Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 937: There are variables (four)

"Hmm ..."

Numerous thorns of loess, falling like meteorites, carrying 70,000 combat power, are enough to destroy a military tank!

"Two claws, broken mountains and rivers!"

Chen Xiaobei did not change his color. His right hand resisted Yue Changkong, and his left palm suddenly burst out!


The purple gold dragon claw turned into a polar shadow, and Chen Xiaobei's invisible and true truth blessed up, and also turned into purple gold.

In the space, a true dragon claw with a two-meter square is directly transfigured!

The purple light is shining brightly, and the scales of the dragon claws are sharp! A claw waved, fierce and unparalleled, directly greeted the sky-bound meteorite!

"Boom! Rumble ..."

The next moment, the muffled sound of the rock collapsed suddenly.

The Zijin Dragon Claw is like a huge umbrella cover, propped up in front of Chen Xiaobei.

Those meteorite-like loess spines smashed on the dragon claws, and were instantly shattered and broken, unable to penetrate at all, and could not hurt Chen Xiaobei.

"This kid's defense is too weird!"

Zhuang Bihuang's eyebrows frowned, and he couldn't understand why. "Even if his combat power is the same as mine, it's impossible to prevent my attack so easily ... what is the defense?"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone around him was surprised, and no one knew the inside story at all.

Even the six-eared macaque was clear. He lowered his voice and asked Jiang Ziya, "Can you see what's going on?"

Jiang Ziya shook his head and whispered: "I'm afraid it is the secret treasure of defense that the Saint Saint passed to him privately ... We can't see it at this level ..."

"It's only useless to defend! We keep on attacking, and sooner or later can exhaust your energy!"

At this moment, Yue Changkong suddenly took a deep breath and moved his heart, prompting the Silver Stegosaurus to blast toward Chen Xiaobei again.

Obviously, Yue Changkong didn't know that Chen Xiaobei consumed reiki instead of real energy!

But Yue Changkong was right in saying that as long as he keeps attacking, he can quickly consume the aura in Chen Xiaobei's body!

Over time, Chen Xiaobei will definitely lose!


The Silver Stegosaurus bent backwards, and after charging, it thundered against Chen Xiaobei's chest again with the thunderous potential!

However, in such a situation, Chen Xiaobei's heart has no fluctuations, and said indifferently: "The second ability, called Broken Mountain River, is just defense?"

"Break me!"

Chen Xiaobei yelled, the purple-golden true dragon claws retreated as if returning to the original, suddenly retracted and reintegrated into the left palm!

The left palm turned into a purple gold shadow, backed back, and was banging on the head of the silver stegosaurus.


Just listening to the explosion, the dragon's head suddenly shattered, turned into countless metal fragments, and scattered around!

"This ... how is this possible ..."

Suddenly, his eyes burst into shock.

You know, the silver dragon is condensed because of the true meaning of Yue Changkong, and it is blessed by the golden sky!

Chen Xiaobei smashing the head of the dragon is equivalent to smashing the true meaning of Yue Changkong!

Shinji is a real thing and has a strong defense.

Want to destroy the true meaning of the enemy, unless their own combat power, to the extent that crushes the enemy.


Chen Xiaobei's combat power is obviously lower than Yue Changkong. How can it break the true meaning of Yue Changkong?

This result is also unreasonable! Illogical!

Everyone around them was dumbfounded. Such a fight is enough to subvert their three views and even make them doubt life!

And this is where the ox fork of the blood of the dragon and witch!

It took a lot of time for the Master of Heaven to bring the nine-star fetish out of the ancient land, which is naturally not understandable by ordinary people!

Broken Mountain River!

This is the attack power of the nine abilities.

It also breaks the true meaning of the opponent by consuming the aura. The stronger the opponent, the more aura is consumed!

"Ka! Ka! Ka! ..."

One claw waved, Chen Xiaobei didn't stay at all, and his claw was like a bamboo shooter. He continued to press forward and directly crushed the silver dragon from beginning to end!


Yue Changkong was shocked in an instant.

His heart was still immersed in Chen Xiaobei's offensive against common sense, and he was puzzled.

And that terrible offensive has come to him!


If the masters make too many mistakes, they will be enough to determine the outcome!

Just listening to a dull bang, Yue Changkong's body shattered instantly, and the purple gold claws bombarded his chest like a shell!


Yue Changkong spit out an old blood.

The whole person suddenly flew out dozens of meters away, stirred up the dust and filled the ground with a big pit!

I saw that the clothes on his chest had been shattered, leaving a dark purple paw print on his chest.

The ribs on the chest are all broken, and the bones are turned outward, as if to puncture the skin and protrude!

There is no doubt that he can no longer continue to fight!

"I ... Oh my **** ... Chen Xiaobei defeated Yue Changkong ... with just one palm ... what kind of monster is this kid in?" It's too scary! "

All of a sudden, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Looking at Chen Xiaobei's gaze, it seemed as if he were looking at it. He shouldn't exist in this world!

Defend against the sky! The attack is even worse!

The common sense and logic on the earth are no longer applicable to Chen Xiaobei!

Even if he is an alien superman, absolutely no one will object!

"Win! Xiaobei wins!"

Xiang Yu was not too entangled in Chen Xiaobei's strength, and the first cheered.

Just now I was tortured and tortured. At this moment, when I saw Chen Xiaobei's victory, Xiang Yu exhaled a lot.

At the same time, Xiang Yu was really happy for Chen Xiaobei's current strength.

Your brother is getting stronger and stronger, it is a word-cool!

"Won! Master won! Yue Changkong is a waste, who else can fight with Master! Who else dares to fight with Master!"

Immediately afterwards, Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba also shouted their arms, don't be excited if you are not excited!

Others of Bei Xuanzong also cheered.

For the rest of the calamity, there will be blessings!

"That's great ... That's great ... This calamity is finally over!"

Jiang Ziya and Zhao Ritian glanced at each other. If they overturned the Wuwei bottle, their mood was very complicated.

From a real standpoint ~ ~ They and Chen Xiaobei are enemies.

But today, they are mixed, and Chen Xiaobei has become a comrade in war.

Moreover, the process of fighting alongside Chen Xiaobei made them feel unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

Throughout the night's desperate struggle and persistent struggle, at this moment, we finally ushered in a great counterattack victory!

What a cool word!

"Old thief! Do you dare to fight?"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei turned his head, her deep black eyes locked Zhuang Bihuang coldly.

"Ah? No ... dare ... never dare ..."

Zhuang Bihuang knelt on his knees and knelt directly towards Chen Xiaobei.

"Huh ... huh ... huh ..."

but! at this time! Dozens of helicopters suddenly flew in the sky!

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