Earth Era

Chapter 40: The Bottom

"No, the head of state is not worried about causing chaos." Zhao Huasheng's tone was still light, "Have you noticed that in Equator City, the suicide rate has increased from 1 in 10,000 to 29 in 1,000, which is enough That's a 290-fold increase. Twenty-nine out of every thousand people commit suicide. The total number of suicides has exceeded 150 million. Do you know what that means..."

"This means that our human society has lost its vitality, and people are being devoured by despair. Even, I am looking forward to another riot in our human society at this moment. Because riots also mean resistance, but now, There are no more riots in our human society." Zhao Huasheng said weakly, "People...have lost the courage to fight. If this continues, before the sun crisis wipes out our human beings, we human beings will die I became extinct by myself. So... Human society needs this extremely explosive news. I hope that this news can arouse the hope for the future deep in people's hearts, and make a hole in the sky of despair, so that hope The light shines again..."

"So, the head of state agreed to my proposal to announce this news. Of course, this will be after my speculation has been verified. When the Scarlet Heart spaceship has obtained what I want, I will announce this The news is published."

"Are you...are you confident that your guess must be correct?" Munjo asked.

Zhao Huasheng nodded: "This time, I will not make a mistake. I have enough confidence."

Monjo nodded and stopped talking. The car was rapidly approaching Zhao Huasheng's residence, but when it was a few kilometers away from the destination, Meng Zhuo found that the car could no longer move forward.

Because there are many people in front of them, so many that they completely block the road. After the car, many people are also gathering here quickly, blending into the gathered crowd. The crowd is getting bigger and bigger.

"What are they doing? A riot? But it doesn't look like it." Zhao Huasheng was a little puzzled.

"It's dangerous here, let's leave here immediately." Meng Zhuo made a decisive decision and was about to turn the car around and leave here immediately. But Zhao Huasheng stopped Mengzhuo. Because Zhao Huasheng noticed that the air at this moment was still quiet, and the crowd was also quiet. No one shouted loudly, no one attacked others, no riots, no bloodshed.

People just seem to gather here, waiting for something. People are very quiet. This can't be a riot. So Zhao Huasheng opened the car door and got down. Mengzhuo also followed closely, protecting Zhao Huasheng tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Zhao Huasheng casually asked a person next to him.

The man turned around, and when he saw Zhao Huasheng, his eyes suddenly burst into a kind of excitement. He quickly suppressed his emotions, and then said in a trembling voice despite his efforts to control: "We are waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? What are you waiting for?" Zhao Huasheng asked.

"Waiting for you to save us," the man replied. While he was speaking, besides the excitement, there seemed to be a little more piety in his eyes, just like when a believer is facing the gods he believes in.

Between the question and the answer, the people around had already noticed what was going on here. Many people turned their heads to look here, and there was hope and prayer in those eyes.

All the muscles in Monjo's body tensed. At this moment, Mengzhuo has made up his mind. If there is an uncontrollable congestion incident, even if these civilians are killed, even if his hands are covered with blood, even if he dies, he must protect Zhao Huasheng and leave safely. here. Just like when Monjo killed the polar bear in the North Pole, "The hope of mankind cannot be destroyed in your hands."

Aware of Mengzhuo's nervousness, Zhao Huasheng patted Mengzhuo's shoulder lightly, signaling Mengzhuo to relax. Zhao Huasheng already knew what happened here.

"People in despair pinned the last hope in their hearts on me. Although I am not the savior, but at this moment, I have to take on the responsibility of being the savior." Zhao Huasheng thought silently, "Fortunately, I am now There is good news that is not good news to tell them."

"Notify the reporters of the major media, let them go to my residence immediately to prepare for my interview, and at the same time, let them prepare to start broadcasting the interview with me. All, all the media must come. I want everyone in the world to be able to Hear my voice." Zhao Huasheng said. Monjo nodded. So a moment later, Zhao Huasheng saw more than a dozen helicopters with the logos of major media flying in the sky, flying in the direction of Zhao Huasheng's home in Equator City.

Zhao Huasheng turned around and said to the person who was talking to him just now: "Don't worry, I'm here, and I will save our entire civilization."

"Thank you. You are the only hope of our human civilization now, and you are the savior." The man bent down devoutly and bowed deeply to Zhao Huasheng.

Zhao Huasheng nodded, and then walked forward with Mengzhuo. In this quiet crowd, wherever Zhao Huasheng went, he would automatically make way for a passage. Countless people were bowing to Zhao Huasheng, and countless people were clasping their palms together in front of Zhao Huasheng. But the crowd has been very quiet, no one made any noise.

It's a few kilometers away from where I live. In this way, Zhao Huasheng kept moving forward among the crowd until he came to his residence. The security personnel are tensely maintaining order here, and have drawn a cordon 20 meters in front of the community, prohibiting any irrelevant personnel from approaching. People also cooperated with the command of the security personnel, and there was no crowding.

Zhao Huasheng saw that more than a dozen helicopters had parked in front of his residence, and many staff members with video recording equipment were nervously debugging there. Ahead, a simple rostrum has been set up, and a set of audio equipment has also been prepared.

At this moment, all the TV stations, radio stations, and public big screens in the entire Equator City showed the pictures here. The host is nervously explaining the situation here: "Today, more than 200,000 people gathered in front of Zhao Huasheng's residence, praying for Zhao Huasheng to save our civilization, and Zhao Huasheng's research work seems to have made progress, and he is going to present to Zhao Huasheng today. We'll announce some news. As for whether the news is good or bad, let's wait and see."

"If there is really a savior in this world who can save our entire human civilization, then this savior is undoubtedly Zhao Huasheng. Only Zhao Huasheng can take on this responsibility. Now, let us start praying together. The savior of our human civilization Fate is about to be sentenced by Zhao Huasheng."

Zhao Huasheng walked to the rostrum that had been built. Countless spotlights were aimed at Zhao Huasheng at the same moment. From this moment on, every word Zhao Huasheng said and every action he made will be transmitted to the whole world through these cameras, and will be transmitted to the eyes of everyone who is standing in front of the TV or other communication tools.

"I have some news to announce to you today." Zhao Huasheng said calmly. His voice was not only transmitted to all the media through the camera, but also transmitted to all the people gathered here through the audio equipment installed at the scene. in the ear. Zhao Huasheng's voice was like thunder, and with the help of audio equipment, it was heard several kilometers away.

"However, before publishing this news, I need to apologize to everyone. Yes, I am sorry. Because I did not fully complete my work. My work is divided into two phases. The first phase is to explore what is going on at this moment. What is going on, what exactly is causing the sun to cool, and the second phase is to find a solution to this factor. So far, I have only completed the first phase, and I have only found out that the sun is cooling The reason, but unfortunately, I have no idea how to solve this problem."

"And what makes me even more sorry is that at this moment, I can't even tell you why the sun is getting colder. Because my speculation still needs to be verified. Before the verification results come out, I can't just live up to it. It is my responsibility to announce it. What I can tell you about this matter is that I am very confident and sure about my speculation. I can feel that I have solved the mystery left by Director Li Qi .”

"Besides, I have some good news to tell you." Zhao Huasheng stopped at this point.

The whole world, whether it is the people working on the cold construction site, or the people hiding at home wearing thick clothes, or the left-behind personnel all over the world, etc., everyone's heart is raised at the same time.

"Our human civilization has endured too much suffering during this period of time, and we have heard too much bad news. It seems that our human civilization has no hope. It seems that we can only continue to slide down like this. There will never be a rest, until we finally fall into the bottomless abyss... The situation is indeed getting worse, our living environment is indeed getting worse, the weather is getting colder, and the food is getting less and less , hope is getting slimmer..."

"But now it is the worst." Zhao Huasheng said quietly, "Yes, our future situation cannot be worse than it is now. We are now at the bottom of the valley, which means that even if the future situation It won't be better than it is now, but it will definitely not be worse than it is now."

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