Renegade Immortal

Chapter 405 Xiaobai

Yuexing is a place with many mountains and few jungles. It looks deserted from a distance. There are no mortals here. Even cultivators are extremely rare.

After all, there are not many monks who can break through the Gangfeng and step into the starry sky. At the very least, they need to be at the infant transformation stage or above, and they also need a star compass. Otherwise, it will be difficult to move even an inch in the vast starry sky.

Wang Lin took Zhou Ru and Xiaobai and galloped through the moon-starry sky. Mountains passed by at their feet, causing Zhou Ru to often exclaim in surprise.

In a jungle in the north of Yuexing, Wang Lin caught a big tiger for Zhou Ru. This tiger was purple in color, three inches long and had an amazing momentum.

But what makes Wang Lin strange is that the tiger's mind has not yet been activated and is far less intelligent than Xiaobai.

But there is a strange power in his body. With a roar, sand and stones flew around, and he could break gold and gravel with a single swoop, which was similar to that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks.

Wang Lin easily dealt with this tiger. He left Zhou Ru's mark on its soul so that the tiger could not bite its owner, and then gave it to Zhou Ru.

Zhou Ru's love for this tiger was immediately raised to the same level as Xiaobai's.

I’ll call you Xiao Zi from now on! Zhou Ru clapped her hands, sat on Xiao Zi's back, and said happily.

Xiao Bai stood aside with his head drooped, feeling extremely disdainful in his heart, secretly thinking that he was a powerful tiger spirit, how could he be compared to this stupid big guy in front of him.

Thinking of this, he roared listlessly at the purple tiger.

Unexpectedly, the purple tiger immediately shook his head. He roared at Xiaobai, the sound was full of impact, earth-shattering.

Xiaobai whined, and the hair on his body spread instantly, and his body immediately retreated several feet involuntarily. His little eyes stared at the purple tiger with a look of horror, but he did not dare to step forward.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ru clapped her hands happily and said: Xiaobai, you can't beat Xiaozi.

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru's happy expression and fell silent. To be precise, he didn't have much affection for Zhou Ru. If he did have any feelings for her, it was just a kind of affection that he had developed from watching her grow up over the years. It feels like a father looking after his child.

The only thing he cared about, and in the end, was Li Muwan.

The day Li Muwan and Yuan Ying wake up is the day Zhou Ru's soul is swallowed up. There is no possibility of symbiosis between the two.

If Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was taken out in advance, Zhou Ru's death could be averted, but Li Muwan would not be able to escape death.

After all, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul is still sleeping and recovering at the moment. If it is taken out before it wakes up, it will immediately dissipate between heaven and earth.

In Wang Lin's heart, he knew who was more important and who was less important. There was no suspense about this.

However, Wang Lin was struggling with the idea of ​​sacrificing this child for his own selfish desires, in order to restore Li Muwan's Nascent Soul.

Although he has killed countless people in his life, every time he kills someone, he has to ask himself whether he is right in his heart or in the world. Although he is a demon, he is not the kind of demon without humanity.

Spring passed and autumn came, and in the blink of an eye, two years passed.

Zhou Ru is 15 years old, and there are still four years until Li Muwan wakes up.

In the past two years, Zhou Ru's health has gradually improved. She grew into a slim girl. In her dreams at night, Li Muwan appeared more and more often.

Wang Lin has become more and more popular in the past two years.

Wang Lin has been meditating for the past two years, and the bitterness in his heart has become stronger and stronger.

Choosing Li Muwan was an inevitable choice. But how can we ensure that Li Muwan is still alive at the same time? The idea of ​​not hurting this child was something he had been thinking about for the past two years.

Zhou Ru's words have gradually become less and less in the past two years. She often sits alone on Xiao Zi's back. Xiaobai followed behind, staring at the sky blankly.

Xiaobai, the sister in my body, is slowly waking up. I can feel it. When she wakes up completely, I will leave... After I leave, Xiaobai, please be obedient. I will beg your uncle. Send you back to the mountains and forests. Xiaobai, will you miss me in the future... Zhou Ru whispered.

Xiaobai raised his head and looked at Zhou Ru, with a pair of tiger eyes showing a complicated look.

Over the years, although Zhou Ru often bullied it, it actually felt that Zhou Ru loved it very much. Sometimes when she saw Xiao Zi bullying it, she would take sides and teach Xiao Zi a lesson.

All this was seen by it. Although Xiaobai was a tiger spirit, at this moment, he felt a little bitter in his heart. He looked at Zhou Ru and nodded his big head.

Zhou Ru smiled slightly and jumped off Xiao Zi. He came to Xiaobai, touched its fur, and whispered: Xiaobai, do you think my uncle will miss me after I leave...

Xiaobai growled and looked at Zhou Ru.

Zhou Ru touched Xiaobai's hair, looking a little lonely. She looked up at the figure sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain in the distance, and whispered in her heart: Uncle, Xiaoru'er has figured it out. When you look at me every day, you always They are all looking at the sister in my body, not me. I know that she must be very important to you. Xiao Ruer knows what to do.

There were tears in Zhou Ru's eyes. She looked at the stupid Xiao Zi next to her and chuckled: "Xiao Zi, after I leave, you will be free."

Wang Lin was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain. It looked like he was meditating, but in fact he was thinking of ways.

The way of heaven...I, Wang Lin, fought against the way of heaven. Unexpectedly, in the end, he was teased by the way of heaven... Wang Lin was silent.

Uncle, uncle sixteen, can you come down? Zhou Ru's call came from below.

Wang Lin lowered his head to look at Zhou Ru, with a hint of complexity flashing in his eyes. He stood up, fell down, and came to Zhou Ru's side.

Uncle, sit down, Xiao Ruer wants to comb your hair. Zhou Ru showed an innocent smile. She held a wooden comb in her hand, which Tie Yan gave to her back then.

She didn't wait for Wang Lin to speak, and pulled Wang Lin to a big rock. She asked Wang Lin to sit down, stood beside him, took a wooden comb, and carefully combed Wang Lin's hair.

Her expression was serious, and after a while, she whispered softly: Uncle, can you tell Xiao Ruer about the story between you and your sister?

A past incident came out of her mouth and fell into the ears of Zhou Ru behind him. Her little hands were combing Wang Lin's hair while listening, and sometimes she seemed to have some understanding.

"Uncle, if I die early, sister Wan'er will not wake up..." Zhou Ru put down the wooden comb and said softly.

Wang Lin turned around and looked at Zhou Ru, his eyes showing a hint of strangeness.

Zhou Ru raised her head and looked at Wang Lin, with sadness in her eyes, and said softly: "Uncle, in your eyes, is Xiao Ru'er just a body to revive sister Wan'er? Ever since I was a child, I have always regarded you as mine. Relative, my uncle... I want you to look at me no longer at Sister Wan'er, but at the real me, even if only once."

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru, was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "Xiao Ru'er, you're tired, go and have a rest." After saying that, he turned around and took a step. Disappeared in place.

The wooden comb in Zhou Ru's hand fell to the ground. She squatted down and cried.

Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of my eyes...

"Uncle, I'm scared!" Zhou Ru whispered, the complex color in her eyes getting stronger as she cried.

"Wan'er, if it were you, how would you choose..."

Xiaobai is missing.

It disappeared without any sound, but Wang Lin saw that it quietly left the mountain peak late one night and walked away far away.

Zhou Ru was extremely sad about Xiaobai's passing and fell seriously ill.

During her illness and in her sleep, she often murmured and called for Xiaobai.

In Zhou Ru's young heart, although she often bullied Xiaobai, she loved him very much. Even though she had Xiaozi, she always held Xiaobai very high in her heart.

Xiaobai is her friend, her only friend.

But when Wang Lin went to retrieve Xiaobai, Zhou Ru stopped him. She looked at Wang Lin imploringly and said softly: "It is his own choice to leave. He should have a choice, uncle. It is happier than Xiao Ru'er, and it can still choose...don't go looking for it..."

Wang Lin's heart ached. He sighed and walked away silently, thinking about how to have both ends four years later. He already had a plan in mind.

"Uncle doesn't want me anymore, Xiaobai, you also left me..." A month later, Zhou Ru's illness recovered, but she was even more silent than before. I often look into the distance, dazed.

Two months later, one early morning, a tiring but excited tiger roar came from a distance, and then, Xiaobai's figure appeared in Zhou Ru's sight, in a few jumps. Came to Zhou Ru's side.

In its mouth, it holds a fiery red branch with a fruit on it.

Xiaobai, I'm back.

Zhou Ru looked at Xiaobai and cried with joy.

"Xiaobai, you didn't leave me, Xiaobai..." Zhou Ru held Xiaobai in her arms while crying. Showed a happy smile.

Xiaobai lost weight, and the fur on his body was damaged in many places, and there were even some signs of scratches. He was no longer as powerful as before, but full of fatigue.

There is even a deep wound under its abdomen, although the wound has scabbed at this moment. But there was still blood seeping out and soaking the fur.

Xiaobai put down the branch in his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and licked Zhou Ru, then shook his head and looked around cautiously. After making sure that Wang Lin was not there, he immediately tugged on Zhou Ru's clothes, and then touched the fruit on the branch on the ground with his paws.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing?" Zhou Ru was startled and picked up the fruit from the ground.

Xiaobai looked around, with a look of anxiety on his face, and growled repeatedly, signaling Zhou Ru to eat it quickly.

"Xiao Bai, do you want me to eat this?" Zhou Ru had been in contact with Xiao Bai for a long time, so she could naturally tell what the other person meant at a glance.

Zhou Ru took the fruit, took a look at it, and said softly, "Xiao Bai, what kind of fruit is this?"

"This is the Broken Baby Fruit!" Wang Lin's voice came slowly from a distance.

Xiaobai's whole body suddenly grew furry, he stood in front of Zhou Ru, stared into the distance, and growled.

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