Forces of Temptation

Chapter 87: Eternal Day (9)

On the stone steps of Homeland Island.

A couple of young couples with small baskets on their shoulders and selling their home-grown fruit passed by them.

The girls enthusiastically tried to sell them fruit at a cheaper price than the fruit stand in exchange for points.

Nanzhou bought ten apples in their hands.

As soon as the South Pole star saw the apple, it immediately gave up the dragonfly that it had been watching for a long time, and jumped to Nanzhou's chest three times and two times, and excitedly stomped on it and stepped on the milk back and forth.

Li Yinhang saw this and said, "Give the one in your hand to Nanji Star."

Nanzhou: "No."

Li Yinhang: "It's already half eaten, and you can't eat it."

Nanzhou: "It's different."

Speaking, he put the mutilated apple back in the storage tank, and distributed the fresh apples to Jiang Fang and Li Yinhang each, picked up one for himself, broke it in half, and singled it out. With a little force, he pressed the pulp into minced fruit and sent it to the South Pole Star.

The little paw of the South Pole star held the minced fruit and ate it hard.

Li Yinhang was very accustomed to holding the apple and chewing it slowly.

She thought it was no wonder that a normal man could crush half an apple with one hand.


The apples produced in "Homeland Island" are no different in sweetness, taste and texture from the apples in front of his bedroom window.

He can basically confirm that Ms. Apple Tree is the apple seed brought from "Homeland Island".

In "Homeland Island", such apples are

Apple seedlings are scattered all over the mountains and plains, red apples are tree by tree.

Why do you have to leave this apple that was bitten by the South Pole star?

For the memory he lost, the only source he could trace back was the apple that rolled all the way to the balcony under the action of gravity.

And when he woke up on the bus, he also held an apple in his hand.

He knew that after that, he had traveled a long way and met some people.

There are some important images, concepts and stories vaguely in his mind.

On closer inspection, it's all blank.

But there was a lot left in his head.

For example…

He threw the leftover apple core with his hand, and smashed the flip of the iron trash can 10 meters away and rotated it several times.

Nan Zhou stood up: "Let's go."

Li Yinhang hugged the apple: "Aren't you looking for someone?"

Nan Zhou wiped off the apple juice from her hand: "Be the first. In this way, she can come to me."

…Of course, it may never come.

To be honest, Nan Zhou's obsession with Ms. Apple Tree is not particularly deep.

He just wanted to trace the source of the apple that planted him.

She planted apple trees for him.

The apple tree bears apples.

The apple fell from his palm.

The book says that a man named Newton was hit vertically by an apple and discovered gravity.

Nanzhou jumped off the roof after chasing the apple falling under the gravitational pull, but lost her memory.

Find the source of the apples, maybe he can find the lost self.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't find it.

Moving forward, winning the game and fulfilling your wish is the most important thing.

It is also untraceable.

But I still used that share.

The trio had their own thoughts, went down the stairs, and prepared to leave.

Out of a hundred meters away, passing a small forest, a gust of wind blew and sent some fine sounds.

Nan Zhou's ears moved sensitively.

Jiang Fang also raised his head.

On the treetops beside the grove, the red coats of the girls in the fruit-selling couple players they met just now hang.

The sleeves of the coat are crossed and tied at the tip.

This seems to be some kind of conventional sign, like a carp streamer, which is blown by the wind.

There were several groups of people who wanted to go up this stone step just now, but after seeing this coat from a distance, they all chose to avoid it.

Every day is a doomsday carnival for players who are struggling on the edge of life and death.

Selling out the apples in their backpacks is already enough to celebrate in their hopeless life.

Therefore, everyone who is familiar with some unspoken rules kindly left a space for them to be in the sky and be unrestrained.

Listening to the faint sound, Li Yinhang coughed dryly, his cheeks a little red: "Let's go."

Nanzhou stood by the grove and did not move.

Jiang Fang: "What's the matter?"

Nanzhou pointed into the woods: "They are calling."

Jiang Fang: “…”

Li Yinhang: “…”

Nan Zhou: "The coat is also dropped here."

Nanzhou: "Dangerous."

Nan Zhou: "I'll take a look."

Hearing this, he grabbed the corner of his clothes with two hands and folded his arms, and tightly controlled him from behind.

Nanzhou: "...?"

Li Yinhang dragged him: "...Brother, forget it, let's go."

Nan Zhou didn't look at her, and continued to probe her brain: "You are older than me."

Looking at this curious cat she couldn't hold in front of her, Li Yinhang couldn't help laughing.

Isn’t there any **** life?

In a blink of an eye, she noticed that Jiang Fang was holding Nan Zhou's arm with a smile on his lips, and she hurriedly winked at him.

And laugh.

Please advise.

You want to see someone else to get a partner.

Nan Zhou was really curious and turned to look at Jiang Fang: "What are they doing?"

Jiang Fang stammered: "The Great Friendship urge meeting."

Jiang Fang: "Discussion on the Origin of Life."

Jiang Fang: "Billion People Marathon."

Nan Zhou: " this the same thing?"

Jiang Fang: "Almost."

Nan Zhou sighed calmly: "The language is really broad and profound."

Jiang Fang looked at his face and said solemnly: "Yes, I feel the same way when I first came to China."

Jiang Fang said a few words and successfully deceived Nan Zhou's attention.

From the back, looking at Nan Zhou, turning his head curiously, and asking Jiang Fang about the question just now, Li Yinhang quickly followed.

…have to say.

Jiang Fang's posture is really well-trained.

Jiang Fang and Nan Zhou walked side by side and answered his question softly, but his eyes fell on his shoulder inadvertently.

His collarbone slightly separated the neckline of the shirt inside.

Jiang Fang was a little lost.

Before deciding to take Nanzhou away from "Eternal Day", Jiang Fang asked him, "Do you want to bring some clothes?"

Nanzhou: "Can I bring my wardrobe?"

Nan Zhou: "When I put my dirty clothes in the closet, they will clean themselves."

Jiang Fang put his hand to his lips and smiled slightly: "I don't have much backpack space. It's no problem if I want to bring you, but if I want to bring your little friend Nanji Xing, I have to throw one. Gun; bring your drawing diary, apple and sketch pen, I have to throw three other things; and your wardrobe, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

This is true.

The number of backpacks he drives is calculated, how many are there, and how many.

Everything is useful.

I can't say why, Jiang Fang's collection addiction is that love gives in repeatedly on Nan Zhou.

When Nan Zhou bowed his head and hesitated, Jiang Fang looked at his beautiful eyebrows and smiled: "It's okay, I have clothes here. The clothes provided by the system don't need to be washed. As long as you don't mind wearing me passed."

Nanzhou made a "hmm".

Apparel and Backpack are two separate systems.

When Jiang Fang's fingertips swiped across the clothing page, he quickly skipped over the few pieces of loafers that were forcibly removed by the system and were now inconvenient to wear.

After doubling the search, he finally found a suitable one.

Jiang Fang handed it to Nan Zhou, and said gently: "Put it on and try it. After the test, come down to eat."

Nan Zhou hugged the windbreaker and replied obediently, "Yes."

Jiang Fang went downstairs, collected the juice from the sea bass still steaming in the pot, and brought it out of the pot.

In the restaurant, the team members who have been trained by him look at their noses and hearts, and they are as honest as a nest of small quails.

Although they can't figure it out, the boss brings his own pots and pans to cook at other people's houses. It doesn't look like he's here to make friends, like to make girlfriends.

Not long after, Nanzhou dressed neatly and came downstairs.

Jiang Fang glanced at him inadvertently.

Jiang Fang: “…”

He felt something was wrong.

Before the other teammates noticed him, Jiang Fang quickly stepped forward to meet him, lifted his neckline with his fingertips, and after a little confirmation, the corners of his mouth pursed in disbelief.

He squeezed the neckline for him and ordered, "Go back. I'll find you another shirt."

Nan Zhou looked at him suspiciously.

"Inside the windbreaker..." Jiang Fang held back a smile and explained patiently, "You can't be naked, you have to wear clothes."

Nan Zhou suddenly realized: "Hmm. I haven't worn this kind of clothes."

Jiang Fang squeezed his ignorant new friend's chest and said with a smile, "Go. I'll teach you."

Jiang Fang covered his chest and led him back upstairs.

Thinking of the naked and beautiful chest line that I glimpsed at that time, and the two natural red points further down, Jiang Fang looked away naturally, and exhaled a slightly hot breath.

Over there, Nan Zhou finally figured out what happened under Jiang Fang's vague explanation.

Nan Zhou: "Ah, they are mating for reproduction, aren't they?"

The moment she heard this sentence, Jiang Fang's expression was a little complicated.

But he quickly adjusted his expression and mentality: "That's understandable."

Nan Zhou's curiosity was instantly satisfied: "I understand if you say so."

The three of them rested quietly in the fresh and idyllic air of "Homeland Island" for two days, and finally recovered the physical strength that was overdrawn on the snow-capped mountains.

During this period, the rewards they randomly draw from the prize pool will also be credited to the account in turn.

The collective character of the three broke out this time.

Nanzhou got the same A-grade item, [porn magazine].

10 uses.

The effect is that when thrown, it will force the opponent's attention for five seconds.

In these five seconds, the opponent will only see this magazine.

Li Yinhang drew the same A-level armor.

[Your mother told you to wear long pants].

The armor in the shape of long johns can maintain a constant body temperature, and at the same time, it is quite light to wear, and it can also carry damage such as daggers and stabs.

But armor will drop blood.

If the durability is reduced, the ability to take damage will also be reduced.

After the durability is zero, the long johns will also become ordinary long johns.

In addition to these two sand sculptures but practical things, it is worth mentioning that Jiang Fang finally got the same practical S-class props.

…two onyx dice.

One four-sided die, one twelve-sided die.

Twelve-sided dice

[Item name: Fate Concerto]

[Usage description: If you have no idea about the copy, take it out and shake it. 】

[The pattern on the four-sided die symbolizes the type, and the number on the twelve-sided die represents the difficulty. 】

[The scepter, symbolizing the physical strength, courage and enthusiasm of the elemental fire. 】

[The sword symbolizes the wisdom, game and communication of the elemental wind. 】

[The Holy Grail, symbolizes the emotion, spirit and heart of the element water. 】

[Star coins, symbolize the compound, pluralism and inclusiveness of the element soil. 】

【Use it to comfort your restless heart. 】

[Anyway, the roulette of fate has turned to its proper scale. 】

After reading the item description, Jiang Fang turned the two dice alternately between his fingertips and opened the task log.

The dice fell from his fingertips and jumped into the "Bus Hunting" column of their demo level.

The level looks like a concave rooster bowl.

The dice bounce, spin, and roll inside.

until it stops.

On the pointed corner of the four-sided die is a Holy Grail.

The twelve-sided die shows the number 3.

To put it bluntly, it is a psychological copy with a difficulty of 3.

And so on.

[Xiao Ming's daily life] is the sword and 6.

[Sand, sand, sand] is the Holy Grail and 8.

【Full Moon Fear】is the scepter and 7.

After several experiments, Jiang Fang threw the two dice into the newly opened props, and his expression did not change with particular joy.

It is not necessarily how good such a prop is.

It cannot be changed, nor can it be predicted, it can only measure the nature of the copies that have been drawn.

As the item description says, "The roulette of fate has turned to its proper scale".

"This is good."

But Li Yinhang's face was full of excitement: "Let's not talk about practicality, the name of S-class props is easy to sell."

Nan Zhou blinked and met Jiang Fang.

They both admire Li Yinhang's positive thinking of "selling, anything can be sold".

Drawing good props, they plan to take advantage of the good luck, go all out and enter the dungeon.

After confirming that everyone's mental and physical state are competent for the task, Nanzhou purchased the selected level.

They chose PVE mode as usual.

In view of the system's performance of being a human last time, Nanzhou has already prepared for the full moon topping as soon as the transmission is over.

However, when the body and mind were immersed in the darkness again, Nan Zhou finally heard the game voice broadcast normally again.

【Dear "Cube Ark" team players, hello~】

[Welcome to Instance: Brain Invasion]

[Number of participants: 3]

[Dungeon Nature: Adventure, Exploration]

【Happy game~】

This time their team copy, there are only three "Cube Ark".

It is a good thing to save the relationship of communication and running-in with strangers, and the possibility of monopolizing all the bonus points.

However, the expressions of the three people are not very happy at the moment.

The sound of the game announcement is a chewing sound with saliva.

It was a familiar voice that had been amplified countless times.

The chewing sound was originally a very popular asmr sound that has a sleep aid effect.

However, when every detail of this sound is amplified, it only scratches the surface.

The sound of teeth crushing food.

A clear, chirp chirp.

A sticky sound mixed with saliva when swallowed.

This voice reminded them of the scene of cannibalism in the snowy mountains in the previous instance.

This time, the tips are also very few.

[Please explore within the specified time and area. 】

[The survival time is 48 hours. 】

[Explore as much as you can before your time limit is over. 】

Nanzhou keenly captured a detail.

This time, the system said not "play time", but "survival time".

However, compared to the ominous word "survival", the scene that really fell into their eyes was quite peaceful.

The lighting around them was extremely dim.

Li Yinhang turned on the flashlight of the cell phone that had just been fully charged but still had no signal before entering.

At this moment, they are at the intersection of three long corridors with strangely colored walls.

Under their feet was a soft, snow-white, velvet-like carpet.

On the walls on both sides of the promenade, there are thin and dense depressions, like air holes to reduce the reflection of sound waves.

They are at the three fork in the corridor.

One of the corridors is straight, winding all the way forward.

The other two corridors form two curved semi-circular arcs, extending to both sides, forming an embracing trend for the central corridor.

There are no windows in the hallway.

No light source.

It reverberates silently, except for an annoying, dull chewing bass.

Jiang Fang clicked on the item slot, took out his brand-new and easy-to-sell S-rank dice, and threw it in the currently in-progress dungeon interface.

The two dice are entangled with each other, hitting each other.

Gradually freeze.

…The type and difficulty represented by the [Brain Invasion] copy are [Star Coins] and 11.

Li Yinhang's spirit suddenly became tense.

This is a composite copy of Spirit + Intelligence + Physical strength that they have never experienced before.

It's also a difficulty they've never experienced.

“…[Brain Invasion].”

Nanzhou doesn't care much about difficulty.

He repeated the name of the copy, looked around at the eerie surroundings, and downplayed a somewhat creepy fact.

"So, we're in a person's brain now?"

The author has something to say:

Cat Cat

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