Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 245: Ancient 3 artifact

The horror of the ancient battlefield at the ground level made Du Fei frightened and shivered.

"Originally I thought that entering the crack of space and time is the most dangerous thing. Now it seems that compared with this ancient battlefield, the crack in the space and time is simply a paradise..."

"Fortunately, fortunately, we can't see such a scary monster on our planet."

"Can't see it now, it doesn't mean it will be later."

"What do you mean?" Du Fei was startled.

"Everyone will come to earth sooner or later, it may come within a year or two, or it may be within a few decades."

Although the domain gate was destroyed, Li Moke didn't take it easy. For real cosmic-class strongmen, crossing the star domain is just a matter of flick.

Destroying the domain gate only slowed down the steps of the universe to set foot on the earth, but from the roots, it did not die out.

"Mo brother, what on earth do we have? Is this staff in your hand? You said that the cosmic-level strong are strong against the sky. Is there any difference between this thing and this thing? Why this? Yes……"

"The rod of origin in my hand is only one of them. There are still many things on the earth that can make those cosmic-level strong minds."

The rod of origin, the craft of heaven and earth, the ancient god-level magic weapon, etc., all the things that make the cosmic-level powerful people are all on the earth. How can those people easily give up?

"The rod of origin in my hand is related to the secret of a powerful person in the universe."

"That is, immortality."

Du Fei stunned: "Those who are strong in the universe are so strong, can't they live forever?"

Li Mo shook his head: "Since ancient times, haven't heard of anyone who can be as strong as the ten ancient beasts of ancient times, but not all have disappeared?"

"The strong is just strength, but no matter what kind of strong, it is no match for time."

"Longitudinal universe for millions of years, where is the end? After the death of millions of years, who will remember the invincible figure for millions of years?"

Li Mo sighed.

"The rod of origin in my hand is related to the secret of longevity. Of course, this is just a guess. Not to mention me. Even the last master of the rod of origin, the Pangu God who has the ability to change the world, can't understand the secret. ."

"No one wants to die, especially those invincible strongmen who have been in the universe for hundreds of years. When they were young, they did a lot of good deeds and good deeds for this universe, but when they are old and weak, Shou Yuan will do it. Fu Lu, in order to live, they do not hesitate to do anything evil."

Du Fei trembled: "What evil?"

"Refining life, star cores, and absorbing the essence of life on the entire planet, this practice is one of the most common things that the old immortal cosmic powerhouses do."

"The whole? Such a big planet..."

Li Mo shook his head: "What is a cosmic-level powerhouse? In a wave of hands, all the stars are extinguished. If this level is not reached, how can it be called a cosmic-level powerhouse?"

"Then... how many levels would it take to become a cosmic powerhouse?"

"Level 10 or higher."

"It doesn't look very far away..."

"From level one to level five, amazing talents only need six months."

"How long does it take from level 1 to level 10?"

"It is possible for as long as possible. There are a vast majority of people who stop at level 3, level 4, and a very small number of people can break through level 5, and a few people can reach level 6, level 7, a handful, can go further, Level eight, level nine."

"As for the tenth strong, there will be one in millions of years."

"No way……"

Li Mo nodded.

"The tenth-level strongman cannot be called the cosmic-level strongman. When the tenth-level strongman goes further, the entire universe can sense that powerful force."

"When the state reaches the tenth level, the true yuan will further sublimate and become divine power. When reaching this stage, it can be called a god-level strongman, and beyond the tenth level, it can be called a **** emperor."

"But even the Divine Emperor can't live with the world. There have been countless Divine Emperors that have appeared since ancient times, but none of them have survived to the present."

Du Fei was shocked: "What does it mean to live to the present?"

"Those cosmic-level strongmen who absorbed the essence of life and continued to breathe, in order to live, used their own divine power to form a domain space. In that domain space, the passage of time will become extremely slow. It is also for this reason that they can Gou Yan survives to survive..."

"However, their lifespan can only be extended in one area. If they dare to leave that area, it will not take long before they die."

"In that field, they can't move at will, but keep the state of the seal, and no trace of life essence can be wasted, otherwise they will die even if they are in the field."

"Also, in the realm, it can only delay the passage of time, but it can't stop time and space. Therefore, there are many forbidden places of the gods, and there are many cosmic powers in the world, many of them alive and dead."

"Motionless for millions of years... It's better to die like that..."

"If everyone thinks like you, there will be no forbidden place in this universe."

"In this universe, there are three artifacts that don't know how long they live. These three artifacts have resisted the years. Millions of years have passed, and they are still intact."

"The rod of origin in my hand is one of them."

"What about the other two?"

"The other two, one is called the original heart, and the other is called the creation orb."

"Creation Orb can still understand, what is the original heart? A heart?"

"Yes, a heart, a living heart, has never stopped beating since ancient times."

Du Fei's eyes widened.

"As long as the original heart is put into the body, any race in the universe, except the Chebyns, no matter how they practiced before, will instantly have the power of the tenth-level peak strongman."

"So powerful..."

"There is also who has the original heart, and the life span will inevitably exceed one million years."

"This is really an artifact."

"Yes, artifact." Li Mo nodded: "Under normal circumstances, the life of the top ten strongmen is only more than ten thousand years."

"A heart, which has survived for tens of billions of years, can still maintain vitality. This is not the secret of longevity. What can it be?"

"Among the three ancient artifacts, the most attractive to the cosmic-class strong people is the original heart, followed by the rod of origin and the orb of creation."

"Mo Brother, where are the other two artifacts?"

"The whereabouts are unknown, hundreds of years later..."

Li Mo shook his head, and he remembered the **** war of all the races on the'Longevity Road'...

"Du Fei, there is only one thing you have to do now, and that is to advance to level 6 at the fastest speed!"

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