Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 911: North Xuan Yangming (2)

Yue Changkong squeezed out a kind smile. Ω hunting "Wen Ω network Ww" W. ΩLieWen. CC

No doubt he hated Chen Xiaobei at this moment, but he just set up a fair and generous image in front of tens of thousands of people at the scene.

If you turn your face with Chen Xiaobei, you will definitely be accused of being careful. The hearts of the people who have finally caught up will be extremely lost.

Therefore, the main goal now is to collect the three Taiwuhuo first.

As for the 3ooo spirit stones in the first place, in the view of Yue Changkong, it only let Chen Xiaobei pass. Normal people cannot consume so many spirit stones in a short time.

After today, there is a chance to **** it back from Chen Xiaobei!

With a good abacus in mind, Yue Changkong stopped paying attention to Chen Xiaobei, and smiled with Yan Yuese, waiting for the answer of Tai Yitan.


Tai Yitan didn't even hesitate for half a second, and immediately said, "I won't join the Huashan Pie!"


Yue Changkong heard the words, and almost spit old blood into the sky!

What does this mean?

What was rejected?

Don't you bring such a face? Too ruthless!

The audience at the scene was equally dumbfounded, this is the invitation of the ancient school of the hidden world! How can you say no?

If Su Dong hesitated, he asked, "Would you like to join my Qingcheng faction? The old man can recommend you ..."


After waiting for Su Dong to finish his speech, Tai Yitan simply refused.

"You ..." If Su Dong only felt that his old face was drawn by an invisible slap, it was hot and hot, and he didn't want to talk anymore!

"Taiyitan! Chen Xiaobei built the ancestral gate, why did you reject us?" Yue Changkong said in a deep voice.

As soon as this statement was made, everyone raised their ears and wanted to hear what it was for. Tai Yitan successively rejected the invitations of the two Hidden Ancient Schools.

Even Lobodhi was full of curiosity.

"My reason is very simple!"

Tai Yitan directly kneels on one knee and arches his hand to Chen Xiaobei, solemnly saying: "I have already worshiped under the door of Bei Xuanzong, and it ’s Chen Xiaobei!"


Tai Yitan's simple sentence directly caused a nuclear explosion level shock to everyone's heart at the scene!

Yue Changkong Su Dongruo's eyes were bursting.

Loboti was stunned, his head was buzzing, and his thoughts were short-circuited.

The audience at the scene burst into an incredible exclaim.

"Lying grass! Shouldn't I have a hallucination? Taiyi Tan doesn't worship Huashan Qingcheng's two faction masters, but wants to worship Chen Xiaobei as a teacher? Crazy?"

"Where is Bei Xuanzong in the end? Could it be better than the two factions of Huashan Qingcheng who occupy the blessed land?"

"For Bei Xuanzong to reject the two hidden ancient schools! This is all about picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelon!"


The crowd kept exclaiming, looking at Tai Yitan, as if looking at a fool.

Who would do anything other than fools to pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelon?

"Huo Yuanba! Wu Aofeng!"

Yue Changkong resisted the urge to vomit blood, and Shen Sheng asked: "You two will never refuse this seat again, will you?"

Huo Yuanba and Wu Aofeng, kneeling on one knee at the same time, bowed their hands toward Chen Xiaobei, and said, "We are already disciples of Bei Xuanzong and Master Chen Xiaobei is on top. Is there any reason to be a sect?

"What ???? They are also Chen Xiaobei's disciples ???"

One stone stirred up the millennial waves, and thousands of people on the scene exploded instantly!

"Wu Aofeng and Huo Yuanba are also Chen Xiaobei's disciples? Damn ... shouldn't I be dreaming?"

"Where is Chen Xiaobei sacred? Too, Huo, Wu, these three are the top geniuses in contemporary secular! How willing to live under a boy in his early twenties!"

"Who dares to think! The top four in the current British battle list are all Bei Xuanzong people!"

"What magic is Bei Xuanzong? It's incredible!"

The crowd exclaimed one after another, wave after wave.

If Tai Yitan worshiped Bei Xuanzong alone, everyone might think that Tai Yitan had a problem in his mind.

But now, all three of Huo Wuwu have made the same decision!

This is enough to show that Bei Xuanzong must have something extraordinary!

"I don't know if I have a chance to worship Bei Xuanzong?"

"When the meeting is over, I'll ask! I have a hunch that if I worship this gate, there will be no future!"

"Yes! I'll ask when Huiwu ends!"

The attitudes of the people have obviously changed. Just now, Tai Yi was treated as a fool, but at this moment they began to wonder whether they had the opportunity to worship Bei Xuanzong.

"This ... is all this true ..."

Loboti looked dumbfounded in its place.

I never dreamed that the three geniuses who were too much respected by Huo Wu, who had been highly respected before, now became Chen Xiaobei's disciples!

"My wife used to look down on Xiaobei ..."

Luo Bodi pursed his red lips. The more he thought about it, the more shocked he felt.

I even couldn't help but have an idea, should I join Bei Xuanzong myself?


Seeing the scene in front of him, Yue Changkong violently attacked his heart, and an old blood burst out.

The most unacceptable result for him was that he was short of money!

But at this moment, 5ooo spirit stones have gone out in public, but failed to receive half a genius to get started!

People and money are a foregone conclusion.

However, there are things that make him even more depressed!

I spent such huge financial resources, material resources, manpower, and time, but in the end I advertised a huge advertisement for Bei Xuanzong!

After a battle in the Great Britain, the tens of thousands of viewers wanted to join Bei Xuanzong.

Through their mouths, one passed ten, ten passed a hundred, or it will not be long before Bei Xuanzong will become famous in China.

His Yue ran through the sky and toiled, and the organs were exhausted, but in the end Chen Xiaobei was doing the wedding dress!

This is enough to make people laugh at big teeth!

In other words, in addition to the wealth and money, the face of his Yue Changkong, as well as the entire Huashan faction, have all been lost!

If you count Yue Junmo who was lowered by Chen Xiaobei.

This time ~ ~ Yue Changkong is equal to, talent, spirit, face, son, all four are empty!

I have been very fortunate not to be alive.

"Zongzhu ... let me rest for you!" Zhuang Bihuang rushed to the platform to help the crumbling Yue Changkong.

"I want to kill them ... I must kill them ..." Yue Changkong's mouth was bloody, and his expression was extremely embarrassed.

"No! No!"

Zhuang Bihuang quickly discouraged: "Sect Lord, you must be calm, impulsive, it may be gone forever!"

"Yes! The impulse is the devil!" Liu Xiyuan quickly echoed.

Situ Hengfeng even nodded his head: "Don't mess around with Master Yue, Chen Xiaobei is not your fault!"

"What? I'm the grand master of Huashan, and can't afford Chen Xiaobei? I ... I, I, ..., ..."

(End of this chapter)

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