God of Illusions

Chapter 450: Self-eating and waking up!

It seemed that everything was really over. Gu Heng successfully ascended the throne in a simple ceremony, and the rewards he deserved were implemented one by one. Those who chose to betray completely also got their due end.

At the same time, Shang Youdao also ushered in his own spring. Bai Xiaofei's major officials' funds for activities in Guyue were all provided by Shang Youdao. Therefore, although he did not come forward, he played a crucial role in Gu Heng's counterattack. function,

Now, it’s time for this dedication to be rewarded…

It is also because of this that Shang Youdao fully understood what Bai Xiaofei had said to him before. Windfall from the sky is not a healthy way to make money. Doing your job as a businessman and investing reasonably is the way to go!

And Shang Youdao is just a microcosm of the beneficiaries. Commander Kang, Chief of Guard Wang, Academician Hou Jin, Shen Qiandong, who dedicated his life to the savior, and a large number of people who upheld justice have become the mainstay of the new generation dynasty.

With the help of these mainstays, Gu Heng reorganized the court as quickly as possible and brought the ancient Yue Kingdom back to the right track.

As for the Tang Bing incident, it was sealed by Gu Heng. It became the consensus of all insiders to keep the incident secret. Even the common people who witnessed what happened were visited.

Some things, the fewer people know about them, the better...

In general, Gu Heng was very busy during this period. On average, he could sleep for less than five hours a day.

But even in this situation, he still insisted on visiting Bai Xiaofei and the Fenglei Thieves once a day, and every time he would send a large amount of tonics and delicious food.

This is not flattery, but an attitude.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei and the others or the Fenglei Thieves Group, after this period of time, they may have nothing to do with Gu Yue Kingdom in this life, but Gu Heng still persisted in doing these things.

Just like Bai Xiaofei, he doesn't want to have a guilty conscience.

However, compared with the prosperous situation of Ancient Yue Kingdom, Bai Xiaofei's situation is quite not optimistic.

At first, they thought that Bai Xiaofei was simply losing his strength, but when he went back to recuperate, everyone realized that Bai Xiaofei's situation seemed to be not that simple, because no matter how much he lost his strength, he would wake up in a day or two.

And Bai Xiaofei was in coma for more than half a month!

During this period, the capable doctors of Guyue Kingdom basically surpassed Bai Xiaofei's threshold.

But everyone was helpless about his situation.

As for Zhao Tiantian, she had already given up. She was a student of the Light of Shelter, not the Furnace of Agarwood. The treatment she was good at was skill-based, not technical...

Therefore, waiting became the only way for everyone. Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's signs of life were getting stronger day by day.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei's situation is very simple. If someone can help him look inside, he will understand everything instantly. The reason why he can't wake up is because Bai Xiaofei was drained...

Leng Liuying's necklace can only provide Bai Xiaofei with the opportunity to transform into a holy beast. However, the process of transforming into a holy beast and the energy required to maintain the transformation have to be produced by Bai Xiaofei himself. At that time, Bai Xiaofei had two options.

The first is to mobilize the energy in Yuan Dan, but this method was overturned by Bai Xiaofei immediately. If he really did that, what everyone would see might not be as simple as a violent demon ape...

In desperation, Bai Xiaofei could only choose the second way, to feed himself!

In addition to storing energy by eating a lot, Swallowing Heaven and Earth can also consume his own flesh and blood energy through reverse luck to obtain explosive energy support. However, this energy is limited. Once the flesh and blood energy is exhausted, Bai Xiaofei will appear. This is the current state of exhaustion.

If Bai Xiaofei's body wasn't abnormal enough, this coma would have lasted at least two or three months before he could stand up again.

And now, Bai Xiaofei has almost recovered...

"It's my turn to guard you. You can go and rest. You don't want the first thing he sees when he wakes up is your haggard appearance."

Carrying the ground meat porridge into Bai Xiaofei's house, Bai Ye whispered to Qing Lingyan, who had been sitting beside Bai Xiaofei's bed.

In the past half month, there have never been people guarding Bai Xiaofei's side, and there are only two people changing guard, Qin Lingyan and Bai Ye!

It's not that others don't want to come over to help the two of them share their worries, but Qing Lingyan doesn't allow anyone else to get close to Bai Xiaofei. For some reason, she always feels like there's a dark cloud hanging over her heart, which makes her very uneasy.

Bai Ye is the only person Qin Lingyan can completely trust.

"If he wakes up, remember to call me, and no matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave even half a step before I come here!"

Standing up, the tired Qing Lingyan spoke to Bai Ye seriously.

"You have to say this to me once every day. Do you think I will be that stupid?"

With a wry smile, Bai Ye complained in a tone that didn't sound like a complaint, but Qin Lingyan sighed softly in return.

"Be careful in sailing the ship that lasts ten thousand years. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. I always feel that something is not over yet, but I don't know what it is."

Qing Lingyan expressed her worries, then turned around and looked at Bai Xiaofei solemnly.

"You've done so much and he doesn't know, do you think it's worth it?"

Frowning slightly, Bai Ye looked at Qin Lingyan and asked slowly.

"You are not the same. Compared with me, you are the one who will not be remembered."

Suddenly showing a smile full of meaning, Qing Lingyan said something that only Bai Ye could understand. With just such a sentence, Bai Ye actually blushed...

"I'm different from you! I...I'm afraid that you will reveal my secret!"

Bai Ye retorted stubbornly. Fortunately, Qin Lingyan had no intention of arguing with him, otherwise Bai Ye would have lost completely.

"I don't remember threatening you, but whatever you say, I'm going to rest."

After saying this lightly, Qin Lingyan let out a long yawn and walked out of the room.

When Bai Xiaofei and Bai Ye were the only ones left in the room, Bai Ye's face became rosy again, and every detail of Bai Xiaofei's performance in the past few months came to mind.

Is this a real man...

Thinking dreamily, Bai Ye quickly shook his head.

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you thinking about!"

After driving out the unwanted thoughts from his mind, Bai Ye picked up the porridge bowl with a serious face. After lifting Bai Xiaofei up with one hand, he began the difficult task of feeding.

Using Yuan Li to feed a completely unconscious person, this kind of delicate work successfully helped Bai Ye improve his ability to be distracted...

However, what Bai Ye didn't expect this time was that the work that lasted for more than half a month had a different reaction today!


After coughing twice, the meat porridge spurted out of his mouth, Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes faintly!

"This is where……?"

ps: The third update is over! Reading Network

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