God of Illusions

Chapter 181 Kanon VS Yan Suzi! (superior)

The domineering and calm voice still echoed in the square. The only people in the audience who were not surprised were all the members of the Savage Class.

But the referee is a referee after all, and he has a very strong mental capacity. He quickly adjusted and loudly announced the start!

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Lin Li immediately started to move.

Feng Yu's colorful clothes instantly covered her body, and then, Lin Li slowly walked towards the other party...

That’s right, just go!

Take it step by step!

Seeing Lin Li strolling in the courtyard, everyone in the opponent's class widened their eyes. They were already surprised that Lin Li was the only one on the stage, but Lin Li's current behavior made them even more stunned.

Lost your mind? !

Full of doubts, but the movements of more than a dozen people did not lag behind. No matter what, they must take it seriously!

However, they soon knew what despair was...

Long-range attacks were ineffective, and they couldn't get close to Lin Li at all; melee attacks were ineffective, and the three people who were close to Lin Li were shot into sieves by Qianxing before they could hold out for five breaths; defense was ineffective, and Lin Li walked to the defense department. , they soon followed in the footsteps of the sudden puppet master...

Just like that, under everyone's unbelievable gaze, Lin Li eliminated all his opponents one after another with an absolutely tyrannical attitude!

It wasn't until the referee announced the end of the game that everyone remembered a description belonging to Feng Yu Nishang.

Those below the same level are all just stupid dogs!

If everyone only saw the power of Feng Yu Nishang in the first scene, then in this scene, everyone understood the terror of Feng Yu Nishang!

At the same time, everyone also got to know Lin Li again, this enviable talent who seemed not very good at talking, but had both beauty and strength!

The second game, which was unexpected by everyone, ended naturally. No one had much time to be surprised, because the third game started!

And this game is fundamentally different from the previous two, because this time, it is a contest between the newcomer kings!

Canon vs Yan Suzi!

Just looking at the lineup,

Most people are optimistic about Yan Suzi's class, which can be seen from the odds offered by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce.

Kanong's victory was 1 to 3.7, Yansu Zi's victory was 1 to 0.2...

The odds are very different, but even so, most people will win if they buy Yan Suzi, because in their opinion, this is a sure win!

Canon's class can be said to be seriously biased. There are fourteen people in total. Counting Canon, there are nine warriors. The remaining five are two assassins and three assistants. There is no long-range attack or defense...

In contrast, Yan Suzi's class can be described as "luxurious". Although there are only thirteen people in total, which is the smallest number among the top ten classes, Yan Suzi's class is full of energy. The one with the most puppet masters!

A total of five energy puppet masters!

What is the concept?

To put it simply, if the opponent's defense ability is not strong, the five of them can achieve an ending just by bombing!

In addition to the five energy puppet masters, Yan Suzi's class also has four defense puppet masters, two auxiliary puppet masters, and two long-range attack puppet masters.

Simply speaking from a lineup perspective, Canon's probability of winning is really very low.

However, from the faces of Canon and others, the audience could not see any expressions of embarrassment, only the confidence of winning!

It was under this circumstance that the battle began!

At the first moment, the scene was on fire. Outside of the entire freshmen class, there was absolutely no one else who could charge like the Canon class!

A total of nine warriors almost lined up in a row and rushed towards Yan Suzi. The other two assassins also immediately hid their figures. Even the last two auxiliary systems were no exception and stood slightly behind. Behind the nine people.

At the same time, Yan Suzi also moved!

In the first game, the fire domain that killed everyone spread out immediately, and the temperature of the entire stadium rose by at least one level!

And Yan Suzi was not the only one to react, the remaining four energy puppet masters also showed off their powerful attack power!

One is the earth element, one is the fire element, one controls the thick smoke that fills the sky, and the other controls countless thin needles similar to thousands of stars!

The entire battlefield almost instantly turned into a paradise for energy puppet masters, and the terrifying wave of elemental power crushed Canon and the others!

"The staff of explosive flames explodes!"

Another fire-type puppet master is like a bomb maker, constantly providing Yan Suzi with controllable flames. The constant explosions cover everything up. It can be seen that there are two directly in the lineup on Canon's side. The warrior turned into white light and disappeared.

But during the short delay, the remaining people rushed over!

"The fight between trapped beasts!"

At the critical moment, a defense puppet master in Yan Suzi's class took a step forward, and a huge aperture rose up, covering him and the three warriors inside at the same time. At the same time, he had an extra layer of freedom on his body. The thick armor made of light showed no intention of attacking at all!

Taunt defensive puppet master!

Real battles are different from games. The taunting here is more about tying oneself to the opponent. If the defensive puppet master doesn't collapse, then don't even think about attacking the puppet master's teammates!

The other three defense types stopped a warrior each. They did not have the ability to taunt, but just holding them back was not a problem!

In other words, after this wave, the only one who really passed the defense line was Canon!

The latter two auxiliary skills fell on Canon at the same time, instantly turning Canon into a God-of-War-like existence, with his whole body shining with light.

It was also at this moment that the long-range attack puppet master in Yan Suzi's class moved. The target was not the two auxiliary systems, but the warriors held back by the defense puppet master.

Canon is not within their consideration range, and their mission is to clear the area as soon as possible!

And those who need to deal with Canon are five energy puppet masters!

The puppet master who controlled the smoke was the first to attack, but he did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, he controlled the smoke to hide the five of them, making Canon lose the target of the attack. At the same time, he controlled the energy needle. There were more and more fine needles in front of the puppet master, and they stabbed straight in the direction in which Canon was charging!

However, the expected screams did not sound. Instead, there was a constant "ding-dong-dang" sound that several people could not understand.

"The Ring of Resistance! The Staff of Explosive Flame, explode!!!"

In the thick fog, Yan Suzi suddenly had a bad premonition and launched her skills twice in succession without hesitation. The violent explosions gave her a sense of security.

But others didn’t react as quickly as she did!

ps: The first update is here! I am as diligent as posting text on my mobile phone in the bathroom, can you bear to let me run around naked...

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