Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 311 Becoming a God, Farewell

Li Qingshan stopped talking, closed his eyes, and concentrated on controlling the mirror clone. /top/point/novel .3w.

"See my king! See the leader! What happened?"

Figures gathered from all directions, all looking up at the mountain-like cauldron in astonishment.

"No need to say much, just watch!"

Gu Yanying waved his hand, and everyone stood in silence behind them, listening to the thunder and feeling trembling. He couldn't help but look at Li Qingshan's back. Was it him who caused such power?

The Shuangzhou Cauldron is extremely strong and is not shackled by the laws of heaven and earth. It still stands firmly despite the thunderous bombardment.

The earth shook violently, and cracks suddenly opened. Magma rushed out, and red flames rushed straight to the bottom of Shuangzhou Cauldron.

At this time, except for Li Qingshan and Gu Yanying, no one dared to stand in front of the cauldron. They retreated far away, still feeling thrilling.

The heaven and earth seemed to turn into a copper furnace, using creation as the workman, the earth as the anvil, and the thunder as the hammer, smelting the Shuangzhou Cauldron with all its strength.

A gust of hot wind blocked the splashing thunder and fire, and Gu Yanying stared silently. The so-called power of heaven and earth could only be seen this time, but it also happened to show the laws of heaven and earth.

Although one can understand the laws of heaven and earth through various things under normal circumstances, one can often only scratch the surface. Just like when a person is angry, drunk, etc., it is easier to reveal his true nature.

This is indeed the best opportunity to understand the laws of heaven and earth. I wonder if Qingshan can grasp it, understand the laws of heaven and earth in one fell swoop, and even become a god in this world.

But if you become a god, does it really not affect your true body?

Time passed bit by bit. The power of heaven and earth was endless, and the Shuangzhou Cauldron began to be unable to support itself. With a click, a crack appeared at the bottom and spread quickly.

Li Qingshan's expression moved slightly, and a rainbow light burst out from the crack.

Wherever the Shuangzhou Cauldron cracked, rainbow light shot out from there, as if trying to repair the cracks.

Gu Yanying could see that he was competing for time with this world. Be the first to refine Shuangzhou Cauldron.

finally. The Shuangzhou Cauldron was full of cracks, and thousands of rainbow lights shot out from it, saturating the entire cauldron.

Time seems to have stopped for a moment,

There was a loud bang. The cauldron exploded and shattered. The circular air wave swept thousands of miles. Rounds of rainbow light then expanded, dyeing the sky extremely magnificent.

The fragments of the cauldron melted like ice cubes in mid-air, being swallowed up and melted by this world.

The sky turned slightly white. The thunder and fire from heaven and earth gradually subsided, while thousands of palaces and palaces were burned down by magma, and ashes fell all over the city.

Fortunately, countless experts in the city were on duty and all parties provided rescue in time, so it didn't turn into a fire that burned the city.

On top of the ruins, Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes, which were clear and clear, as if he had penetrated everything in the world.

Gu Yanying asked: "How is it?"

"It's hard to say, but the Dayan Talisman has been compensated. You should pay me with your body as soon as possible."

Li Qingshan said, as soon as the mirror clone entered the Frost State Cauldron, he used the power of the Dayan Talisman to activate the spirit turtle transformation to deduce the laws of heaven and earth in this world. At the same time, he had to resist the thunder bombardment and the earth fire, and then It is to compete with this world for time to refine the Shuangzhou Cauldron, and the will power accumulated for many years is simply used up like running water.

Fortunately, he had smashed the Wuzhou Cauldron with his own hands and ate a fruit of wisdom. He had a lot of understanding of the laws of heaven and earth in Kyushu. The refining process went smoothly, and he finally took the lead in refining the Shuangzhou Cauldron.

However, the Shuangzhou Cauldron could no longer withstand the blows of thunder and fire. It shattered into pieces and was swallowed up and melted by the world. Even the mirror clone and Dayan Talisman were swallowed together.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's going on?"

"I don't know how to describe my current situation. On the one hand, I am standing here in front of you. On the other hand, I am traveling between heaven and earth, and I am with the world. I can dive into the deep sea or climb to the top of a mountain in a single thought. Well , there is a woman sleeping naked here, she has a good figure, but her stomach is not good..."

Li Qingshan originally had a solemn face, as if he were an observer outside the world, but his last words immediately revealed his true nature.

Gu Yanying glared at him angrily: "What else?"

"I also saw endless laws, but I could only walk around and take a look. They don't seem to be gods..."

This was the first time in his life that Li Qingshan felt such a wonderful state. He focused his eyes on Gu Yanying in front of him, but he only saw a ball of howling hot wind from hell, wrapped in a green feather. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Unexpectedly, this guy has practiced the "Hell Sutra Transformation Diagram" to such a level that he is almost with hell!

Gu Yanying could tell what he was planning just by looking at his expression, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and hit him hard on the head with an iron fan.

Li Qingshan realized that he couldn't see Gu Yanying clearly, so he continued to travel around the world. He received a blow unexpectedly and touched his head: "What did you hit me for? I didn't see anything!"

Gu Yanying looked at him with an angry and aggrieved face. He really had no temper. He sighed: "You are now close to omniscience in this world. This is already the ability of a god."

"Well, it makes sense. After all, the time is too short. I still can't understand all the laws of heaven and earth. Naturally, it is difficult to grasp the power of heaven and earth." Li Qingshan nodded, and suddenly patted her on the head: "Hey, it's not that I won't retaliate. Time will Not here yet!”

Gu Yanying held his forehead and was speechless for a long time. He felt that in front of so many people, he really couldn't get along with him anymore.

"But does your clone really not affect the main body? Don't be assimilated by this world."

After all, no matter how powerful you are in this world, you cannot bring it back to Kyushu. If you are assimilated by the world, it will be much more terrifying than being rejected by the world.

"It's just a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. Of course it won't affect the real body."

"Hey, it doesn't look like you were affected."

Gu Yanying sighed in her heart, how could anyone spy on a woman in this state? I have long been immersed in the mysterious and infinite laws of heaven and earth, and regard everything in the world as floating clouds. I almost admire his character. How could he be so stubborn?

"But you don't know, this is really fun, almost like playing a game!"

Li Qingshan thought of the sandbox game in his previous life, but it was only a city at its largest. And the degree of reality is very limited, but this is a whole world, down to every grain of sand and every particle of dust.

"I have never heard of such a game, but your magical power is really mysterious!" Gu Yanying praised.


Li Qingshan was slightly surprised. Apart from being able to conceal his identity in the beginning, "Through the Mirror" was actually less and less helpful to him later on. As his identity was exposed, the enemies he faced became stronger and stronger. The clone could only be used to block knives, which was really useless.

This is because he lacks understanding. In fact, the art of clone is not a particularly advanced spell. There are even some Qi Masters who can use it, but generally it can only be used in combat, and the distance is limited, making it more like a puppet.

Only extremely powerful practitioners. Only then will there be a real clone. It can travel everywhere instead of the main body. But such a clone will inevitably affect the main body, and there is a risk that the will of the main body and the clone will be inconsistent. Even having an independent will and being separated from the main body would be a huge loss.

His mirror image clone is almost an extension of his body, so there is no problem of coordinating his will. Instead, there is a wonderful self-protection mechanism to prevent the main body from being affected by the clone. No matter how much the shadows are distorted by the mirror and water, the flowers and the moon remain independent and unaffected.

If he becomes a god, his character will be greatly affected. How can the vastness of the world not have an impact on the human spirit?

This is a talent passed down in the blood of the turtle family. When the turtle lurks in the deep sea and controls the clone to travel, if the clone breaks away casually, or is injured by someone through the clone, what else does the clone have? Meaning, how can we not nip such risks in the bud?

Only by creating such a "mirror clone" can you ensure that you are always in the safest position.

If Li Qingshan knew this, he would definitely sigh, the spirit turtle is really born to be a dead house. The mirror, flowers, water and moon are simply like a computer screen, forming a barrier that completely isolates the world.

Everyone gathered again and asked what was going on.

A young man stood out from the crowd. His back was slightly convex, his body was broad, but his face was very handsome. He was somewhat similar to Li Qingshan. He cupped his hands and said, "Father, my concubine, please come to Xuanxu Temple to gather together."

"What's up?"

When Li Qingshan asked the question, he had already seen Yang Miaozhen in Xuanxu Temple and understood the answer. Someone was finally leaving him!

As things change and people's hearts change, he is not the only one who can abandon others.

Yang Miaozhen suddenly felt something in her heart, stood up and looked around.

"You're really sharp. Is it because you're about to ascend?"

Li Qingshan admired in his heart that among all the women, Yang Miaozhen was the undisputed number one in terms of talent, understanding, and character and will. Over the years, she has focused on her cultivation without taking a day off. She doesn't care about the struggles in the world at all. Even though Hu Xian'er has no family or sect to drag her down, she still has a jealous heart, but she has always been very indifferent.

However, precisely because of this indifference, they have drifted apart over the years. Even if Li Qingshan calls her, she often refuses to do so, until she reaches the highest level of the tenth level of Qi Refining, only one step away from ascension.

The change of color of heaven and earth last night gave her a lot of inspiration. She caught a glimpse of the laws of heaven and earth, and she was about to prepare for ascension, so she ordered her son to invite Li Qingshan.

Xuanwu City in the past and Zhongdu City today were not far from Xuanxu Temple. Li Qingshan did not keep her waiting for long. He stood in front of her as soon as the sky lit up and said with a smile: "Congratulations!"

"You really haven't changed at all, but I've aged a lot."

Yang Miaozhen stared at the man in front of her. He seemed to be the same as he was many years ago, not only in appearance, but also in his mood, but she felt a lot of vicissitudes of life in her heart.

Li Qingshan also said: "Well, he is much older."

In fact, her appearance has not changed much. As a result of the "Yimu Qi Jue", there is no wrinkle on her face and not a single gray hair on her head. Her figure is still as tall as before, but she is old after all. .

After all, she is just a mortal and does not have a strong bloodline. This world does not have so many miraculous medicines to extend lifespan. Aging to a certain extent means death! Even though she still looks like a girl, death is still death after all.

If you don't want to say goodbye, you can only live apart, and this is the time to say goodbye. (To be continued...)

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