I Can Level Up By Staying Idle

Chapter 56: Uncle Wang's wrist

Early morning.

Lin Mo was abruptly awakened by the noise in the community.

"It's early in the morning, why don't you let people sleep?" Lin Mo angrily opened the curtain and looked at it, and was immediately stunned, "Damn, what's the situation!?"

I saw the downstairs of the community, a large area full of people.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of people, I am afraid that half of the residents of the community have run out.

Lin Mo took a closer look, and even saw more than a dozen employees of the Armed Forces Administration in work clothes.

"What's the matter? Even the people from the Armed Forces Administration are here?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but become curious too, washed quickly, carried a large thermos bottle filled with A1-level evolution potion, and ran downstairs.

Arriving downstairs, Lin Mo quickly understood the ins and outs of the matter from the conversations of the neighbors.

"It's actually related to me..." Lin Mo couldn't help shrinking his head.

Last night, when Lin Mo returned home, he threw the packaging boxes and bottles of a hundred A1-level evolution potions into the trash can downstairs in the community. This doesn't seem to be a big deal, but the problem is... the cleaners in the community like to rummage through the trash can for cardboard boxes and sell them for money!

This flip, immediately shocked the cleaners!

The cleaner in the community is not illiterate. On the contrary, he is very concerned about current affairs and knows very well what 100 A1-level evolution potions mean! I was so frightened that I hurriedly called the Military Administration Bureau!

In a few minutes, the staff of the Military Administration rushed to the community and began to investigate, but unfortunately they did not find any useful clues.

And this old community, which is somewhat dead, is also rarely boiling.

Just then—

"Lin Mo?" A sharp voice suddenly sounded, it was a wavy aunt.

Lin Mo didn't even remember the name of the other party, only that she wandered around the community all day, doing nothing.

As soon as the wavy aunt found Lin Mo, she walked over quickly. From far away, he started to swear: "Lin Mo, what are you looking at here? Do you know what happened here? This is about 100 A1-level evolution potions! Do you deserve to watch too? "

You too?

However, Lin Mo was naturally too lazy to argue with a wandering aunt. In addition, seeing that he was going to be late for school, Lin Mo quickly walked out of the community.

"Humph! Trash is trash!" The wavy-haired aunt looked at Lin Mo who "fleeed" and showed a proud smile.

Not long after Lin Mo left, an ambulance drove to the gate of the community. It turned out that it was Liu Xia, the "curly king", that after several days of treatment, his physical condition was ready to be discharged from the hospital, so he chose to go home to recuperate.

Of course, although he has been discharged from the hospital, the martial arts college entrance examination must have nothing to do with him. Fun Court

"Huh? Why are there so many people in the community?" With the help of his parents, Liu Xia stepped out of the ambulance with a puzzled look, "Is it because I learned that I was discharged from the hospital today, so so many people are in I'm welcome here?"

Liu Xia suddenly felt the warmth of the neighborhood.

Good neighbor!

"Aunt, are so many of you...?" Liu Xia asked expectantly.

However, Liu Xia was obviously thinking too much, and the wavy aunt said unceremoniously: "Ah! We are watching the fun! Don't you know? We don't know who is in our community. One hundred A1-level evolution potions!"

"What!?" Liu Xia couldn't help but tremble at the corners of his mouth.

But what about others, but one hundred A1-level evolution potions?

"Ah—" The wavy aunt screamed in fright.

"Ambulance! Ambulance!"

The ambulance that had not driven far was stopped by everyone and carried Liu Xia in again.


Eight AM.

Haejo Martial Arts High School has been in morning class for over an hour.

The office of Principal Yan with the bald head welcomed several guests, it was Yin Jian who was wearing a bandage, and his "Uncle Wang".

"Yo! Director Wang, rare guest!"

The Martial Arts Bureau is the most powerful organization in Haicheng; Yin Jian's Uncle Wang, as the director of the real power department in the Martial Arts Bureau, has no less status than Principal Yan.

So Principal Yan could not help but get up to greet him, and he had already guessed why Director Wang was here.

"Principal Yan, I won't cut corners, let's get straight to the point!" Director Wang's name was "Tong", and he said a lot when he came up.

Yin Jian was obediently standing aside.

In order to invite Uncle Wang to come out, he worked hard last night!

"Wang Tong said a lot and finally concluded.

"Director Wang, why don't I know what you said? It's just..." Principal Yan pondered and said, "Taking pictures of teachers in the women's toilet, this kind of behavior is really bad. If I don't give that teacher a satisfactory explanation, I really can't justify it!"

"I understand!" Director Wang nodded, "I will settle the matter with the female teacher! I just hope that Principal Yan can make a difference on your side!"

"As long as the female teacher doesn't make trouble, of course I won't hold on to this matter!" Principal Yan made a good favor.

"One more thing, I want to ask Principal Yan to help expel a student! Don't worry, it's just the worst student in your school, called... Lin Mo!" Director Wang said again.

Yin Jian is also a person who thinks clearly. Knowing that it is difficult to invite Uncle Wang to come out, he simply does everything he wants to do at one time. He has long been unhappy with Lin Mo, so he wants to take this opportunity so that Lin Mo can't even get a high school diploma!

Of course, in order to go through this back door, Yin Jian paid a **** price, and was also taken out the back door.

"This..." Principal Yan couldn't help frowning deeply.

But this second thing is a little immoral!

Expel a senior for no reason? Let this student not get a high school diploma? -Even if Principal Yan knew very well that Lin Mo was the worst student in the school, he couldn't do such an unscrupulous thing.

"Principal Yan!" Director Wang said with a smile, "I have a gossip here, I heard that in our unit, there is a position for the deputy bureau to be vacated... I don't quite meet the conditions, There is no chance, but if you can grasp it, there is still great hope!"

"Is there such a thing?" Principal Yan was slightly startled, but his eyes had unconsciously turned cold.

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