Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 450 The Mysterious Potion

A hand-to-hand, bloody confrontation unfolded simultaneously in dozens of surveillance images.

The pioneers who swallowed the "Divine Transformation Capsule" exhibited a combat power far superior to that of ordinary people. Their speed and strength have reached the standards of extraordinary people. Even the bloody wounds torn by monsters on their bodies cannot be sensed. It was half painful, but it became even crazier.

Meng Chao even saw on a surveillance screen that a pioneer punched the blood moon demon wolf's eye socket, and the clear punch marks burned blazingly, instantly burning the blood moon demon wolf's brain to ashes.

"Is this... extraordinary power?"

Meng Chao went back and read it again, reconfirming that it was indeed the construction of a spiritual magnetic force field that triggered spiritual resonance to cause damage.

In other words, this "divine transformation capsule" has the power to turn ordinary people into extraordinary people?

With the blessing of the magical capsule, the pioneers quickly drove all the monsters out of the stronghold.

The more they fought, the braver they became, and the crazier they became.

However, as the effect of the medicine circulates around the body, squeezing out the deepest potential of the cells, their rational defense line as human beings seems to be gradually losing and collapsing.

In the beginning, even the pioneers with deformed and mutated appearances could communicate normally in human language and use various weapons proficiently.

But soon, they seemed to be dissatisfied with the killing method of blasting the monster's eyes with bullets. They threw away their guns and rushed directly to bite the monster.

Tear open the monster's neck, drink the monster's blood, and use the sweet plasma to activate the instinct from the ancient times. They gradually lost their language function, and they no longer saw the light of reason in their eyes. They became the ones who were fighting with them The monsters are exactly the same.

Maybe someone realized something was wrong.

But they have no time to stop and judge their mental state when surrounded by beasts.

You can only knock down monsters or be knocked down by monsters, bite monsters or be bitten by monsters, devour monsters or be swallowed by monsters again and again!

Crazy, gradually, most people are all crazy.

Someone laughed wildly like a psychopath, someone obviously blasted the monster's head, but still punched it mechanically again and again, smashing the monster's head into meat paste, and someone tore the monster in half alive, unexpectedly He took out the steaming heart, chewed it, swallowed it, licked his blood-stained lips, and showed a satisfied expression.

The girl who first took out the "Divine Transformation Capsule" managed to retrieve her own capsule from the corner.

Before taking it, I saw the shocking changes inside and outside the stronghold.

The madness of the pioneers seemed to frighten her, and she hesitated to swallow the capsule.

At this time, the two-star spirit-changing transcendent who swallowed three magic transformation capsules in one go let out an inhuman howl, jumped out of the stronghold, and started a new round of killing.

This is no longer a battle, but a unilateral massacre.

Under his leadership, the other pioneers were also like demons, addicted to the pleasure of killing and couldn't extricate themselves.

Just when they had slaughtered almost all the monsters, another shocking change occurred.

Many pioneers were on a killing spree, and suddenly they groaned, like puppets whose strings had been cut, and fell to the ground.

They foamed at the mouth, their limbs twitched violently, their skin was reddish like steamed lobsters, wisps of white smoke shot out from their pores, and some people's eye sockets and nostrils even sprayed out bunches of flames.

In just half a minute, the bodily fluids of many people evaporated, turning into horrible mummies.

There are also people whose appearance is intact, but their internal organs and even their brains have been completely burned, leaving only an empty shell.

Others clutched their hearts, bleeding to death from the seven orifices.

The only surviving girl saw this scene from the surveillance screen, her eyes widened, she screamed, and threw the magic transformation capsule in her hand far away, like throwing away the eyes of a poisonous snake.

The monitoring screen ends here.

It was enough for Meng Chao, Supervisor Jiang and other extraordinary people to understand the situation.

"Shenbian Capsule, it seems, is a very powerful forbidden drug!"

Meng Chao gently unscrewed the metal cylinder he found from the girl's arms.

Gently unscrew the top cover, and with a "chuck", several wisps of icy white mist overflowed, and Meng Chao pulled out a metal frame from the white mist, on which were hung nine green capsules.

He twisted a capsule, and gently exerted force with his fingertips to test the material of the capsule.

I put it under my nose and sniffed it again, but it didn't smell too special.

Looking closely at the inside of the capsule, it seems to be filled with viscous oily liquid, and there are dots of strange light.

Meng Chao had never seen such banned drugs.

Speaking of it, the issue of drug prohibition, like the issue of unlicensed pioneering, wanders in the gray area of ​​law and morality.

Theoretically speaking, all genetic medicines in Dragon City must be approved by the drug regulatory department under Chaofan Tower before they can be marketed.

Units including the research and development of genetic medicines must also have corresponding qualifications.

Without a license, it is an underground black workshop, which is shady.

But psionic energy, extraordinary beings, and extraordinary power are all new things after all. How to maximize the cultivation potential of the human body is a question that even the "God of War" Lei Zongchao cannot answer.

Facing the threat of zombies, monsters, lost people, undead creatures, and even more terrifying alien gods and demons, even if a certain genetic medicine has extremely strong side effects and sequelae, as long as it can activate the potential and increase the strength, countless people will volunteer to become children. Rat to try.

"Death is a stimulant, and death is high technology." This is the attitude of the vast majority of people in Dragon City towards genetic medicine.

Just like when Meng Chao and Gu Jianbo concocted a variety of genetic medicines when they were exploring "Extreme Flow", 90% of them had extremely strong side effects and sequelae. That is to say, monsters like Meng Chao who can exchange their contribution points for healing skills. In order to survive a series of inhuman experiments.

If everything is compliant and legal, and every genetic drug is taken to the Chaofan Tower for approval, and if side effects are found, it cannot be used, and the ultimate flow will not be born in another ten years.

It's because the medicine is three-point poisonous, and the people of Longcheng have long realized it.

After all, the outlook on life and death of the people in Longcheng is different from that of the people on earth in peaceful times decades ago.

It is not unacceptable to risk a little death in pursuit of power beyond the limit.

Therefore, as long as the development and use of unapproved genetic medicines do not cause serious consequences, they fall into the category of "not prosecuted by the people, not prosecuted by officials".

In addition to the college entrance examination and so on, we should pay attention to an absolutely fair environment.

Usually no one is full enough to report unapproved genetic medicines.

On the contrary, everyone is eager for themselves or their companions to get more useful genetic medicines, so that they can fight for life and death.

Ordinary pioneers who were daring, and went to the wilderness to try their luck, would often bring some "three noes" genetic medicines bought on the black market or deep online, without a brand, manufacturer, or instructions for use.

Not to mention, many three-no products, although there are many problems, but in terms of "explosive potential, Jedi counterattack", they really have outstanding effects.

There are even many underground black workshops that prepare Sanwu products. After being reported and cracked down, the relevant technologies have been absorbed by super companies. After repeated experiments, the side effects and sequelae have been greatly reduced, and they have become examples of legal genetic medicines.

Therefore, Meng Chao has no interest in meddling with any of the popular genetic medicines that are pending approval.

But this "divine transformation capsule" is really weird.

First, it stimulates the potential of the human body to a frightening degree. In just a few minutes, ordinary people can have the power of a superhuman, and a one-star or two-star superhuman can have the power to hit the peak of the realm. possible.

Once this technology is popularized on a large scale, it is very likely to profoundly change the cultivation system that has been in operation for decades, and even the appearance of Dragon City civilization.

Second, while stimulating potential, it also seems to be destroying human reason and leading human beings into the abyss of madness.

Thirdly, and most importantly, the price paid for taking Shenbian Capsules to gain extraordinary power was too great—dozens of users died tragically on the spot, and the survivors were also depleted of flesh and blood, and their vitality was severely injured.

In other words, the Shenbian Capsule seems to burst out the life potential of human beings in a long life in an instant, turning human beings into bright fireworks, which can be released as much as possible in just a few seconds, and then disappear in ashes.

Meng Chao didn't want to comment on whether it was reasonable for the Pioneers to take Shenbian Capsules.

After all, if they didn't swallow the Shenbian Capsule, the end of these pioneers might be annihilated, and even their strongholds would be bulldozed by monsters.

Now, although the process was bloody and the result was tragic, at least there were still five survivors, and they wiped out monsters that were several times their size, and saved a human stronghold deep in the wilderness.

But this terrible forbidden drug can be used not only to defend civilization and homeland, but also to destroy and destroy it. Judging from the distortion of the pioneers after taking the drug, the latter is more likely.

The source of Shenbian Capsule must be found out.

Let's see who is the god who developed this extremely dangerous genetic medicine.

Meng Chao, Director Jiang and the others collected the corpses of the pioneers, cleaned up the stronghold, repaired several automated machine gun towers and communication systems, and then returned to the advance base with the survivors and remains.

On the way, Meng Chao also discussed this matter with Director Jiang and others, and found that no one had seen or heard of the name "Divine Transformation Capsule" before today.

In the advance base built by Tenglong, there is a biochemical laboratory that is small but complete.

Before the reinforcements arrived, they sent a Shenchang capsule and some samples collected from the remains to the laboratory for testing.

The test results surprised Meng Chao.

According to the analysis of the report, in the Shenbian Capsule, components suspected to be blood-streaked flower spores were detected.


Lao Niu and Meng Chao wish all book friends a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, wish our dear motherland prosperity and prosperity, and embark on the immortal journey of conquering other worlds and stars as soon as possible!

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