
Chapter 198 It’s time to enter the finals!

In the first few minutes, Lin Feng controlled his jungler Olaf to farm in the jungle quite comfortably.

Olaf, especially when he has the blue buff, has a very fast farm speed. He can farm all the monsters in a wave by using various QA back and forth.

So when the game time came to more than six minutes, Lin Feng's Olaf's level had reached level 6 one step ahead of time. He caught the opponent's jungler excavator in the jungle alone, and the level 6 fought the level 4, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

In this way, Lin Feng's Olaf's record data also reached 2/0/1.

The rhythm of development has been picked up.

On the commentary stand, Xifeng couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that the jungler of the Thirteenth High Team is so strong. It's not just luck to catch people in the jungle. A real master can predict the position of the opponent's jungler and intercept and catch people in advance." Mo Sheng on the side also nodded and smiled and agreed: "Including this wave, Olaf has succeeded in catching people in the jungle twice." "It's really an amazing predictive ability." The so-called jungle dominance does not only refer to one's own jungle. There was once a professional jungler in the national server LPL. After carrying the whole game, he was praised by countless national server players and fans, and helped to play the domineering slogan "Your jungle is my home". It means that the top professional jungler in the national server can completely control the opponent's jungle, almost suppressing the opponent's jungler who is also a professional player, and even has to be terrified to develop in his own jungle. And now...

In this game on the field, the blue team's jungler Olaf has achieved this under Lin Feng's control.


Under the stage, the Shanghai High School team in the audience.

Zeng Rui's eyes fell on the OB screen on the stage, and his eyes looked extremely solemn.

He originally thought that the Thirteen High Team's practice of changing positions at the last minute was intended to confuse the audience and prevent him from collecting more information about Lin Feng in the mid-lane position.

But now he found out that he was wrong.

The guy who was controlling the jungler Olaf on the field at this moment...

The strength of the jungler was also so strong that it made people feel palpitating!

The auxiliary captain of Shanghai High School, a future professional player seedling who was extremely optimistic by many people in the new generation of the national service electric king segment, finally frowned at this moment.

For the first time, he really began to feel vigilant and awe-inspiring about the Thirteen High team.

At the same time, in the backstage, Chu Fangnan, who was also watching the game, showed an increasingly unstoppable smile on his face.

This is relief.

It is also joy.

Because he saw Lin Feng's current state from these few games. Although there is still a big gap compared to the peak period of the past, at least he saw the shadow of Maple who was invincible in the national service and even shook the world professional e-sports circle.

That was... a talented young man who could compete with the world's strongest professional players for the supreme e-sports throne!

Chu Fangnan couldn't help but feel proud.

The passion of the past has never cooled down in the hearts of these national service professional e-sports players.

The passion is still there.

The fighting spirit is still there.

They just need a hope.

As long as they can see even a little bit of hope, it is enough to make them ecstatic, and then continue to work hard for the national service e-sports career.

These hopes do not come from the current group of middle-aged professional players in LPL.

But from the new generation.

For example, Zeng Rui, the auxiliary captain of Shanghai Middle School.

Another example is Lin Feng.

Even if the latter is considered to be the oldest generation in the national service LOL professional e-sports circle, he is young.

And the young... have the capital to continue fighting in this passionate arena, and the opportunity to make a comeback!

Seeing the emergence of new generation players, that is to see the future of national e-sports rising firmly and unstoppably!

At this moment, Chu Fangnan's eyes were shining brighter than ever, with a fiery and firm breath:

What if they lost the S5 finals this year, what if they didn't make it to the finals?

Their national server.

Not defeated yet!


The game on the field is still going on.

Little by little, the rhythm of the purple team of Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​Attached High School began to fall into a passive disadvantage.

This time the problem lies with the jungler.

This jungler excavator of the Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​Attached High School team was really beaten to a pulp in the early stage.

As a dignified void digger, the passive ground listening effect of the W skill seemed to have no effect on the opponent Olaf. He was caught in the jungle several times in a row. Although the excavator players were extremely cautious, they were still seriously affected in terms of jungle development.

Even the roaming ganks of the excavator were counter-ganked by Olaf, which also resulted in the loss of a kill of his own top laner Fiora teammate and a top lane defense outer tower.

This was really eaten up.

In the live broadcast rooms of major online live broadcast platforms, players, friends and viewers were all amazed at the sight, and some anchors who came to join in the fun couldn't help but be surprised:

Is this really the level of a high school player?

With this jungler's strength alone, he can kill the king group in Ionia, right?

But is the jungler Olaf still so good now? Let’s try it when they live broadcast——

Many anchors are planning this in private.

But backstage at the scene, Chu Fangnan looked at it with a smile on his face.

He knew Lin Feng's jungle ability. Although Maple was recognized as the No. 1 mid laner in the Chinese server, many people in the circle actually knew that Lin Feng could play both the jungle, auxiliary, ADC and top lane positions. Not bad at all.

Even Chu Fangnan still remembers some interesting things from those years. For example, "Eleven" who was in the jungle position in that team once complained, "If I let Fengzi go jungle, I guess the entire national server would be in trouble." The jungle trend with obscene routines has become a trend."



Chu Fangnan also clearly remembers this name who also competed on the pinnacle stage of the S1 World Finals alongside Lin Feng and Tian Tian.

That was the world's top jungler back then who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the current Seven Kings "Nian Shisan".


As if he thought of something, a complicated and unspeakable light flashed in Chu Fangnan's eyes, and he was silent for a long time before sighing with regret.

The 10th minute of game time.

Lin Feng's jungler Olaf wandered down the lane.

Directly invade the opponent's jungle area, surround and drive out from the triangular grass behind the outer tower of the purple side lane.

The top tower rushes out!

Directly block the opponent's bottom lane ADC cannon and auxiliary Morgana's back path.

The assistant Morgana of the Shanghai Foreign Language School attached to the team used a Q skill to backhand, and Liu Zhengjie's ADC cannon directly used a big move to blast Olaf back to the tower for a counterattack——

But a moment ago, Lin Feng had quickly activated his ultimate move.

With a lightning-fast tap on the R key, Olaf's ultimate move suddenly activated.

"Twilight of the Gods"!

A layer of bloody light suit suddenly covered the berserker's body. Olaf's entire body seemed to be bathed in a terrifying boiling blood light that was so intense that it made people palpitate. He rushed forward with two axes in hand, immune to all controls and ignoring all obstacles——

The sight of the scarlet eyes has been firmly locked on the two purple heroes!

At the same time, Wei Dong's auxiliary Thresh and Tang Bingyao's ADC Jinx were also quickly chasing after them.

Kill the cannon first.

Even if Morgana used the E skill to shield him, there was no difference at all to Lin Feng. He drove [Sprint] and started QA like crazy. Now Olaf's damage was enough to explode, and he could kill the small cannon in just a few hits. His blood volume was completely disabled.

Tang Bingyao simply and decisively controlled Loli Jinx to lift up the rocket barrel, and fired forward with her ultimate move "Super Death Missile".

boom! ! ! ——

Giant rockets exploded.

Directly kill and take away the cannon.

To kill Morgana again, Wei Dong's auxiliary Thresh flashed up to Q. A hook accurately hit the target and dragged it back. The trapped Morgana was quickly knocked away by Lin Feng's Olaf's axe. .

Then the outer tower on the lower road is pulled out, and the first dragon is collected.

About 12 minutes into the game, the head count and team economy of the blue and purple sides on the field have gradually widened a clear gap.

The thirteen-year-old students in the audience couldn't help but couldn't help but get excited and make noise.

All the students in Grade 13 began to have bright eyes.

This game...

Want to win!

And as long as you win this round, then you can advance to the finals! !

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