Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 504 The Gaze in the Darkness

Thinking of this, Meng Chao spread his limbs as far as possible, using the rhythm of his muscles to explore the strong and weak places around him.

Spiritual energy spewed out from the pores, like radar reflections, scanning the structure of the surrounding ruins, and outlined a concrete, micro, virtual ruin in his mind.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, the brain cells were overloaded, and the computing power skyrocketed in a geometric progression.

He repeatedly simulated in his mind the consequences of breaking through a certain ruin or kicking a certain steel beam.



Boom boom boom!

The virtual ruins in his mind collapsed again and again, and the ruins came again and again, crushing him into a thin meatloaf.

He took the trouble to start all over again, not letting go of every piece of reinforced concrete, and every gap that seemed strange and impossible for humans to get through.

After about half an hour.

The virtual ruins in my mind finally stabilized after a slight shake.

"right here!"

Deep in the ruins, Meng Chao was not the only survivor.

Just because he's calm enough doesn't mean others don't make mistakes.

Before the overall structure of the ruins changed, Meng Chao made a decisive decision, took off 70% of the joints in his body, and purely used the rhythm of his muscles to compress his figure to the limit. Drill through a gap.

The narrowest part of this gap can only fit a fist.

The gaps are also filled with broken steel beams and steel nails, like interlaced fangs.

Ordinary people would never choose to escape from here.

Even if you choose, it is extremely difficult to get out quietly without destroying the temporarily stable structure around you.

Meng Chao felt the flow of fresh air from deep in the gap.

Inch by inch, he fought his way through the darkness.

When necessary, even broken steel beams, exposed steel nails in the concrete, and deep and visible bone wounds on the flesh and blood are not hesitating.

Soon, a blocking stone appeared ahead.

It should be a frame structure supporting the underground shelter.

Meng Chao looked around, and first with the gentlest movement, he pulled out two broken I-beams from the side, and put them on top of the frame structure in a "herringbone" shape.

Afterwards, both palms pressed against the blocking stone, and the muscles in the palms trembled at super high speed.

The blocking stone shattered silently.

Although the front is still pitch black.

The speed of air flow suddenly accelerated.

The frame structure is also motionless and has not been damaged.

The 10,000-ton ruins above the head did not pour down.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief and walked across the roadblock.

At this time, he had already penetrated more than 20 meters underground, reaching the fourth or fifth floor underground.

Although it was also affected by the big bang and the extrusion of the ruins, there are ruins everywhere that have been compressed to the limit.

But thanks to the consideration that the ground was completely occupied or destroyed by zombies and monsters when it was built back then, human beings had to hide deep underground and persist in resisting.

Some floors and rooms collapsed, but there were escape passages wide enough for an adult to crawl forward and escape to a deeper, relatively safe place.

Meng Chao snaked through the twisted and deformed escape passage.

Ears pricked up, like radar, searching for all sounds around.

First came the cries and screams.

The explosion consumed more than just the Kill Party and the Hive Society's armed men.

It also affected hundreds of times as many leprosy villagers.

Most of the leprosy villagers know nothing about the conspiracy of the demon god "Whirlpool". They just live their ordinary and difficult days, but they are blown to pieces in ignorance.

The leprosy villagers who have not yet died are far from lucky.

Being squeezed between the ruined walls and not being human, they may be more envious of those who died without pain and died in an instant.

And flames.

The super giant spar bomb broke all the spiritual energy pipelines in this building.

The Leprosy villagers live at the bottom of Dragon City, and the spiritual energy they can afford is the most impurity-containing, and therefore the most unstable, most flammable and explosive variety.

So, the big bang was followed by small bangs one after another.

After the small explosion, there is a flame that flows everywhere, contains chemical and psionic substances, and is extremely difficult to extinguish with water and foam.

Many leprosy villagers living nearby rushed to fight the fire.

But in the face of raging flames, billowing poisonous smoke, and ruins that may collapse again at any time, they are helpless without large-scale fire-fighting equipment.

Before the fire and explosion completely destroyed the ruins, we had to try our best to scrape away the outermost ruins and rescue the survivors.

A isolation zone was set up around to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings, that's all.

This big explosion was the worst disaster that Leprosy Village has encountered in decades since its establishment.

From the cries, screams and furious roars of many leper villagers, they were all on the verge of madness.

Meng Chao could imagine with his toes that the demon god "Whirlpool" would definitely pour dirty water on the hunting team, taking the opportunity to confuse the leprosy villagers who didn't know the truth.

For example, tell the leprosy villagers that the hunting team from outside used destructive weapons of mass destruction in order to catch robbers and wanted criminals, and didn't care about the life and death of the leprosy villagers at all-such nonsense.

Therefore, I have to get out in time, tell the truth to the leprosy villagers, and maintain the order here and the entire hive city.

Meng Chao clenched his teeth, ignoring the pain of the tearing joints, he struggled violently, and finally got out of the last gap.

He fell to the ground through the broken escape route.

Just lying sprawled on the dusty floor, quietly enjoying every cell's cheers of regaining freedom.

"Crack, click, click"!

Through the contraction of muscles and tendons, the dislodged joints are closed again.

Except for some jerky and slight pain for the time being, there is no serious problem.

Meng Chao grasped the hilt of the blood sword and the chain engraved with lightning and flame runes, and grinned in the dark, revealing his white and sharp teeth.

"From this moment on, I am the hunter!"

He paused every word, speaking softly but firmly.

Looking around, this is a warehouse full of sundries.

Outside is a long and narrow corridor.

Because of the big explosion above the head, the foundation here has subsided, the ceiling has also been twisted and deformed, thick steel beams are broken everywhere, and stabbed out, and the creepy "squeak" sound can be heard at any time.

It seems that in the next second, this place will collapse and be submerged by tons of ruins.

Although the flames, smoke and poisonous fog are all going upwards.

The billowing heat wave is still flowing along the gap, arriving here continuously.

People can't help but wonder, soon, whether the steel bars and beams supporting the entire building will be melted into extremely high-temperature molten iron and poured here.

The environment is so harsh, the leprosy villagers who originally lived here naturally fled long ago.

The "Black Soul Battlesuit" on Meng Chao was almost torn apart by the explosion.

Apart from a tactical backpack made from the hide of a ferocious hell beast, as well as a sword and chains, there was nothing hidden on his body.

He quickly searched around in the warehouse, but found no weapons and ammunition, but found a dirty cloak that people in Hive City often wear.

I also dug out half a box of small steel balls from the corner, which should be used for assembling bearings.

After weighing it, the weight and hardness are quite suitable, just to supplement the lack of harvesting blades.

He put on the cloak, concealed the blood sword, chains and small steel balls, touched his face again, and confirmed that he had been burrowed in the ruins and smoke for a long time.

Only then did he wrap his cloak tightly, staggered, and walked towards the direction where the voices were the loudest.

After going down two more floors, I gradually saw figures, all of whom were leprosy villagers living here.

The explosion did not directly affect this place, but the shock wave created a deafening sound wave, which caused many people to bleed, their brains were concussed, their eyes widened in a daze, and they stood in the corner like puppets.

Some people's internal organs were severely impacted, and they curled up like shrimps, vomited overwhelmingly, and even spit out dark red plasma.

More people ran around like headless chickens, with panic written all over their faces.

They are all civilians.

This is their only home.

Knowing that the building is about to collapse, some people have a fluke mentality, thinking that such a deep underground can hold on, and they don't know where to go after evacuating here.

Even those who are willing to evacuate are reluctant to part with the bottles and cans at home.

Even though most of their "property" is the garbage discarded by the people in Hive City, in their eyes, it is priceless.

For a while, the sounds of vomiting, crying, sighing, shouting, and tugging disturbed Meng Chao.

Meng Chao hid his eyes in the darkness deep in the cloak.

His gaze swept over the faces of the leprosy villagers.

He saw children with pointy ears, holding dirty doll toys in their arms, and their faces were as dirty as the dolls.

He saw the old man with scales all over his body and his skull deformed like a lizard. He couldn't bear to leave here, sobbing silently at the door of his house.

He saw a giant standing up like a bear man, at least three to five hundred catties, wielding a fist like a hammer, but he didn't know who was the culprit of the explosion, and who he should vent his anger on.

He saw a tall and thin man with four arms, holding a mountain of cans in his arms, all made of earthworms, sandworm meat, scales and internal organs of aquatic monsters, as well as swords, halberds, demon pigs and iron armor The bone meal of the rhinoceros...is made from the flesh and blood of all kinds of worst monsters and leftovers.

Even ordinary citizens living in Tianfuyuan don't eat this kind of crude synthetic food anymore, and most of it is processed into feed.

This man is both cautious and greedy, always wanting to bring a few more cans out of the house that is about to collapse.

It's a pity that things backfired, and the panicked neighbors bumped into him, knocking all the cans he was holding in his four arms to the ground, and "Gulu Gulu" rolled into the corner.

The tall, thin man with four arms let out a heartbroken cry, and hurriedly bent down to pick it up, regardless of whether the place would collapse in the next second and become a new ruin.

This situation made Meng Chao sigh silently.

The mutation of the body is not what they want, nor does it affect their thinking and feelings of normal human beings.

Leprosy villagers are also human beings, fellow earthlings and citizens of Longcheng who should be protected!

Meng Chao squatted down and helped the tall, thin man with four arms pick up a can of synthetic food that rolled to his feet.

He tightened his cloak and walked forward silently.

My heart moved, but I felt an inexplicably uncomfortable feeling when I squatted down just now.

It seemed that something stabbed the hand that protruded from under the cloak.

It's the gaze.

It was the gaze from the corner ahead, in the darkness.

It was a pair of eyes with red glow in the pitch black, the gaze that shot out.

It was "Blood Slaughter" Gao Yang's eyes!

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