"Maybe not."

The wild wolf thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Is this tattoo important?"

"No, just ask."

Meng Chao waved his hand, "Forget about it, let's go!"

He turned and went into the manhole.

After climbing down an escalator more than ten meters long, he stepped into knee-deep water.

The stagnant water was sticky and smelly, like rotten ink.

The further you go, the narrower the passage is. In many places, you have to bend your waist and the tip of your nose almost touches the water to squeeze through.

Fortunately, both Aji and Su Mulian are used to staying in a heavily polluted environment, and they have almost cultivated themselves to be invulnerable to all poisons.

Meng Chao, who was a strong man in the sky, would not be easily fainted by the methane gas.

They advanced more than ten meters silently, and they could clearly feel the "tick-tick" drops of water seeping down from the top of their heads, and they should have come to the bottom of the garbage river.

Listening from here, the gunshots on both sides of the Garbage River became weak and dull.

Suddenly an iron fence appeared in front of it, and Aji stretched out his hand and shook it, which seemed extremely strong.

Meng Chao made Aji curl up to the side, stepped forward, grabbed the two railings with both hands, and vibrated at a high frequency.

"Crack, click, click!"

A half-meter-square opening had been cut on the iron fence long ago, but it hadn't been used for a long time, and it was rusted again.

With a flick of his arms, Meng Chao immediately took down the cut iron fence.

He carried Aji and Su Mulian through the gap, and he himself went through like an agile black panther.

After another tens of meters of zigzagging, the terrain gradually rose and the passage became dry.

Sweeping away the dense cobwebs, the passage finally reached the end, and a shaft appeared above the heads of the three, which was sealed by another inspection well cover.

The escalator leading to the manhole cover was full of rust. Meng Chao was not sure whether it was strong enough to bear the weight of everyone, so he was the first to climb up to test the firmness of the escalator and spy on the movement outside the manhole cover.

"Ping Ping Pong Pong" was playing lively on both sides of the river not far away, and the attention of the gang armed was all attracted to it, and they did not pay attention to the back alley where the inspection well was located.

In order to completely blockade the Leprosy Village, the nest city buildings around the Leprosy Village were requisitioned, and all the residents were evacuated to other places. Before the weapons and ammunition were completely filled here, there were quite a few empty rooms, and there was no sound of breathing, Heartbeat and normal human temperature.

Meng Chao quietly lifted the manhole cover.

Pull Aji and Su Mulian up.

Before the gang-armed patrol team arrived here, they gently closed the manhole cover, and swept a pile of garbage from the side to cover up the traces of the three people crawling out, and then, with the two of them, sneaked in not far away In an empty building.

"There is no one on the second floor, go up and have a look."

Meng Chao jumped lightly, clinging to the ceiling of the first floor like a gecko, put his ear against the ceiling, listened carefully for a moment, and said to the two.

They found a window facing the river bank in a room on the second floor.

Opening the window slightly, Meng Chao narrowed his eyes, circles of radiant halos appeared around his pupils, observing the situation like a high-powered telescope.

From here, it can be clearly seen that in just half a day, the armed gangs have dug a large number of trenches and secret passages along the Garbage River, built barricades and bunkers with quick-drying concrete, and deployed a well-arranged three-dimensional firepower network relying on the surrounding buildings .

In addition, a large number of bazookas, heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, power armor, spider-shaped thinking chariots equipped with monster brains... all kinds of big killers were transported up.

The well-trained gang armed at first glance is full of murderous intent, but after careful perception, it can be found that their nerves are highly tense, and they will collapse and go crazy at any time.

"Even if there are really monsters in the leprosy village, the reaction of these guys...isn't it too radical?"

Meng Chao couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue as he watched teams of gangs transport a large number of mortars and shells to the front line.

To be honest, if he hadn't possessed the memory fragments of his previous life, he would have known right away that this was a conspiracy of the demon god "Whirlpool".

Just letting him see the scene in front of him, it is hard for him not to have the same suspicion as the wild wolf and the leprosy villagers, believing that the outside world will completely wipe out the monsters dormant in the leprosy village at all costs.

And the leprosy village is this "price"!

"Are they really planning to kill Leprosy Village?"

Aji's head came out from Meng Chao's side, his face was pale, and he said in horror, "Brother Chao, what should we do? Let's go find 'Bad Sword' Jin Wanhao like this? But looking at the posture in front of him, Jin Wanhao doesn't look like a Will easily listen to our explanation!"

"Thank you for the reminder, of course we can't just come to the door like this."

Meng Chao took a deep look at Aji, and pondered, "It seems that the strange beast has already taken a step ahead of us, and has also made some moves on the side of the Nest City gang - this is of course, the so-called' sowing dissension', of course, both sides Only by fighting together can we force us to kill each other and die together.

"Therefore, the most urgent task is to find out what the strange beast did to the Nest City gang, or what it said, and why the Nest City gang panicked, as if they were facing a big enemy."

Aji scratched his head and said, "But, how can we gain insight into the conspiracy of the alien beast?"

"It's very simple, just ask someone and you will know."

Meng Chao took out various materials from his military backpack and spread them all over the floor.

Under the perplexed gaze of Aji and Miss Mulian, he started his own operation.

He first smashed a can of earthworm meat, and glued it to a piece of sword halberd demon pig skin with pure natural solid glue.

Apply monster blood mixed with glue to create a viscous and smelly texture.

Then use the harvesting blade to carve carefully to make the flesh and blood more blurred.

After that, he tore off the cloak and stuck the bloody pigskin on his left abdomen.

At first glance, a shocking wound immediately appeared on his left abdomen, trembling with breathing, as if even the internal organs were about to be exposed.

Then, he used harvesting blades and files, as well as locally sourced reinforced concrete, to tear several wounds on his face and hands without hesitation.

Although it was a skin trauma, it still looked frightening.

In the end, he took fifty grams of black stone powder and twenty-five grams of purple star beetle carapace powder, disassembled another bullet, put the gunpowder in it, mixed the three powders in the palm of his hand, opened his mouth, and son swallowed it.

Aji's scalp felt numb, and he whispered: "Brother Chao, can this thing be eaten?"

"Of course not."

Meng Chao bared his teeth, "This stuff is poisonous. If you eat it, your face will turn pale, your nerves will be paralyzed, your heartbeat will be disordered, and the spiritual magnetic force field will be erratic!"

While speaking, he was really sweating profusely, his hands and feet were trembling, and even his lips were so dry that he couldn't even see a trace of blood. It really seemed that he was seriously injured, had lost too much blood, and was dying.

Only then did Aji and Miss Mulian know that the "dying death" that Meng Chao had deceived Bai Shan earlier was created in this way.

"You two are waiting for me here, don't make a sound, Aji, you can first recall the terrain around here, find the commanding heights, and the safe evacuation route from the underground passage."

Meng Chao's nose twitched, carefully distinguishing the faint smell of urine in the air.

As a strong man in the heavenly realm, and he had practiced hard in the wilderness for a long time, when he poured spiritual energy into his nasal cavity and nasal mucosa, his keen sense of smell was enough to detect the smell of excrement from more than a dozen kinds of nightmare beasts at the same time.

Like a giant chameleon, he slipped out of the window without a sound.

Following the thin smell of urine in the air, they quickly found a makeshift open-air toilet.

Sure enough, as he expected, the armed gangs were only busy digging ditches and building barricades. They didn't have time to build regular toilets, and they didn't have time to go to the toilets in the buildings. question.

Meng Chao crouched in the dark and waited patiently.

Although the wolf only gave him twelve hours.

But patience is a hunter's best friend, and he won't take any unnecessary risks just to beat the clock.

He spared the first two gang fighters who came to fix the drainage problem.

Because these two guys look like idiots at first glance, the kind who don't know what to ask.

The second team was let go, because the other party had seven people in total.

Although he was sure to finish them off within a second, if seven of them disappeared together, it would be too much noise.

After waiting for a full ten minutes, the most suitable candidate appeared.

This guy is alone.

On his waist was a sword inlaid with high-grade spar, which looked very valuable.

From the analysis of his steady steps and breathing, as well as the faint aura lingering around his body, he is at least a transcendent in the spirit pattern.

In a place like Nest City, a transcendent person in the spirit pattern can be regarded as the little leader of the gang.

Moreover, no one came to use the toilet during this time, and the nearest armed gang member was still dozens of meters away, blocked from sight by the building.

So, when the little boss was whistling and whistling, a sharp blade as thin as a cicada's wing was placed on his throat.

The pupils of the little boss suddenly shrank.

The patter between the legs stopped abruptly.

"Don't, don't be nervous, take it easy, continue, cough cough, continue."

Meng Chao appeared behind him like a ghost, and whispered into the little boss's ear.

The little boss's eyeballs trembled rapidly, as if he was thinking about whether he should fight back or scream.

But the sharp blade on his neck was trembling constantly, not only cutting open his skin, but also penetrating into the depths of his nerves and bone marrow like an ice pick, it could decapitate him at any time.

"Yes, I'm sorry, brother, I, ahem, ahem, ahem, I don't want to hurt anyone."

Meng Chao said, "However, I was seriously injured. I can neither hold a knife nor control my strength. If you accidentally cut your throat, don't blame me, okay?"

The little boss really wanted to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

But his Adam's apple was completely frozen by Meng Chao's killing intent, and the cold saliva was as hard to swallow as a thornbush.

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