Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 197: Gambling

Gambling is a duel rule that is extremely popular in alien worlds. Due to the harsh environment of modern cultivation and scarce resources, gambling has become a major source of resources.

   can literally understand that the so-called gambling body is all the items carried on the gambling body.

   Li Mo smiled and said: "I have memory metal on me, what do you have?"

  Zheng Huahu coldly said: "Stardust Steel, the first form of the Lanjia Hundred Steps Fist, and the Zheng Jia's first achievement in chemical engineering, how?"

  Li Mo shook his head.

  Although Stardust Steel is rare, Li Mo already has it. As for the first step of the 100-step Shenquan and the fortune-making skills of the Zheng family, how can it be comparable to Li Mohui's exercises?

   "Add this picture, how about this pen?"

  Zheng Hualong came over and showed an ancient painting and an old brush to Li Mo to watch the battle.

  The ancient painting is incomplete, and the content in the painting is an extraordinary green dragon.

  Although the Qinglong was incomplete, the momentum displayed was very shocking. Li Mo glanced, and his face was shocked.

  The true dragon is one of the ten ancient beasts of ancient times. It has long disappeared today, and the so-called dragon shape of the later generations is far from the true true dragon.

   It is rumored that the real dragon has the strongest attack magic skill in the world. It has been widely circulated so far that the real dragon has nothing to stop!

   Is the green dragon in this painting the form of a real dragon? If it is, it is possible to draw out some real meaning from this painting.

   Li Mo looked at the old brush in Zheng Hualong's hands. Under the eyes of the sky, he only felt that it was just an ordinary antique. Apart from its collection value, the practicality should not be high.

   "Plus one billion!" Zheng Hualong continued to raise.

   "Enough." Li Mo nodded.

   "Hahahahaha, good!" Zheng Huahu was overjoyed.

   "Two..." Wang Yexing also wanted to make a round, but Zheng Huahu didn't give him a face, and went out after throwing his sleeves.

  Five-level strong man is powerful. With just one punch, this living room will be completely destroyed, so go out and fight.

   "It's just right to kill you here!"

  Zheng Huahu sneered at Li Mo, Li Mo's face was dull, not angry.

   "I let you do three tricks, come on!"

  Zheng Huahu hooked at Li Mo.

  Li Mo nodded, felt a stone from his arms, and threw it towards Zheng Huahu.


The stone in Li Mo's hands, which was not as big as a fist, rose in the wind, and instantly became a hill about 15 meters long and about seven or eight meters high. Zheng Huahu wanted to run and hide, but he slowed down a bit and was weighed down by the hill. the following.

   The whole hill is shining, and the two gold characters on it are extremely conspicuous.

  Zheng Huahu struggled desperately, and lifted the hill without shaking, but it was a pity that he struggled to get rid of it.

   "This is a magical tool made by the old president!" Liu Chuanshu exclaimed.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Hualong's face was black.

   In order to make the inspection team work smoothly, both team leaders got a magic tool refined by the old chairman, Li Mo and Zheng Huahu, but the types are different.

   "Ahhh, mean, shameless, let me go!" Zheng Huahu roared again and again.

  The ‘Taishan pressure top’ artifact made by the old president, not to mention the small size, is equivalent to the weight of the entire Taishan. Zheng Huahu is not a fake fifth-level strongman. Compared with the entire Taishan, he is obviously not enough.

  Zheng Hualong: "Don't you think it's embarrassing to use the old president's weapon, this kind of victory?"

   "Winning is winning, losing is losing, how can you be ashamed or not? If this is on the battlefield, it's not you who died is my life, who will be ashamed or not?"

   "Despicable, shameless, shameless..." Zheng Huahu yelled more than ever, but his voice gradually weakened, and the weight of the entire Taishan was pressing on him, and he could hardly bear it.

Li Modao said: "Zheng Huahu, if you refuse to admit defeat, I will not put away this Taishan stone, and take your cultivation as an example, it will be the limit for at least one more minute, right? If you die under this Taishan stone, then don’t say I never reminded you!"

   "I admit defeat! I admit..." Zheng Huahu struggled.

  Li Mo stretched out his hand and called Taishan Stone back. When Taishan Stone fell on his palm, he returned to his fist size.

  Zheng Huahu could not move, but was helped by someone, so he barely stood up from the ground.

   Looking at the bluestone ground, a large pit as deep as three meters was pressed by Taishan stone.

  Li Moke put away all his gambling items regardless of his body.

   "Everyone, the food is already ready, and it will be cold if you don't eat it anymore. It's not too early today, or should we finish the rest earlier, what's the matter, and talk about it tomorrow?" Wang Yexing came out to play the round again.

   "I'm really hungry, then eat it."

  Li Mo walked into the living room like no one else.

  Zheng Huahu was brought in by someone, but his body collapsed so much that he didn't even have the strength to eat. After sitting there, he was helped and rested.

   A banquet, the atmosphere was dull, Zheng Hualong had been staring at Li Mo, but Li Mo turned a blind eye to it. He should eat, drink, and drink until the meal was over and the banquet ended.

As the leader of the second group, Li Mo was arranged in a best room. Wang Yexing's hospitality was more sincere than that of his son. The room was very gorgeously decorated, and there were only 20 people outside the house. Much.

   All servants, without exception, are all beautiful women.

   "Leader Li, please feel free."

  Wang Yexing had always sent Li Mo to his residence, leaving a meaningful sentence before leaving, and then left.

   "Let's go down, I'm not used to the people around me when I sleep."

   As soon as Wang Yexing left, Li Mo drove away all the people in the house.

   Just lying on the bed, Li Mo couldn't wait to take out the memory metal and continue to refine it.

  Zheng Huahu was lying on the bed weakly, trembling all over, and the two beautiful women rubbed his hands and feet for him, only to make him gritt his teeth.

  Zheng Huahu is the evil spirit in color, the best female color, but now, he has that color heart, but not that ability.

   The whole body can't move, how can it be?

   "Li I must kill you, definitely!" Zheng Huahu shouted with trembling.

  Zheng Hualong came in.

   "You go down first."

  The two beautiful ladies left, leaving only the Zheng family brothers in the room.

   "Brother, when Li Mo kicked you for the first time, was your body in an abnormal state?"

  Zhenghua Hudao said: "It must be abnormal, otherwise how could he hurt me?"

   "What slap?"

   "That slap, I... I didn't react, it should be in an abnormal state, and that would be the case. Otherwise, if my fifth-level strength is still there, he will slap me, it must be him, not me."

  Zheng Huahu was actually not sure whether he was in an abnormal state at the time, but he subconsciously recognized

He thinks that Li Mo is not as good as him, and Li Mo is a garbage, so even if he suffers a big loss and loses, he has always believed that he did not lose in strength.

   "Brother, what do you want to say to me? Is there a weird little surnamed Li?"

  Zheng Hualong nodded.

   "Although the old president's magic weapon can be used by everyone, but if you want to exert the tenth of the magic weapon, no one can do it!"

   There was a flash of cold light in Zheng Hua's eyes.

   (End of this chapter)

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