Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 21: :engagement!

Yang Dingtian’s heart beat suddenly and then said: “Like.”

Oriental Ice Ling said: "That is to say, you want to marry me as a wife?"

Yangdingtian throat feels a little thirsty: "Yes."

"The life of my parents is much more than heaven, and my mother is completely following my father's life."

Yang Dingtian did not speak, waiting for the Oriental Ice Ling to continue.

"Before ten years old, I admired my father, even though he was with us for a short time." Oriental Bing Ling said: "After ten years old, I gradually began to hate him because he completely disappeared. He went chasing no Normal illusions, leaving me and my mother and the entire Yin and Yang dynasty aside."

"My mother and I have not lived well this decade, because his disappearance has made our mother and daughter become more and more embarrassed in the yin and yang dynasty. Finally, because of my efforts, I have regained my yin and yang sect. Something.” The face of Dongfang Bingling has become cold and cold: “My father was not as good at me as I was at this age. No one is my opponent except for a few people in Yinyangzong. Zhu Hongxue is known as the world’s number one. A young master, but yesterday's contest, even if he does not let me, may not be able to win me. If not unexpected, I am the new yin and yang lord fifteen years later."

"Twenty years later, my cultivation will exceed my father. After thirty-five years, I may break the myth that no one has advanced to Wu Sheng for hundreds of years."

"Everything today, and everything in the future, depends on myself. It has nothing to do with my father. He disappeared ten years ago. Ten years later, he sent a person to tell me, this later. The person is the lord of the Yin and Yang dynasty, and this person is your husband in the future."

"Why? Is it because he is my father?" The voice of the Oriental Ice Ling has also become cold.

"Senior brother, although I am not a true fairy, I am not a person who will refer me to anyone, I need to give it to anyone." Oriental Ice Ling shook his head and said: "I really are not so contemptuous."

"Yang brother, I am very grateful to you for accompanying my father in the last year and a half. I am also very grateful to you for sending your father's life, and you will repay this kindness."

"But..." The Oriental Ice Lingmei looked at Yangdingtian. He finally saw the high flashing light in her beautiful eyes. Looking at Yangdingtian, it was like the princess of Mount Taishan watching the country’s farmer’s pawn. It is like a fairy above nine days, watching the ants on the ground.

This kind of gaze is very secret, and it flashes past, and only at this time, Yangdingtian can feel it.

"My husband, you have to be peerless, you have to look up to millions of people, and you have to match me perfectly." Oriental Ice Ling stared at Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, I have said a lot to you in these three days, even Bringing food for you, making tea for you, is to repay your grace to protect your father. Otherwise, even if I wish Red Snow is not qualified for me to make tea."

"I want to make a close contact with you, let you recognize the reality, take the initiative to retreat, because I don't want me to propose a dissolution of marriage, then you will feel great shame." Oriental ice Ling cold: "But I did not expect, I am more It seems to be approachable, but you are even more unwise, and more and more want to be close to me, which makes me very disappointed."

"Three days, since you didn't take the initiative, I had to open it, even if it would make me look snobbish." Oriental Bingling said: "You sent a letter to Yin and Yang, you guarded my father for the last two years. You are kind to me, I don't want to make you so embarrassed, but you are too clever, forcing me to speak too clearly."

Throughout the process, Yangdingtian had been sitting there for a long time, and the whole body seemed to be in the thunder. The whole body was numb, forgetting all the reactions.

Oriental Bing Ling looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "Reassured, your kindness will be rewarded, and you will be able to enjoy it all your life. I secretly checked your physique, sloppy, and may be placed in other small sects. However, it is not enough to want to enter the Yin and Yang dynasties. But if you look at your kindness, I can make you a disciple of Yin and Yang."

The Eastern Nirvana said that Yang Dingtian’s Jiuyang Xuanmai could not even detect himself. He knew that he was pregnant with Jiuyang in accordance with the description of Yangdingtian, and then watched him practice Zhengyangquan. It was only for him to wash the marrow and cut the veins to really determine the anti-sky mystery.

Ximen has no end and is also a generation of masters, but when he was healed by Yangdingtian, Xuanqi entered the depths of Yangdingtian, and he only felt that his veins were chaotic, and he could not be specifically investigated. The mysterious veins of Yangdingtian are unfathomable.

Oriental Ice Ling continued: "And, I can give a lot of medicinal herbs, create a lot of conditions for you, give you good weapons, let you go to the high-level cult of the martial arts. I will let you get a far more than you. The future of one's own talent."

"Yangdingtian I can give you a lot of things, will far exceed your kindness. Now you can come up, what do you want?" Oriental Ice Lingdao: "Gold coins? Cheats? Dan medicine? Weapons? Wuhun? Status, power, etc., as long as you come up, I can give it to you."

At this point, Yangdingtian seems to be gradually waking up from the lightning strike. Just now his whole body seems to be not his own. Every word spoken by the Oriental Ice Ling seems to be outside the clouds, but every sentence is like a thunder in the ear.

Shame, humiliation, endless humiliation!

He should be angry, should be angry, because he laughed three times, he should be angry and raging.

He has never been so stigmatized. In the earth, from small to large, he has received attention and is favored. Parents like him. Although the teacher has some headaches for him, because he is not a deaf student, he is very smart and has good academic performance. So the teacher still likes him after all.

From elementary school, to middle school, to college, there are girls who write love letters for him. In the end, Li Bijun, the English teacher who became his girlfriend, is a school-level beauty, and there are countless outstanding pursuers. But even so, Li Bijun is still chasing him.

Throughout the world, he is also highly valued. The world’s strongest, the Eastern Nirvana, took the initiative to accept him as a disciple, handed him the position of the sovereign, and gave him his daughter. One side of the lord of the West is boundless, and he wants to give his daughter a license, and he wants to make him the next generation of Yuncheng.

However, at this time he was so humiliated!

He would like to say a word, Mo bullish young, 30 years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi.

But a thousand words, countless grief in the heart burned and turned into ashes, leaving only cold faces and a touch of expression.

Yangdingtian stood up and said: "Sorry for the sister, the color is faint, and some things make me lose my reason."

Oriental ice Ling still looked at her faintly, no words.

"A man wants something to take with his own ability, not by others." Yang Dingtian stood in front of the Oriental Ice Ling and looked at her, cold: "My, I will be myself later." Get it back. So you don't have to give me anything."

"As for your voice, I said that I will send a letter to protect your father for a year and a half. In your opinion, this is a great affection." Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "But in my eyes, this is not kindness. It is your father. But at the same time, it is also my master. I also regard it as my father. Everything I do is my duty, not a kindness, so you don't owe me."

After listening to Yang Dingtian, the Oriental Ice Ling wrinkled the beautiful brow and said: "You figured it out, this is good. But don't talk to me in such a tone. Since I want to give it to you, you will hold it. Now Taking into account self-esteem, I will regret it later."

"That's my business." Yangding Tiandao: "If there is nothing else, if this place still allows me to continue to live, then Miss Dong please, I want to stay alone."

"There is still one thing." Oriental Bingling said: "You also said that it is good to get what you want with your own ability. So please hand it over?"

"What?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Representing the flame ring of the yin and yang lords." Oriental Bingling said: "Do you want to say that you don't know, or are not at all?"

Yangdingtian eyebrows are vertical, this flame ring is the only thing the master gave him. The most important thing is that there is still a word left for Yangdingtian. When Yangdingtian repairs to a certain extent, he can summon the flame ring, he will tell Yangdingtian some the world's largest Secrets, and this secret includes why the master is murdered, and who the master is harming.

Therefore, this thing he will not give.

"Sorry, I can't give you." Yang Dingtian coldly said: "This is Master's thing, he gave it to me personally, I can't give it to you."

"This is a yin and yang lord. You are not qualified and do not have this thing." Oriental Ice Ling coldly said: "Hand over, you can give me what you want, you can also stay in Yin and Yang, we will be a lot Resources for you, helping you become a powerful person you can't imagine."

"Otherwise?" Yangding Tian cold road.

The face of the Oriental Ice Ling is cold: "Otherwise, you are the one who steals the yin and yang sacred treasures. Your flame ring will be forcibly taken away, and you will be punished. Of course you will send a letter of grace, so we will not harm your life. But offending the Yin and Yang dynasties, you are guaranteed to be unable to move around the world."

The face of the Oriental Ice Ling was cold, and his eyes suddenly became sharp like a sword. After staring at Yangding Tian for a while, he said: "I don't want to personally touch you. In one hour, I will send people up. I hope that in this hour, you are good. Think clearly."

The last words of the Oriental Ice Ling were full of danger. After she finished, she went straight out and went to the door. She turned and said: "I hope you don't ask my mother to ask her to use her innocence and kindness. She is not in Yin and Yang at this time. Zong."

"Oh..." A cold ice slammed into the back of her, and then flew down the mountain. Maybe not flying, just gliding off the ground, but it is already amazing.

Oriental ice, really strong!

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