Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 141: There’s no going back

The roar of the bat monkey and needle gold disturbed the nearby birds and flew into the sky.

This movement also attracted the attention of Kuromaki and his party.

They stopped subconsciously and turned to look behind them.

"what sound?"

"Did you hear anything just now?"

"It seemed like a bat monkey was roaring."

"How is that possible?" Heijuan said with a smile, "Bat monkeys all live in groups. Even the wandering bat monkeys who have been expelled from the group do not dare to go deep into the vicinity of the valley camp." "

"Why don't we go investigate?" someone suggested.

Heijuan shook his head: "No need. A single wandering bat monkey does not pose any threat. Was there really any movement just now? Why didn't I hear it? The wind is blowing, and the wind is getting louder and louder. The camp is right in front of you, you are a little bit Are you too nervous?"

Everyone knew about Heijuan's strength. Since even the bronze-level elites said so, everyone felt relieved.

"It's probably just the sound of wind."

"Okay, let's go back to the camp."

Kurojuan and his party walked into the valley.

In the distance, among the tree canopy.

The bat monkey Zijin no longer roared, but gritted his teeth.

The roar just now seemed to vent all the murderous intent and impulse in his heart.

"no no!"

"I am needle gold."

"I am acupuncture gold!"

Bat Monkey Zhenjin half-knelt on the branch of a tree. He was hunched over, as if he was carrying a heavy burden.

"I am... a Knight Templar."

His forehead was already wet. It was strange that he didn't sweat so much from the previous running and tracking.

The confused fog in his eyes was gradually fading, and there seemed to be a candlelight in the fog. The candle flame flickered, burned, and gradually became firmer.

"I'm not a murderer. I can't and I shouldn't kill Kuro Juan."

"I protect the kind and the weak, I uphold justice and fairness, and I will not kill innocent people, never!"

Zhen Jin kept swearing in his heart.

He was breathing heavily, as if he was exhausted at this moment.

He felt like he was exhausted.

Finally, he took a deep look at the valley, turned around, and returned to the original route with a staggering posture and vain steps.

"Let's go quickly."

"Your secret is out."

"Let's go and don't come back. Just treat 'Zhen Jin' as dead. This will at least leave you with a reputation. If your secret is confirmed, the Bai Zhen family will be humiliated!"

"Shut up!" Zhen Jin yelled in his heart.

"I will never escape. I am the leader. I will lead these people to escape from this island. No matter how they think of me, I will practice my knighthood and fulfill my responsibility as a leader! If If the secret is completely exposed, I will face it with courage. Even if they misunderstand me, hate me, and reject me. Because these are what I should do!"

On the way back, Zhenjin strengthened her heart.

He found his equipment again and put them on neatly.

Although he had put it on and taken it off many times, he had never felt the weight of his clothes like this.

It's heavier than Zong Ge's full-body steel armor.

The boy's footsteps seemed heavier.

He walked towards the valley again, expressionless.

The dark and gloomy rainforest, with layers of vegetation filling the field of vision, is like walls. The night was thick, as if he had a lightless future.

What a difficult journey it is!

It was obvious that Zhenjin had long been accustomed to trekking in the rainforest, and there were obviously no vicious demonic beasts blocking the road.

But Zhenjin felt extremely difficult. It seemed that every step he took was greatly consuming his physical strength and mental energy.

Deep in his heart, a weak voice arose, and this voice kept praying - just let this road be eternal, let him go on forever, and never reach the end.

The return journey was limited, and Zhenjin finally arrived outside the small valley.

He saw the camp gate outside the valley, saw the fire in the valley, and felt the presence of people.

In the past, every time he returned and saw these people, he would feel warm in his heart. But now, whether it was the camp gate, the guards, or the firelight and fragrant smoke, they seemed to be separated from him by a layer. It's just one layer, and it's as far away as the difference between heaven and earth!

Zhen Jin took a deep breath, straightened his chest hard, and walked towards the camp gate as if he was rushing to the execution ground.

"Lord Zhenjin?"

"It's Lord Zhenjin who's back!"

The guards greeted and quickly opened the camp gate for Zhenjin, looking at Zhenjin with admiration and love in their eyes.

However, such words and eyes are no longer as warm as before, giving Zhenjin the motivation to move forward. They were like sharp arrows that flew into Zhen Jin's heart, stabbing him hard and making him feel a dull pain like convulsions.

After walking through the camp gate, Zhenjin quickly came to the open space in the valley.

This place has been transformed into a dock. The keels and masts were placed in the corners. A large number of hemp ropes were arranged together, and they were all coated with the ointment provided by Zidi. After a period of drying in the shade and then airing, the hemp rope will become stronger and more durable enough to be used as a sail rope.

Walking through the clearing, halfway to the cave, Zhenjin saw many people.

These people had just finished their work and were eating today's dinner around the long wooden table.

The arrival of Zhenjin made the people at the table stand up and salute.

This was entirely a spontaneous act on their part.

Now, facing these, Zhenjin felt an invisible oppressive force!

"They don't know yet. What will they think of me when the secret is revealed?" Zhen Jin's heart was full of bitterness. He smiled at them and motioned for them to sit down. No need to be polite and continue eating.

Passing through the crowd who continued to sit down to eat, Zhenjin saw Bai Ya.

"Master Zhenjin, you are back. All the adults are looking for you. They are all in the cave now." Bai Ya said respectfully.

Zhenjin nodded and came to the big cave.

This cave is the largest cave in the small valley and is used to hold meetings and discuss important matters. In the past, when shipwrights showed sketches of sea ships, it was here.

Now, Zong Ge, Zidi, Cang Xu and others are all inside.

Obviously, they had learned about the situation from Heijuan.

Standing in front of the big cave, Zhen Jin inevitably stopped.

At this moment, his feet seemed to be pressed against invisible mountains, and the voice of escape continued to grow louder in his heart.

He can't step out!

In his eyes, the cave seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and the entrance became dark, becoming the entrance to an abyss that swallowed everything.

Zhen Jin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them again.

He held his heavy breath, bit the bullet, and walked into the large cave.

As he expected, when he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Cang Xu, Zidi, Zong Ge, Sandao, Heijuan and others were all sitting around the rectangular stone table. The main seat was still empty, which was the position of Zhen Jin.

"Sir." Zi Di sat on the left hand side of the main seat and smiled at Zhen Jin, but the smile was very forced.

Everyone else's faces were heavy.

The look of panic still remained on Kuromaki's face.

"Has he finished speaking..." Zhen Jin sighed in his heart.

"Perhaps, we are in big trouble." Zong Ge said.

Zhen Jin felt that his mouth was dry. He stood there like a criminal who was about to hear the verdict.

Zidi said: "Heijuan, please restate the information you just gave."

Kurojuan swallowed and said quickly with lingering fear: "I saw a monster from a distance. It was very scary! Even a large group of scaly-horned black panthers were no match for it. Its attack method was weird and mysterious, and it gently Once touched, those scaly-horned panthers, no matter how strong they are, will immediately fall to the ground. This is definitely a massacre, a complete massacre. A large group of scaly-horned panthers, at least fifty, just like that Being easily destroyed by a monster is easier than drinking water.”


"It's really terrible!"

"I felt that none of us would be its opponent. After discovering it, I immediately rushed back to the camp to report this important military information. In order to avoid panic, I didn't tell anyone else."

Needle gold:......

"We have analyzed it and found that this terrifying monster is at least silver level." Zidi said in a solemn tone.

"No, even a silver-level beast, such as a blue dog foxwolf, would not kill a group of scale-horned panthers so easily. Gold-level monsters are more likely!" Zong Ge expressed his opinion.

"Gold level?" Zhen Jin chewed on this level, he slowly frowned, then slowly walked to his seat, and then slowly sat down.

"What kind of monster is it?" Zhen Jin stared at the black scroll and asked.

Kurojuan shook his head: "I was far away from it and couldn't see it clearly. In fact, I found it purely by accident. I was attracted by a strange noise. Others were not as fast as me. Quickly, I immediately inquired and rushed over to investigate. The strange noise disappeared, and I looked around and found this terrifying monster. I thought this information was too important, and I felt that this monster had noticed me, so I immediately He turned around and retreated, trying his best to come back.”

Zong Ge snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with Heijuan's performance. He looked at Zijin: "He could see very vaguely. He didn't even know the physical characteristics of this monster. He only saw a huge ape with a golden color." hair. To deal with this monster, we need more detailed intelligence!"

Hearing this, Zhen Jin leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and exhaled a breath.

Then, he heard Zidi's voice: "More information is indeed needed, but I think what Heijuan did was not wrong. According to the combat power of this terrifying monster, Heijuan will not be its opponent. There is a slight hesitation." , it is very likely that he will die at the hands of this monster. He can bring back the information in time and arouse our vigilance, which is enough credit."

Zhen Jin opened his eyes and he heard it.

There may have been a small dispute here before.

Zong Ge was dissatisfied with Heijuan, thinking that he was cowardly and fled, even though he could bring back more information.

As an employer who hires black papers, Zidi must of course protect her own people.

Sure enough, Zong Ge immediately snorted: "If Heijuan was sacrificed, wouldn't we notice? The corpse can also talk, and we will get more information. His actions have violated our regulations. At least he and After the team reunites, we should send two people to report and continue the investigation. Now, we only know some of the appearance of this monster, but nothing else! In this vast forest, it is too difficult for us to find a monster. We can't find it. We must always be prepared for its surprise attack, and such a passive defense will involve a huge amount of our attention and energy."

"Zong Ge." Zhen Jin waved his hand, "I understand you, but please try to understand them a little bit. Heijuan is a mercenary, not a soldier."

Zong Ge stopped talking.

Zhenjin turned to look at Zidi and Heijuan again, and changed the topic: "Of course, Heijuan, your behavior did violate the regulations. Your next actions and orders did make us miss a good opportunity to obtain intelligence."

"But I don't think it's because of timidity."

"You are not a coward. I clearly remember the life-and-death fight between you and the bat monkey when I first met you."

"You have done a great job in bringing the information back to us, but you have also seen that others have a lot of objections to you. I will give you the next task of investigating this monster. Tomorrow, you will lead a small team, Go deep into the rainforest and investigate relevant intelligence. I hope you can complete this task and eliminate other people's objections to you."

As soon as Zhenjin finished speaking, Heijuan immediately stood up, straightened his posture, and said loudly: "Master Zhenjin, I accept this task! I will make other people shut up."

After saying that, he glared at Zong Ge with anger.

Zong Ge snorted coldly and didn't care anymore.

The meeting ended, Zhenjin and others left the cave together.

His heart was filled with intense joy.

Unexpectedly, he could still walk out of this cave as a Templar.

"The truth is actually like this, Heijuan didn't see it clearly at all."

"Now that I think about it, it's actually like this. Human vision is limited. It's not like a falcon. If you can see a blurry figure from such a distance, and think of a golden scorpion shell as fur, it can be considered that Heijuan's vision is better than that of ordinary people. "

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous... What would have happened if I hadn't controlled myself at that time and killed Heijuan, or even killed the people in that team?"

"I will be tortured by regret and guilt for the rest of my life!"

"Fortunately, in the end, I stuck to the knight's code!!"


Acupuncture's stomach made a strange growl.

After he completely relaxed, he immediately felt a strong sense of hunger.

After a big meal, Zhen Jin returned to his residence.

He was exhausted.

It was even more tiring than the original camp defense battle.

He lay on the bed, exhaling a long breath, his blue eyes shining with hope.

"I am still a Templar Knight and a Divine Knight. No one doubts me!"

"From now on, I will pay special attention to only mutate at night and practice in private. Try to minimize the mutation during the day. Even if there is a mutation, I will definitely use ultrasonic waves to explore the surrounding area."

"For those who are afraid and worried about this, I can only say I'm sorry. But just like the Blue Dog Jackal before, I believe you will gradually get used to it over time."

"I won't be practicing tonight. I want to take a good rest."

"I'm so tired today... Oh, I didn't even absorb those scaly-horned black panthers..."

"Forget it, let Kurojuan discover it."

Just like that, Zhenjin fell into a drowsy sleep.

Soon after, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up.

He was panting and in shock. Just now, he had a nightmare. Everyone discovered his secret, he betrayed all his relatives, and even Zidi looked at him with questioning eyes.

"It's just a nightmare."

Zhen Jin gritted his teeth and went back to sleep.

After a while, he was awakened by the nightmare again. The content of the nightmare was similar, and this time Zidi, who had always protected him, was also regarded as a monster.

After calming down, Zhen Jin fell into sleep again.

When he was awakened by the nightmare for the third time, he sat on the bed in silence for a long time.

The young knight, exhausted both physically and mentally, with a haggard face, finally realized something—

The secret has not been revealed, and everything seems to have remained unchanged.

But actually……

He can't go back.

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