from the cabin door, he suddenly slipped out of the door, and then his whole body fell into the air as if someone had dragged him out. Lin Sanjiu fell on his back, tightly bound his ankles with his consciousness, and threw him heavily behind him.

His long scream soon turned into a heavy "bang" sound.

Several rows of rollers under the plane's fuselage suddenly started to rotate, causing bursts of white smoke to rub against the rough runway.

"Wait!" The man turned over and jumped up, hissing, "Wait for me, let me get up!"

It's a pity that his "son" didn't seem to know that he was dragged off the plane. The plane roared forward indifferently, quickly leaving the ground and sliding unsteadily into the night sky. It seemed to have taken off too hastily. The left and right wings swayed back and forth several times before finally turning into a few orange-red lights and disappearing into the growing darkness.

The "father" knelt on the ground in a daze, seemingly stunned.

After half a second, he reacted in a flash, jumped up and was about to run away; however, this time he was half a beat too slow, and something suddenly hit him hard on the back of his head. He immediately let out a scream, and his steps were unsteady. It fell to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu's whole body was wrapped in [consciousness protection], and a knee was pressed hard on the back of his neck.

"Who are you?" She gasped and gritted her teeth: "Why are you following me?"

The man's face was pressed to the ground by her, and the sounds in his mouth were all muffled. After listening for a while, she realized that the other man was accusing him.

"Damn it, I don't, no one... no one will believe that we are against father and son," he shouted half frustrated and half angry, "There are no fathers in the Twelve Worlds to take care of their children!"

Lin Sanjiu paused when he heard this, grabbed the hair on the back of his head and smashed it to the ground.

"Listen up, UU Reading" she whispered, "it is not your identity as father and son that betrays you."

The man turned one eye from the side of his face. When his nostrils were filled with plaster, he did not forget to wonder.

"Then the captain is going to raise prices tomorrow, why are you so excited?" Lin Sanjiu sneered, "If you were just a tourist, you wouldn't come back to see that dungeon a second time. Who can return to the same dungeon attractions?" Lin Sanjiu sneered. How many times can you swim without success? So whether the price goes up or not, what does it have to do with you? You should learn more from other people with ponytails, that is an attitude that has nothing to do with you."

The man blinked blankly and spat out some mud from his mouth.

The reason why the pony-tailed man had been following her just now was probably because he thought she was a tourist heading to the dungeon. He probably felt something was wrong while walking, so he took out the map to find the direction. But Lin Sanjiu's sudden attack on him alerted the "father and son" who were really hiding in the dark - fortunately, she didn't let this guy escape in the end.

"Have you ever heard of Route 300?" Lin Sanjiu smiled at him. The man's eyes were wide open and he turned a few times helplessly. He didn't notice anything was wrong with him yet - "You must have been keeping an eye on me for a while, right? I just saw you for the first time today. Well, I miss you." There are probably a lot of stories you can tell me."·k·s·b·

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