Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 159 The Mystery of Rebirth

Luo Hai handed over a high-energy nutritional supplement added with the drug of calming the mind and calming the mind.

Meng Chao drank it all in one gulp and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hey, you don't know how to practice some evil skills, do you?"

Luo Hai said half-seriously, half-jokingly, "I once asked my dad, is there any way to be like you, who has just entered college and has never been exposed to real wilderness battles, but can be like an elite special soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles?" , with excellent awareness and rich experience.

"He said yes.

"For example, use super brain technology to create a virtual world, increase the level of nerve stimulation to 500%, let people in the virtual training, endure five times more intense pain than in reality, and also the time ratio of virtual and real, Stretched to five to one, spending five hours in the virtual world, in reality, only one hour has passed.

"Using this method, if you immerse yourself in virtual warfare for a long time, it is possible to imprint the combat experience of elite special forces into the depths of your brain, turning an ignorant rookie into a veteran who has survived many battles.

"However, he strongly discourages me from doing this, because such extreme cultivation will inevitably pay a terrible price."

Meng Chao was slightly taken aback, and said hoarsely, "What price?"

"If you want to gain the combat experience of veterans, you have to bear the mental pain of veterans at the same time. A real war is not a bloody game. Even the most just war is very likely to completely destroy the victor's spirit and suffer from various diseases. 'Battlefield Syndrome', cursed to death by war."

Luo Haidao, "If a real warrior can resist this curse with steely will and a long time, then the counterfeit that is 'quick' produced by artificial methods will definitely not be able to withstand the incomparably strong spirit." Shock, 99% will go crazy.

"In fact, there are many forces in Dragon City who have developed similar 'super soldier projects'. Unfortunately, most of them failed, and even led to bloody tragedies. The main problem is not strength, but the heart.

"Meng Chao, do you still remember the booklet we read when we came to Chaofan Tower to check in on the first day?

"Extraordinary people have absorbed too much energy, and their brain cells are in the crazily agitated spiritual magnetic force field all the time, overloading every minute and every second.

"We are like a racing car racing to the limit, the slightest stimulus may trigger the strongest reaction, so our emotions, desires and even thoughts are more likely to lose control than ordinary people.

"Sometimes, the scariest thing is not the mind-controlling monsters, but ourselves."

Meng Chao stared at Luo Hai in a daze, and said, "What do you mean?"

"My dad said that the so-called monsters are not only around Dragon City, but also in the hearts of each of us. Once all human beings are born, there is a little monster living deep in their hearts."

Luo Haidao, "It's just that in most cases, human beings are relatively weak and are suppressed by moral, legal, social order and state violence agencies. This monster dare not move around. Over time, people ignore its existence. I thought I was really a good man and a believer.

"However, as the power of the extraordinary grows stronger, no matter morality, law, social order, or state violence, they will gradually be unable to deal with us. This monster will wake up and start to show its teeth and claws, allowing you to expose the deepest part of your heart... of myself.

"It's like many people are gentle and courteous when they have no money, benevolent and rational, loyal to love and family, and are well-known good people, but once they get rich, they become extravagant and wanton.

"Actually, he was not a good person in the past, but he didn't have the capital to be 'bad'. Under the nourishment of money and power, the monster in his heart awakened and quickly swallowed up the outer layer of human skin.

"Meng Chao, the so-called practice is not only to improve the combat power, but also to beware of the monsters deep in the heart. If possible, take it easy and don't rush to improve the realm."

Luo Hai is frank and sincere.

The so-called shallow talk is a big taboo in life, Luo Hai is so smart, and he was the student council president of Jianzhong, so he shouldn't have said such sharp words.

This is really treating Meng Chao as a friend.

Meng Chao could feel his kindness, nodded and said, "I will, thank you."

"That's good, am I talking too much?"

Luo Hai said with some embarrassment, "Everyone has their own path to transcendence, but it is indeed crucial to cultivate the mind and recognize oneself, just like my dad, who has already climbed to the peak of the heavenly realm, and then stepped out of it. You can reach the divine realm in one step, but you have reached the power, the spiritual magnetic force field, and the understanding of the level of life, but you have been stuck for a long time, why do you think?"

Meng Chao said, "Why?"

"He dare not."

Luo Hai shrank his neck, as if he was afraid of being discovered by his father, and whispered, "He said, he was afraid that after taking this step, he would see the monster-like self in the deepest part of his heart after he reached the divine realm."

This sentence made Meng Chao ponder for a long time.

Even Luo Wu, the soul-breaking sword at the peak of the heaven realm, dare not see his real self clearly.

As for him, should he see clearly what the real remnant soul of the doomsday looks like, and release this remnant soul completely to occupy the dominance of "Meng Chao"?

Meng Chao felt that he had to continue to practice, fight and think before he could find the answer.

"One word awakened the dreamer. It seems that after more than a month of practice, I am indeed a little impatient."

Meng Chao smiled and reached out his hand to Luo Hai, "At first, I thought that you and I were just a purely business cooperation relationship, but if you can say these words today, we are real friends!"

Luo Hai laughed, and shook hands with him heavily: "Don't you think that a business partner is more reliable than a real friend? I have no other advantages in this person, only one, very clear about what I want to do and what kind of person I want to become. What way to go!"

"Oh?" Meng Chao couldn't help asking, "What kind of road do you want to take?"

"First of all, of course, constantly sharpen yourself in the war, at least possess the strength of the heavenly realm."

Luo Hai said bluntly, "Then, we will expand the company together with you, starting from the Thunderbolt Knife, expanding to everything young people need for cultivation and fighting, and then involving greater interests beyond the mist.

"When the original accumulation is completed, I will run for the ordinary members of the '500-member Citizens Assembly', then to the senior members of the 'Survival Committee', and finally, to aspire to the highest power in Dragon City!

"So, you understand why I have to say these words today, I don't want one day, when I was running for mayor, a scandal suddenly broke out, saying that my right-hand man who has been loyal to me for decades is actually a secret cultivator. Gong, he has already gone mad, a mentally twisted devil!"


Meng Chao couldn't help smiling, and his mood gradually brightened, "You didn't beat me twice in a row, so why should I be your right-hand man?"

"The aspiration for the highest power is not to see who can fight better. Even the 'War God' Lei Zongchao has never been mayor!"

Luo Hai smiled and said, "Anyway, I have already accepted the assumption that your strength is so tyrannical. Thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable that the combat power of the left and right arms is slightly stronger than that of the lord."

The two talked and laughed.

Instead, the somewhat depressing atmosphere a moment ago was swept away.

"By the way, let me ask you something."

Meng Chao changed the topic, "How much do you know about those temporary hospitals and underground clinics twenty or thirty years ago?"

Luo Hai thought for a while: "At that time, Dragon City fought all the year round, and the citizens had to fight monsters every day. The social order had just been rebuilt, and there were not so many large public hospitals. Instead, there were a lot of temporary hospitals and underground clinics. What do you want to ask specifically? "

"That's right, I have a friend's father who was attacked by a monster more than 20 years ago. It is said that his heart was bitten through and he was about to die."

Meng Chao explained, "As a result, he was treated in an underground clinic and he was brought back to life. Unfortunately, the scene was chaotic at the time, and as time passed, he forgot which doctor was in which hospital.

"After so many years, the old man often talks about the savior in the past, and wants to thank him in person, so I will help to inquire about it."

"It turns out that this is difficult."

Luo Haidao, "I advise you to forget about this friend's father. Back then, those who had the strength to open temporary hospitals and underground clinics were mostly those with a deep understanding of psionics, life sciences, and gene modulation technology. Now, These powerhouses may have ascended to the heavenly realm or even the divine realm, with high positions and weights, and they are always in charge of everything, so they are easily out of reach."

"A strong man in the divine realm..." Meng Chao was thoughtful.

"If you really want to look up the materials from that year, you can go to the large library of the Chaofan Tower, which stores many books, documents, newspapers, periodicals, and video and audio materials from the half century of Dragon City, covering everything and everything you expect."

Luo Haidao, "However, most of these materials are fragmented, unsystematic, very complex and chaotic, and trying to find useful information in them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack."

Meng Chao pondered for a moment: "It's already here, so I'll go find it, and when I see my friend, I've tried my best."

"Okay, then I'll take you to the big library." Luo Hai opened the door and turned around suddenly, "But you have to tell me one thing."

Meng Chao said, "What's the matter?"

Luo Hai winked: "Your friend, is she a woman?"


The big library is on the third floor of the Extraordinary Tower.

This is an area that both ordinary citizens and extraordinary people can enter.

Most of the books, past newspapers and periodicals and audio-visual materials in it can be borrowed by ordinary citizens at will.

Meng Chao knew that 20 or 30 years ago, Longcheng's network hadn't been completed yet, spiritual energy interference was quite serious, and the dissemination of electronic information was hindered. Instead, ancient newspapers, leaflets and mimeographed booklets were popular and were used to issue orders and coordinate Organize and boost morale.

He wanted to find out if there were any newspapers, magazines or mimeographed pamphlets related to medicine at that time.

See if you can find the "X-Eye" pattern on it.

"Wait a moment, here are the catalogs of relevant newspapers and publications at that time, there are a lot of them, which one do you need?"

The library staff told Meng Chao that except for the materials between July and September of the 22nd New Era, all other materials can be retrieved.

"Why not for those three months?" Meng Chao asked casually.

"Burn it."

The library staff said, "The explosion in June caused the ground fire to somehow reach our warehouse and affect a batch of materials. What months of materials do you need?"

Meng Chao counted the time. It should not be that early when his mother encountered the X-eye pattern.

"No, thank you."

He bowed his head and studied the catalog intently.

Ten seconds later, he raised his head again and his pupils shrank.

"Sorry, you just said that the explosion in June was in the Transcendent Tower? When exactly!"

His expression startled the library staff a little, they looked at him, and then at Luo Hai next to him.

"What's wrong, it feels like you've been out of order all day."

Luo Hai tugged at his sleeve, "Is there a problem with the explosion in June?"

Meng Chao looked at him: "Do you know about this explosion?"

"I know a little bit, it seems that the core laboratory under the Extraordinary Tower, one of the few that lead directly to the ancient ruins, exploded."

Luo Haidao, "I don't know the details. Only those with strong spirits can enter those core laboratories. Even my dad was rejected. They often carry out various extremely dangerous experiments, such as explosions. normal.

"Speaking of which, it's quite strange. The safety measures and spiritual energy shields of the ancient ruins laboratory should be very strict. No matter how serious the accident in the past, the kind that caused the fall of the strong in the divine realm did not affect the ground. Knowing what happened in June this time, a few wisps of strange fire tore through the defenses and rushed to the top.

"Fortunately, it's just a few small flames, and the loss is not big. What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing. I want to know when the explosion happened in June." Meng Chao took a deep breath and asked as calmly as possible.

"That day, it should not be long after lunch."

The library staff recalled, "I forget the exact date, is it the seventh or the eighth?"

"I can't remember clearly, but I remember that day when my dad came home and talked about it. Later, when the fog fell and monsters attacked, my dad went out to fight, so he didn't continue talking." Luo Hai added.

Meng Chao let out an "oh", pretended to be calm, and continued to browse the catalog with his head down.

But his mind is no longer on this matter.

Because, he remembers very clearly.

In the first ten days of June, there was only one attack in Dragon City that was relatively large-scale and required the dispatch of "Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu", a master of the ranks.

It was the day he was reborn.

He returned from the apocalypse at the same time that the strange explosion occurred in the laboratory of the ancient ruins at the bottom of the Transcendent Tower in that afternoon.


A large chapter of nearly 4,000 words is presented, and today is also a day of thousands of updates!

I can't move anymore, my fingers hurt, take a rest!

And today there is a new leader, and there must be a more addition, let the old cow take it easy, everyone supervises, absolutely can't be blamed!

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