Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 88: The Secret of 'Triumph'

Everyone exited the meeting hall.

There were only two figures, one big and one small, sitting side by side on a step at the edge of the hall.

Thales felt a little uneasy.

This old man, what is the purpose of keeping me here?

Wouldn't it really be for a "drink"?

King Nun was wearing a thick cotton robe, revealing his wrinkled but well-defined muscles. He looked at the bandages on his body with an uneasy expression, and raised his wine glass.

"I'm getting old after all." King Nun took a sip of wine, stretched his left arm, showing a painful expression, "I used to be able to fight a battle of this intensity for a day and a night, but now..."

The old king snorted coldly and poured the rest of the wine down his throat.

Thales didn't speak, he was trying to calm his slightly nervous breathing.

It's not that he doesn't have the experience of being alone with the king of a country-in fact, his nominal father, King Kessel of the Stars, put him under more pressure-but Thales sat beside King Nun VII Every now and then, I always feel extremely uneasy, especially when the mixed smell of potion and faint blood comes.

Maybe it's because King Nun just killed someone with his own hands, maybe it's because the old king has lost all blood relatives, and it's unpredictable to live alone, maybe it's because...

"Your strategy is very risky," Thales's thoughts were interrupted, and King Nun scooped up a glass of wine from the barrel again, and said slowly in his old voice: "If the murderer—Peffett faces In such a situation, if you still don’t rush and don’t respond at all, what should you do?”

Thales let out a breath.

what to do?

"There is still a way," the Prince of Stars tried his best to show a warm smile: "Then you will announce to the grand dukes that you will take them with you to be frank and honest with Charmain Rumba, shake hands and make peace... I guess the murderer must be He won’t be willing to go—he knows that the combination of the intelligence you and Rumba have is enough to drive him to a corner.”

King Nun turned the wine glass in his hand and listened quietly.

"Of course, there is no need to be so risky in the first place. We can plan slowly and reveal the two pieces of information to the grand dukes bit by bit." Thales shrugged, "But there is no way, Shiles Bai Marquis Mulla informed me that the two Grand Dukes will leave in the morning, and we only have one night left.

I can only think of a way at the banquet..."

At this moment, King Nuen suddenly snorted.

The laughter lasted for several seconds.

Thales was taken aback by the old king's ambiguous smile, and stopped talking.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Thales' mind.

No way.

"Wait, don't tell me," Thales showed an incredulous expression, looking at King Nuen with mixed surprise and dissatisfaction: "You..."

King Nun turned his head and looked at him with a playful expression, but there was an emotionless and indifferent scrutiny hidden in his emerald green eyes, which made Thales feel a chill in his heart.

Thales figured it out.

"There is no grand duke who wants to leave, right?" Thales closed his eyes and sighed in frustration, "That's the fake news you deliberately gave us."

As the Grand Duke, it is impossible for them to take a quick look at me and leave.

"A little prompting," King Nuen nodded indifferently, "it seems to be very effective."

Appropriate urging?

very effective?

Thales recalled the panic and panic today, and resisted the desire to sarcasm.

He adjusted his emotions - after all, he was in the Palace of Heroes, and the Star Prince was just a weak guest.

"But I have to say," King Nuen put down his wine glass and looked at him intently, with complex colors in his eyes: "You did a good job."

Thales was slightly taken aback.

"Thank you, but..." Thales turned his head and snorted softly: "That plan was actually thought up by Putilei, my deputy envoy and instructor. He reminded me that Rumba can also be used as a bargaining chip... "

"But you are indeed the real executor," King Nun interrupted him with sharp eyes: "You deserve this praise... Considering your age, it is simply a miracle to have such a performance."

Thales showed a fake and ugly smile.

He also didn't want to act like a monster - he was forced out of this world.

"Perhaps, the Canxing royal family is really rich in such geniuses." King Nuen sighed.

Taylor's eyes moved.

"The genius of the Canxing royal family?" Thales asked sharply, "Who else?"

King Nun chuckled, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"Your father's elder brother, your grandfather's eldest son, Midil Canxing," the old king said flatly.

Thales' eyes lit up.

Midil Canxing.

Thales recalled the attitude of Gilbert and Ms. Jeanne towards the eldest son of the former king, the wise prince praised by everyone.

But at the same time, he also remembered what the desperate Northern Duke Aarond had said to Midil in the Fuxing Palace: "The gloomy elder brother Wang".

"He came here to submit his credentials when he was thirteen years old. Before the two sides fought, he coordinated the dispute between the Welland Territory, the Black Sand Territory and your Watch City on the hunting range of the Great Needle Forest. That was the year before my coronation."

"It's also in this hall that he faces my father, and the two grand dukes of Welland and Heisha." King Nun looked at the meeting hall flickering in the flames, and said slowly, "I looked at Weilan and Heisha." The previous Grand Duke of Lanling, poor old Olsio, was choked by a child and was speechless in front of everyone."

"I see," Thales nodded embarrassingly. "No wonder, Olesi—that bearded man always dislikes me. It seems that we are indeed a 'world feud'."

"Yeah, I guess," King Nuen smiled, "My father died a year later, and Midil is also responsible for it."

Thales didn't answer in embarrassment.

"Do you know, in the past, your weird so-called genius would have made me extremely afraid," the old king tightened his robe again, his gaze delicate: "Especially you are still the number one, no, the only heir to the throne of the stars." .”

Thales frowned slightly, King Nun's eyes made him a little uncomfortable.

"Midil's death is really a pity... I have always been curious about what kind of king a person like him would become," King Nun sighed, turned his head, and stared straight at Thales: "But you There is still a chance."

"And the chances are great."

"I believe that once you are crowned king, you will be the newborn of the Star Kingdom." King Nun's eyes began to become sharp: "Exter will usher in a terrible opponent."

Thales shuddered, and the nerves that had just relaxed became tense again.


What is this nonsense?

What is this guy trying to do?

He was a little confused about King Nuen's intentions.

Under King Nun's gaze, Thales tried his best to calm his faster and faster breathing.

King Nun suddenly laughed strangely.

"Don't be so nervous," he said calmly, his tone full of majesty unique to a king: "I'm not a man-eating beast."

Thales resisted the desire to refute, pulled out an ugly smile, and glanced at the center of the hall from the corner of his eyes—it was the place where Peifeit's neck was twisted just now.

King Nun noticed Thales' gaze and couldn't help laughing.

"As a king's heir, he will see blood sooner or later." The king took a sip of wine, his eyes sharp: "This will help you."

Thales frowned.

See blood.

Quaid's eyes before his death appeared in front of his eyes, and he remembered the touch of the dagger in his hand piercing the flesh and blood.

There was also the juvenile supernatural assassin who could make a piercing magic sound, and his wet, warm beating... heart.

A sense of discomfort was forcibly suppressed by Thales.

"After watching the duel just now, what do you think?" King Nuen put down his glass and asked slowly.

"I'm impressed," Thales replied truthfully, "Especially watching how an elderly veteran put down a young rookie."

King Nuen sneered.

"And the heroic duel customs in the Northland also opened my eyes," Thales carefully considered his words: "Of course, there is also your courage to resolutely step onto the duel field as the king of a country."


"When I initiated the duel, I saw your expression." King Nuen looked at Thales with deep eyes: "You don't think so, do you?"

Thales was slightly taken aback.

King Nun continued to stare at him.

"Okay," Thales took a deep breath, and said embarrassingly: "You know, considering your age—after all, it's about such a big country, what if something goes wrong?"

After a few seconds.

Under Thales' nervous gaze, King Nun suddenly said a word without thinking: "You know, the origin and connection between the Walton family and the Canxing family began a long time ago."

Thales was confused.

King Nuen gently stretched out his right hand, showing the black ring on his little finger: "Do you know what this is?"

Thales frowned.

Then he shook his head honestly.

"This is 'Triumph'." King Nuen smiled mysteriously: "It is also one of the origins of our two families."

Thales couldn't help being taken aback.


He watches as King Nunn takes off his ring and turns to the inner ring, and Ryoung shows him.

Thales narrowed his eyes, and saw a pattern engraved on the inner ring that King Nun was pointing to. It seemed to be a horse...

A horse with wings?

"This is the coat of arms of the Pegasus." King Nunn said indifferently, "It is the family coat of arms of the Carolers family, the royal family, since Emperor Comorra established the empire."

Thales was slightly taken aback.


Imperial family? Carolther?

"When the stars were first established more than six hundred years ago," King Nun said in a deep and distant tone, "Because of King Tormund's bloody methods, the first conflict broke out between Exeter and the stars."

"Nakaru and Tormund, the Northerners and the Imperials, led the elite soldiers from the Battle of the End to face each other around the cold castle."

"In the end, the two former kings took a step back and signed the first peace treaty in the history of our two countries. It was agreed that the two countries would divide and rule the north and the south, expand each other, and not interfere with each other." "That was the earliest contact between Exeter and Xingchen. "

Thales narrowed his eyes. He remembered what he saw in the library yesterday afternoon.

What King Nun said should be the peace treaty signed by Tormund and Nakaru.

"What is not recorded in the history books is that the two former kings exchanged an ancestral treasure in private as a token of the covenant." King Nuen put the ring back on his hand.

"This ring is the token that King Tormund gave to King Nakaru." King Nun took a breath and said to Thales: "It was passed from Nakaru to Walton. The family has been secretly passed down in the hands of successive Grand Dukes of Walton."

"It doesn't have a name, but all the previous Grand Dukes have called it 'Triumph'." The king's tone was a little vague, and his eyes were looking elsewhere.


Thales frowned slightly.

"Nice name," he said cautiously. "Sounds very exciting."

"Excitement?" King Nuen laughed dumbly.

"As I said, it was originally an ancestral treasure of the Restoration King Tormund. It originated from the first emperor of the Final Empire and is also one of your ancestors," King Nun stroked Triumph with sharp eyes:

"Kessel Carother VI."

Thales turned his eyes.


A... Emperor with the same name as his father?

King Nun raised his eyes: "This ring once belonged to the famous Emperor Kessel VI, and it was handed down all the way to King Tormund. Tormund gave this ring to Nakaru again, witnessing each other's love. Covenant."

"And the reputation of King Kessel VI is not very good. In his life, which was neither long nor short, but full of ups and downs, countless opponents fell under his schemes," King Nuen sucked. In a serious tone:

"And his greatest achievement is that in the chaos after the collapse of the ancient empire, he revived the prestige of the Karosei imperial family, regained the triumphant capital from the rebels and princes, and finally established the empire, which lasted for three hundred years. "

Thales nodded.

The emperor who recaptured the triumphant capital, the founder of the ultimate empire.

I see.

That's why it's called "Triumph".

"Do you know the emperor's nickname?" King Nuen suddenly raised his head and looked at Thales playfully.

Thales was taken aback for a moment, then continued to shake his head.

King Nun looked at Thales with an increasingly subtle expression.

This made the latter extremely uneasy.

"This small ring has a wide range of uses." King Nuen sighed, flicking the ring of triumph.

This time, Thales was truly stunned.

Has many uses?

Thales stared blankly at the ring, and a terrible thought crept into his mind.

Sure enough, King Nuen's next words made him feel cold: "Three different kinds of medicine foam, two different gases, and even a poison needle can be hidden in the ring."

Listening to the old king's narration, Thales even forgot to breathe.

But King Nun's words continued:

"For example, when the two duels are at loggerheads..."

"Turn the mechanism lightly, and 'Triumph' will be able to release the prepared Selgrass poisonous gas at close range," King Nuen's eyes were extremely cold at the moment, and his tone sounded terrifying:

"Its extraction is very expensive, but it can unconsciously anesthetize the muscles and mind of the poisoned person. During intense exercise, this poison will disperse with the blood, and the poisoned person will feel that their strength has decreased, their muscles are numb, and the more they feel Getting restless."

Strength drops.

Muscle numbness.


The second prince was stunned.

Thales turned his head and looked at King Nuen in disbelief.

King Nun also turned to look back at him.

In the next second, the old king finally confirmed Thales's terrifying conjecture with a suspicious smile.


"Don't you really think that I am an old man who is almost seventy years old," the supreme king of Exeter and the most respected ruler of the Northlanders, Nun Walton VII, looked at him deeply Looking at him: "Can you defeat a man with a physical reaction, strength and speed that is at its peak, and who has been trained in fighting in the Northland all year round?"

Thales looked at King Nuen in shock.

Nunn smiled meaningfully.

Thales' brain was in a mess.

He played back every scene of the duel just now in his mind, and then grabbed the fragment that best fit the description in front of him:

Puffett gasped heavily.

The ax he fell off almost every time.

And the young archduke's final hysteria.


Thales didn't know what expression to use at the moment, nor did he know what expression he was.

He just stared at King Nunn closely.

"Did I forget to tell you?"

"The founder of the final empire, the nickname of Kessel VI," King Nun smiled, with a mysterious expression on his face, and gently spit out three words:

"'Poison Emperor'."

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