Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2308: Hold high Xiancheng

"Promoting to heaven requires nine ancestral veins. So, without the support of ancestral veins, how to lift the fairy city high and rush into the heaven gate. If not, with only one ancestral vein, it is impossible to lift the immortal kingdom high in this situation." Yi Tianxingming Get induction in the dark.

"Ancestral Tuocheng, hold the immortal country high, rush into the heavenly gate. Get up!!"

Yi Tianxing did not hesitate.

Now, the arrow is on the line and I have to send it. There is no room for tact, either rushing into the gate of heaven or knocking down the dust. This is the reason for not advancing or retreating.

expensive! !

I only heard a sound of a sky-shaking dragon, and a mysterious yellow ancestral dragon suddenly appeared. This was the ancestral vein Chenlong who had been exposed in the Great Yi. However, today's Chenlong is completely different from the previous year. His body shape has reached 129,600 feet, which is the number of one yuan, the ultimate in ancestral veins. This is a pinnacle ancestral vein.

The book booth used by book friends before

As soon as he appeared, he immediately appeared under the Xuanhuangxian City, slammed together, and lifted up the entire fairy city, followed, and rushed towards the Tianmen Dadao.

At this moment, Xiancheng lost the power of flying, only the ancestral veins had the power of carrying the sky.

Xuanhuangxian City is flying, flying towards Tianmen Dadao.

An ancestral vein, even the pinnacle ancestral vein, couldn't make Xuanhuangxian City rise into the sky very fast. But it is always unswervingly moving up.

"To stop him, we must not allow Da Yi to lift the immortal kingdom high and enter the Tianmen. This is the great fortune. Once the heaven is achieved, it is the great heaven. At that time, it will not be able to be reproduced. There will be one between the heaven and the earth."

"Never allow him to succeed, stop him, and never allow Da Yi to ascend to heaven. If you make a move, you will be promoted, and there will be catastrophes. Anyone who makes a move will not be attacked by the Dadao. This is the best time. Enter Tianmen."

"Hurry up and knock down the dust from Dayi Xiancheng."

Countless Eternal Night Demon Gods almost broke their guts on the spot, roaring in bursts of roars, the Great Heavenly Court, if this really appeared, no one could imagine how terrible it would be, it would be a real thing. No more restrictions.

If you can't hurt Pangu now, then you will stop Da Yi, and you will never allow Da Yi to be promoted successfully.

"Go to death, Da Yi is not allowed to ascend to heaven."

A huge Cthulhu evil **** rushed towards the Xuanhuangxian City, with its tentacles, frantically skyrocketing, and entangled in the Xuanhuangxian City. He wanted to pull the entire fairy city down, and he would never allow Da Yi to ascend to heaven.

"court death!!"

As Yi Tianxing witnessed, his pupils were cold, Yong Ye appeared here and would stop him. This is not surprising, but whoever dares to stop would be the enemy of Great Yi and his enemy. Everyone will die, for today, even if there are more demons, he dares to slaughter and kill.

Whoever blocks will die.

Without the slightest hesitation, the backhand is just one shot.

The domineering fist will instantly condense into a huge spear.

The emperor good fortune hand breaks the sky spear! !

This sky-breaking spear, like a punishment from the sky, broke through the void at an incredible speed and appeared directly in front of the Cthulhu evil god. The tentacles were beaten in the first place, believing that even Yi Tianxing would never pose a fatal threat to him. No matter how enchanting, it must have enough time to grow up. Even if he had already received news about Yi Tianxing's promotion to the realm of the realm, he still didn't care too much.

He is a great demon **** who has truly reached the level of Hunyuan realm.

How can one be afraid of a junior.

puff! !

However, in the next second, his face changed. The tentacles that were originally used to block the Skybreaker Spear were on the spot. They burst and shattered instantly. In the battle spear, the spear intent that bloomed completely soared. , Reached a terrible situation.

"No, it's not the realm of Zen Dao, you are the realm of Hunyuan."

The Cthulhu roared, and was immediately pierced by the war spear, and the terrifying spear exploded his entire body into small pieces of flesh and blood. And these flesh and blood fragments, in the next second, turned into countless smaller Cthulhu evil gods, and culled toward Xuanhuangxian City.

"Zheng Dao Jing, that is the old yellow calendar how many years ago. Disciple, kill!!"

Yi Tianxing said with a sneer when he heard it.

A huge heavenly gate appeared out of thin air, from the gate, roaring out a massive army of disciples, forcibly drowning those Cthulhu completely. Then he was dragged into the heavenly gate and refined by his disciples. After refining, countless Cthulhu evil gods gush out from the door.

A famous eternal night devil came to kill Xuanhuangxian City.

Everyone had a hideous expression, and no one wanted to see Da Yi ascending to heaven. Once he ascended to heaven, he would become terrifying, and the entire battle would be completely out of control.

No one can predict what will happen in the end.

A large number of demon gods killed Xuanhuangxian City.

However, Da Yi is not a vegetarian.

A disciple appeared, among the disciples, a massive army of disciples burst out. These disciples, unexpectedly, have reached a level no lower than the sixth and seventh steps, and there are even the eighth-order disciples. A fierce figure who is not afraid of death, rushing to kill, is simply crazy.

"The Great Wall of Iron and Blood!!"

The huge iron-blooded Great Wall suddenly appeared outside Xuanhuangxian City. There was no wall in Xuanhuang City, but at this moment, the iron-blooded Great Wall directly became the surrounding wall of Xuanhuang City. On the wall, you can see that countless Dayi soldiers stand tall.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"To slaughter the Yongye evil demon and want to bully me Da Yi, I really blinded you."

"Rune Cannon, blasted me fiercely."

On the Great Wall of Iron and Blood, countless war weapons flashed out in an instant, and a rune cannon shone with cold light. On it, the gems of the five evils of heaven and man were integrated. Let the Rune Cannon, even for the Hunyuan Realm, have a huge deterrent.

The lethality is greatly increased.

One after another cannon lights shot out, and you can see that in the void, countless dense cannon lights instantly blasted the many Eternal Night Demon Gods who pounced on Xuanhuangxian City, forcibly blasted into a cloud of blood, countless demon gods and countless demons, falling from the void .

It's as if flesh and blood fireworks were set off in mid-air.

awful! !


Even the Demon God's Fortress, under the intensive artillery fire, was bombarded and collapsed back 100,000 miles, and the Fortress suffered huge damage.


However, in the next second, more demon soldiers will be killed from a distance. Even if it is to abandon the Eternal Heavenly Ark that is facing the enemy, Da Yi must be blocked.

Every demon **** soldier is like an exterminating demon god.

A demon **** soldier like a demon ape, brandishing an iron rod, slammed heavily at Xuanhuangcheng.

However, in the next second, I saw that a huge formation appeared outside the fairy city. It was a large formation of the Chinese zodiac. The formation was moving, and the surrounding time seemed to have undergone a huge reversal. The iron rod knocked down, it was originally fierce and fast as lightning, but as soon as it approached Xiancheng, it instantly seemed like a tortoise, very slow.


In the array picture, only a figure wearing a dragon armor appeared, and the demon ape flew backwards with a punch. The speed was so fast that it seemed that within the formation, his time flow rate had been increased by several times.

"How is it possible, Hunyuan Realm."

The magic monkey made a sound almost.

The guardian warrior of the Chinese zodiac is not a vegetarian in these years. Each one, its own combat power, completely reached the level of the Hunyuan Realm. Can fight with saints. Said to be the patron saint of Da Yi, it is already genuine.

Roar! !

Xuanhuangxian City continued to rise, heading towards Tianmen.

However, after rising to a certain height, the pressure transmitted from the Tianmen was even greater, and one of the ancestral veins was obviously too weak. But the next second, I heard a roar, a snake ancestral vein like a giant python, appeared under the fairy city, together holding the fairy city, the speed of the fairy city's rising began to increase again. Without stopping.

"The second ancestral vein, Da Yi has the hope of being promoted to Heaven. Fellow Daoists, kill and block these Eternal Night Demon Gods. They must not be allowed to succeed."

On the eternal side, many Eternal Tianzhou immediately roared when they saw that Da Yi once again took out an ancestral vein, and began to block the overwhelming demon gods.

For a time, almost all the demon gods were unable to free their hands to intercept Da Yi.

After that, I saw it again.

Article three!

Article four! !

The fifth! !

A total of nine ancestral veins appeared one after another, appearing under the Xuanhuang City, making the entire fairy city soaring rapidly several times faster. With the entire Xuanhuangxian City, it quickly soared towards the Tianmen.

Soon, it has appeared before Tianmen.

"If you want to enter the gate of heaven, then you can also ask if you can agree to it."

In the void, a radiant blood moon slashed towards Xuanhuangxian City like a huge moon wheel. In the **** moon, one could see that evil eyes ruled, looking at Xuanhuangxian City coldly.

"Good coming, today, the immortal emperor is going to avenge his revenge."

Yi Tianxing witnessed an endless battle intent in his eyes.

I have never forgotten what happened back then.

"Jiangshan Sheji map, get up!!"

In the entire Xuanhuangxian City, in the cloud world, in countless small worlds, the big Yixian City shone with divine light at the same time. The great geomancy formation of the pictures of Jiangshan Sheji, opened in an instant, and the endless power of the Sheji gathered on Xuanhuangxian City.

At this moment, within Yi Tianxing's body, the Eternal Heavenly Emperor Sutra was operating. The picture of the Emperor's Royal Dragon is connected to the picture of Jiangshan Sheji from the outside world. A rush of Pei Ran vigorously poured into the body. In an instant, the whole body skyrocketed at an incredible speed, as if to become a heavenly emperor.

"People of Da Yi, raise your right hand, please lend me your power to help me kill the enemy."

Yi Tianxing issued a shout.

Suddenly, in the entire Dayi territory, whether in the cloud world or in the billions of small worlds, all Dayi's citizens raised their right hands at the same time, lending out their power without hesitation.

The people of Dayi are more than billions.

At this moment, it is unimaginable.

The power of Xuanhuangxian City gathered in his body.

The power of Hongmeng Tiandi Pagoda poured into the body.

The mighty power of Jiangshan Sheji map is integrated.

The power of billions of people is gathered together. №ⅰ

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