Seized by the System

Chapter 317: This black cat has a bad conscience

Bohai Bay, a slightly undulating sea.

The Twelve Claws and its companions, black and white dolphins, the arbitration object of this conflict, the two octopus tribal leaders, and the cold-hearted black cat Mr. Tom are waiting here.

From a distance, it is a terrifying sight. After all, apart from the black cat, every other guy is not small.

In the past, it was a busy route, but now it has been much depressed. Not only are cargo ships and passenger ships scarce, but even fishing vessels have begun to become rare.

Occasionally, a large ship passes by, and there are some practitioners on it. When they see them, they are all vigilant.

The twelve claws didn't care about it, but the two companions kept talking.

"There are so many ships missing now," said the black dolphin.

"Yeah, I didn't dare to approach here before. There are too many nets and too many boats." The white dolphin looked around.

Black Cat Tom stepped on the water, and said with a smile: "This just shows that the sea is returning to its true owner ..."

"Mr. Tom said that the sea must be our dolphin empire." The black dolphin said proudly.

The one-eyed octopus on the side was dissatisfied and said: "How is it possible? Your dolphins have no hands, no claws, and limited potential. The sea is destined to our octopus empire.

"Because we have the smartest mind, the best wrists and feet, and even far better than human fingers, what humans can do, we can do the same, or even better.

"And you can only be our means of transportation, just like human cattle and horses, just because you are big enough to run fast, not slower than human trains."

In order to prove his words, the one-eyed octopus immediately issued orders to his eight arms and feet and began to show off his skills.

Its wrists and feet immediately started to move, and all kinds of dazzling movements, entanglement, rolling, pinching, and gripping, were extremely flexible, and they were not worse than human fingers, and there were even more benefits.

"That's just, it's just that our octopuses are all kind. It will make you eat enough, and won't make you hungry to pull the car, ha ha ha."

Although they are competitors at this time, they must be consistent with the outside world.

The black and white dolphins look at each other, their faces are very dark, and they are very dissatisfied, but they have to admit a terrible fact.

The octopus, which used to be food in its own mouth, had the same potential as humans. It is not good. In the future, children and grandchildren really can only treat them as cattle, or simply kill them in advance ...

So the black dolphin angrily said: "Damn, because we often warn the crew," Don't eat the talking sea clan. "Finally, the small group of humans who like our ideas most are dead, you are all right, thinking about it again Use us as a bull! Today, either you die or I live! "

White dolphins also focus on the head.

They swing their strong tail fins, accumulate strength, and are ready to launch a fish scale charge. They want to cut the two octopus heads under the horse.

So, just in the process of waiting, a **** conflict broke out between these two new generations of marine intelligent creatures ...

Black Cat Tom watched secretly with pride, and in just two days, it took the opportunity to infuse this group of newborn marine intelligent creatures with the benefits of building an empire ...

It says this, "As long as you build an empire of your own race, you will become the veteran of the empire, and not only will some people specialize in raising fish for you to eat, but you will also build a tall, luxurious and exquisite undersea palace for you. ... "

It is said that this group of simple guys are all yearning for their hearts, and they are drooling, and each one discusses the founding of the country in private.

The twelve paws hurriedly dissuaded: "Peace, we need peace.

"Brother Bai, don't you say you are a" dolphin "symbolizing" love and peace "?

"One eye, seven claws, put away your arms and feet, don't destroy unity, we are all companions."

However, this time, both sides ignored the words at the same time, just staring at each other and looking at each other, they had to fight in advance for the future status of the sea clan.

The twelve paws had a terrible headache, and I just wanted to ask Tianshu to come out to mediate again. Suddenly his face changed, and he hurried to the side.

Black Cat Tom immediately followed.

To the far sea, the twelve claws raised the dark black schoolbag, his face dignified.

The golden book flew out of the school bag and then fluttered through the pages.

The twelve paws' faces suddenly dimmed.

"Tianshu, Tianshu, you will also miss homes. Yes, it should be not far from your real master. I often see him flying into the sea from this direction."

"Yes, we should make a difference, you go back. The guidance you gave me, I will always remember in my heart, I swear, no matter what happens, I will never forget the original intention, always remember to build an honest marine world ... "

This octopus is a silly bird ...

Hearing this, the black cat Tom stamped the twelve-clawed octopus.

It is so easy to put the artifact back to the original owner?

Change to yourself, and have long thought to try to recognize the Lord by blood, or hide it deeply, and will never let the original owner see it. By the way, it is most appropriate to kill the original main pit.

In a few moments, his eyes rolled, and now he suddenly inferred a terrible fact from the words of the silly bird octopus ... This **** book, it turned out to be a knight of a knight!

When Black Cat Tom was thinking, he saw that the gold book shook twice at last, and indeed left the twelve claws and flew towards the land.

Tom wanted to quietly follow up and intercept the book, but after thinking about it, his good habits stopped it.

No, it ’s still on the sidelines, and it ’s done properly.

Chivalrous Armor, God of Heaven, his things, do n’t you know?

It must have been used for fishing. That ’s right. If you did n’t do it, you would catch Uncle Tom.

He must have been aware of it for a long time, but Uncle Tom has the hidden skills of death, so he can't find it.

This is the method used to fish. Sure enough, he is a cunning guy. Others will only see him with big brows and big eyes, and feel that he is loyal. In fact, he is the most treacherous.

"Hehehe," Tom couldn't help laughing, proud of his sinister intentions to see through the Xia Kejia.

The twelve-claw farewell to the mentor and good friend who has been with you for many days, and the mood is very low, not to mention, there is a group of fellow companions who will soon hit the brain, which will block it.

At this time, he saw the black cat who was smiling aside, he was very unhappy.

In its view, the other party is laughing at himself. Just like the guys in the same family, when he sees that something is wrong with him, he is very happy.

What's the "powerful twelve claws, sometimes you can't catch fish ..."

What "you are strong, don't you have an octopus appointment ..."

This black cat has a bad conscience.

The simple twelve claws also impressed the black cat Tom ...


Chivalry A Farm Villa.

Zheng Zheng ’s house is also good. A group of follower animals in Xia Kejia are not idle when facing the catastrophe.

Zheng Dao is urgently sorting out the dynamics of all parties in order to make the best plan choice for His Holiness.

Animal followers, some have been rushing to the mysterious realm of Shenzhou Truth overnight to focus on cultivation.

Hei Gouzi and his loyal partner, Dragon Carp, both went away so as not to keep up with their masters in the future.

Others continue to do their daily work, trying to make new achievements, such as Huang Gouzi.

The white hamster in the mouth of the dragon carp, "the fart thing doesn't do, just eat rice", also decided not to escape, and quietly went underground, trying to contact the people of the past.

Because of his cowardly character in the past, Cang Gongzi had no prestige in the past.

However, it believes that with the blood of the royal family, and the current righteousness, it is still possible to win over some giant rats.

On the one hand, they cannot all be the war machine of that person. On the other hand, it is thinking of opening up some refuge points in advance underground, in the future, so that many creatures can take refuge. In this regard, human efficiency is really not as good as giant rats, and capital and manpower are a big problem.

Stimulated by the bear spirit, the friendly Skyhawk made a new decision, relying on Jinsui's relationship, contacting local eagles, trying to expand their Shinto foundation and quickly improve their strength.

It has been able to do so in the practice of Shinto.

In the system space, the real leader they follow, the uncle of the system, is being oppressed by some unscrupulous guy.

"I only know that with the Shenma Salvation Fund, I don't need to borrow money from you; but I don't know, I still have to borrow experience from you ..." The uncle of the system aggrieved.

Fang Ning turned a deaf ear, just holding the game book baby and comforting him.

I have n’t seen it for a few months, the form of the game book baby has n’t changed, but the content of the book page has increased a lot.

There are countless new monster characters, various new characters, all kinds of people, and many humans.

The twelve claws really didn't seem to be a house "fish", so they were very ambitious and swam around.

Don't look at other people's simplicity, but sometimes, simplicity means perseverance, it means persistence.

Many people who have grown up with complicated minds and become smarter find that they do not progress as fast as when they were young.

Fang Ning proudly said: "You used to say that you want to scrape the baby's experience, you never thought that the baby recognizes me as the master, and you must first obtain the consent of my master before your heroic system can be legally obtained. Otherwise, your own chivalrous rules will not allow it. "

The uncle of the system said sorrowfully: "The richest host, you are too cunning, and you usually haven't leaked any words."

"Hahaha," Fang Ning ignored the frustration of the uncle, and praised the game book baby happily. "Well, the baby is really hard. In just a few months, the strength is only bucket level, and I can accumulate 30 million experience. Also I only raised myself to the twenty-fifth level, and I left 12 million special experiences to honor my master. Alas, there is no such thing as a baby. "

"But baby, it's useless for the master to come and practice, you should still use it to strengthen yourself." Fang Ning praised, finally said.

The game book baby fluttered with a cover, expressing a very happy look.

"I'm going to be useful, or give it to me." The uncle of the system hit the snake with the stick.

Fang Ningwen said with a straight face: "I don't talk to you nonsense, I know the weight, these experiences should be saved for preparation.

"The baby just reported it to me for the past few months ~ ~ This situation is really changing, and the rising trend of the Hai nationality is unstoppable."

The uncle of the system remembered the experience and said: "I don't understand, I only know that the experience is in hand, I have the world. You still let the game book of 'Great Mercy, Wisdom and Cleverness Beyond the Underground ......' It ’s good for me to keep it. After all, it is too small and only a few months old. It is not suitable for having so many deposits. "

Fang Ning didn't pay attention to these two strokes, and it was all in his hands. Can he still have a status?

He turned on the computer and began to beat a plan.

The knowledge of the game book baby made him understand that in the future world, it is really impossible for mankind to be the only one.

That being the case, the Salvation Fund, these still rising Hai nationalities have a share ...

After all, the moon falls, and besides human beings will be unlucky, the fish in this sea can't run away either, so they have to make offerings to Mrs. Fang.

I am not a superman and do not like to work for free.

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