Missing You Deeply

Chapter 419: Stolen happiness (3)

Su Wanwan slept there quietly, her world seemed to be isolated from everything, ignorant and unconscious, Pei Munian held her hand and bowed her head in pain.

For the next three days, Su Wanwan hadn't reacted at all. If it weren't for her heartbeat on the instrument, she really seemed to be the person who had disappeared.

Pei Munian had been in the ward, staying with her almost endlessly. In the last hour of the seventy-two hours, Pei Munian suddenly came out of the isolation ward.

Assistant Wu, who was guarding outside, saw Pei Mu-nian come out, and immediately got up from the chair, looking at Pei Mu-nian in a little surprise.

For the last hour, the big boss was not with Mrs. Young, why did he come out?

Pei Mu-nian glanced at Assistant Wu with dark eyes, his eyes were deep, he paused for a second, and opened his lips, "You stay here, watch the night, and let me know what's the matter as soon as possible."

Assistant Wu nodded, "Understood, but President Pei, are you not here to guard?"

Pei Munian didn't speak, his black eyes moved away from Assistant Wu, and through the transparent glass window, he looked at the slender figure inside again. Something seemed to flash past his eyes, he lifted his foot and walked away.

Pei Munian drove the car and came to the church that Su Wanwan had brought him to.

It was late at night, and the church was quieter than the day they came. It was quiet enough to hear his footsteps and messy heartbeats.

He walked to Jesus, raised his eyes, and looked at the wall clock on the church wall. Only ten minutes were left after the seventy-two hours.

He bent his knees, knelt down slowly in front of Jesus, folded his hands and closed his eyes.


He never believed in gods or destiny, he only believed in himself, but now, he would rather believe that there is a **** in this world, with great power, who can turn the tide and save him.

"God, if you really exist, please don't take it away too late. I can use everything I have in exchange for it, even if it kills me."

"Late night, did you hear that? If you hate me, hate me for taking your child away, you wake up, so that you can avenge me and regain justice for your child!"

"As long as you wake up, you can do whatever you want."

"Please, don't leave me."

Time ticked by, passing by mercilessly, Pei Munian always knelt there, begging, praying, for the last second, he opened his eyes and looked at the clock, the second hand kept turning in front of his eyes. The light is extinguished a little bit, a little bit gloomy, a little bit dead.

Su Wanwan, you are really so cruel, just leave him like this?

Their children have already left, and you are leaving too. Am I left alone?


The bell of twelve o'clock at midnight finally rang, and it passed into Pei Munian's ears one after another. He knelt there, like a stiff sculpture, instantly losing his life.


At the hospital, the instruments in the ward beep suddenly, startling Assistant Wu who was guarding outside. He was taken aback and stood up suddenly, looking at Su Wanwan in the ward, she was still Sleeping there quietly, only the heart instrument she was connected to, louder than ever, made him cold, and hurried to call the doctor.

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