
Chapter 288 News and Tasks

The Beijing Electric Association team has a total of seven team members.

Five regular players and two substitutes.

It's just that whether it was playing in the previous exchange games or the last two rounds of knockout rounds, the Beijing Electric Association team always let two substitute players play with three regular players, hiding the other two regular mid laners and top laners. Useless.

But even so, the strength displayed by the Beijing Electric Association team still awes and shocks the major college teams in the North China Division.

Because even the two substitute players from the Beijing Electric Association team’s strength cannot be underestimated!

Just like the current substitute top laner who shrugged his shoulders and was the first to express his opinion, he is at the level of the master group in the Chinese server Dianyi. He plays very amazingly with Sword Girl and Sword Girl, and his laning ability is quite strong.

In comparison, Zhang Hao, the top laner of the Shanghai Electric Association team just shown in the video, does seem to be inferior.

Fan Yuan nodded slightly when he heard this, and then glanced at the other members of the team:

"what about you?"

"Let's hear your opinions."

So another ADC player lazily raised his hand and expressed his opinion:

"The bottom lane seems to have average coordination. There have been a few mistakes in the rhythm connection between the support and the ADC, right?"

"At first glance, it seems that the running-in is not good enough."

Fan Yuan frowned and warned with a cold tone:

"Don't underestimate your opponents too much."

"The Shanghai Electricity Association team played a friendly match with the first team of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics before, but they won 2-0."

At this time, another voice suddenly sounded:

“It’s normal”

Everyone, including Fan Yuan, subconsciously followed the sound and saw the auxiliary member of the Beijing Electric Association team. The latter was not good-looking and wore a pair of glasses with a pair of small eyes flashing with a cold light behind them:

"That Shanghai Electric Power Association team should be directed by their assistant Zeng Rui."

“That guy was the former captain of Shanghai Middle School’s school team and the champion of electric support.


"Playing against the first team of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics... If the opponent is careless and underestimates the enemy, a 2-0 victory is of course not a problem."

Although he seemed to be praising Zeng Rui, there was an undisguised chill in the tone of this auxiliary member of the Beijing Electric Association Team.

as if……

He and Zeng Rui had some kind of irreconcilable hatred.

However, when Zeng Rui's identity and intelligence information were mentioned, the faces of the members of the Beijing Electric Association team became slightly more serious:

"The captain of the Shanghai Middle School team?"

"I've heard that he seems to be the strongest guy in the high school in Magic City."

"Dianyi Auxiliary King, who went up in solo queue?"

"Is it stronger than Hongyi?"

The full name of the team's support player is Zhang Hongyi. Not many people know what the quarrel he had with Zeng Rui is. However, Zhang Hongyi's own support position has also been firmly promoted to the first master group by relying on the bot lane duo with his friends. , only one step away from the king rank.

Listening to the discussion of several teammates, Zhang Hongyi snorted and his face became obviously gloomy.

It seems... his hostility and hatred towards Zeng Rui are really not that great.

"And their mid laner is pretty strong."

The jungler of the Beijing Electric Association team made such a comment, and several other players around him also hesitated for a moment, recalling the performance of someone's mid laner in the video of the game just now, and after a long while, they also Nod in approval.

As another mid laner substitute in the team, he frowned:

"This guy is so aggressive in suppressing people online."

"If I were to fight...it might be a little difficult in the early stage."

Although he is only a substitute mid laner, in fact, this player's strength has also reached the Masters level in Net3. It is indeed rare to hear such words of self-inferiority from him.

But then, another voice slowly sounded with a cold breath:

"It does not matter."

"If we face them, I will definitely play."


"Just leave it to me."

Hearing his voice before seeing him, he could already feel the cold arrogance and absolute confidence in these concise words.

Fan Yuan couldn't help but look towards the front of the conference table. His eyes fell on the team member sitting in the soft chair, and he couldn't help but show a satisfied smile on his face:

"With what you say, Yuhei, then there will be no problem."

In his words, the vice president of the Beijing E-Sports Association Headquarters seemed to be full of optimism and trust in the player named "Yu Ping".

And that Yu Ping just nodded, as if he was too lazy to say anything more.

To him, the representative team of the Shanghai E-Sports Association posed no threat at all, and there was no need for him to take the opponent's mid laner seriously.

In fact, what he was really interested in...

Yu Ping's eyes were slightly burning with the elusive flame of fighting spirit:

It's me and Glee, who is said to have reached seventh place in the Korean server leaderboard. Between the two of them...who is stronger and who is weaker!


Also in an apartment, several members of the Guangzhou Electrician Association team, including two coaches and an interpreter, were also having a meeting.

The LCD screen on the wall had just played videos of two games.

One game was for the Beijing Electric Association team.

The other game is naturally that of the Shanghai Electric Association team.

Two coaches and several team members also came to a conclusion similar to that of the Beijing Electric Association team.

The mid laner of the Shanghai E-Sports Association team is indeed very capable.

But this kind of thing doesn't seem to have the slightest impact or trouble for several members of the Guangzhou Electric Association team, including the coach.

"Glee, what do you think?"

A tactical coach had a polite smile on his face, and his eyes fell on the boy next to him who had pale and sickly skin, lips as thin as paper, and eyes that were narrow and sharp.

This is Glee.

The top mid laner who has reached seventh place on the Korean Server King List.

One of the most well-known gods in Korean folk.

Even the Huya TV live broadcast platform has specially sent out invitations to popular and powerful figures to be anchors.

The translator next to him explained the tactical coach's inquiry to Glee. The latter raised his eyebrows slightly, and his paper-thin lips curved into an extremely contemptuous and sarcastic arc, and then said a few words in an arrogant tone. talk.

The translator translated Glee's answer from Korean to Chinese:

"No idea."

"The opponent was just too weak in the match just now. It doesn't explain anything at all."

"I can handle a mid laner of this level with just seven points of strength."

Suddenly, Glee frowned again and seemed a little dissatisfied. Then a strange and sinister smile appeared on his pale and sickly face, and he stretched out his hand to sign the number "five".

Such a gesture can be directly understood by everyone present.

Glee means not using seven points of force.

With only five points of strength, he could completely crush the mid laner of the Shanghai Electric Association team.

The evaluations from the two e-sports association teams in Beijing and Guangzhou naturally fell into the ears of Lin Feng and others.

The top 32 of the East China Division will be eliminated soon, and the five members of the Shanghai Electricity Association team must start investing in a new round of intense training more hurriedly.

However, on this day, Lin Feng was a little absent-minded and distracted during training.

Because just last night, he received a phone call.

International long distance calls from overseas.

The caller was the senior number one who Lin Feng admired and respected the most.

But this time, the true legend in the professional e-sports circle of the previous generation on the other end of the phone did not have much chat with Lin Feng.

The other party just said a few words to Lin Feng in a casual and simple tone.

A message.

Plus a mission.

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