Forces of Temptation

Chapter 32: Paper Gold (5)

Boss Qu has lost two games in a row.

Although the bet can only be considered a small game, more and more people are watching.

It is very interesting to watch the boss suffer, even if it is a small loss.

The decent smile was like a mask, glued to his face without any shake.

Only the slightly enlarged nostrils betrayed the ups and downs in his heart.

He didn't have time to figure out what was going on.

He only knows that he must not speak out.

Even if Jiang Fang really came out, the marked grass flower 3 was really touched by himself.

From an outsider's point of view, can Jiang Fang still be able to control which one he chooses?

In this wave, Qu Jinsha was beaten by Jiang Fang.

However, he needs to take some steps.

Qu Jinsha called him gently: "Xiao Jiang?"

Jiang Fang took back his gaze from the pagoda-shaped chip tray and asked him what he wanted to say.

Qu Jinsha naturally asked, "Would you like a drink?"

Jiang Fang smiled calmly: "Is it Boss Qu?"

Qu Jinsha said with a smile: "Of course."

He hooked his finger and whispered to the casino waiter.

Shortly after, the waiter who had just left walked through the crowd, frequently saying "Let me go".

He brought a glass of vodka, and a glass of pomegranate juice, all of which were served in a delicate large glass with a round ice ball floating in it, and the glass was condensed with a piece of hoarfrost.

The strong aroma of wine made Jiang Fang frown inconspicuously.

He said, "I don't like drinking much."

"Ah—" Qu Jinsha's voice turned a strange twist, "You have some Russian blood, right? How can Maozi not drink?"

Faced with persuading people to drink, Jiang Fang did not refuse strongly, took the wine glass, sniffed it lightly, and smiled again: "This glass is not cheap."

Qu Jinsha did not hide: "150 points for a cup. It is the most expensive wine in the field."

Jiang Fang leaned over the wine glass and tasted it lightly.

The mellow spiciness blooms on the tip of the tongue, first icy cold, then burning like a flame.

"Feixuan, made in Poland." Jiang Fang suggested, "It would be better if you didn't add ice, or add a few drops of lime juice."

Qu Jinsha looked at him with more content: "...Thank you for the suggestion."

The textured green gaming table exudes a large dark color.

The waiter's expression changed, he hurriedly took out a handkerchief, covered the stained area, and kept apologizing.

Qu Jinsha has a generous personality and naturally won't care about this little miss.

"It's all right." Qu Jinsha picked up the card dipped in pomegranate juice and put it face down on the waiter's empty plate, "Just change the second card."

Seeing this, Jiang Fang put the cup to his lips, and his expression did not fluctuate much.

Even after listening to Qu Jinsha's words, he waved to the waiter: "Excuse me. If you have a small lime, get one for me too."

The waiter was stunned for a moment and looked at Qu Jinsha subconsciously.

Qu Jinsha gave him a slight nod before he put away the tray, said yes, and turned to leave.

Not long after, a new deck of cards and Jiang Fang's small limes were delivered.

Qu Jinsha opened the new card, Jiang Fang squeezed a little lemon.

Qu Jinsha deliberately asked him: "Is the card still checked?"

Jiang Fang seems not very interested in this.

He took a sip of his newly prepared wine and squinted his eyes with satisfaction: "Boss Qu first."

Qu Jinsha managed the cards with her short fat fingers.

He also laughed and laughed at himself: "The reaction is slow, not as good as young people."

Jiang Fang: "Boss Qu, don't be too modest."

Qu Jinsha handed over the cards he had dealt with to Jiang Fang: "Xiao Jiang is also quite modest. He also said he can't drink."

"I don't like it, it's not that I won't."

Jiang Fang took over Qu Jinsha's cards, but he didn't use his thumb to click one by one as he did when he got new cards for the first time.

He held the wine glass in one hand, and the thumb and tail finger of the other hand cooperated tacitly. Turn it upside down and slide to the bottom.

This unique skill of one-handed shuffling makes the gambler behind him gleam, wishing to learn the art on the spot.

Nan Zhou tilted his head beside him, his left hand behind his back, silently learning his movements.

While shuffling the cards, Jiang Fang asked, "The next round is Boss Qu, right?"

Qu Jinsha: "Yes."

Jiang Fang raised his glass to him: "...then I have to get ready."

Quejin responded with pomegranate juice.

And in the sleeve of the hand he replied was carrying a card.

…bet the biggest 2 of spades.

Just now, at the end of the second game, Qu Jinsha quickly locked the position of 2 of spades.

When he started sorting out, he deliberately drew the 2 of spades on the top of all the cards.

When handing the old cards stained with pomegranate juice to the waiter, he pressed his wrists, gathered all the cards in his palm, and put the buckles back on the tray.

In this gap, his stubby ring finger slipped back slightly, and the top 2 of spades fell firmly into his sleeve.

This is Qujinsha's trump card.

If Jiang Fang repeats his old tricks and continues to play with cards, then he doesn't mind using this card to teach Jiang Fang a small lesson.

After shuffling all the cards from the reverse side to the front side, Jiang Fang put it down and wiped it with one finger.

Jiang Fang glanced briefly, then hooked the last card with his tail finger, and closed the unfolded fan perfectly again: "That's it."

Qu Jinsha was a little confused.

Why didn't he make any attempt to destroy the magnetic code this time?

Qu Jinsha can't understand, can't figure it out.

In all uncertainty, new cards are sent to the shuffler.

Third game, open.

Until the card surface was wiped away by the dealer's copper hook, I saw with my own eyes that there were two or three cards with special coloring that I was very familiar with on the back, Qu Jinsha still couldn't figure it out, Jiang Fang moved What kind of hands and feet.

Although he said to "get ready", Jiang Fang didn't seem to care about the outcome of this round.

He quickly selects the card he wants, draws it, and presses the card down with only the puck.

After choosing, he gently reached out to Qu Jinsha.

…it’s your turn.

In front of you are new cards that have been screened by the machine and ensured to take effect.

Then, should he use the trump card in his sleeve, or not?

After a brief tangle, Qu Jinsha probed and picked out a card with a secret from the deck.

In order to avoid the same embarrassment as last time, Qu Jinsha quietly checked the numbers the moment the cards arrived.

It is 2 of Hearts.

The size of the board is second only to the 2 of spades.

He exhaled slowly, and the smile on his face became more kind and gentle.

…you can rest easy.

After the cards are drawn, the dealer will collect the other cards according to the rules.

Jiang Fang raised a corner of the card.

The seven or eight people behind him are sticking their heads to look.

However, Jiang Fang's technique is very fast. As soon as he opens and closes, he quickly isolates countless eyes from the outside.

Qu Jinsha stared into his eyes and asked with a smile, "How much?"

Jiang Fang looked at his chip.

It contains all the chips he has won so far.

30 points from the first game, 340 points from the second game, plus 100 points from Qu Jinsha.

Total 440 points.

He thought about it, and took one red and two yellow from the chip tray.

He bet this round at 560.

Qu Jinsha added his own chips to the same amount, and sighed with a smile: "How come there are still zeros and rounds."

Jiang Fang asked him: "Do you raise?"

Qu Jinsha asked: "Are you adding?"

Jiang Fang: "Add."

Jiang Fang looked at the chip plate again.

Qu Jinsha has a good time to see how much he plans to add.

No matter how much he adds, Qu Jinsha has room to accompany him to the end.

But just for a moment, he couldn't laugh at all.

Jiang Fang picked out three yellow chips from the plate, and after one blue chip, put them on the side of the gaming table.

The bunny croupier reminded softly: "All chips must be placed in the chip slot to take effect."

Jiang Fang replied with a warm smile: "Thank you for the reminder."

After all, he picked up the chip tray with the four chips removed, and placed it firmly on the chip grid on his side.

Jiang Fang smiled at Qu Jinsha: "Please get another plate."

Qu Jinsha's complexion turned white at first, and then turned to a faint iron blue.

He gripped the soft leather armrest of the chair with his fingernails, and forced a smile: "This...are you sure?"

"I counted it." Jiang Fang calmly said, "Remove the four, the face value of the points in this game is 12,000 points in total."

After saying this, he nodded gracefully: "My partner and I can afford it."

Li Yinhang's head exploded with a bang.

Why do you want to play so big all of a sudden? !

She took a step forward subconsciously: "Jiang..."

Li Yinhang was stunned for a while, and his eyes lit up.

By the way, Nan Zhou is standing beside Jiang Fang.

He must have seen Jiang Fang's cards!

Therefore, the cards Jiang Fang drew must be an overwhelming victory this time!

He wanted to wipe his forehead with a linen handkerchief, but after taking it out, he could only hold it in his palm to absorb the sweat.

He heard himself calling the waiter in a dry and steady voice: "Bring another plate over."

That is to say, in fact, his confidence has long been drained.

Every heart beat, as if a plumb bob was hitting his ribs hard.

Many worries rushed into his mind.

What did Jiang Fang win? !

How dare he bet like that?

Is he out again? !

In an instant, a flash of light flashed.

—Could it be that he drew 2 of spades?

In just half a minute, the sweetness of pomegranate juice quickly fermented into a sour and bitter rotten taste in his mouth.

The dealer has put away the unused cards, and Qu Jinsha has no way to verify that there are several big cards with imprints.

Jiang Fang also pressed the back of the card with a glass of vodka.

If he draws 2 of spades…

No, he must have won!


I am the dealer this round, and I will pay 3 times!

What does it mean for him to lose 3 times?

In this situation, Qu Jinsha even felt a little fortunate.

If he really made a thousand and used the 2 of spades hidden in his sleeve, Jiang Fang happened to draw the 2 of spades, then there would be a deck of cards with two 2s of spades Dilemma.

It really got to that point, once the body was searched, the boss of Douzhuan Casino openly made thousands, or in a kindergarten-level poker game like the bet size, the source of customers that Douzhuan Casino finally accumulated and fame...

But things aren't much better right now.

The fact is that if he makes a thousand, he will hedge against the 2 of spades on the opposite side.

If not, the 2 of hearts in his hand, along with the 36,000 points he earned with his hard work, will be eaten by a small 2 of spades, leaving no bones and blood.

Seeing the waiter approaching with another chip pagoda, the biting coldness gradually wrapped the whole Qu Jinsha.

Adrenaline was released rapidly, making his hands and feet cold and his head buzzing.

When the waiter held the chip tray and was only a few steps away from the gaming table, Qu Jinsha suddenly raised his head.


Two bets, the dealer folds, which means giving up all bets made earlier.

This is a self-confidence that the size of the card is not enough to fight against the opponent, and it is a move to stop the loss in time and break the tail of the gecko.

Listening to Qu Jinsha's sudden announcement, there was a roar of boos all around.

"Can you do it? Boss Qu has kidney deficiency?"

"It's a big deal. Bah."

I couldn't see the excitement that everyone wanted to see. Of course, I had to say a few words.

This is undoubtedly a big slap in the face of Jinsha, making his pale skin turn into the color of pig liver.

Jiang Fang raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes lowered, and he could not tell whether it was regret or happiness.

Qu Jinsha held a smiling face, turned over his card, and said at the same time: "Jiang Fang, let me see your luck."

"'Good luck'?"

Jiang Fang repeated Qu Jinsha's words, and the corner of the light fell lightly on Nan Zhou.

He frowned: "There is no such thing. My luck has long been used up."

After he finished speaking, he put his fingertips on the poker table and pressed the corner of the card worth 12,000 points with one finger.

Applied a low pressure, and the card body bounced lightly into his palm.

He raised the card.

With him as the center, there is a sudden silence all around.

After a while, there was an uproar!

—He is holding the grass 4.

…Number size, only better than the smallest 3.

“…are you crazy?!”

Seeing that he got such a card, Qu Jinsha's demeanor that he had been trying to maintain suddenly lost control, he suddenly got up, and almost lost his voice: "How can you bet me with such a card?"


Jiang Fang stood up, put his hands on the table, and met Qu Jinsha's horrified gaze.

“…maybe drunk.”

He moved a whole plate of chips to the side, watching the horrified beautiful croupier swept the 560-point chips into his pocket, smiled and grabbed all the chips with one hand .

"Thank you for the hospitality of Boss Qu. Let's go here today."

The adrenaline that has not yet faded is still stimulating Qu Jinsha, making him almost like a bet on the head, and the word "come again" comes out.

Fortunately, he's in control.

Jiang Fang did not intend to control him, and turned around and handed all the chips to Li Yinhang: "Go and redeem."

Jiang Fang's grass and flowers 4 made Li Yinhang full of goosebumps.

The ups and downs of life also caused serious damage to Li Yinhang's careful liver.

She responded numbly, and when she went to pick up the chips, her hands were shaking a little.

Qu Jinsha didn't ask to gamble again, didn't force to stay, and even politely said goodbye to them.

After watching Jiang Fang and his party step into the elevator, Qu Jinsha still stared at the closed elevator door for a long time, with an unpredictable expression.

There is a "Jegman" Qiaoqi and he talked to him: "Boss Qu...?"

Qu Jinsha: "Huh?"

"Jegman": "Just let them go?"

Qu Jinsha looked at him sideways: "Do you remember what game this is?"

"Jegman" immediately shut up.

What they rent is a "paper gold" land, of course, subject to basic constraints and jurisdiction.

In "paper gold", there are NPCs to maintain order.

At least they can't do anything on the surface.

Even if they lose, they have to pay.

What's more, a mere 1000 point loss is not too painful for Qu Jinsha.

Qu Jinsha hugged her arms.

In his opinion, Jiang Fang will definitely live a long time in this game.

Since they are all in the game of "gravity", then, as the game progresses, they will inevitably have competition in the future.

"...he'll be back."

Qu Jinsha muttered to herself, the smile on her face widened.

This time, he probably understood what kind of person Jiang Fang was.

Next time, if Jiang Fang wants to win, it may not be so easy.

Jiang Fang leaned against the elevator car wall, raised her neck, and adjusted the choker between her necks.

His breathing was a little heavy, so the range of the Adam's apple rolling up and down by the choker became clearer.

Li Yinhang was still immersed in the violent emotional ups and downs just now, and he couldn't recover at all.

Nan Zhou was looking at Jiang Fang.

The three things he promised, he really did.

He didn't lose the 100 chips that Qu Sands gave him.

He paid for the buffet this time.

He didn't lose either.

Jiang Fang glanced at Li Yinhang, whose eyes were straight, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Nanzhou: "Aren't you surprised by this result?"

"Because I saw it when you flopped." Nan Zhou replied, "It's a grass 4."

Jiang Fang: "You see, do you still believe me?"

Nan Zhou asked: "I know what you want to do, why don't you believe it?"

"Don't you think I'm a lunatic with more than 10,000 bets?"

Nan Zhou thought for a while: "A little."

Nanzhou: "It's okay."

Nan Zhou: "It's okay."

Jiang Fang smiled again, turned away and closed his eyes.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch it, he could not help kissing Nanzhou.

Nan Zhou still has questions: "Did you do something in the second round?"

A ding.

The elevator goes to the first floor.

Li Yinhang walked straight out.

Nan Zhou curiously asked: "Is it cheating? How did you do it?"

Jiang Fang: "Do you think I'm cheating?"

Nanzhou nodded honestly.

Jiang Fang lightly hooked his finger, motioning him to give his ear to him.

Nan Zhou took the initiative to get up.

The new wine-like voice with the aroma of icy wine slid past his ear: "...Proveit." (Then prove it.)

Nan Zhou was startled.

Jiang Fang laughed, strode out of the elevator, and the tail of silver-white hair that had been resting on his shoulder slid down from his shoulder.

Nan Zhou touched his slightly hot cheeks and ears, not sure why he felt a little hot too.

…Probably the degree of vodka is too high, and you will get drunk if you smell it.

The author has something to say:

Bewildered by beauty, at a loss.jpg

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