Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 927: Tied me up (2)

"Uh ... ah ... hmm ..."

Countless tiny Razers exploded in all directions, like gorgeous fireworks, but more like deadly blades!

Suddenly, there were screams of utter sorrow from the twenty or so people around. WwΔW. LieWen. CC

Although they are all powerful men in the realm of Shinji, under the power of Tian Lei, their Shinji has become fragile and broken!

Once the shroud of the protector was shattered, their bodies would no doubt become fish on the chopping board, and they could only be slaughtered by Razer!

Like sharp blades, a Thunder Snake nailed into the heads, hearts, stomachs, limbs of those twenty people ...

It didn't take long for the painful screams and the raging Razers to disappear.

Only those twenty or so people left a slice of scorched meat!

With this blow, they have become corpses in their twenties, and they can't die anymore!

One shot, spike!

"Hmm ..."

At the same time, the Qianjian barrier made up of thousands of Shinji silver swords was rubbing the ground backwards!

On the retreat, dozens of footprints of cracked earth and stones were left!

But failed to offset the power of retrogression!

Thousand sword barrier suddenly dispersed, Yue Changkong and Yue Junmo fell to the ground, hit several rolls to the rear, and stirred up the dust of the sky!

It finally took a while to stop, it was already on the street, his head was messy, his shirt was broken, and he was so embarrassed.

For a moment, the audience fell into silence!

Among the people present, Yue Changkong had the strongest strength. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one could imagine that he would have such a messy time!

This is just the result of a thunderbolt. If there are several more, wouldn't it be to slay Yue Changkong alive? ,

"My mother ... this ... what the **** is going on? Then ... how could that old man wave such a terrible sky mine ..."

Yue Junmo was already stunned, his voice was shaking, and he was shaking on the ground, and his body was shaking.

Yue Changkong's complexion was also cloudy.

I thought it would be easy to capture Bei Xuanzong, but it was a good idea. Even without the door, I was so embarrassed!

Even Yue Chang played drums in the hollow, let alone the others, trembling one by one, wishing to flee this horrible place immediately.

"Master Yue ... what shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at Yue Changkong. It was war or retreat. Only the strongest Yue Changkong had the most say!

But Yue Changkong was slow to give an answer.

It is impossible to say that he has no scruples in his heart, but it is more painful for him to give up 5ooo spirit stones and to withdraw directly.

Don't dare to enter, retreat.

The situation suddenly froze.

On the other side, Jiang Ziya and Feng Qingyang are silent. The immediate purpose is to delay time. The longer the stalemate is, the better, you must not force the enemy to jump over the wall!

After all, the energy of the Thunderchief Array is limited. If the four celestial powerhouses are stubborn, the Thunderchief will not be able to support it for long.

Time passed, and there was almost an hour before dawn.

"What are you doing? Why can't you afford to attack?"

In the sky, a golden aurora dived down, and it was Gordon.

"Mr. Gordon, you must have seen the thunder and lightning in the air clearly!"

Su Dongruo said in a deep voice: "Look at the wolverine look of Yue Zongzhu again ... It's not that we don't want to attack, but we dare not ..."

Gordon frowned, and said, "Several Chinese masters are from the ancient school of the Hidden Age, shouldn't they be familiar with the law? No matter how powerful the law, they need energy to support them! Once the energy is exhausted, they will not work stand up!"

"What do you mean by that?" Yue Changkong asked immediately.

"People below don't go up and die. Our four Celestial Realm powerfuls shot together and pretended to attack, tempting Bei Xuanzong to exhaust the energy of the thunderbolt array!"

Gordon said: "Thunder comes and I retreat, and thunder scattered me in! If nothing unexpected happens, you only need to survive one hundred thunders! This big team will break free!"

The words came out immediately.

"Mr. Gordon makes sense!"

Yue Changkong said in a deep voice: "In order to save my child's life, I was too dizzy. I didn't even figure out such a simple truth!"

Su Dongruo also said immediately: "What are you waiting for? We act now, seize the time, and capture Bei Xuanzong!"

Zhuang Bihuang naturally had no objection and immediately nodded: "Break through Bei Xuanzong! Kill Chen Xiaobei!"

"Let's go!"

Gordon waved his hand, and the golden wings stirred the wind, and the first flew out.

Yue Changkong, Zhuang Bihuang, Su Dongruo, and the three also energetically followed, and rushed to the North Xuanzong Mountain Gate.

The four big celestial powerhouses shot together. Such a terrible lineup is difficult to see once in decades.

"Chen Xiaobei! Get out of Lao Tzu immediately! Otherwise, no matter how powerful the thunderbolt array is, it will definitely not protect you!"

Gordon was the first to kill. With a change of heart, the wind phenomenon suddenly appeared!

"Wow! Wow ... wow ..."

The sky was roaring, the surrounding vegetation was being bent, the earth and stones were rolling, and the gray-white cyclones were clearly visible. A thick tornado was forming.

"What a terrible celestial phenomenon! If the average person is caught in that tornado, the whole body will be severed by a cyclone!"

"What's more terrible is that the wind blade is like a knife, which can absolutely cut people into pieces of meat!"

"Brother Feng! Get out of the way and block it! Being crushed by that tornado, Zongmen will be demolished ..."

On Bei Xuanzong's side, everyone was already frightened. Facing such a terrible force, they couldn't calm down at all.

But Feng Qingyang didn't do anything, just silently looked at Jiang Ziya.

"Zhao Ritian! Tie me that blood race!"

Jiang Ziya waved his hand and ordered.

"Wait for you!"

As soon as Zhao Ritian's gaze was fixed and his hand was lifted, the bundle of fairy ropes flew out.

The golden light shone, and the bundle of immortals looked like a dragon, and went to Gordon in a very fast way.

"This ... what is this ..."

Gordon looked for a moment ~ ~ I just wanted to avoid, but now I can't make a little effort on myself!

The bundle of immortal cords directly wrapped around his body and tied him firmly.


Gordon couldn't make any effort, and fell directly from the air to the ground.

At the same time, Qi Hai ’s single-headed King ’s true qi was completely sealed, leaving Gordon in the sky, but he could no longer fight.

What's more, the decayed teeth, claws, and golden wings have degraded, allowing Gordon to directly change from vampire form to human form!

"This ... what the **** is going on?"

Gordon is like a toad trampled by a cow. His eyes and drums are about to pop out, and his mouth can be stuffed into a fist!

The other three celestial powerhouses are all aggressive, stop their body shape, and dare not to approach Beixuanzong half a step!

(End of this chapter)

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