Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 193: Beheading

It's a good thing that the delay is working, but...

Looking at Ricky's almost murderous gaze, Thales felt his head getting bigger and bigger.

Where did I say something wrong again!


If he is a magician...

Thales rubbed his head, remembering the purpose of the Disaster Sword coming here.

That's right.

Dragon breaker.

But... what to do now?

However, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the darkness behind him!


The confused Thales woke up immediately.


Little Barney and Belletti were startled, and turned around to look back.

"The more disadvantaged you are, the stronger the enemy is."

Seeing the person behind him clearly, Thales was stunned.

Even Ricky's eyes tightened, and he stopped paying attention to Thales with murderous intent.

"That's all the more important."

It's him.

It's Sackel.

I saw the punishment knight who had just lost his mind and was left in a dark corner by them, limping into the firelight with his left arm tied tightly with a plank.

His face was indifferent and his eyes were desolate.

The appearance of the Cavaliers made many people nervous.

Especially on the side of the Sword of Disaster, Clay and Josh's expressions changed drastically, and they raised their weapons at the same time!

Thales also tensed up, but looking at the situation in front of him, he probably couldn't care less about Sackel's threat.

"And you,

Barney Pioneer Officer, Belletti Penalty Officer," Sackel's figure was shaky, but his words were extremely harsh:

"You guys really let me down."

Belletti looked ashamed, while Barney turned his head awkwardly.

"Sir?" Tardin asked in bewilderment.

But Sackel ignored him, and just looked straight at the ugly-looking Thales:

"As for you..."

The punishment knight's eyes are sharp and decisive at this moment, as if they have the ability to penetrate people's hearts.

Thales couldn't help but thump in his heart when he thought of his previous "convicts" of chasing and killing him.

"Think about it," Sackel said:

"How did he 'die'?"

How did he... die?


How did what die?

Thales was at a loss.


Ricky spoke loudly.

He was very surprised and surprised, and at the same time he did not forget to release a questioning look at Samir.

But Samir just shook his head with a complicated expression on his face.

"You look better than when you were in jail."

Thales looked at Sakel, who was sickly with bruises and bloodstains on his face besides his eyes, and couldn't find any evidence that "he looked much better".

"Why don't you think about my proposal again?"

The surprise and vigilance on Ricky's face were fleeting, and his words became steady and confident again:

"We should be able to get along—for example, on the fight against the Tower of Terminus."

But Sackel didn't even look at him, but just stared straight at Thales.

The young man panicked when he saw him, and turned his head quickly, forcing himself not to look at Sakel who had returned.

At that moment, Thales had a flash of inspiration and understood Sackel's words.

It's Ricky.

He was talking about Ricky.

Ricky, how did he... die?

By the way, I remembered.

He was in Sackel's cell, yordle...

At that moment, the upset Thales woke up immediately!

That's right.

Thales shook his head as hard as he could.

It is because his current state is so bad that his physical pain and mental fatigue have affected the most basic thinking.

Thales took a deep breath, and the sin of the half-dead prison river reluctantly let out a little bit, which relieved his pain and dizziness to a drop in the bucket.

The boy tried his best to regain his composure, and nodded towards Sackel.

The penalty knight then looked away.

Then Thales turned to Ricky:

"You are not a magician."

The words are calm and decisive.

"You are not a disaster."

The moment that word appeared, the royal guards were a little surprised.

Little Barney stared, Belletti stared at Ricky stiffly.

Ricky raised his eyebrows slightly.

Thales took a deep breath, only feeling that the uneasiness in his heart gradually disappeared:

"Absolutely not."

The astonishment of the royal guards subsided quickly, and they all looked at Thales.


Ricky's smile slowly cooled.

"Why so sure?"

Why so sure?

As if to continue convincing himself, Thales, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, blurted out subconsciously:

"Because you're a man."

Ricky frowned, puzzled for a moment.


But his expression immediately relaxed.

"I see."

Ricky looked stunned.

"'Because I'm a man'...So you took what we said about the Magic Queen, didn't you?"

This time it was Thales' turn to be taken aback.

The mercenary leader smiled slightly, looked left and right, his eyes were full.

"Your Highness, where is your masked friend?"

Taylor's heart tightened.

He subconsciously wanted to look at Sackel, who had seen Yordle for the last time, but Ricky's words forced him to divert his attention again:

"So, the sword he used to kill me, um, should be the legendary anti-demon weapon, right?"

Thales' arm froze.

In front of him, Ricky was still calm and calm as before.

It's just that a pair of eyes are fixed on Sakeel.

"So the legend is true. In addition to the three commanders and the four pieces held by the king, the Kingdom of Stars still has one in the Fuxing Palace... Now it seems that it is a sword?"

Most of the Sword of Disaster and the royal guards were in a fog, unable to keep up with Thales and Ricky's thinking.

But Thales stared at Ricky more and more seriously.

Not good.

Based on the clues that Sackel reminded him, and the fact that Ricky "died" by the Supreme Sword, he determined that the other party was not a magician.

But Ricky quickly grasped their logic.

He deduced that the sword that "killed" him in Yordle's hand was the legendary anti-demon weapon just from Thales' inexplicable words like "You are a man".

Thales subconsciously glanced at Sack El behind him.

But the other party didn't even look at him, just stared at Ricky coldly.

No, you can't count on him.

Thales shook his head.

Sackel's mental state is inherently problematic, what's more, after a series of battles and the baptism of alchemy balls, Thales doesn't think it's worth taking the chips It's a good idea to bet on Thackel, who has gone and come back.

There is no way, Thales can only bite the bullet and continue:

"So, your'death' was also planned by you?"


Thales stared at the sword of disaster on the opposite side, counting their number.

"Then you watch us kill each other and reap the benefits?"

There are at least thirty or forty more...

The point is, there is Ricky, the biggest variable.

But if he is not a magician...

Thales thought of the "magic" of the other party's resurrection, and felt that after getting rid of the panic of the magician, he fell into a deeper unknown.


Ricky chuckled, keeping his eyes on Sackel.

"Your Highness, you have to understand: this world is very complicated, and nothing is planned."

"Like tonight, isn't it?"

Nothing is planned.

Thales clenched his fists.

"The mysterious and terrifying Shield of Shadows, the people from the Northland with a terrifying background, the famous Secret Department of the Kingdom and the darkroom of the Northland, the former prisoner of the guards, and even the star nobles in the camp—about half a blade Everyone in Camp Fang is involved."

Ricky tutted and shook his head.

"Of course there are us and you, Your Highness."

"When they are intertwined with everything, all pre-set plans will be broken, and only accidents are the main theme."

Ricky narrowed his eyes, showing a warning look from the slits:

"We never planned anything."

"Or rather, our only reliable plan is this: improvisation."


Thales went through everything that happened tonight.

From taverns to dungeons, from mercenaries to assassins, from prisoners to Sackel.

He changed color slightly.

Ricky, he could be said to be the cause of everything that happened tonight: from the very beginning, it was his sword of disaster, planning to break into the prison of bones and obtain the information he wanted.

He is also a multi-party connector: Shadow Shield who wants to get millet out of the fire, Northlanders who are interested in the prince, the innocent and neutral tavern owner, and the dark room with evil intentions, including himself, are all gathered by Ricky here.

He is even more the triggerer of contradictions: he was the one who took Semir to meet the guards back then, who provoked the old incident eighteen years ago, and he was the one who brought his subordinates to fight with the Shadow Shield, and wiped out all the guards in the dungeon. Everyone is involved in the whirlpool.

And he is about to become the terminator of the chess game: now that almost all the goals have been achieved and everything is almost settled, he leads them here through Semir to witness the final outcome.

Thales only felt more and more heavy in his heart, and he suddenly realized that he had seriously underestimated Ricky.

After experiencing countless chaos and accidents, he can still stand here safely. Of course, he is not a small role.

Coupled with his strange means of mysterious rebirth...

In the suffocating silence, Ricky chuckled:

"Now, can you come home with me?"

But once again, contrary to everyone's expectations, a figure suddenly appeared at this moment!


Thales, who hadn't figured out his thoughts yet, twitched his nerves, only felt the wind blowing in his ears, and saw the limping figure pass him and hit Ricky who had just finished speaking!

It's Sackel.

The former watchman didn't change his face, and the speed was not fast, but he moved forward firmly with his legs that were no longer flexible due to the injury!

Thales was completely stunned. about holding on and calming down?

This time, the Swords of Disaster who had been prepared for a long time no longer reacted passively, but roared and counterattacked, blocking the attackers.

At least five or six people met Sakel.

Only Samir's complexion changed drastically, and he stopped him aloud:

"No, don't have so many people! He..."

But it's too late.

For the next six seconds, Thales felt like he was watching a funny acrobatic:

In the first second, a mercenary slammed his hammer fiercely, and was punished by the knight, but inexplicably bumped into his left-handed companion. The two scrambled to avoid accidental injury and rolled into a ball.

In the second and third seconds, Josh fought hard with Sackel's axe, and then he retreated, but found himself standing on the road blocking his companion's help, and tripped two people one after another.

In the third and a half seconds, Clay's invincible fast sword pierced out with precision, but miraculously helped Sackel, who just lowered his head, block another attack.

In the fourth second, the last mercenary standing in front of Ricky wisely did not make contact, but shot three darts, one of which was nimbly dodged by Sackel, and stuck in the foot of a pursuer behind him .

In the fifth second, the second dart hit the handle of Sackel's axe, deflected the direction by coincidence, flew into the crowd, and plunged into the buttocks of Barney who was pinned to the ground by two people.

In the sixth second, the third dart accurately hit Sackel—the splint on the left arm that fixed the injury. The punishment knight turned his head and bit and spit, and the dart with saliva appeared in midair immediately. It was hit by Sackel with an ax and shot at the crotch of its original owner.

At the seventh second, Ricky was shocked to find that the dart mercenary in front of him curled up in pain, fell backwards, and happened to fall to his right foot. At the same time, Sakeel's ax blade flew out and shot at his left foot.

Ricky had to take a big step back, dodging the screaming roll of his companion, and then parried Sackel's throwing axe with his sword.

But when he was able to finish all this, Sakel had already appeared in front of him.


Ricky, who was struggling to maintain his balance, could only utter half a word, and Sackel, who looked indifferent, raised his right arm and left arm splint at the same time.


There was a thrilling muffled sound of muscles and bones.

Thales shuddered.

In the next second, Ricky's head was seen turning in an impossible direction on his shoulders.


With a soft sound, Ricky, who was still invincible a moment ago, opened his eyes in disbelief, and fell straight to the ground.

His head was twisted in a strange position, looking behind him.

Never move again.

With the howls and screams of many Baneblades, the fight was over.

Except for the howling wounded, everyone was stunned.

But Thackel didn't end there.

He reached out his hand coldly, and caught Ricky's slipped "Eternal Truth" in mid-air—it looked as if the fallen Ricky had thrown the sword to him on his own initiative.

Everyone's heart trembled!

Thales turned his head subconsciously.


It was the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart again.

This time, Ricky's head left his body amidst the spurting blood.

Rolling feebly on the ground.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

Under the almost astonished eyes of everyone, Sackel stood up.

With a clang, the long sword fell to the ground.

Ricky's body lay on the ground, motionless.

His head was not far from his left shoulder, and his eyes were staring blankly at his neck.

After doing all of this, Sakel let out a muffled grunt, covered his chest and lowered his waist—obviously, he was not unharmed.

The mercenaries around him reacted and were about to step forward.

But Sackel just took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced around.

The mercenaries all froze and retreated one after another.

Like the tide receding.

Or meet a flock of hungry wolves.

On the side of the Sword of Disaster, Clay supported Josh, who was coughing, and looked at the ghost-like warrior in front of him in horror.


It's no coincidence that I was in a cell before...

This guy can really...

The people on Thales' side were also dumbfounded.

"Forty...forty..." The last fast rope looked at the wounded and Ricky's body all over the ground, and murmured in horror:

"I'm stupid, could it be true?"

The punishment knight ignored the others, but turned around and stared at the headless corpse on the ground.

It seems like a long time.

But the body on the ground did not move.

Sackel heaved a sigh of relief and turned around.

Thales and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, remember to make up the knife after killing...

is correct.

But after only a few seconds, Sackel froze as he walked back.

Because a strange rustling sound came from behind him.

On this side, Thales, Tardin, Cannon, Bree, and Quick Rope all looked behind the penalty knight, and their faces turned pale!

Even the sword of disaster around him turned pale and turned to avoid it.

Sackel's pupils froze.

In the next second, without even thinking about it, he kicked the ax blade on the ground, grabbed the ax handle with his right hand, and turned back!


The sound of steel entering flesh.

I saw Sackel directly pushing the ax blade into the chest of the person behind him!

But this did not make Thales and other bystanders feel a little better.

Because they saw that the corpse that stood up again grabbed Sackel's arm, and looked at the ax blade stuck in his chest indifferently, bringing out countless blood.

As if it wasn't his own chest.

"It's so cruel, just cut off your head."

At some point, the corpse "Ricky" whose head had returned to his body laughed and said:

"You're really going to give me trouble."

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