Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 102: I am sure that the crotch is the weak point of the bat monkey

Zhen Jin aimed at the target and threw out the dart.

Throwing the darts with all his strength, the darts exploded with powerful lethality, threatening the lives of even the black iron bat monkeys.

The black iron bat monkey is always flying at the highest point in the sky, its steering is much more flexible than the bronze bat monkey, and its flying speed is also faster.

Zhenjin tried several times but failed.

With an idea, he fired the crossbow with his left hand first, and then threw the darts with his right hand.

The black iron bat monkey had to dodge the crossbow arrows and was restricted in its position. The darts attacked at this time. The black iron bat monkey was unable to dodge in time or had limited space to dodge, so it was often shot.

Acupuncture has been tried many times, with some failures and some successes. After he successfully killed three black iron bat monkeys, he suddenly heard a strange cry.

The remaining black iron bat monkeys immediately screamed and led the few remaining bat monkeys to flee quickly.

Zhenjin did not rush to pursue, and immediately returned deep into the camp to support Zongge.

After running a few steps, he saw Zonge approaching, holding a completely transformed long sword in his hand.

"This rhinoceros has rough skin and thick flesh, so we let it run away." Zong Ge said regretfully.

"That might not be the case if you use the pair of short spears behind your back, right?" Zhen Jin thought.

But that's not the point.

Zhen Jin glanced around and saw that Zi Di, Cang Xu and others were all safe and sound, so he said to Zong Ge: "I just heard a weird cry, and I very much suspect that it is the mastermind behind it!"

"Oh?" Zong Ge's eyes flashed.

Zhen Jin looked serious: "The mastermind behind this is not simple. Not only can he mobilize bat monkeys and silver rhinos, but he also has good tactical skills. This time he divided his troops into two groups. One group is just to contain us, and the other group focuses on attacking the camp. . He understands very well that the camp is our weakest and most critical place."

"That's right. We must get rid of him!" Zong Ge nodded.

"Then let's go, it's just the two of us, everyone else is a drag." Zhen Jin took the lead, while Zong Ge threw away the useless sword in his hand and followed closely behind.

"Sir!" San Dao shouted from the side, but hesitated to speak. He was worried that this might be Zhen Jin's plan and might be detrimental to Zong Ge.

However, Zong Ge was very courageous and knew the warning meaning of the three swords. He nodded to him: "I will come back as soon as I go. You guys clean up the battlefield."

After such a pause, Zhen Jin had already walked away quickly.

Zong Ge started running and quickly caught up with Zhen Jin at the entrance of the camp.

"After the strange noise came out, the bat monkey group immediately retreated. This is the direction!" After Zhenjin explained, he started running.

"What kind of strange sound is it? Can you describe it?" Zong Ge asked, his speed getting faster and faster, and he was filling the air with his mouth.

Zhen Jin frowned slightly and considered his words: "It feels a bit like a dog barking."

As he spoke, he jumped lightly over a thick tree root protruding from the ground.

After a dozen breaths, the two reached their speed limit.

The sound of wind from running wildly roared in my ears.

The trees seemed to hit them head-on, and then were quickly thrown behind them.

Zhenjin never heard the strange cry again, but what gave him confidence was that he found signs of the bat monkeys' rout and retreat along the way.

They also faintly heard the cries of bat monkeys.

The longer the chase lasted, the more surprised Zong Ge felt about Zhen Jin.

"Although I am injured, I have the blood of an orc."

"Zhen Jin can now run as fast as me based on his physical fitness alone, and his endurance is long-lasting. There is no sign of fatigue at all."

"The bloodline of the Baizhen family is only outstanding in accuracy."

"I'm afraid this kid is a genius. His true fighting spirit is definitely not weak!"

After running for a while, the two of them never saw the shadow of the mastermind who controlled the beasts.

"The cries of the bat monkeys are almost gone. Can we go up the tree?" Zong Ge said, a little anxious.

"Yes." Zhen Jin nodded and climbed directly into a big tree. The key was that the whole process did not slow down at all.

Zong Ge witnessed the whole process of Zhenjin climbing the tree with his own eyes. The latter jumped from the ground to the crown of the tree in three moves, with extremely smooth movements.

What surprised Zongge even more was that he felt that when Zhenjin climbed the tree, he used his hands and feet together, which was full of a natural charm, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Is there now a new tree-climbing training in the Knights Templar?"

With doubts, Zong Ge quickly climbed to the crown of a big tree.

Standing on the towering tree canopy, the two of them had a wide view.

The forest is different from the rain forest. Although the trees here are lush, the branches and leaves are not as dense as in the rain forest.

The two kept jumping on the branches.

Zonge's surprise increased.

When Zhenjin jumped, she was full of wildness. Zong Ge secretly observed for a while and found that his body and limbs were unusually coordinated, and his jumping method seemed to be more effortless than his own.

"How did he train?"

"That's not the Templar way."

"Did the Baizhen family hire warriors from the east of the empire to teach Zhenjin some kind of elephant fighting skills?"

Zong Ge couldn't help but guess.

"Zhen Jin, it seems we can't catch up!" After a moment, Zong Ge sighed helplessly.

When he climbed to the canopy for the first time, he could still see the retreating figures of bat monkeys in the distance. But now, he could only see the dense green and layers of branches and leaves, and he could no longer hear the cries of the bat monkeys.

"No, let's hold on a little longer. You chase them from behind. I'll go up this mountain and climb directly over this mountain. Maybe I can intercept their path." Zhen Jin suggested.

According to the traces of the bat monkeys, they walked around the foot of the mountain.

Zhenjin and Zongge still have a chance, but they are not hopeless.

Zong Ge thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed to Zhen Jin's plan.

The two separated from each other.

Zhen Jin climbed all the way to the top of the hill.

Checking the surroundings, no Zong Ge was found, so he immediately took off his clothes and turned into a bronze bat monkey.

Zhen Jin gritted his teeth and encouraged himself secretly.

Although he had only practiced for one night, given the current situation, he could only catch up with his ducks in a row.

After Zhenjin turned into a bronze bat monkey, his movement speed was at least twice as fast as before!

The body structure of the bat monkey is really suitable for jumping on the branches. When encountering abrupt mountainous terrain such as cliffs, Zhenjin can directly spread his bat wings and glide down. The route is straight, which is so convenient!

"By the way, I can also send out ultrasonic waves for detection." While gliding, Zhen Jin thought of this method again.

He immediately tried to send out ultrasonic waves.


The next moment, he hit the trunk of a tree and fell all the way down. After breaking several branch branches, a thicker branch blocked his crotch.


Severe pain came, and Zhenjin subconsciously let out a scream.

He spread his legs and sat on the branch, his body curling up in pain. He grabbed the branch and used his forearms to support himself as much as possible so that his crotch was slightly off the branch.

After taking a few breaths of cold air, Zhen Jin regained his composure.

"So, the crotch is still the weak point of the bat monkey!" The young knight was quite impressed by this discovery.

"What's wrong with me? I actually want to send out ultrasound waves during flight?"

Zhen Jin felt regretful again.

He had only practiced for one night, no, half the night, and he still couldn't emit ultrasonic waves while flying or running.

Currently, he can only emit ultrasonic waves in a stationary state.

"Let's explore it first."

Acupuncture was not in a hurry, but there was still a little pain in the crotch. He still needs to take a breather.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he tried several times and soon sent out ultrasonic waves.

The canvas in my mind slowly unfolds and expands rapidly.

One hundred meters, four hundred meters, eight hundred meters, and a thousand meters later, Zhen Jin's face lit up as he successfully captured the tail of the fleeing group of bat monkeys.

"My luck is here. These bat monkeys are indeed walking around the mountain."

"Following this direction, I can intercept them."

Zhenjin jumped forward among the trees again, sometimes gliding with bat wings.

After running for a certain distance, Zhenjin stopped again and wanted to send out ultrasonic waves.

This time, he succeeded in sending out an ultrasonic wave in only two attempts.

Just when he was about to continue his efforts, three bat monkeys jumped to his side.

Zhen Jin's scalp tightened and he almost wanted to take action directly.

Because he saw that two of the three bat monkeys were injured, and they were obviously the ones who had fought with them before.

However, the three bat monkeys did not attack. Instead, they stopped in front of Zhen Jin, barked at him, and waved to him.

Zhen Jin was stunned: "Yes, I am a bat monkey now!"

The three bat monkeys screamed for a while, and they became impatient when they realized that Zhen Jin was a bit silly.

They screamed louder and moved more.

Zhenjin guessed: "What do they want to do? They seem to be communicating with me?"

The three bat monkeys found that Zhen Jin was not a little stupid, but very silly. One of the bat monkeys jumped directly to Zhen Jin's side and pushed his back.

Zhen Jin resisted and did not make a move, but when he saw the other two bat monkeys taking the initiative to jump far away, they turned back and waved to him, as if they were leading the way.

"Where do they want to take me?" Zhen Jin suddenly wondered.

Seeing that he didn't move, the bat monkey behind him barked again, seeming to urge him.

Thoughts in Zhen Jin's mind were swirling rapidly, so he simply set off and ran with the three bat monkeys.

After a while of jumping and flying, Zhenjin saw more and more bat monkeys.

Finally, he was trapped by bat monkeys and came to a forest clearing.

A large number of bat monkeys gather here, and in addition, there is also the silver rhino!

Some of the bat monkeys were squatting on the branches, some were climbing the trees, some were jumping and rolling on the ground, and some were spinning in the air and falling on the branches, bending the slender branches quickly, and it seemed that they could not bear it. When the weight of the bat monkey was about to crush it, the bat monkey spread its wings and flew out.

Some bat monkeys were seriously injured and were cared for by bat monkeys.

The bat monkey responsible for taking care of it put its head close to the wound of its companion, then took a deep breath, and its chest bulged visibly.

Then, the bat monkey gritted his teeth, blocked one nostril, and pointed the other nostril at the wound.

"What do they want to do? Blow their noses?" Zhen Jin was puzzled when he saw this scene.

The next moment, the bat monkey's chest calmed down, and most of the ultrasonic waves it emitted were transmitted from its nostrils.

Under the ultrasonic wave, the bloody wound seemed to be heated, and soon the surface became mushy, giving off the smell of barbecue.

But doing so will also cause great damage to the nasal cavity. The bat monkeys who quickly treated their companions all had blood flowing from their nostrils.

"They can actually use ultrasound to heal injuries?!" Zhen Jin was very surprised.

Then, he saw some bat monkeys climbing to the middle and lower sections of the tree trunks and emitting ultrasonic waves to the ground.

After making noise for a while, these bat monkeys jumped to the ground, came to a certain position, dug into the ground with their claws, dug out a lot of soil, and grabbed a white insect from the mud.

This white bug looks like an earthworm, but fatter than an earthworm.

White earthworms were delivered to the mouths of the most seriously injured companions by the bat monkeys. As the bat monkeys chewed, these white earthworms were chewed and exploded, releasing a rich juice that was as white as milk. Zhenjin even smelled a strong milky fragrance.

"These white earthworms seem to be very nutritious. Are they used as tonics by the bat monkeys?"

"Bat monkeys can actually find white earthworms deep in the soil, so did they use ultrasound to detect them before?"

"Ultrasound of that level can detect things in the soil?"

Zhen Jin's heart surged with surprise.

He just came here and learned a lot in less than a dozen breaths.

"They stopped here to rest. The three bat monkeys seemed to regard me as a straggler? So, where is the mastermind behind the scenes?" Zhenjin accidentally broke into the enemy's team. He did not forget the important point and looked around. search.

The next moment, a figure stepped into the forest clearing.

Zhenjin's pupils shrank suddenly.

"It turned out to be..." He was shocked.

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