Chapter 22: Searching High and Low (4)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Meanwhile, Liu Menghan had also changed out of the outfit. Perhaps she was not satisfied, but she did not buy anything. Just as she was about to choose another outfit, Ji Liunian immediately pulled her sleeve. “I saw the new collection from Burberry. Why don’t we go over there and take a look?”

Liu Menghan had no choice. She put down the clothes in her hand and walked out. Ji Liunian immediately pulled her out through another door and left swiftly without even looking back. She treated Ling Yichuan like a ferocious beast to be avoided as much as possible.

Ling Yichuan’s driver who had been waiting downstairs arrived just then. Ling Yichuan immediately instructed him, “Go, follow them. Find out what they did, what they bought, where they went, and where they stay! I want to know everything!”

After a while, Lian Sihan arrived. Ling Yichuan did not stay any longer. He turned around and stepped into the elevator, straight to his Cadillac One limousine in the parking lot.

Lian Sihan handed him a Manila envelop. “Mr. Ling, here’s the dossier on Ji Liunian. She’s an employee of Xinghua Corporation, one of Ling Corporation’s subsidiary companies. She joined a couple of months back and is currently working as a clerk. Yesterday, she was there to attend Ling Corporation’s annual dinner. As for Gao Youyi, she’s also an employee of Xinghua Corporation and Ji Liunian’s colleague.”

Ling Yichuan was not in a hurry to open the Manila envelop. Instead, he lit a cigar. Inside the Manila envelop was an employee information form that Ji Liunian had filled in when she first joined the company. In the upper left corner of the form was her photograph for the staff pass. She had a warm and bright smile in the photograph. It was rare that a person could look so good and beautiful in a formal photograph for official documents. Even that Victoria’s Secret Angel was just a gaudy pile of makeup.

The form stated clearly her college information, address, and cell phone number. Of course, her family background and the information about her impending marriage were not available.

He was reading the dossier when the driver who followed Ji Liunian called him. “Mr. Ling, the two ladies window shopped at Burberry and Dior boutiques, and left without buying anything. But… it’s just that…”

“But what?”

The driver paused for a moment before saying, “However—before going back—one of the ladies went to the washroom. While waiting for her, the other lady—in the white dress—went to the pharmacy nearby. I heard from the pharmacy that she bought birth control pills.”

Ling Yichuan frowned. The cigar that he was about to put into his mouth paused in mid-air.

The car fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, Lian Sihan asked, “Mr. Ling, since we have her contact information, should we look for her?”

Ling Yichuan leaned back languidly against the leather seat of the car seat. He raised his hand gently and took a puff of smoke languidly. Suddenly, his lips curled into a faint smile. “Look for her? That’s no fun. Just you wait. I’ll make her come and beg me personally within three days!”

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