Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 122: Sound explosion

The six-handed tribe Domeng was the first strongman from the outer planet that Li Mo had seen in his previous life. It was Domon who got the "Staff of Origin" and took away the only hope for the rise of the earth, so that the earth became 'Farm farm'.

All human beings are kept in captivity as "animals". No matter men, women, children and children, only the permission of the "master" is allowed to dress. The captive humans have no freedom, no dignity, and have experienced tens of thousands in just a few years. Almost all civilizations that have been in existence disappeared.

In the past life, in order to resist the invasion of the powerful enemy of the universe, there have been three large-scale organizations on the earth, the "Earth Counterattack Group" led by Xingqi Internal Testers, the "Alien Alliance" led by natural aliens, and 'TS' organizations led by governments of various countries. (The).

The three major organizations and the invading cosmic strongmen have fought for several years. In the fight against the cosmic strong enemies, the three major organizations have tried their best. Unfortunately, they have never had the idea of ​​"unifying one heart". End with all failures.

The strong enemy of the universe,'Duomeng', was the pioneer of the 11 cosmic alliance races that first invaded the earth. At the same time, he was also the'field director' in charge of the farms in the Huaxia District. The only time Li Mo and Duomo encountered in the previous life was because of this The guy was seriously injured with a kick.

   But Li Mo was just an ordinary person at that time, and he hadn't even touched the "Void God Realm" yet. In the face of Duomeng, whose strength had reached the "first level of Shenhai Realm", he had no strength to fight back.

Dang! Dang!

   Boom! Boom!

  Duomeng struck the gong and drums, and the two steel thorns were as fast as lightning, but although his movements were fast enough, Li Mo was faster, his feet moved slightly, and his figure flickered, all of which evaded Domon's stabs.

  Duomeng's attack power is very strong, but his weakness is that his movement speed is too slow, he uses gongs and drums to assist, just to make up for the shortcomings of slow speed, but his gongs and drums have no effect on Li Mo at all.

   "It seems that you got a lot of benefits from the space-time treasure."

  Duomeng stopped the attack and looked at Li Mo in a yin.

   Duomo's head is not a human, but a strange head like a fly. Using the most vivid metaphor, Duomo is like a big fly the size of an adult, standing and walking.

   "Partner, you're right, this person can't stay, otherwise it will grow up in the future, and it will definitely be a big enemy of us!"

  Domon put away the steel drum sticks, six arms retracted, and on the ground, the transparent wing membrane behind him vibrated strongly.

   Duomo's partner, the moment that the chunky human was lying down at Duomeng, he took out a rune paper and stuck it on his forehead. The yellow light flashed, and the chunky human escaped into the ground.

   "Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz--"

  Domon shakes the wing membrane quickly, making the sound exactly the same as when the fly flies.

  Boom Boom Boom——

  Under the sound of Doumen’s ‘buzz’, a 500-meter radius was like an earthquake. The ground swayed, flowers and trees exploded, and earth and rocks exploded.

   This is the racial supernatural power of the Six-Handed Clan ‘Sonic Boom’. Duomo is a powerful player in the Shenhai Realm. The ‘sonic boom’ made by him can destroy all creatures within a radius of 500 meters.

   "The seeds with potential should be eliminated directly, ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

   "Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz--"

  Domeng accelerates the vibration of the wing membrane.

   "Ground Boxing!"

"A formula!"

  Moving in the mountains, Li Mo drank coldly and put on a very common punching posture.

   This time when Li Mo was born again, he used other people's moves, and this time, he used his own martial arts.

   Heaven and earth fist, earth fist style!

   Visible to the naked eye, Yuan Li rushed from the ground around to gather at Li Mo's fist, and the chunky human who had escaped into the ground was forced to come out.


  Dumpy humans didn't even say a word, they were shocked by Duomo's sonic boom and fell to the ground.

Ground boxing gathers the elemental forces of the surrounding environment and strikes the fiercest attack. This boxing technique does not look at personal cultivation. The more elemental forces absorbed, the stronger the power. However, the first thing you want to use this boxing technique is to have it. Incomparably tough body, otherwise hurting the enemy will not necessarily hurt themselves.

  When Li Mo was gathering gas, thousands of square meters of barren land, flowers and trees, and even stones and clods lost their normal colors.

   Seeing Li Mo's strange appearance, Duo Meng was shocked and turned away, flew and wanted to run.

  The two were separated by thirty meters, Li Mo took a step forward, and immediately arrived at Duomo.


   Huang Mengmeng's fist was as fast as lightning, slamming into Duomo's body.

   Yellow light burst, and then see Duo Meng, the body completely disappeared, and no scum left.

  Li Mo's hands fell down.

   One shot to solve Duo Meng, Li Mo's body also showed numerous wounds with broken lines, blood leaked out, and it looked terrible.

Heaven and Earth Boxing doesn’t look at personal cultivation. The more elemental force it absorbs, the more powerful it is. However, if you want to use Heaven and Earth Boxing, you must have an incomparable physical body. At one point, Li Mo's flesh burst.

   "The physical strength is still not enough, call--"


Just when Li Mo tried his best to breathe, the chunky human body that was shocked by Duo Meng's "sonic boom" suddenly moved, grabbing his falling head and pressing it on his He lowered his arm and pressed it on his shoulder, and then ran away with his legs spread out.

   "Indestructible body?"

  Li Mo was shocked, but then shook his head again.

Among the many physiques in the world, the physique with the strongest recovery effect is called "Wancao immortal body", followed by Du Fei's "bright body". The immortal body can not be born naturally, but it can only be born. Indestructible body, but even if it is "indestructible body", the human race cannot have it, because "indestructible body" is a special physique unique to the origin of the universe, one of the strongest races in the universe.

  Thinking for a moment, Li Mo took out Tu Lingyu and went straight back to his home in Fengcheng.

   Twenty minutes later, the chunky humans rushed to the site of the accident with five strange creatures.

   "Domon was killed with a punch? How could it be possible that Duomo was weak, but he was also a strong fifth-level man. On this planet, he should be invincible."

   "I don't believe that Domon will die. Custer is right. On this planet, Domon has not been killed."

   "It doesn't matter how much you die or not, what matters is the treasure of time and space!"

   "Yes, time and space treasures must be obtained, this is the only purpose of our eleven tribes!"

"right here!"

   Chunky humans stopped.


   "The environment here is indeed caused by Duomen's sonic boom, but what about Duomen?"

   Chunky human said: "I have already said that Duomo has disappeared."

   "Separately chase!"

   Five strange-shaped creatures spread out, chasing each direction.

  Pudgy humans walked to the pile of earth spirit jade without any aura, and narrowed their eyes.

   "Casque, Rosa, no need to chase, that man has gone far!"

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