God Emperor

Chapter 2549 The Boundary of Trust

The strength of Ji Fan's heart was beyond Zhang Ruochen's expectation. Each sword was stronger than the last one, and its power could cut stars and destroy the moon. Even if Zhang Ruochen mobilized the power of the world in the world of Qiankun to fully mobilize the power of the demigod body, Still falling short.

There seemed to be an abyss filled with holy energy in her body, and the energy was endless and overwhelming.

However, the moves she performed were extremely superficial, stuck at the level of the Holy King, and had many flaws.

Just like this, Zhang Ruochen can rely on his mysterious holy skills and body skills to gain a chance of survival from her waterfalls of sword moves.

too strong!

It stands to reason that Ji Fan's heart would have broken into the Great Sage Realm not much earlier than him, and without a time treasure of the level of a sundial, how could he have advanced ahead of him in cultivation?

There is only one explanation. Ji Fanxin's true cultivation level was far stronger than him at the beginning.

"It's over, your head doesn't belong to you now!"

Ji Fan's heart stopped where he was, and a dazzling source of light bloomed from his body, turning into a huge bright moon, hanging close to the ground.

Her extremely beautiful body stood in the center of the bright moon, and her body lines were as beautiful as the tracks of heaven. When he turned his wrist, he swung out his most powerful sword and slashed horizontally.

The sword energy spurted out, filling the entire space, leaving no way for Zhang Ruochen to retreat.

Zhang Ruochen only felt that the rules of heaven and earth in this space were squeezed out by her sword rules. The sword light in front of him was like a Ganges river in the vast universe, giving him an irresistible terrifying power.

He is like a paper man, about to fall apart in an instant.


Zhang Ruochen grabbed the hilt of Shen Yuan's ancient sword with both hands, and a sea of ​​stars rushed out of his body.

The light emanating from the sea of ​​stars is not weaker than the original light of Givenchy's heart.

The war sword slashed straight down.

Harsh and dense sword sounds followed, intertwined into a chilling war song.

This sword was so exquisite that it hit the weakest point in Ji Fan's heart.

With a bang, the majestic river of sword energy like the Ganges was cut off by Zhang Ruochen's sword.

A look of surprise appeared in Ji Fanxin's extremely moving starry eyes, and then she burst out with unparalleled speed and rushed to Zhang Ruochen.

The bright and slender holy sword was pressed against Zhang Ruochen's neck.

Zhang Ruochen had already used all his strength to break through her previous sword strike. How could he still have any energy left to dodge this sword strike?

He lowered his head and glanced at the tip of the sword, which was very close at hand. He was neither nervous nor panicked. After this series of confrontations, Zhang Ruochen has understood that Ji Fanxin has never tried his best, and his cultivation level is so high that it is unimaginable.

There is no point in continuing to fight.

He looked at Givenchy across from him with sincere eyes and full of emotion.

Ji Fanxin's veil fluttered slightly, her beauty looming, and she said, "Do you think you should die?"

"Damn it." Zhang Ruochen said.

Ji Fan thought: "Why should you die?"

"The hatred between heaven and hell is as deep as the sea. I was originally a monk in heaven, but I joined the hell world, which is an unforgivable sin. On the battlefield of Huntian, I killed countless monks in heaven, and I died unjustly." Zhang Ruochen said.

There was disapproval in Ji Fan's beautiful eyes, and he hummed: "This is not the reason why I want to kill you! If you, Zhang Ruochen, can always stick to your heart, what difference does it make in heaven or hell?"

"My heart has never changed." Zhang Ruochen said.

Ji Fan thought to himself: "What were you thinking when you killed those heavenly slaves?"

"I want to live, I can't die." Zhang Ruochen said calmly.

"Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of death, but it depends on why you die. If the meaning of death is greater than living, I'm not afraid of death."

Givenxin looked carefully into Zhang Ruochen's eyes and asked the last question, "Why are you putting the blame on me?"

Zhang Ruochen knew what she was asking about and said: "I have no choice but to use the name of the fairy. I think that based on our relationship, the fairy should not be so angry."

It was Bai Qing'er who used Ji Fanxin's name to carry out a killing spree in the hell world. In fact, it had nothing to do with Zhang Ruochen.

However, Bai Qing'er threatened Kunlun Realm to rescue the owner of the God of Death Island, forcing Zhang Ruochen to keep her secret and continue to blame Ji Fanxin for everything.

Given thought: "You are wrong, I am very angry. Tell me, who is she?"

Zhang Ruochen did not hide anything and told Bai Qing'er's story from beginning to end.

Even though Zhang Ruochen trusted Ji Fanxin very much, he still deliberately concealed the Kunlun Realm's plan to rescue the owner of the God of Death Island.

Therefore, many places cannot be explained.

For example, Zhang Ruochen had already escaped from Bai Qinger's hands, why did he still accuse Shan Qiu of Death Temple and Lu Baitou of Qinglu Temple as being killed by Ji Fanxin?

Another example:

Zhang Ruochen has arrived at Baizu Royal City, why doesn't he reveal Bai Qing'er's true identity? Why should Givenchy continue to suffer injustice? Why do you continue to let Bai Qing'er use her name to do things that offend the entire hell realm?

Ji Fan said quietly: "Son of Ruochen is in love with that white girl, and wants to help her cover up everything, even if he doesn't hesitate to wrongly accuse me, a so-called close friend?"

"No, there's something else hidden."

Zhang Ruochen felt helpless. He originally thought that Ji Fanxin was different from other women and understood the truth, but he didn't expect that women were all the same. If the truth was not explained clearly, she would not give up. Moreover, he only thinks about unbearable situations.

The tip of the sword was one step closer to Zhang Ruochen's neck.

Ji Fan said in his heart: "When every man can't quibble, he will explain it by saying that he has something to hide. It's a lie that you asked me to come to the King's City of Hundreds of Clans to reminisce about the past, but it's true that you want to help her use me. Right?"

"Unjust, a huge injustice. I'm looking for the fairy for a serious matter, and it's a big deal." Zhang Ruochen reached out and tried to remove the sword from his neck.

However, before his fingers touched the blade of the sword, the tip of the sword had already pierced the skin of his neck.

A frightening cold air made Zhang Ruochen's neck stiff.

Ji Fanxin said in an almost indifferent tone: "If you have any major issues, don't tell me. I can't trust you anymore."

"It's not the first day that Fairy met Zhang Ruochen, so why can't I trust him?"

Given thought: "People will change. After you go to the hell world, who knows whether you will still be the same Zhang Ruochen? Unless, you can take me to see the white girl, and I will confront her face to face. If, what you said It’s all true, so I naturally believe you.”

"She is an extremely dangerous woman, and she is moody. You'd better not see her." Zhang Ruochen advised.

With Bai Qing'er's ambition, in order to practice the original way, she must be extremely interested in the Minggu Zhaoshenlian. What's the difference between a sheep entering a tiger's mouth and a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

Ji Fan thought: "You have told me all about her power, and the fact that I dare to see her naturally means that I am sure of getting away. Besides, if I don't see her, how can I prove that what you said is true Tell the truth and not lie to me?"

"Okay, when the time comes, I will take you to see her."

Zhang Ruochen agreed, and then said: "The fairy has no murderous intention towards me at all. It is obvious that she trusts me in her heart. Does it make sense to continue to hold the sword here?"

There was a coldness in Ji Fan's eyes, as if he wanted to force out some murderous intent, but failed. In desperation, he took the holy sword back.

"I didn't make up my mind to kill you, not because I trusted you, but because I wanted to trust you."

"Trust" and "want to trust" are obviously different.

Wanting to trust means that intellectually you don't trust at all, but emotionally you force yourself to trust.

Zhang Ruochen knew very well that the relationship between himself and Ji Fanxin was like this. Although they seemed to be very close, they were actually very distant. Even when they seem distant, they are close enough to trust each other.

However, this kind of trust has certain limits and cannot be unreserved.

There was a mountain between the two of them.

The name of this mountain is - Love Mountain.

After crossing this mountain, true love arises in each other's hearts, and only then can we trust each other without reservation, and the relationship can be sublimated. From then on, we will never forget each other again, and we can give everything for each other.

Without crossing this mountain, they will always be just friends and there will always be a distance between them.

Both Zhang Ruochen and Ji Fanxin are monks who know how to exercise restraint and will not climb that mountain easily.

Because they understand that there is no such thing as "friendship" between men and women. Once they overcome it, although the relationship between the two can go further, it may also become a fetter on the road to cultivation.

After a long time, Ji Fanxin was the first to break the silence and said: "The sword technique you just performed was so exquisite, what was it called?"

"Biluo Chaoge."

Zhang Ruochen also had doubts in his mind and said, "How could your cultivation level be so high?"

Ji Fanxin did not answer him immediately, but just stared at him deeply, turned around and walked up the stairs towards the door of the ancient pagoda. Her back was indescribably beautiful.

She wasn't wary of Zhang Ruochen sneaking up from behind, obviously she trusted him.

Zhang Ruochen followed closely.

"How much do you know about Shenlian?" Suddenly, she asked.

Zhang Ruochen said bluntly: "The Shining Lotus was born in the void of the universe. It has no roots and leaves. It is a lotus flower that blooms when the original power of heaven and earth condenses into a point and turns into a lotus seed."

"Now, I will take you to the place of my birth."

Ji Fanxin came to the door of the ancient pagoda and paused for a moment.

Zhang Ruochen walked to her side, stared at the pattern on the stone tower door, and found that it was actually made up of intertwined spatial inscriptions. Some of the spatial inscriptions were so mysterious that even he had a hard time understanding them.


Ji Fanxin pushed open the door of the ancient pagoda. In an instant, a surge of original energy surged out of the door. The powerful brilliance made Zhang Ruochen squint his eyes.

I saw that there was a sparkling ocean inside the door, and above the ocean was a beautiful starry sky.

The scene on the other side of the door is extremely beautiful and shocking to the soul.

I'll write another chapter and update it in the early morning.

One thing to mention, on the official website, you can see the word count of each chapter, and there is no way of splitting one chapter into two chapters. For the sake of the six thousand people, Xiaoyu will try his best no matter how busy he is.

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