Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 964: 2 Great Hidden Worlds (3)

Early the next morning. Ω Hunting "WWW. LieWen. CC

The group left Bei Xuanzong together and took the private plane that Li Xiang had arranged for the island nation.

Li thought, Zhao Ritian, Jiang Ziya, all three are innocent bodies, nothing needs special preparation.

However, Chen Xiaobei is the island's number one wanted, and Aoi Kuwa and Tanaka Takayoshi are both important people in the island nation.

All three of them put on human skin masks, completely changing their looks.

Chen Xiaobei became a young man with a public face. His alias was Chen Zhufeng, and his identity was Li Xiang's assistant.

Aoi Kusaka and Tanaka Takayoshi became two middle-aged uncles, and their identities were accompanying translators.

Because it is a private jet, the security check is almost completely omitted, and there are dedicated channels for take-off and landing.

So the whole process went very smoothly, and in less than two hours, I arrived at the island country's Dongjin Airport.

"The island country is really a small country. This Dongjin Capital Airport is not one-fifth the size of our Longdu Airport!"

After getting off the plane, Zhao Ritian glanced around and couldn't help vomiting.

"This is natural. The island nation has been called 'the land of projectiles' in history. It can be seen that its land is very small."

Jiang Ziya's expression on the face, I knew everything, popular science.

"Looking at it this way, the number and background of the hidden forces in the island country should not be as good as Huaxia, right?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Uh ..." Jiang Ziya looked for a moment, but he couldn't answer the question.

"North Brother is right."

Aoi Aoi said: "In the island country, there are actually only two hidden forces in the real sense! The first one is 'Azhao', and the second one is 'The Emperor's Religion'!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "I heard a friend mentioned that the Emperor God is the largest religion in the island nation. Ninety-nine percent of the island people believe in the" God Emperor! "

Obviously, this is all heard by the demon fox. The demon fox is the goddess of the **** emperor, and is the disciple of the **** emperor!

"How strong is this God Emperor?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"It's impossible to say! The current emperor has never announced his practice! And, he has never tried it, and it is always a mystery!"

Aoi Aoi said: "I only know that the four protection methods of the Emperor God are all powerful in the sky! The emperor's cultivation must be above them!"

"On the sky?"

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, revealing the sharpness in the dark eyes, but changed the topic, and said, "So, what is the situation of Tian Zhao? Tanaka is the person of Tian Zhao, please tell me carefully."

"Yes! I'm exactly the pinnacle of Aurora!"

Tanaka Takayoshi said, "Tianzhao is stronger and more powerful than the Emperor of the Gods! Tianzhao's headquarters is located on the 'Tianzhao Island' overseas! Staying in the island country to serve the royal family is just a small Branch! "

"Stronger than the Emperor God?" Chen Xiaobei frowned a bit, and said, "How strong is it?"

"I won't say anything else, just say‘ Amaterasu ’!”

Tanaka Takayoshi said bluntly: "His realm has reached the level of" Tian Ren ", which is what Huaxia calls the 6-place fairy!"

"6 ... 6 immortals?" Chen Xiaobei froze completely.

I remember the demon fox said that her enemies are very terrible. Not only is the Crown Prince of the island nation unable to fight, but even the Lord of the Gods is the disciple of the other party!

If Takayoshi Tanaka said so, the enemies of the demon fox would be the **** of the sky!

God forbearance!

6 earth fairy!

This is tantamount to being the top powerhouse on earth!

If you really want to be the enemy of the Great God that day, this trip to the island nation will be extremely dangerous!

Of course, at present, all this is just a guess from Chen Xiaobei. The specific situation will not be revealed until the monster fox is seen.

Then the group went outside the airport.

Because it is a private jet, it naturally has a dedicated exit channel and is also called a VVIp channel.

Those who can walk this path are absolutely rich or expensive.

"Get out of here! Get out of here ... Don't block the way! The doctor is here! Get out of here ... If Miss Tian Zuo has any shortcomings, you all must be buried!"

At the end of the passage, a large group of people surrounded the scene and made a mess.

"What are they talking about? I don't understand ..." Jiang Ziya asked with a grimace.

"They speak Japanese. Let me translate it for you." Tanaka Takayoshi followed Jiang Ziya and translated the things that were born earlier into Chinese.

"You come and translate for me!" Zhao Ritian tickled his fingers and called Aoi to his side.

Chen Xiaobei and Li Xiang are both proficient in Japanese, so naturally they don't need translation, they just walk forward.

"It looks like a big deal has happened!" Chen Xiaobei glanced at the crowd and said.

"Isn't it? Tianzuo! This is the last name of the island nation's rich!"

Li Xiang said in a deep voice: "Listen to them calling Miss Tian Zuo, maybe they are the only daughters of the island nation rich, Tian Zuo Xue Ji!"

"Oh? You know a lot." Chen Xiaobei laughed.

"That's for sure!" Li thought. "We're going to do big things in the island country. I've done a lot of work in advance."

"Brother! Let's go. After all, this is the place of others. We should act low-key!" Zhao Ritian came over and said.

Chen Xiaobei nodded.

Although he is not a villain, he is by no means a bad person who cares nothing.

However, just as Chen Xiaobei was about to walk through the crowd, the afterglow of the gloomy eyes of war was swept away by a strong gloom!

"and many more!"

Chen Xiaobei stopped and opened the golden eyes of fire, his eyes penetrated directly through the crowd, and he suddenly saw the young woman lying on the ground.

The woman is pretty in appearance, looks like ink, and is dressed in youth and fashion. Her figure is hot and ridiculous, especially the long legs that are exposed outside the skirt. They are thin and white.


Chen Xiaobei quickly shook his head, scolded his beast and said that he looked good at Yin, but first appreciated the other person from head to toe.

Settled down ~ ~ Chen Xiaobei's attention focused on the woman's forehead.

There was a mass of dark purple gloom, as if a devil's claw pressed against the woman's Yintang, which was why she fell into a coma!

"Doctor! Please help Miss Tian Zuo! She must be fine!" Said an island man in a suit, leather, oil, and flour, anxiously.

The doctor examined it carefully, and Shen Sheng said, "Miss Tian Zuo has sudden heart failure and must be injected with a strong heart needle immediately!"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" The young man said impatiently.

"it is good!"

The doctor opened the medicine box, took out the needle and heart medicine, and was preparing to give the woman an injection.

"If this needle goes down, that little girl will die!"

At this moment, a bland voice came from the periphery of the crowd, attracting everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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