Lord of Glory

Chapter 24: Silencing

Paladin narrowed his eyes and slowly walked forward step by step, but his tone was strangely flat, so flat that it made people hairy: "Noson, I told you not to come in. {Fastest text chapter}" "Answer my question !”

Not to be outdone, Noson immediately retorted. And Paladin immediately stopped five meters away from Northam. After hearing Northam's question, a playful smile appeared on his face that was blurred by the torch. I saw him raising his right hand frivolously, taking off the glove of his right hand leisurely, opening his pale right hand towards Northen, and couldn't help laughing wildly: "Take a good look, Northen! This is the reason, this It’s power!”

The originally angry Northen only felt a basin of cold water pouring down his head. He could not believe that the palm of Paladin's right hand was as clear as golden crystal. The palms of the hands that seemed to be crystallized and even the wrists hidden in the cuffs had several blood vessels showing a magical crystallized look! What shocked Noson the most was that this crystallized place emitted a dazzling golden light in the dark night!

In an instant, Nosun realized it clearly. He said calmly: "Paladin, this is your miraculous ability to almost control the power of elements. If you are willing to tell me, you also show that you will not let me live." Paladin looked at Noson's pair of enlightened eyes. eyes and nodded approvingly. He took a step forward gently and said proudly: "You are no match for me, Noson."

He also added in his heart: "Especially because I now have control over three hundred light elements." Noson nodded dejectedly. He said in a low voice with a look of enlightenment: "I must have been tempted by the devil to help you do such things as sitting down. With a single thought, I did something that I will regret for the rest of my life, and innocent people were sacrificed for nothing."

Who knew that when Paladin heard this, he immediately laughed disdainfully, took another step forward, and said sarcastically: "Hypocritical, dark wizard. Instead of looking for the reasons from himself, he just blamed all the illusory people. Devil. Are you escaping? Are you escaping because of your ridiculous conscience? You are just a weak and worthless person. What is the difference between you and these wastes lying on the ground?" He pointed to the four skeletons on the ground with an indescribable expression. of contempt.

Such an insult, but Noson didn't see any reaction. He sighed deeply and said, "Paladin, before I die, there is something I must tell you."

Upon hearing this, Paladin made a soft sound and took another step forward with a joking smile on his face. He said: "Go on, say it while you can still speak your last words." But at this moment, when Noson and Paladin were only two meters apart, Noson, who had lowered his head, suddenly raised his head. Get started. Both eyes are filled with determination to kill! Yelled: "I want to die after you!"

I don't know when I took out the wand in my hand. The head of the wand was flashing with black light. It rushed forward quickly and stabbed Paladin in the forehead!

But at the moment when he was about to be stabbed, Northam saw Paladin's expression. No panic, no fear. Only the snickering gloom! "Something's wrong! There's a scam!" This thought just flashed through Noson's mind, but it was too late. Paladin's eyes suddenly widened with a sinister smile on his face, bursts of golden light shot out from his eyes, and a ghastly crack opened at the corner of his closed mouth.

His right hand brought up a burst of afterimages, and he quickly grabbed the hand Noson stabbed at! Seeing Northen's face turn pale instantly, Paladin laughed sinisterly: "Foolish! Your intention has been seen through long ago!" In fact, only Paladin knew. When Northam found out that it was him who came to the basement. He immediately took out his wand. Originally, Paladin would never have discovered it. But the dark elements hovering around Nosun collectively flocked to the scene on his left hand. Even if you want to ignore it.

Soon enough, just when Noson was trying to pull away his arm, Paladin chuckled, and the golden light element around him immediately became as obedient as an arm, crazily blending into his right hand and rushing into Noson's arm. Something surprising happened!

Hearing Nosun's scream, the arm grabbed by Paladin instantly ignited with blazing flames! Moreover, the temperature of the flame was extremely high, but in an instant, the skin and flesh flew back, and tongues of fire traveled between the bones of the arm! Paladin, on the other hand, became even more excited, and there was no sign of any burns on his hands.

With a snap, Paladin pulled hard with his right hand, and actually tore Noson's arm that was burned into bones alive! A spark flashed across Paladin's face, looking at Noson who was holding his arms and screaming, with a sinister smile on his face. He raised his foot and kicked Noson hard in the stomach! The latter immediately whined, hit the wall as if flying, and collapsed to the ground. Blood was flowing uncontrollably from the corners of his mouth.

"Old guy, it seems that you are not of much use anymore. Keeping you alive will make me more dangerous." Paladin said with a ferocious smile, gently waved his hand, and walked step by step towards Noson who was lying in the corner. Northen, who was extremely injured, could only barely raise his head. His painful eyes were mixed with fear as he watched Paladin in front of him walk forward.

Without the slightest hesitation, Paladin snorted, opened his right hand at will, and a lightsaber instantly formed in his right hand. With a ruthless wave of his hand, Noson's other remaining hand immediately smelled of burning and was thrown to the floor in the distance. "Ahhhhhhh!" Northen immediately burst out with a heart-rending scream, but when he saw Paladin frown, he said unhappily: "Don't make any noise, there are civilians up there now. ! Shut up!" As soon as he finished speaking, the lightsaber in Paladin's hand flashed, and Northam's screams stopped. His eyes dimmed instantly, and a thick blood mark appeared on his neck. Large amounts of blood spurted out!

Paladin dodged to avoid the spray of blood, and waved his hand to dissipate the lightsaber. Started to squat down to examine the benefits of this old thing. After some searching, in addition to finding five gold coins and a bottle of anesthetic refined with dark magic, the book with an old cover and rolled edges made Paladin feel like he had found a treasure!

Paladin picked up the book and saw that the cover depicts a priest hanging on a cross with paint. This pattern is exactly the same as the coat of arms of Morris, the chief magistrate of the Inquisition! In other words, this book comes from the Inquisition! Paladin was just stunned for a moment, and immediately turned into an expression of ecstasy! "Hahaha, this old thing really has a treasure. The coat of arms of the Hanged Man, the Holy Execution Magic of the Inquisition!" Paladin opened the book excitedly and saw that it was filled with spells and the order of elements corresponding to the spells. This is clearly a magic book that records magic and the use of magic!

Paladin knew that there were many magics of the Holy See that priests alone could not learn. Generally speaking, what the priest lock can master are non-offensive magic, treatment, restraint, blessing, etc. Instead, the Inquisition possesses the sacred magic specially prepared for executioners to hunt down heretics. This is a rare treasure!

Paladin was very excited. This was his first contact with magic in the traditional sense, so he naturally had to work hard to understand it. But when Paladin carefully put the magic book into his pocket, a wave of fatigue hit his face! Sweeping through his whole body, all the strength in his body was draining away quickly, and he fell to his knees accidentally.

"What's going on!" Paladin, who was confused about the situation, had not yet come to his senses, but he was horrified to find that the arm in front of him was rapidly aging visibly to the naked eye! The originally smooth arms became as loose and wrinkled as an 80-year-old man in just a few breaths! In fact, age spots are gradually appearing on the skin!

"What's going on? What's going on!" Paladin looked at all this and finally couldn't control his overflowing fear and screamed.

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