My House of Horrors

Chapter 496: Not his call

Chen Ge nodded and did not refuse: "Come on."

"Thank you." Huang Ling was soaked and sat in the main driver's seat: "My home is not far from here, it will be available in ten minutes."

The lights lit up, and Huang Ling carried several other people through the rain curtain and drove away along the road.

No one spoke on the way, everyone was thinking about their own affairs.

At one o'clock in the morning, the car drove to the residential area where Huang Ling rented. The location here is very partial and very close to the town of Liwan.

"In the past, the city was preparing to vigorously develop the eastern suburbs. Later, I didn't know why it was not. The result was that this large piece of the building was built in half. The people who lived here also moved because of various reasons such as transportation and life. Go." Huang Ling will drive the taxi directly into the community. There is no light in the big community. It feels like entering a ghost town: "A few years ago, when the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang were preparing to build a new district, the house prices were high. Scary, there is only one chicken feather left, and there are residents like us who are pitted."

Through conversation, Chen Ge knew the past of the woman. She and her husband took out all the savings in the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang a few years ago to buy a house.

At the beginning, the two were still ecstatic because they grabbed a suite in the eastern suburbs. They waited for the establishment of the new district in the eastern suburbs and the house appreciated.

But who knows that it will not be long before the developer delays the delivery of the house due to problems such as financial breaks and debt disputes.

In order to buy a house, the young couple spent a lot of money on their savings and owed a lot of foreign debts. They and other owners joined forces to find a developer, but the other party dragged on and on until now.

The project was inexplicably stopped, and the house that was spent on savings was a rotten building that could not be accommodated. The couple could only rely on renting a house.

Life is not easy, during this period, the husband also had a car accident, and now basically rely on Huang Ling alone.

"Come on, that's it." Huang Ling stopped the car and hurriedly ran upstairs with a bag. Chen Ge and Xiao Gu followed.

Only the lights on the first floor of the residential building can be used normally. The walls are black and it seems to be the cause of the damp. There is a slight musty smell in the corridor.

"Jia Ming!" Huang Ling came to the fourth floor, and opened the door with the key, while shouting at the house, she was very scared, worried that what she was afraid of became a reality.

Looking at the flustered Huang Ling, Chen Ge and Xiao Gu did not speak. In their opinion, Huang Ling’s husband would call at that time and know that the car is a ghost, which means that he is likely to have died. He also became a ghost.

The key did not enter the keyhole for a long time, Huang Ling’s hand trembled, but at this time a man’s voice sounded in the room.

"How come you come back? Where did you go in the big night? I will call your company's leader..." The door opened from the inside, and a man with a look and a leg appeared in front of Huang Ling.

"Jia Ming?!"

Huang Ling was very excited to see the middle-aged man. She directly reached out and wanted to hug each other, but she was escaped by the middle-aged man without any trace: "The clothes are soaked, what are you doing?"

"I will wait to tell you again, you can do nothing, today really frightened me." Huang Ling whimpered: "I have to change clothes first, these two are my savior, wait for me. I will drive them home."

Huang Ling entered the house, and the lame man was stuck in the doorway. There was no meaning for Chen Ge and Xiao Gu to sit in the house.

Outside the door, Chen Ge and Xiao Gu looked at the lame man and felt strange. The man lived well. How could he call Huang Ling at that time? How did he predict that the 104 bus was full of ghosts?

"Your wife met the bad guys. It was the two of us who had the courage to save her." Chen Ge looked inside the room and the room was neatly packed. The man was a standard family woman and there was nothing strange.

"Hey! Where are you going?" The man was very wary of Chen Ge.

"Nothing, can you borrow me to use your mobile phone? My mobile phone has no power, I want to report a safe with my family." Chen Song faintly opened.

"Then you are waiting here." The lame man entered the room and handed his mobile phone to Chen Ge.

“Thank you.” Chen Song flipped the communication record. The man did make several calls to the woman tonight, but all the calls were not open.

Not his call?

Chen Ge pretended to send a few messages, then fanned out the records and returned the phone to a middle-aged man.

In the room, Huang Ling has changed her clothes. In her casual clothes, she exudes a mature intellectual beauty: "Husband, you are staying at home, I am going to send them back. This is what I promised before."

"No!" The lame man didn't want to refuse directly: "It's more than a little in the morning, you don't worry if you follow them out, let them take a taxi, we can't make a big deal."

"There is such a big rain outside, where do you want us to find a taxi?" Chen Song said with a face and looked at Huang Ling: "What do you think?"

Huang Ling was hesitant and finally walked out of the door: "Husband, the situation is more complicated. I will tell you in detail when I come back."

"You can't go anywhere tonight! I still have to go out at one or two in the morning? Are you crazy?" The lame man reached out and tried to grab Huang Ling's arm, but was stopped by Chen Ge.

The man is obviously a little scared of Chen Ge, and he is not too vocal: "What do you want to do?"

With a single backpack, Chen Ge’s eyes narrowed down and stared at the man’s face: “I’m a very reasonable person, I finished her request, if she didn’t agree with me, then Don't blame me, you are welcome."

The atmosphere was a little nervous. Finally, Xiao Gu and Huang Ling persuaded the lame man to scream and reluctantly agree.

"Don't mind, my husband is a little careful, usually like this." Huang Ling handed the umbrella and towel in her hand to Xiao Gu: "I haven't thank you in the car before."

"Nothing, I understand." Xiao Gu smirked and took the towel and wiped his face.

"Don't bother you, go downstairs and say it again." Chen Song looked upstairs with no expression, and did not say a word in the whole process.

Out of the corridor, Chen Ge was sitting in the taxi co-pilot. He pulled the backpack and pulled it into his bag and grabbed something.

After Huang Ling saw that her husband had not had an accident, the hanging heart finally fell. Only after she lost her ability to know how to cherish, she decided not to argue with her husband again, and live well.

The taxi started and drove into the rain curtain. Chen Ge, who had remained silent, finally opened his mouth.

"Huang Ling, have you discovered that your husband has started from a certain period of time and has become different from before?"

The rain hit the window, Huang Ling heard Chen Ge’s words and seriously thought for a while: “Nothing is different? What happened?”

Chen Ge paused for a moment and slowly said: "I suspect that the man is not your husband."

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