Forces of Temptation

Chapter 21: Xiao Ming's daily life (8)

A sharp scream came from the bathroom, making the people in the living room almost jump up.

Skinny monkey took the lead and rushed to the door: "Sister Shen!"

He raised his hand to press the door handle, only to find that the door was locked from the inside.

Shen Jie's voice trembled: "Don't..."

"Don't think about it..." Shen Jie panted in a low voice, "I locked the door... I blocked it, not you. I blocked it myself."

“…If I run out on impulse and the task is not completed, what should I do?”

...Li Yinhang admired Shen Jie's ruthlessness towards him at this juncture.

She lay on the door and knocked carefully: "Sister, I'll go in with you."

Shen Jie didn't say anything, she twisted the door lock and opened a crack for her.

In an hour.

Shen Jie, wrapped in a towel, walked out of the bathroom in a cold sweat.

…This bath made me feel lonely.

She described her experience as briefly as possible.

Because the feet appeared too fast, and Shen Jie saw it with her head down, she didn't have time to see the whole picture of the person behind her.

She can only grasp the details: "The feet are not big."

Nan Zhou asked her, "Is it a child's foot or an adult's foot?"

Shen Jie's face was pale and miserable: "It's like... a woman's foot."

The living room was silent for a moment.

The second boot fell, but it didn't ease anyone even a little bit.

In horror games, once the plot develops to a critical point, or the investigation enters an important stage, ghosts will appear.

In ordinary games, this is a very common routine.

However, even the most difficult game can be reverted infinitely.

But for them now, if they take a wrong step, they may never go back.

When everyone fell silent, Nan Zhou suddenly raised his head and asked, "Why a woman?"

Others invariably said: "...Huh?"

Nan Zhou repeated: "Why is it a woman?"

Everyone: "…"

Isn't this crap?

There is only one woman who clearly died in this family.

The key point is that Nan Zhou's expression is very real, and it seems that he is really thinking about this issue.

Although he knew that Nan Zhou was a smart person, and he was the one with the most points in this dungeon, his thinking was too elusive and elusive.

The fitness coach who couldn't keep up with his ideas was a little impatient: "Can you ask less questions?"

"Where is Mr. Jiang?" He turned to look for the Jiangfang translation machine, "Where is Mr. Jiang?"

The thin monkey made a "tsk", patted his head, and pointed to the door of the children's room.

…Jiang Fang went in long ago.

At this time.

Jiang Fang was lying on the bed in the children's room alone, with his hands folded in front of his chest, and repeatedly fiddling with his fingers, thereby urging his mind to run at a high speed.

Because of his height, he can't lie flat on the cramped children's bed, so he can only hang his feet on the side of the bed and step on the slippers by the side of the bed.

The voice of Nanzhou outside the door came faintly through the door panel.

"Why is it a woman?"

Jiang Fang suddenly sat up from the bed after hearing this.

A little inspiration flashed through his mind like a shooting star.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to catch it, and when he realized it, only the light tail of the meteor was left in his mind.

Jiang Fang frowned, feeling slightly unhappy.

When he confirmed that he really failed to grasp the inspiration and had to lie back on the bed, the door of the children's room was knocked from outside.

Immediately afterwards, a figure slipped in through the crack of the door.

…Nanzhou holding a quilt and pillow.

Jiang Fang did not move.

He, like Nanyang Xing squatting on Nanzhou's shoulders, watched him rustling under the bed to spread the quilt.

"Miss Li and 'Shunfeng' are sleeping in the living room. I'm here to sleep."

Nan Zhou stated the facts: "They don't understand me."

…The tone was very flat, but Jiang Fang heard a little grievance from it.

When Jiang Fang repeatedly tried to press the corner of his mouth, Nan Zhou reflected: "Also, it may be because I tore the wallpaper that Shen Jie will encounter the incident in the bathroom. I Think, maybe something will happen tonight."

"So?" In the dim light of the swimming night light, Jiang Fang looked at Nanzhou, "You moved in to protect me?"

"Yes." Nan Zhou didn't think about it, "Protect teammates, there will be points."

This is the valuable gaming experience Nanzhou accumulated on the bus.

If you protect teammates of the same position, one person is worth 100 points.

Jiang Fang: “…”

Nan Zhou: "Why don't you speak."

Besides crying and laughing, Jiang Fang reached out to the bed: "Your 100 points want to say goodnight to you."

Nan Zhou looked at the hand stretched out in front of him, and gently touched his palm: "Late..."

Jiang Fang suddenly took his hand.

It's not the kind of strong sense of control and aggression, but close and hold, the movements are light but firm.

He didn't hold it for a long time, and after touching it for a moment, it naturally loosened.

Jiang Fang said with a smile: "Today is a bit overworked and blood is coming back."

Nan Zhou didn't quite understand why holding his hand could restore blood, but he still gave a low "uh" to indicate that he knew.

Turn over, Nan Zhou thought, Jiang Fang's palms are really soft, just as he thought.

Thinking about it, Nan Zhou fell asleep.

He had a dream.

Nan Zhou can't remember how long he hasn't had a dream.

In the dream, he was riding a bicycle on the central street of a small town.

There are people passing by, and familiar children wave at him and call him "Mr. Nan".

He nodded and signaled to the child, kept his feet, and kept riding forward, until he reached the end of the crowd and the end of the road, and then suddenly braked.

He was sitting on the bicycle seat, quietly watching the blood-stained sunset disappear in the sky, and slowly devoured an entire apple before turning the car around, wearing a dazzling starlight that made it particularly dim and hazy the moonlight, back to the brightly lit home in the town.

Mother smiled: "Are you back?"

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

My sister stuck her head out: "You're back?"

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

Father is gentle and loving: "Back?"

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

After responding one by one, he put down the schoolbag full of paint, rolled up his sleeves, and walked into the kitchen.

But he found that a stranger was actually in his kitchen, serving a steaming cake from the oven.

He probably heard the sound, and the man turned around and said with a smile: "...back?"

In the dream, Nan Zhou could not see his face.

He tried every means, and tried his best to find out who he was.

Come around to him.

Take his shoulders.

Try to hold his face.

But he just couldn't see who he was.

Nan Zhou asked: "Who are you?"

The man was always smiling in the mist and refused to tell him.

Nan Zhou suddenly woke up with the sound of rapid breathing.

The warm light penetrated the window.

The sky is clear.

The elevated body temperature gradually normalizes, and the disturbed breathing gradually stabilizes.

But his spirit is still in a trance.

Nanzhou has a little problem with dreaming.

…He doesn’t easily escape from the dream.

Nan Zhou stared at the ceiling in front of him, trying to focus on a certain reality and speed up the process of thinking.

However, he looked at it, frowning.

…he felt like something was wrong.

At this moment, a classic scolding from a fitness coach came from outside: "Fuck!"

Nanzhou bounced off the ground and sat up.

It was not until he sat firmly that he was convinced that all this was not his illusion.

The house in front of them had a wonderful... no, weird distortion.

…the house is getting smaller.

When Nan Zhou stood up, his head almost touched the ceiling.

When Nan Zhou couldn't come back to his senses, he was wrapped in one hand and rubbed the top of his hair.

Nan Zhou looked at Jiang Fang who was awake beside him, and suddenly felt that he was very familiar.

But the content of the dream, within a few minutes of waking up, has gradually faded away.

Nan Zhou stared straight at him for a while, then pointed to the ceiling, and whispered, " fell."

"It's all right." Jiang Fang patted his back and comforted him gently, "Even if the sky falls, luckily I'm still tall."

The author has something to say:

Nan Zhou's garbled san value is answered w

—not afraid of ghosts at all, but violently crispy dps that is unexpectedly vulnerable to mental attacks

System: You made me so confused.jpg

①dps: refers to the output, attacking the opponent's main force

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