Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 683 Controlling the Brain of Another World

Meng Chao knew that some alien races, especially the underground races, seemed to suffer from hereditary immune disorder syndrome.

The ultraviolet rays in the sun will kill the white blood cells in their blood, making the already fragile immune system even worse.

These poor creatures who are afraid of the sun and are used to haunting the dark are collectively called the dark night race in the alien continent.

Sunscreen is an indispensable strategic material for the dark night race, which can greatly improve their range of activities and combat effectiveness.

The Monster Mountains around Dragon City are a plant paradise, most suitable for growing raw materials for top-quality sunscreens such as "Redvine".

As long as Meng Chao can seize the raw materials first, and develop and apply for sunscreen patents, he will have the initiative to control the dark night race.

Now that tobacco, alcohol and even sunscreen have been involved, it is logical to enter the soft drink market, especially the carbonated beverage market.

Judging from the experience of the age of the earth, carbonated drinks are definitely one of the best-selling inventions in human history.

The first company to research and develop carbonated beverages has a century-old heritage and an evergreen foundation. Its market value far exceeds most high-tech, heavy industry or financial giants.

Carbonated drinks themselves are non-alcoholic, but they have a refreshing taste and a stimulating punch, making them as addictive as spirits.

You know, although there are half-orcs and frost giants among the thousands of races in the alien world, there are guys who are addicted to alcohol.

However, there are also many races that worship gods and demons, abide by the rules and regulations, and have all kinds of weird taboos. At least on the surface, they will never be tempted by alcohol.

If you go to the territory of these races in a daze to sell tobacco and alcohol, you may be regarded as the messenger of the devil by the other party, and you don't know how to die.

The carbonated drink brand "Longfu Cola" that Meng Chao plans to launch will come in handy when encountering such a penance race.

Moreover, carbonated beverages are not just drinks.

It can also play the role of cultural output.

In the hegemonic country of the old earth era, Citi soldiers were drinking carbonated drinks, burning, killing and looting, while using ice-cold stimulating carbonated drinks to lure the ignorant people in the conquered areas, and packaged themselves as envoys of civilization and even saviors.

The otherworld version of carbonated drinks can be mixed with a lot of monster materials and spiritual plant ingredients, which is a hundred times more exciting than the carbonated drinks on earth.

Meng Chao assured that thousands of people in other worlds had never tasted such a strange and wonderful taste.

Neither the Balrog of Purgatory nor the master of Dragon Island could refuse carbonated drinks.

Maybe, in the end, it's not the torrent of steel that conquers the alien world, but the carbonated beverage?

Of course, carbonated drinks alone are not enough.

Meng Chao also prepared a package of all-in-one sensuality for thousands of people in the other world.

That is the well-developed entertainment industry in Nest City.

Meng Chao once thought hard, compared with the intelligent life in other worlds, where are the people on earth ahead?

Is it technology?

On the surface, it seems so.

Thousands of races in the other world seem to be still in the ignorant and backward Middle Ages of the earth age, and even many wild races are still in the primitive society of drinking blood.

And after the Dragon City civilization digested and absorbed some of the black technologies in the ancient ruins, certain fields have already been able to touch the edge of the interstellar era.

However, this is only the appearance.

Thousands of races in another world are by no means a medieval civilization that evolved naturally.

How could such an unscientific thing as a "magician" be born in the real medieval civilization?

And those elves who have survived for thousands of years, even if they are just hairless monkeys dormant in the depths of the jungle on the surface, their unfathomable wisdom can decipher, comprehend, and reproduce the blackness of the earth people in just a few years. Technology.

No, the Otherworld cannot be conquered by technology alone.

Culture is where the earth civilization truly leads other civilizations.

Dragon City shouldn't just export a torrent of steel.

It is even more necessary to export the earth's culture and values ​​to form a dimensionality reduction blow to the thousands of races in other worlds.

As for the export of culture, the most taboo is to be superior and not down-to-earth.

Talk to half-orcs in a slave society about the superiority of earth culture, explain the principles of equality and liberation of productivity, and encourage half-orcs to follow earth people to build a peaceful, friendly, prosperous new world?

Who cares about you!

If you don't roast you, it's considered a face for the earth.

If you want to open up the situation in a place like another world and export the culture of the earth, you can only go down the three roads and engage in some vulgar, vulgar, and kitsch things.

It just so happens that these are what the Hive City gang is best at, gray industries!

What is "Kou Kou Kou", which one is "Kou Kou Kou", and "Kou Kou Kou Kou" and "Kou Kou Kou Kou", all of which make even an honest gentleman like Meng Chao blush and tremble wildly when he sees it .

Anyway, all kinds of the oldest industries of human beings have been played with a sense of art in Hive City.

Of course, now that Nest City is going to fully integrate into Dragon City, these gray industries are unsightly, and they can't do anything special anymore.

Moreover, Meng Chao is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes and has a strong sense of justice and principle. He must not just watch his compatriots jump into the fire pit again.

However, his sense of justice and principles are not strong enough to treat all other intelligent races as compatriots.

If he could transplant the gray industry model of Nest City to the other world, Meng Chao believed that he would be able to monopolize the entire cultural market in the other world, at least the entertainment market, well, at least the three vulgar markets.

Perhaps in the near future, no matter whether elves, dwarves, orcs, frost barbarians or priests and magicians, they will all carry earth-style semi-automatic rifles and bazookas on their shoulders, smoke cigarettes made by earth crafts, and drink spirits brewed by ancient earth methods Drinking carbonated drinks, wearing earth brand sunscreen and cosmetics, admiring the girl groups and fresh meat packaged in the earth pattern.

Even their children regard "Captain Earth" as their most admired idol.

What is cultural aggression and value export?

That's it!

The pure output of values ​​may not allow the thousands of races in the other world to accept their heads and bow down, and drop their armor to surrender.

But it can definitely reduce the hostility of thousands of races in other worlds, at least it can confuse the hearts of intelligent races in other worlds, divide the ignorant people in the enemy camp, and create countless "spiritual earth people", who are willing to throw themselves into the embrace of Dragon City civilization even if they want to die or live.

Torrents of steel are hard knives.

Cultural export is a soft knife.

It's hard to say which knife is sharper!

In addition, many nest city gangs have become accustomed to gray industries, forming interest groups and path dependence.

Meng Chao was only the "Lord of the Nest City" in name, how could he make them give up completely with a single order?

It's better to prepare in the early stage, and when the time is right, transfer them to the outside of the monster mountain range to start a new stove.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Meng Chao actually wanted to get involved in the information industry with sufficient technology and funds.

His dream is to spread the Dragon City network to the whole world.

In the vast and ignorant and backward foreign land, fully rolling out the Internet sounds like a dream.

But Meng Chao knew through the memory fragments of his previous life that achieving this was not as complicated as he imagined.

The Monster Mountain Range where Dragon City is located is the place with the most complicated spiritual magnetic environment and the strongest interference in the entire alien continent.

In order to keep the wireless network and tactical data link unimpeded in such a harsh environment, the people of Longcheng spent several generations of hard work and developed a lot of black technology.

The Dragon City civilization of the current world has been advancing triumphantly all the way, sweeping across the other world, spreading signal towers, signal transmission airships, and portable wireless network nodes in all directions, without encountering much resistance.

Even the alien races who hate Earthlings the most are often addicted to mobile phones, unable to extricate themselves, and are reluctant to destroy the communication base stations and information nodes built by Earthlings.

In fact, there are such examples in the Earth Age.

In the oldest homeland of mankind, the hot and wild black land, many races have just escaped from ignorance for decades, and they are even still in the tribal society turbulent by wars.

To put it bluntly, you can't even have a pair of slippers for each foot.

But it can be done with a mobile phone in each hand.

He even regards the mobile phone as a necessity of life, and believes in every word displayed on the screen of the mobile phone.

Meng Chao very much hopes that one day everyone in another world will be able to have a mobile phone, and help thousands of people in another world run into the post-information age.

Of course, this is not to enhance the strength of thousands of races in other worlds.

Rather, it is more convenient for the implantation of earth culture and values.

In the post-information age, whoever controls the Internet controls the media, whoever controls the media controls the brain, and whoever controls the brain is qualified to decide what is justice, what is evil, what is advanced, what is What is backward, what is light, what is dark.

There is no doubt that the people of Longcheng represent the most just and advanced earth civilization in the universe.

The people of Longcheng are the emissaries of light sent by the earth civilization to save thousands of people in other worlds.

Only through mobile phones and the Internet, can thousands of intelligent beings who are at the bottom of the alien world, enslaved and oppressed, see and believe this.

Meng Chao knew that there were extremely sharp structural contradictions among thousands of races in other worlds, and even within the same race.

What kind of class solidification, social tearing, the strong will always be strong, winners take all, overpopulation, black technology and conflicts between backward production relations... These problems in Dragon City exist in all races in other worlds, and they are still intensely strong. hundred times.

Otherwise, how could the doomsday war that swept across the world break out?

Many races and classes who have been enslaved for tens of millions of years have already condensed the anger in their hearts into magma, and then compressed from magma into the most violent spar explosives.

Just a small spark can detonate them all.

And what can be transmitted through the mobile phone is not just a small spark?

Contradictory analysis, action plan, organizational principles, methods of manufacturing weapons and explosives, how to assassinate the enemy, how to eliminate traitors and unstable elements within the organization... The people on earth can provide a complete set of textbooks, teaching the bottom people of other worlds how to awaken , and overthrow the foreign rulers who oppressed them.

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