My Senior Brother is Too Steady

Chapter 285 Caring for the harmonious life of the retired emperor

"Senior, a disciple taught by the younger generation, is now the God of Heaven and Sea. Under the order of the Jade Emperor, he came to Fire Cloud Cave to visit all the sages of the human race."

"Disciple of the Human Cult, God of Heaven and Sea? Cough!"

The strong man who was a bit informal just now sat upright after hearing this.

Even though he is only wearing a raincoat, he is still calm and powerful, and his big face with Chinese characters is even more domineering.

Li Changshou stared at this strong man, and a towering mountain seemed to rise slowly in front of his eyes, standing on the vast swamp, majestic between heaven and earth!

Which retired emperor is this?

I heard this person say in a deep voice: "Is there any token of heaven?"

"Of course there is," Li Changshou immediately took out the letter written by His Majesty the Jade Emperor and held it in his hand. There was a golden-scaled dragon shadow swimming slowly on it, and a mysterious Taoist rhyme was flowing.

The big-faced man nodded slowly and said, "He is indeed the Emperor of Heaven who walks the three realms in accordance with the way of Heaven."

He changed his words and said: "Since you claim to be a disciple of the Human Race, you should also be from the Human Race. Why do you come here in an incarnation?"

"I don't dare to deceive my seniors," Li Changshou sighed. "The disciple's real body does not dare to walk around in the wilderness. Now he only serves in the heaven in his incarnation."

"Then how do you prove your identity? You can't break into this place just by picking up a letter," the strong man said with a frown, "I don't care. If you disturb the senior Qing cultivators, how will you handle it?"

Dear seniors...

I seem to have vaguely seen the appearance of this strong man on an ancient sheepskin scroll...

A flash of light flashed through Li Changshou's heart, and he roughly guessed the identity of this strong man, and said with a smile: "Senior, could it be that he is His Majesty Yu who created mountains and rivers, benefited the people, and established the Nine Provinces, pushing the foundation of the human race to Daxing?"

The strong man's face remained normal, he nodded calmly and said: "I am the youngest and the least meritorious here, so please don't let your majesty scream.

Now I am no longer a human emperor, but a coir raincoat in the mountains. "

Li Changshou smiled and cupped his hands, "It's the junior who made a mistake. The senior can test the power of the junior's heavenly throne."

As he spoke, Li Changshou's sleeves fluttered slightly, and the swamp beneath his feet first started to ripple with layers of water, and then he saw groups of swimming fish gathering from everywhere.

Most of the fish swimming here are spirit fish, with colorful scales on their bodies. They swim under the water and are dazzling to see.

The strong man's eyes lit up and he picked up a fishing rod.

Li Changshou raised his hand with a smile, and the spiritual fish rushed towards the wooden boat, surrounding the big man.

"Hahaha! You, a sea god, can still control the fish in the lake... cough!"

The strong man suddenly felt happy, and his accent came out again, but then he coughed dryly, held the fishing rod, and said calmly:

“You, the Poseidon, are quite powerful.

However, this is a land of lakes, and you can actually exert your divine power. What kind of statement is this? "

The retired Emperor's true temperament makes people feel quite close to him.

Li Changshou thought for a moment after hearing the words, his mind moved, and he quickly realized that this might be Emperor Dayu testing himself.

At the moment, he said warmly:

“Rivers gather rain and dew, and all rivers eventually return to the sea.

Although the younger generation's divine power can only be exerted satisfactorily in the sea, most waterways in the world are connected with the sea, so the divine power can also be mapped here. "

"One river gathers rain and dew, and all rivers eventually return to the sea!"

The strong man sighed in admiration. When he saw the fishing rod sinking, he quickly raised it. A spiritual fish broke out of the water. He caught it and stuffed it into a fish basket on the side.

Then, the strong man let out a sigh of relief, looked at the groups of spiritual fish in the lake, and waved his hands slightly.

Li Changshou's magical power disappeared, and these spiritual fish flicked their tails and quickly disappeared under the lake...

The strong man smiled and narrowed his eyes: "You are worthy of being the righteous god of heaven, and the most respected minister of Lingxiao Palace of the Emperor of Heaven. He said that all rivers will eventually lead to the sea, but you have just the right temperament for me, which shows how resourceful you are.

Come and sit down. I am here to wait for you and ask you three questions. "

Li Changshou immediately did not dare to be careless.

There is a giant in the Fire Cloud Cave who is 'professional' in deduction and divination. He is the Fuxi clan. He might really be able to predict the future.

According to legend, the Fuxi clan was the reincarnation of the elder brother of the saint Nuwa. He succeeded the Suiren clan and led the human race to gradually stabilize and prosper little by little.

Suiren's whole life has been leading the human race to fight against the sky and the earth, struggling for survival between witches and demons;

The Fuxi clan focused part of their energy on consolidating the human race's own destiny, civilizing the human race, and perfecting the human race's cultivation method...

Each of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the prehistoric era led the human race to rise step by step at the end of ancient times. Each Human Emperor 'specialized' in a different direction and made different contributions.

In this great age, it is not easy to come by.

Li Changshou calmly rode the cloud forward, got on the canoe, and sat at the end of the canoe.

Dayu looked Li Changshou up and down and said with a smile: "If you can't answer these three questions, leave the gifts and letters today and return by yourself. The seniors probably won't see you."

The implication was to remind Li Changshou.

As long as you answer the questions well, there will be opportunities for those few people to make money...

Li Changshou's expression suddenly became serious, he cupped his hands and said seriously: "Please ask the emperor to come up with a question."

"First question, you are a highly valued minister of the Heavenly Emperor, and you are from our human race. If the Heavenly Emperor brings disaster to the human race, how should you persuade the Heavenly Emperor to take back your life?"

Li Changshou groaned a few times...

Just turn it up right now?

No matter how you answer this question, it is difficult to answer it perfectly. It is just like the question of 'how to have both loyalty and justice'.

Emperor Dayu narrowed his eyes and smiled, waiting for Li Changshou's answer without urging him.

Li Changshou sat there and thought for a long time, with various thoughts in his heart.

After a while, Li Changshou said somewhat cautiously:

"Don't advise."

The corner of Dayu's mouth twitched slightly, and he cursed with a smile: "I asked you how to persuade me, but you said you don't want to persuade me. Your answer is wrong!"

Li Changshou secretly praised in his heart that although the Human Emperor had retired, he was not confused at all and was not easily led astray by himself.

"Senior, junior cannot persuade, and should not persuade. Senior please listen to junior explain in detail."

"Speak," Dayu said with a smile, "No matter how wildly you talk, if you can't make sense, you won't be able to pass this test today.

To be honest, when I was the Human Emperor, I saw a lot of eloquent people, so don’t be sophistical. "

"Junior dare not," Li Changshou nodded with a smile and started his own...

One argument.

The answer to this question lies outside the question.

Basic answer:

[The way of heaven does not operate according to the will of human beings. Human beings should learn to live in harmony with the nature of heaven and earth. Human beings are also part of heaven and earth.

Moreover, years of calamity and good years are numbers of heaven. People are born, old, sick, and die, and have misfortunes and blessings day and night. There is a balance in the way of heaven, which cannot be broken lightly. 】

Next, you can also extend it slightly:

[Human beings cannot decide whether natural disasters will strike, but they can resist natural disasters and use human power to control disasters. 】

Then dig deeper into the idea:

[The human race is the single protagonist in the world at this time. It should always remain vigilant, be self-reliant and self-reliant, and use natural disasters to sharpen itself to avoid being replaced by other races as the protagonist. 】

Finally, I would like to highlight the concept of human education:

“Human beings follow the laws of heaven and earth, and Tao follows nature.

Nature is not always gentle, but also cruel and violent.

The human race should learn to revere heaven and earth so that they can prosper and be the protagonist forever. "

An article titled "Full Score Answer Sheet for the Retired Emperor's Palace Examination" was published just like this.

You can even make a formula and incorporate other content into it.

After Li Changshou finished speaking, Dayu frowned and sighed softly.

Seeing this, Li Changshou couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and asked: "Senior, did this junior say something inappropriate?"

"That's not the case. Your answer is very good, but it's a bit too standard. It seems that you have prepared the answer before, which makes it difficult for me to evaluate."

Dayu muttered twice, "You have passed this level.

The second question is, if one day, the Emperor of Heaven wants to descend to earth to walk among the mortal world and experience all kinds of human beings, will you stop him or help him?

The answer is to block or to help. No need to say more, my head is spinning..."

Li Changshou was startled when he heard this, and then said: "Don't worry about it. This matter is what the Emperor of Heaven thinks of himself and has nothing to do with me."

"Very well, third question...

If you are scolded by your wife for a trivial matter, should you forgive her, or should you fight back? "

Of course I chose to forgive her!

Li Changshou almost blurted out, but then he realized that this problem might not be that simple.

The first question seems to be about the natural disasters caused by the Emperor of Heaven, but in fact it is about man and nature.

The second question seems to be about the relationship between the Emperor of Heaven and the human race, but in fact it hints that Mr. Fuxi must have calculated that His Majesty the Jade Emperor would come down to earth to experience life.

Otherwise, where did Yang Jian, the 'Jade Emperor's nephew', come from in the Conferred Gods War? The Jade Emperor must practice reincarnation in the mortal world before he can bring back a sister when he returns to heaven.

Then this third question seems to be a very common thing, that is, 'a husband is scolded by his wife', but it is actually asked...

It should be the conflict between the matrilineal ethnic group and the patrilineal ethnic group within the human race!

Li Changshou pondered for a few times and said: "Fight back, and you must fight back."


Emperor Dayu was shocked, his accent came out unconsciously, but he lowered his voice and asked: "Why are you so determined?"

“Since the creation of human beings by the Virgin Mother Nuwa, the sages have decided on marriage, and men and women should be equal.

Men are strong and healthy and work more to provide food and clothing for the family; women are more delicate in giving birth to new children and will also help men work.

The two work together to raise children, so the human race can continue to multiply.

No matter which party is too strong, it will cause an imbalance of yin and yang; if a family is unstable, the tribe is unstable and the ethnic group is in danger.

Therefore, if you encounter unfair treatment, you should fight back reasonably to maintain the balance of yin and yang! "

Dayu's big eyes were suddenly filled with light, "What fellow Taoist said is the principle of the Tao!

Yes, husband and wife should respect each other. I am still the former human emperor, governing the land of Kyushu. How could I be scolded by a woman every day after abdicating the throne! "

The expression of Li Changshou, the old immortal paper Taoist, suddenly became stagnant.

This emperor...

what's the situation?

Dayu stood up, with a tall and strong figure. He grabbed the somewhat thin arm of Li Changshou, a paper Taoist, and said with a smile:

"Let's go! Fellow Taoist, follow me! I will tell her a good story in front of fellow Taoist today!"

The retired emperor suddenly stopped talking, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead;

Suddenly there was darkness for hundreds of miles around Daze. Li Changshou subconsciously looked up and saw a beautiful figure standing quietly in the sky a hundred feet high, opening his right hand to the two people on the boat below.

Dayu's tiger body trembled and he shouted loudly: "Madam, don't do anything, we have guests coming!"


Hearing a cold snort from Yun Shang, Li Changshou felt that the immortal power in his paper Taoist body stopped functioning, and Emperor Dayu in front of him was instantly covered with a layer of petrification.

Before Li Changshou could respond, he and Dayu transformed into two stone statues, including their robes and treasure bags.

The beautiful shadow on the cloud disappeared and the sky and earth returned to clarity. The two men below left tears of regret in their hearts...

After a while, a gust of breeze blew by, causing slight ripples on the water surface.

Half an hour later, two pairs of birds passed by and stayed on the foreheads of Emperor Dayu and Li Changshou respectively for a while, then spread their wings and flew away.


Dayu's voice sounded in Li Changshou's heart.

"Poseidon, I'm sorry for causing trouble for you."

"Senior, that one..."

"My wife, I owe her this when I was controlling the floods. I can't really get angry with her." Dayu coughed twice, "Her magical power can be solved by itself in three days. Poseidon, are you anxious? I will take action if you are anxious. Get us both out."

"No rush, no rush."

Li Changshou's heart twitched, but fortunately his mind was free. He chatted awkwardly with Dayu for a few words, and then left part of his mind here.

At this time, I still can't communicate much with Emperor Dayu. This should be one of the most embarrassing moments for Emperor Dayu...

As a result, Li Changshou admired Senior Xuanyuan even more.

But having said that, it is said that Huangdi Xuanyuan is the reincarnation of the great black turtle in Luzhou, Beiju. He has the merit of supporting the sky, and all the creatures in the ancient world owe him a share of karma.

Anyone else would not be able to bear such blessings.

The second day of sharing hardships with Emperor Yu was sunny.

On Xiaoqiong Peak, Li Changshou was guarding the alchemy furnace and refining elixirs;

Previously, when the treasure-hunting paper Taoist group searched for the whereabouts of the treasured copper coins in Zhongshenzhou, the main goal was not achieved, but other small goals were achieved.

Needless to say, "The Prehistoric Spiritual Treasure Record" has no practical value.

Li Changshou also collected some spiritual herbs along the way and was able to prepare to refine the 'enlightenment' elixir to help Mr. Wan Linjun and his master break through the bottleneck.

Because he had to pay attention to the Fire Cloud Cave at all times, Li Changshou did not dare to be distracted and only dared to ponder the way of alchemy here.

When I was bored, I suddenly noticed a slight surge of spiritual energy coming from the chess and card room in the back mountain. It seemed that someone had made a breakthrough...

Li Changshou's immortal consciousness immediately saw through the layers of restrictions and saw Ling'e, who was shining with aura.

At this time, translucent lotus flowers with eight and a half petals floated around Ling'e's body. Her exquisite figure was even more charming, and her cultivation was just a hair away from returning to the Dao.

Li Changshou frowned slightly.

The fire is still not enough, the Dao foundation is not stable enough, and her own way is unclear. As long as she can make good use of the tribulation gift package, the success rate of overcoming the tribulation is only about 97%.

That big gift package was much more powerful than what Li Changshou prepared for himself back then.

"It seems that it is still necessary to hold a training camp."

I don’t want you to survive the tribulation and ascend...

But you must live, Ling'e.


(ps: Thank you to the old alliance leader "Where are you so funny?" for being famous and encouraging~)

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