I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 394 Stronger than expected! It's really therapeutic!

Chapter 394 Stronger than expected! It's really therapeutic!

Qinglin Villa still carried out rectification, but this rectification has no effect on Qinglin Villa, that is, when promoting new vegetables, it is necessary to attach the drug test certificate and approval documents, that is, to add some content to the introduction brand.

This is not a big deal, just leave it to the internal staff of the multimedia department.

After it can be proved that the new vegetables of Qinglin Villa really have those effects, the popularity of the new vegetables has also risen to a higher level.

Someone even made a list of the effects of these vegetables, and then made a list of the drugs on the market for these diseases for comparison.

In this list, the medicinal ingredients of Qinglin Villa's new vegetables are stronger than these medicines.

Among them, the hyperlipidemia drug developed by Fu Xinming and the new eggplant have attracted the most attention.

After all, Fu Xinming, the instigator, has a great reputation, but it's just a negative reputation.

Naturally, this incident also had an impact on Western medicine to a certain extent.

Fu Xinming and these people are all professors of Western medicine, and they also study Western medicine.

At this time, those Chinese medicine inheritance families did not miss such a good opportunity, and suddenly started to promote it.

In particular, the TCM Research Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced several TCM formulas in one go.

The effects of these traditional Chinese medicine formulas are all researched by those old Chinese medicine masters from ancient prescriptions, and the effects are no worse than those of western medicine, and some are even stronger.

The key is that the price of these traditional Chinese medicine formulas is cheaper than western medicine.

At this point, Chinese medicine has attracted much attention.

Chinese medicine has also entered people's eyes again.

This ups and downs have a great impact on both Western medicine and Chinese medicine.

Naturally, no matter how great the influence is, it won't receive as much attention as Qinglin Villa.

After knowing that those new vegetables really have those medicinal effects, more and more people rushed to the sales center to buy them, and most of them still wanted to join in the fun.

For this reason, Qinglin Villa also issued an announcement: "There is a special area for new vegetables. Anyone who buys new vegetables in the special area of ​​​​the sales center needs to show a previous illness certificate!" "

It's very simple, we specially prepare some vegetables, buy these vegetables if you are sick, and don't come to join in the fun if you are not sick.

It is also possible to save which vegetables have been snatched up by those who join in the fun, but those who are really sick cannot be bought. This also has no way to actually reflect the effect of new vegetables.

Qinglin Villa parking lot.

Sun Xi took her grandfather out of the taxi early in the morning. Once she arrived at the villa, she felt a different atmosphere.

"Grandpa, the air here is really good, so just play here for a few days with peace of mind, and I'll take you to try the new white amaranth later." Sun Xi helped her grandfather, and walked towards the villa while talking Go, with a bag in your hand.

Her grandfather has high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is prone to problems.

Usually, it doesn’t cost much to take medicine, and good medicine only costs tens of yuan, which is only 700 or 800 a month.

But what the elderly are afraid of is not taking high blood pressure medicines every day, but being afraid of going to the hospital.

Because of the problems caused by high blood pressure, his grandfather would pay at least 2,000 or 3,000 once he was admitted to the hospital.

There is no way to cure high blood pressure. Moreover, I don’t know if it is a drug problem or what. The control effect is not very good. Grandpa is easy to enter the hospital.

The doctor even listed 8 situations for my grandfather. Once he encounters these 8 situations, he will have to go to the hospital for examination. Every time he queues up, he has to wait for a long time for his grandfather, which is suffering.

Every time he watched those elderly people with high blood pressure waiting in a long line to enter the hospital, he thought of those capitalists making workers line up and taking their blood and sweat.

Although this description is somewhat wrong, the truth should be that.

The old man let his granddaughter arrange it, and said, "Xiao Xi, do you really think that white amaranth can cure my high blood pressure?"

Sun Xi smiled and said: "There is no data on the Internet, and the effect is stronger than those high blood pressure drugs. Anyway, sending money to the hospital is also sending money. There is no harm in trying it, not to mention it can let you play in Qinglin Villa. Let's play and relax, at least the scenery here in Qinglin Villa is really very good."

The old man did not refute this.

I watched those videos along the way, and I can see that the scenery is good from the videos alone, which makes people yearn for it.

After Sun Xi brought his grandfather into the villa, he went to the sales center first, planning to buy some white amaranth first.

After all, that's not the purpose of her bringing grandpa here.

Selling Centre.

Sun Xi and Grandpa came a little late, and the vegetables in the new vegetable area were already sold out.

But fortunately, Qinglin Villa specially provided some vegetables for the needy patients to buy.

Moreover, there are special employees in this area to look at the certificate of the disease. Only when it is proved that the disease is true can the purchase be made, and only vegetables related to the disease can be purchased.

Sun Xi brought his grandfather to this area. According to the regulations, he took out his grandfather's hypertension certificate and handed it to the staff. Then he went to the sales counter of white amaranth and saw the introduction of white amaranth.

Category: white amaranth.

Product introduction: This is a special kind of amaranth... a new product developed by Qinglin's laboratory.

Medicinal effect: It can clear away heat and detoxify, and has a very strong effect on the treatment of gastritis and high blood pressure.

Different from the profile picture posted on the Internet, this new profile picture printed the test report of the Food and Drug Administration and the approval documents of the Food and Drug Administration.

This also shuts everyone up.

Sun Xi directly bought several catties of white amaranth.

She felt that Qinglin Villa did a good job in this.

If this vegetable is really effective, those who join in the fun to buy it will not be able to help, but those who really need it will not be able to buy it.

Now a part is specially made, which will not dissatisfy ordinary tourists, but can also be bought by tourists who really need it.

Sun Xi took his grandfather to buy a lot of other vegetables and meat ingredients in the sales center, and then the price was settled and left the sales center.

The purchased vegetables can be registered and stored in the restaurant, so that the restaurant kitchen can cook them and serve them when the meal time comes. Naturally, you can also rent a stove or barbecue grill in the self-service cooking area to cook by yourself.

After renting the stove, there will be a small storage box on the side of the stove. You can also put the vegetables in the storage box first, then go out to play, and cook again when you come back.

Sun Xi bought so many vegetables and meat, so she naturally planned to go to the self-service cooking area to rent a stove and cook by herself.

After putting all the purchased vegetables and meat into the stove and the storage box with fresh-keeping function, she also took her grandfather to play in Qinglin Villa.

The free leisure area must be visited, and then the pontoon bridge scenic spot, the bougainvillea sea, and the comprehensive flower sea, these are not to be missed.

As for the Qinglin Ranch, we will have to wait until tomorrow.

After putting away her things, Sun Xi took the old man to play in Qinglin Villa. At noon, she returned to the self-service cooking area and started cooking.

Her cooking skills are still good, and soon a portion of dishes and meat are cooked.

When it came time to make white amaranth, she made it more serious. It was made for her grandfather, and what she bought was enough for his grandfather at noon and evening, and it would be good to buy it tomorrow.

After the meal was ready, Sun Xi brought the white amaranth in front of the old man, and said, "Grandpa, try it and see if it works."

The old man nodded and started eating with other dishes.

"Grandpa, how is it?" Sun Xi immediately asked.

"Just take it now, how can it have such an effect so quickly?" The old man shook his head and said.

"Yes!" Sun Xi nodded.

Indeed, even if quality 1 white amaranth has an effect on high blood pressure, it cannot be so fast.

After the meal was over, Sun Xi also took the old man to the viewing area of ​​the pontoon bridge.

The old man walks very slowly, so the play is also very slow. At this speed, after playing in the floating bridge viewing area today, there is no way for the comprehensive flower sea to continue.

However, while playing, Sun Xi found that her grandfather's condition was much better, and his complexion was not as tired as in the morning.

"Grandpa, how do you feel now?" Sun Xi asked subconsciously.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little surprised. After he had high blood pressure, he would feel dizzy, have neck discomfort, and even feel weak and short of breath after walking for a long time.

But after walking for a long time now, he didn't have these phenomena.

This made him feel incredible: "It seems that the state is much better, and there is no uncomfortable feeling."

Sun Xi was surprised and said: "Grandpa, it may be that the white amaranth has an effect, find a place and I will measure your blood pressure for you."

"En!" The old man nodded.

Sun Xi took the old man to find a gazebo on the floating bridge and sat down, then opened the bag and took out a blood pressure measuring instrument.

After that, she turned on the instrument, took out the detection part and wrapped it around the old man's arm.

In an instant, it can be seen that the value on the detection instrument began to increase rapidly, and soon reached 75mmHg, but when it reached 75mmHg, the value stopped.

This value surprised Sun Xi, because the normal blood pressure of a person is 60mmHg-90mmHhg.

This is a normal blood pressure value.

But after her grandfather got high blood pressure, even if he took medicine, it was difficult to maintain this value.

Sun Xi tested the old man twice with uncertainty, both at the level of 75mmHg-80mmHg.

This is the value after walking a long distance.

Her grandfather's blood pressure will be higher after walking a certain distance, and he needs to take medicine. The key point is that the old man can't do without walking, so the medicine must be carried with him.

After walking such a long distance, grandpa still maintains this blood pressure, which is really amazing.

In other words, it is the white amaranth that really works.

Moreover, the white amaranth from Qinglin Villa is indeed more effective than those high blood pressure medicines, at least those high blood pressure medicines given to his grandfather did not have such an effect.

With this result, Sun Xi also breathed a sigh of relief, and took her grandfather to play in the floating bridge viewing area again.

In the evening, she cooked another meal in the self-service cooking area, and also made a meal of white amaranth for the old man.

Back at the hotel, she went out to measure the blood pressure of the old man before he was about to go to bed, and it was only about 70mmGh, which is an absolutely safe area for blood pressure.

Get up the next day.

After Sun Xi finished washing, she immediately went to the old man's room to test the old man's blood pressure.

Because from 6 to 10 in the morning and from 4 to 8 in the evening, grandpa's blood pressure will rise, and he often enters the danger zone, so he needs to take medicine.

These two time periods are also the two time points when the blood of hypertensive patients rises.

Sun Xi took out the instrument to test his grandfather, and soon, a test value appeared on the instrument: about 75mmHg!

This value made Sun Xi stunned for a moment.

Because it shouldn't be this value.

In the past, when grandpa went to bed, even if he took medicine for high blood pressure before going to bed, when he woke up the next day, at these two time points, his blood pressure would still rise.

No matter how the medicine is used, there is no way to cure the disease.

Now grandpa's blood pressure has not risen at all, and is still in a very safe area.

Could it be that the vegetables from Qinglin Villa can also cure high blood pressure?

This is something that Western medicine cannot do.

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